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《2021年中考英语补全对话句型归纳真题及答案(一).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年中考英语补全对话句型归纳真题及答案(一).pdf(33页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、归纳总结功能相似句型:打电话:This is谁谁speaking。我是谁谁。May I speak to Mr.Li?我可以和李先生发言吗?(Speaking.对,我就是。或 This is 谁谁speaking.(对,我是谁谁。)Whos that(speaking)你是谁??或 Who is this,please?This is Tom speaking.我是 Tom。Is Sue James in?休 詹姆斯在吗?Im sorry,hes not in(right now.)He is not here now.(对不起,她出去了。)Can I take a message for y

2、ou?我能给你带个口 信吗?Hold on,please!请稍等一下(怎么了?Whafs up?/Whafs the matter?What,s wrong?)感谢类:Thanks!Thank you!Thank you very much!答谢类:You are weIcome.不必谢.Not at all.不用谢.道歉类:Sorry.I am sorry for what I said/did建议类:You had better do-What about doing.?How about doing.?Wliy not do.?同义句 why dont you do-?Lets do.O

3、K?Would you like some.?Shall we do.?支持赞同上面建议答语:Thaf s a good idea.That sounds good.好主意,棒极了批准允许类:OK.Certainly.Of courseI agree with you.不同样意类:I am afraid not.Sorry,I dont think so.I really cant agree with you.祝愿祝贺类 Have a good(nice)time!Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Congratulations to you!3.熟记“问”字句型问天

4、气:Wliafs the weather like today?How is the weather today?问时间:What s the time?What time is it?问职业:What,s your father?Wliats yom-fathers job?What does your father do?问价格:Wliafs the price of the book?How much is the book?问年龄:How old are you?Wliats your age?问住址:where do you live?Whats youi address?问姓名:W

5、liat s yoiu-name?Can you tell me your name?问兴趣:Wliafs your hobby?Which do you prefer?同义句 Which do you like better?Which do you like best?问看法感受:What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?问数量:How many-?(可数东西)How much-?(不可数东西)问人口:Wliafs the population of China?How many people are there in C

6、hina?问路:Can you tell me the way to 一 土 也 点?How can I get to 地点-?Which is the way to the station?问尺寸:What size do you want?What size do you need?问日期:Wliafs the date today?问距离:How far is it?How far is your school from here?问星期:What day is it today?问高度:How tall are you?Wliafs yow height?问宽度:How wide is

7、 the river?问长度:How long is the bridge?问体重:Wliat 飞 your weight?How heavy is it?问电话:Can I know your telephone number?Whats your telephone number?购物:l.Can I help you?-Yes,please.2.What color do you want?What sizes do you want?How many do you want?3.How much is it?4.Can I try it on?May I try it on?-Of c

8、ourseA Sure,you can.5.ril take it.问路:1 .Excuse me?-Yes?2.Can you tell me how to get to.?Could you please tell me how to.3.Where is.4.How far is it?5.How long does it take?6.How can I get to.7.Go straight Go down.Turn rightMeft8.Can I ride a bike there?天气:1.Which season do you like best?2.I like Spri

9、ng SummerAutumnWinter.(准备、筹划要做)假期,周末活动:(还没有发生,普通将来时)1.What are you going to do on weekend?where are you going on vacation?2.I am going to.3.When will you leave?When are you going?4.How will you get there?谈论某些发生在过去事(例如过去旅游经历、购物经历、看电影经历What did you do yesterday/there?Where did you go last night?Who di

10、d you go with?How did you go there?How long did you stay there?Where did you buy it/them?Is it far from here?How far is it?Where have you been?-I have been to+地点。How long have you been like this?-for low days.What do you think of the movie/book?It is wonderful.谈论将要去做某些事情:(例如准备去旅游、去度假、去购物、去探亲等)What a

11、re you going to do?一I have no idea.What about you?Where are you going?How will you go/get there?Who will you go with?When will you Ieave?/When are you going?How long will you stay there?When and where shall we meet?Wish you have a good time/trip.When will it start?who will give the talk?(一)看病A:Good

12、morning.B:Good morning.Whats wrong with you?A:I dont feel veiy well.B:How lone have you been like this?Have you taken your temperature?-No,I havent.B:Can I take your temperature?OK.A:Is it serious?B:Nothing serious.A:What should I do then?B:You should take some medicine and drink much water.A:How of

13、ten should I take this medicine?three times a day and youll be better soon.A:Thank youoB:You are welcome.(三)购物A:Good morning.Can 1 help you?B:Yes,please.I want to buy a pair of shoes.Can you show me some?A:Wha size do you need?/Wha color do you like?B:Size 38.A:How about those ones?B:I dont like thi

14、s color.Do you have any other colors?A:Yes.How about this one?B:B looks nice.Can I try them(it)on?A:Sure.B:Where is it made?A:Its made in Japan.Its veiy comfortable.B:How much are they(is it)?A:100 yuan.B:Its too expensive.I cant afford it.Have you got a cheaper one?B:OK.ril take it.Here is the mone

15、y.(四)问路A:Excuse me.Where is the nearest post office,please?B:Sorry,I dont know.Youd better ask the policeman over there.He may know.A:Thank you all he same.B:Excuse me.Which is the way to the post office,please?C:Go down this street and take the first turning on the right.Its between the citylibraiy

16、 and the hospital.You cant miss it.A:How far is it from here?C:Its about 30 minutes walk.Youd bettei take a bus.A:Which bus do I need?C:I think you need a number 16 bus.The bus will take you there.A:Thank you very much.C:Yoifre welcome.补全对话常用句子What should(can)I do?Practice more,you will be better.Wo

17、uld you like to go with me?-Yes,Id love to.Whats your favorite subject?-My favorite subject is English.Whafs the matter?What*s wrong?I have a cold I have a headache.When was it invented?Who invented it?How was(is)the weather there?Did you take photos?What does he/she look like?/whafs his/her appeara

18、nce?What does he/she do?/whafs his/her job?What do you usually do in your free time?I usually read books in my free time.(五)商定A:What are you going to do next Sunday?B:Nothing much(Nothing special).A:Shall we so to(he park and play football?B:Good idea.A:How can we gelhere?B:By b汰e.A:Where shall we m

19、eet?B:How about meeting at the gate of our school?A:When shall we meet?B:At 8:30.A:Why not meet a little eaiiier?Lets make it half past seven.B:OK.A:See you then.B:See you.(六)询问病情A:Good morning.Xiao Xue!B:Good morning.Lin Lin!A:I dont see Zhou Tao today.Do you know where he is?B:Yes.He is in hospita

20、l.A:What s vvTone with him?B:Yesterday evening he felt terrible.He had a pain in his teeth and his father tookhim to the hospital.A:Wha happened to him then?B:One of his teeth is broken.The doctor took it out.A:Im sorry to hear that.He always eats a lot of sweets.B:Yes.But he wont eat them any more.

21、A:How is Zhou Tao feeling now?B:I dont know.Lets visit him after school.OK?A:OK!(7)聊天A:Hello!Nice to meet youB:Nice to meet you,tooA:What bad weather,isnt it?B:Yes,but I think the sun will come out later onA:May I ask you some questions?B:Certainly.A:Where are you from?B:Im from.A:Youre from Austial

22、ia,aren,t you?B:Yes.How did you guess?A:The way you speak.When were you born?B:I was born on August 8,1988A:Where were you bom?B:I was bom in a small village near London.A:Why did you come to China?B:Because my parents wanted to work in China.A:How do you like China?B:I like it very much.A:What do y

23、ou like about China?B:The people and the food.A:How is your Chinese?B:My Chinese is just so-so.Im tiying my best to study my Chinese well.A:Tliats great.Good luck with your Chinese.(A)就餐Waiter:Good morning,madamA and B:Good morning.W:A table for two?A:Yes.Can we sit at the table by the window?W:OK.T

24、his way,please.Here is the menu.A:Thank you.W:May I take your order now?A:Yes,Well have chicken with potatoes beef rice and vegetable soup.W:Thats what you ordered,please take your ime.(After the meal)A:Excuse me Could we have some tea,please?W:certainly.Would you like something else?A:No.thats all.

25、Could we have the bill?W:Of course.Sir.A:Here is the money.W:Thank you.Welcome you here again.(九)做客H-Han Mei T-Twins L-LilyH:Would you like a drink?T:Yes,please.H:Ill get you some tea.T:Can we do anythini to help?H:No,thanks.Here are some cookies.Help yourselves.T:Thank you.L:Well.I think its time f

26、br us io leave no。,?H:Oh do you have to?L:Yes,Imafiaidso.Ifs getting late and we have to get up early in the morning.H:Dont leave anything behind.L:Thanks.I think we have everything.Thank you for having us.We enjoyedourselves very much.H :I n i h a p p y y o u d i d By e!(十)交通事故A:Excuse me.What has

27、happened?B:A car hit an electric pole.A:When did it happen?B:About ten minutes ago.A:Has anyone called the police?B:Yes,but the police havent come.A:Is anyone hurt?B:Yes,a man is hurt,but not badly.A:Has he gone to the hospital?B:No,he is waiting for the police to come.After the survey he will go to

28、 thehospital.七、试题精选(1)Doctor:Good moining.Whafs your trouble?Woman:I dont feel veiy well.D:1.?W:Yes I have.My temperature is a little higher.D:Open your mouth and say“Ah”.W:AahhD:2.?W:Ever since last night.D:Did your sleep well?W:No,I was very tired last night.D:Oh.I see.3.W:Can you tell me how I go

29、t a cold?D:Maybe you overworked yourself.W:I think so.I have too much work to do every day.Do I have to stay at home?D:Yes.Youd better stay at home for two or tluee days.W:4.?D:No.I dont think it is serious.But you really needa good rest and take this medicine.W:5.?D:Three times a day.W:OK.Thank you

30、.(2)A:1.?B:They are talking about yesterdays football match.A:Oh,I watched it on TA*Beijing Team had veiy good teamwork.Didnt you watch it?B:2.I did my homework and forgot the time.When Iturned on the TV,it had finished already.A:3.!But Beijing Team will play again this evening.B:4.?A:Sure.Youd bett

31、er finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it.Remember.5.(3)B:Thafs a good idea.(Looking at his watch.)Oh,I havent much time left,rd better huny tofinish my homework.A:1.?B:Not yet.Exercise 3 is too difficult for me.A:Dont worry.2.B:Its very kind of you.But I think I cau do it myself.Can y

32、ou lend me yow English-Chinesedictionary?A:With pleasure.3.B:Thanks.4.,is Miss Gao at the teachers office?A:Oh,uo.Shes out at the moment.B:5.?Do you know?I have some questions to ask her.A:I think she is at the library.She told me she wanted to borrow some books.B:I have to wait for her.Dick:Excuse

33、me,Lucy.Have you g bot a dictionary?Lucy:Sorry,I havent.You may ask Meimei.1.Dick:Excuse me,Meimei.Have you got a dictionary?Meimei:Yes.2.Dick:Thank you.Ill give it back soon.By the way,tomorrow is my birthday.3.?Meimei:Yes,Id love to.4.?Dick:About seven o clock.Meimei:Ill tiy to be there on time.bu

34、t 5.Dick:It doesnt matter.Work must come first.(5)(Sue=S Ken=K)S:Hello,Ken!Could you give me a lift?K:1.,I dont have a car right nowS:Oh.that,s too bad!I want to go to the Central Hospital.K:Why?2?S:No,I,m all right.My English teacher is there.She is ill now and is to leave the hospitaltoday.K:I see

35、.3.?S:Ive aheady got some flowers from my mothers gaiden.K:Well,well.4.S:But,what a pity!I can,t see Linda now.No car and no diiver.K:Wrong.You have a good driver here.5.S:Really?Thats great.Ifs very kind of you,Ken.Its my pleasure.(6)(Zhang=Z Mr.Smith=M)Z:Hello,are you Mr.Smith from the United Stat

36、es?M:Yes,Robert Smith.Please call me Robert.1.Z:My pleasure.Welcome to China.My name is Zhang Lin.You can call me Lin.This is mycard.M:Thank you.And 2.Z:Oh,good,thanks.How was the journey?M:3.,although a little tiring.Z:Then lets get yoiu-things and go to the hotel now.M:Oh,thank you.4.?Z:Its about

37、thiity minutes drive.By the way,we are going to have a dinner party for you thisevening.M:Its very kind of you.5.?Z:Six thirty.Ill pick you up at six oclock.M:OK.See you then.Z:Bye.(7)(Robert=R Jack=J)J:Hello,Robert.Are you free on Saturday morning?R:Yes.1.?J:There is a basketball match at the Sport

38、s Center.Do you want to watch it?R:Sure.2.?J:Our school Vs No.1 Middle School.R:3.!Lefs go to cheer for our team.J:Yeah.No.1 Middle School Team is not easy to beat.R:So the match will be exciting.4.?J:8:30.Do you think you can get up on time?R:Of course.5.J:OK.There will be thiee school buses waitin

39、g for us in front of the libraiy Lets meet there at8:30.R:All right.See you then.(8)A:Morning!What can I do for you?B:Wed like to make a trip fbr a weekend holiday,please.A:There are many travel paths.I.?B:Wed like to choose Jinggaug mountains.A:Ifs really worth visiting.2.?B:Were not sure.Which hot

40、el do you think is comfortable?A:The Holiday Hone is very good.Whafs more important,3.B:We dont want to live in an expensive hotel.Tliafs what well do.A:4.?B:OK.Til ask my wife to fill in this form.By the way.Is it all right if we pay by credit card?A:5.Enjoy your weekend.B:Thank you.(9)A:Hi,Bruce.G

41、ood news for you.B:1.?A:You won the first prize in the English competition.B:Wow!Im so glad to hear that.2.?A:Our English teacher did.She said three of the students in our class won the prize.B:What about you?A:3.,too.I think I was lucky this time.B:So great!Congratulations!A:Its a gieat day for us

42、today.Lefs go out and relax ourselves,shall we?B:Good idea.But 4.?A:To the park,OK?B:All right.But I have to go home and tell my mother first.See you later.A:5.(10)A:Hi,Tom.You were not here yesterday afternoon.What was wrong?B.1.A:Sorry to hear that.2.?B.Much better.The fever is gone.But I still co

43、ugh and I feel weak.A:3.?B:Yes,I have.I went to the doctors yesterday aftenioon.The doctor gave me some medicineand asked me to stay in bed for a few days.A:4.?B:Because Im afraid Ill miss more lessons and Ill be left behind.A:Dont worry.Take care of yourself.5.B:Thank you.(11)A:Hello,Mary.1.?B.Fine

44、,thank you,Lucy.A:Mary,2.B.Ifs so kind of you to say that.A:Where did you buy the skirt?B:3.?A:In Hangzhou?Well.Hangzhou is a very beautiful city.4.?B:Last month.A:Did you go there with your father?B.No,5.A:England?B:Yes,on business.(12)(Rob=R Mom=M)R:Hi,Mom.Im home!M:1.?Ifs almost 5:00.R:Sorry.I wa

45、s at Sams house.M:2.?R:Listening to music.Sam has a lot of great CDs.You should hear some of them.M:Maybe Ill do that sometime later.R:3.?M:Now?Im busy cooking.R:It doesnt matter.Sam let me bonow some of them.See?M:Sam let you borrow some of them?4.R:I only borrowed 15 CDs.Sam has more than 200.M:Th

46、afs a lot of CDs.5.R:He does.He spends his moms money,too.(13)(Paul=P Jack=J)P:Hi,Jack!J:Hi!P:1.?J:No,I missed it.By the time I got there,It had already finished.P:2.!It was a great football match.J:3.?P:Wow.It was a big score.We beat them 53.J:Really?Thats amazing!4.?P:Yeah.And Ive never seen such

47、an exciting match before!After 60 minutes,the Americanteam was winning 3-2.J:Then what happened?P:5.J:Great.(14)亿hu Lei=Z Mei Ya=M)Z:Hello.Is Mei Ya in,please?M:1.Who is that?Z:This is Zhu Lei here.Have you watched the performance by Tai Lihua at CCTV SpringFestival Gala for?M:2.?Z:I havent either.B

48、ut ifs said this is a very beautifiil dance.M:3.?Was it given by Tai Lihua only?Z:No,it was given by Tai Lihua and other 19 girls.And many people in the country weremoved by it.M:Why were so many people moved?Was there something special about it?Z:Yes.These 20 girls are all deaf and mute ones.M:Oh.I

49、 understand.I hope I can have a chance to watch it.Z:Dont worry.Here comes the chance.Look.Ive got two tickets for their perfonnance inWuhan Theatre tonight.4.?M:Sure.How shall we get there?Z:5.?It is not far from here.M:OK,I,ll wait for you at home at two.See you later.Z:See you.(15)A:What a fine d

50、ay today!1.?B:That sounds like a good idea.2.?A:Lets go to the little Hill.B:Shall we take the bus there?A:3.It,s not very far.B:That will be OK.Ill ride my new bike my father bought me fbr my biilhday last month.A:4?B:Lets ask Maiy and Jack to go with us.They plaimed to go last Sunday but it rained


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