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《2021年山东省青岛市高考英语模拟试卷(5月份)(附答案详解).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年山东省青岛市高考英语模拟试卷(5月份)(附答案详解).pdf(23页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2021年山东省青岛市高考英语模拟试卷(5 月份)一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共 37.5分)(2021山东省青岛市模拟题)AIf you have difficulty deciding on your book list,the following ideas shared by some greattalents might help you out.Read books from eras past/Albert EinsteinKeeping up with current events and latest books from the bestseller list is a

2、 big job,but AlbertEinstein thought it was vital to leave some room for older works,too.Otherwise,youd becompletely dependent on the prejudices and fashions of your times,he wrote in a 1952journal article.Dont jump too quickly from book to book/SenecaSeneca,a first-century Roman Stoic philosopher,be

3、lieved that reading too wide a variety in tooshort a time would keep the teachings from leaving a lasting impression on you.You mustspend much time among a limited number of master thinkers,if you would gain ideas whichshall win firm hold in your mind,*he wrote.Shop at secondhand bookstores/Virginia

4、 WoolfIn her essay Street Haunting,Virginia Woolf described the benefits of shopping in secondhandbookstores,where the works have come together in vast flocks of various feather,and have acharm which the carefully chosen books of the library lack.”According to Woolf,looking through used books gives

5、you the chance to come acrosssomething that wouldnt have risen to the attention of librarians and booksellers,who are oftenmuch more selective in building their collections than secondhand bookstore owners.You can skip outdated science works,but not old literature/Edward Lytton1 9th-century British

6、novelist and Parliamentarian Edward Lytton was a firm believer in thevalue of reading old literature.“In science,read,by preference,the newest works;in literature,the oldest,he wrote in his1863 essay collection Caxtoniana.nThe classic literature is always modern.New books reviveand redecorate old id

7、eas;old books suggest and inspire new ideas.1.Who held the idea that great works should be digested?A.Albert Einstein.B.Seneca.C.Virginia Woolf.D.Edward Lytton.2.What attracted Virginia Woolf to secondhand bookstores?A.A lower price.B.A wider range.C.A more careful collection.D.A better service.3.Ho

8、w did Edward Lytton find the classic literature?A.Interesting.B.Outdated.C.Challenging.D.Valuable.(2021山东省青岛市模拟题)BGuanmei,a 65-year-old woman of the Dong ethnic group,is the inheritor of the Grand Song ofDong(侗族大歌),a national intangible cultural heritage in China.Her hometown ZaidaiVillage in Guizho

9、u,southwestern China,is home to the Grand Song of the Dong ethnic group.The Grand Song of Dong dates from more than 2,500 years ago.The way Dong singers usetheir vocal cords(声带)is different from how formally trained singers do.It is a folk choruswith multi-parts,no conductor,and no accompaniment.Org

10、anically growing from their naturalsuiToundings,it is recognized internationally as the sound of Nature.1Before the Dong people had a writing system in 1958,the Dong culture,their history andstories were all recorded by means of songs.As a Dong saying goes,uRice feeds the body andsongs enrich the so

11、ul”.The Dong people sing right from their childhood.While not singing,they all work in their rice field.Guanmei has been singing the Grand Song of Dong all her life,making her a famous singingteacher in her hometown and nearby areas.HThe songs are our means of passing on wisdom,knowledge and life ex

12、periences to others.I will not exist in this world 100 years later,butGrand songs will.Fm honored to do this job,u Guanmei said.Kind-hearted,Guanmei has been volunteering to teach the Grand Song of Dong to the Dongchildren for over 30 years.Now she has more than 300 students.Guanmei is pleased to se

13、e thevillage children come to her house willingly when they have free time.Nowadays,more and more young people leave the village and settle in cities.Decades later,theDong children out of the village might know nothing about Grand songs.We should dosomething just now.Ifs our mission.What is once los

14、t might be lost forever,added Guanmei.4.What makes the Grand Song of Dong known as the sound of Nature0?第2 页,共 23页A.The outstanding conductor.B.The special musical instrument.C.The attractive natural environment.D.The inspiration from nature.5.What can we know about the Dong ethnic culture?A.The Don

15、g singers are professionals.B.The Dong culture before 1958 has been largely lost.C.Singing is of vital importance to the Dong people.D.They have a written language with a history of over 2,500 years.6.How does Guanmei feel about the future of Grand songs?A.Concerned.B.Sympathetic.C.Optimistic.D.Sati

16、sfied.7.Whafs the authors main purpose in writing the passage?A.To call on young people to return to the Dong village.B.To guide the Dong children to learn the Grand Song of Dong.C.To show a womans efforts to keep the Dong culture alive.D.To instruct people to appreciate the Grand Song of Dong.(2021

17、.山东省青岛市.模拟题)COverly focusing on your goals may actually be counterproductiv。in the long run.Take it froman Olympic athlete.After Brenda Martinez,a US Olympic runner,lost her balance in the 800-meter run,she lost therace that would qualify her for the Olympics.Instead of focusing on her failure,she p

18、repared towin in the next race.The track doesnt care about your feelings/she told New York MagazineIntelligence.M Youve just got to move forward.She did indeed move forward and ended upwinning third place in the 1500-meter race a week later to qualify for the Olympics in Rio.Instead of attaching her

19、self to the goal of making the Olympic team,she concentrated on theprocess.Researchers from Harvard found that overemphasizing goals based on measurable outcomesoften leads to risk-taking,improper behavior and reduced motivation.When you become overly focused on achieving the goal,you may lose sight

20、 of your originalpurpose fbr accomplishing the goal in the first place.Another danger is actually completing thegoal without setting a plan for whats next.For example,some marathon runners experiencewhats called the post-race blues.Achieving your goal may cause you to drop the good habitsthat got yo

21、u there in the first place.After you set a goal,its best to shift your focus from the goal itself to the process that givesyou the best chance of achieving it;and to judge yourself based on how well you manage thatprocess,columnist Brad Stulberg said.Ultimately,changing your mindset from goals to pr

22、ocess will lead you to achieve smallvictories on your way to accomplishing long-term goals.It leaves you with a sense ofsatisfaction and accomplishment,regardless of the measurable outcome.8.What does the underlined word counterproductive in paragraph 1 mean?A.Influential.B.Harmful.C.Satisfying.D.Un

23、predictable.9.What does the writer want to tell us by referring to Brenda Martinezs story?A.The ways to deal with failure.B.The process matters more.C.Determination means a lot for an athlete.D.The consequence of making the right decision.10.Why may some marathon runners experience the“post-race blu

24、es?A.Because they are satisfied with their achievements.B.Because they havengained what they want.C.Because they havent got a further plan.D.Because they lose sight of their original purpose.11.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A.How to set a long-term goal.B.The way to realize your aim

25、.C.The benefits of fixing on the process.D.How to shift your focus from goal to process.(2021山东省青岛市模拟题)DA master of words,a literary genius and a philosopher,Russian author Leo Tolstoy(1828-1910)is known by many as the greatest writer of all time.Even in 2020,11 0 yearsafter his death,his two greate

26、st masterpieces,War and Peace and Anna Karenina,continue tobe widely read,appreciated and highly influential.第4页,共23页If the world could write by itself,it would write like Tolstoy,the Russian author Isaak Babelonce said.Tolstoys realistic fiction is famous for its powers of observation and ability t

27、o minethe depths of human consciousness,such as the psychological exploration of a maiTied womanin Anna Karenina.In War and Peace,Tolstoy also describes Russias national soul andexpresses public unity through his many characters.His characters feel alive;they grow,theychange and they stick in the mi

28、nds of readers long after the final page is turned.Tolstoys influence on literature is without comparison.Authors regularly mention his novelsas their highest ambition,works that they could only dream of writing themselves.Americanwriter Francis Scott called Tolstoy the greatest of all novelists in

29、his essay.He wrote,ufromhis first words,we can be sure of one thing at any rate-here is a man who sees what we see,who proceeds,too,as we are accustomed to proceeding,not from the outside inwards but fromthe inside outwards.1nHe defends fundamental values such as love,friendship and family relations

30、.He givespositive answers to the questions mankind is asking.In this sense he gives more hope,1Tolstoys great-great grandson,Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy,said.Tolstoys message of peace has even had an effect on the real world.He inspired the leader ofIndias independence movement,Mahatma Ghandi,and his ph

31、ilosophy of non-violence overthe course of a year in which they wrote letters to each other.12.What does the second paragraph intend to tell us?A.The writing style of Tolstoy.B.Tolstoys influence on other authors.C.The characters in Tolstoys works.D.The introduction to the greatest works of Tolstoy.

32、13.Which words can best describe Tolstoy according to the passage?A.Humorous and caring.B.Determined and optimistic.C.Productive and hard-working.D.Insightful and peace-loving.14.How does the author introduce Tolstoy in this passage?A.By contrasting with other authors.B.By analyzing characteristics

33、of his works.C.By quoting comments and opinions.D.By describing his deeds in life.15.Which can be the best title for the passage?A.Tolstoy and His WorksB.Tolstoys Life and AchievementsC.War and Peace:a Great MasteipieceD.Tolstoy:a Writer Beyond Comparison二、阅读七选五(本大题共5 小题,共 12.5分)(2021 山东省青岛市模拟题)The

34、convenience plastic offers has led to a throw-away culturethat reveals the materials dark side.Many of its products,such as plastic bags and foodwrappers,have a service life of mere minutes to hours.(1)Plastic has been the biggest threat to ocean life for decades.Sunlight,wind and wave actionbreak d

35、own plastic waste to a certain extent,but it only succeeds in reducing it to smaller pieces.(2)They spread throughout the water and have been found in every comer of theglobe,affecting nearly 700 species,including endangered ones.(3)They range from birds to fish and to other marine animals.Most of t

36、he deaths tothem are caused by starvation.Small pieces of plastic have been found in more than 100 marinespecies,including fish,shrimp,and some seashells.In many cases,these tiny bits pass throughtheir stomachs.(4)Stomachs so packed with plastic reduce the urge to eat,makingthem die eventually.Tests

37、 have also confirmed cell damage and trouble with animals reproductive systems causedby plastic-eating.Some species,such as oysters,produce fewer eggs if they wrongly take toomuch plastic.Fortunately,solutions are being found.Many scientists agree the top priority is to preventplastic waste from ent

38、ering rivers and seas.(5)Better product design also should betaken into account,as well as the reduction in producing unnecessary single-use plasticproducts.A.Nearly every species of seabird eats plastics.B.This makes plastic waste even harder to notice.C.Millions of animals are killed by plastic ev

39、ery year.D.Some pieces have even been found blocking their organs.E.Half of all plastics ever produced have been made in the last 15 years.F.It could be done with improved waste management systems and recycling.G.However,they may remain in the environment fbr hundreds of years and cause a lot of har

40、m.第6 页,共 23页16.A.AEB.Bc.cD.DE.F.FG.G17.A.AB.Bc.cD.DE.EF.FG.G18.A.AB.Bc.cD.DE.EF.FG.G19.A.AB.Bc.cD.DE.EF.FG.G20.A.AB.Bc.cD.DE.EF.FG.G三、完形填空(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)(2021山东省青岛市模拟题)A little girl has become famous in her neighborhood afterdrawing messages of hope on her familys garage door during lockdown(疫情封闭)

41、.Mom-of-two Christine has been letting her six-year-old daughter Eilidh turn their black shinygarage door into a(1)art project with chalk.Twice a week since April 2020,Eilidhhas let her imagination run(2),covering the space with mermaids,dolphins,Spiderman,and dinosaurs.She has this week(3)it with a

42、 rainbow,flowers,and some(4)words.Eilidh has a little wooden chair she can stand on to help her(5)higher up,and her artist mom gives her(6)with things she needs.Her drawings came to people*s(7),and an admiring fan club has begun leaving boxesof chocolates on their doorstep.(8)mom Christine said:What

43、ever comes into herhead she drawsit(9).It could be quite(10).It depends on what is happeningaround her.She is just drawing outside to make people(11)Christine has already(12)one broom(扫帚)by cleaning the garage.When it rains,thechalk is washed away,and Eilidh starts again(13)on the next dry day.Eilid

44、h is now loving being back at(14)as lockdown in Britain eases.And one thingis fbr sure-this little girl is no doubt superior in her(15)classes.21.A.formalB.usefulC.colorfulD.neat22.A.strangeB.wildC.madD.funny23.A.illustratedB.cleanedC.repairedD.performed24.A.luckyB.encouragingC.awfulD.careful25.A.ex

45、tendB.holdC.climbD.reach26.A.a handB.a liftC.a smileD.a word27.A.assistanceB.attentionC.discoveryD.impression28.A.AmbitiousB.FortunateC.ProudD.Puzzled29.A.reasonablyB.cautiouslyC.amusinglyD.vividly30.A.reliableB.randomC.interestingD.suiprising31.A.devotedB.occupiedC.curiousD.happy32.A.worn outB.trie

46、d outC.brought inD.given away33.A.with patienceB.in surpriseC.out of curiosityD.for leisure34.A.homeB.neighborhoodC.schoolD.work35.A.languageB.artC.scienceD.physics四、语法填空(本大题共1 小题,共 15.0分)36.(2021 山东省青岛市模拟题)Electric vehicles are better for the climate thangas-powered cars,but many Americans are stil

47、l hesitant to buy them.One reason:thelarger upfront cost(前期成本).New data(1)(publish)Thursday shows that despite the higher stickerprice,electric cars may actually save drivers money in the long run.To reach this(2)(conclude),a team at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology calculated both the carbo

48、n dioxide emissions(3)full lifetime cost-including purchase price,maintenance and fuel-for nearly every new car model onthe market.They found electric cars were(4)(easy)more climate friendly thangas-burning ones.Over a lifetime,they were often(5)(cheap),too.Climate scientists say vehicle electrifica

49、tion is one of the best ways(6)(reduce)planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions.In the United States,the transportation sector isthe largest source of emissions,most of(7)come from cars and trucks.Jessika Trancik,(8)associate professor of energy studies at M.LT.who led theresearch,(9)(say)the data wo

50、uld Hhelp people learn about how those upfrontcosts are spread over the lifetime of the car.For electric cars,lower costs of maintenanceand charging compared(10)gasoline prices tend to offset(抵消)the higherupfront price over time.五、书面表达(本大题共2 小题,共 40.0分)第8页,共23页37.(2021.山东省青岛市.模拟题)假定你是李华,你校将在端午节期间组织一


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