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《unit4SectionA(3a-3c)课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit4SectionA(3a-3c)课件.ppt(36页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、翻译下列词组。翻译下列词组。1.从事从事 _2.敢干敢干 _3.能干能干 _4.和朋友闲逛和朋友闲逛 _5.继续奋斗继续奋斗 _6.成功达到顶点成功达到顶点 _7.考虑到考虑到 _8.担心担心 _.自主学自主学习习案案take updare to dobe able to dohang out with friendsmake it to the topfight onthink aboutworry aboutCan you guess what she was like in the past?Do you know the beautiful and outgoing girl?She

2、used to be a shy girl.Yeah.Shes the famous Yeah.Shes the famous singer Candy Wang.singer Candy Wang.Step 1 准备与热身准备与热身(Preparation)She took up singing to deal with her shyness.As she got better,she was not shy anymore and loved singing in front of crowds.Now shes the Asian pop star.Do you want to kno

3、w her story?_ how Candys life has changed_ Candys advice to young people_ Candys background11.Read the article and identify the paragraphs in which the following information appears.Number the information 1-3.23a3Step 2 呈现与输入呈现与输入(Presentation)2.Read the first paragraph and answer the questions.(1)H

4、ow old is Candy Wang?(2)What was she like?She used to be really shy.Shes 19 years old.(3)Why did she take up singing?To deal with her shyness.(4)Whats she like now?Shes not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.3.Read the second paragraph and fill in the chart.Good thingsBad things1.Being

5、 able to travel and meet new people all the time.2.Get tons of attention everywhere she goes.1.Always have to worry about how she appears to others.2.Have to be careful about what she says or does.3.Dont have much private time anymore.4.There are always guards around her.4.Read the third paragraph a

6、nd fill in the blanks.Candys advice to young people who want to become famous:1.People have to be _ to _ _ your _ life.2.You can never _ how difficult the road to _ is.upgivepreparednormalsuccessimagine3.You really require a lot of _ and _ to succeed.4.Only a very small _ of people make it to the _.

7、numberhard worktalenttopRead the article again and complete the sentences about Candy.1.She used to be shy,but now shes not shy _.2.She didnt use to be _ in school,but now she gets lots of attention.3.She used to _ with friends,but it is almost impossible now.4.She didnt use to _ how she appears to

8、others,but now she does.popularanymore3bbe carefulhang out Step 3练习练习与体与体验验(Practice)Suppose you are the interviewer and your partner is Candy.Ask and answer questions.1.What were you like?Were you good at singing when you were very young?_ _ _ _3cNo.I used to be really shy.I took up singing to deal

9、 with my shyness.As I got better,I dared to sing in front of the class,and then for the whole school.2.How your life was different after you became famous?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _There are many good things.I am able to travel and meet new people all the time.I get tons of attention everywhere I go.Too much a

10、ttention can also be a bad thing.I have to be very careful about what I say or do.And I dont have much private time anymore.Hanging out with friends is almost impossible.3.Whats your advice to all those young people who want to become famous?_ _ _ _ _ _ _You have to be prepared to give up your norma

11、l life.You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is.You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.Only a very small number of people make it to the top.短文内容巩固练习短文内容巩固练习 Candy Wang is 19 years old and now is a famous _ pop star.She used to be really _ and_ singing to deal

12、with her _ at school.She also didnt use to be _.But now she is not shy _ and loves _ in front of crowds and gets _ attention everywhere she goes.She thinks anyone who wants to be _ has to be _ to give up his _ life and require a lot of _ and hard work Only a very small _of people _ it to the top.Ste

13、p 4 运用与生成运用与生成(Production)Asianshytook upshynessmakeanymoresingingtons ofsuccessfulpreparednormaltalentnumberpopularStep 5.巩固与提高(巩固与提高(Progress)探究点一探究点一 She took up singing to deal with her shyness.她开始学唱歌来克服自己的羞涩。她开始学唱歌来克服自己的羞涩。take up学着做,开始做(尤指为消遣)学着做,开始做(尤指为消遣)e.g.Theyve taken up golf.他们学起打高尔夫球来了。

14、他们学起打高尔夫球来了。take up的其他用法:的其他用法:(1)开始从事)开始从事e.g.He takes up his duties next week.他下周开始履行职责。他下周开始履行职责。(2)占用(时间);占据(空间)占用(时间);占据(空间)e.g.The table takes up too much room.这张桌子占据了太这张桌子占据了太多的地方。多的地方。(3)继续做(他人未完成的事或以前做的事)继续做(他人未完成的事或以前做的事)e.g.She took up the story where Tim had left off.她接着讲蒂姆未讲完的故事。她接着讲蒂姆未

15、讲完的故事。(4)拿起)拿起e.g.They took up arms and fought with their enemies.他们拿起武器与敌人拼搏了起来。他们拿起武器与敌人拼搏了起来。针对训练针对训练 根据汉语,完成句子。根据汉语,完成句子。1.你什么时候开始打篮球的?你什么时候开始打篮球的?When did you _?2.我们从昨天停下的地方继续学课文。我们从昨天停下的地方继续学课文。Lets the text where we finished yesterday.3.这张床太占地方。这张床太占地方。The bed _.take up basketballtake uptakes

16、 up too much room探究点二探究点二 As she got better,she dared to sing in front of her class.她她渐渐地变得好一些了,敢在同学面前唱歌了。渐渐地变得好一些了,敢在同学面前唱歌了。dare敢于;胆敢;可以作实义动词,也可做情态动词。敢于;胆敢;可以作实义动词,也可做情态动词。(1)作情态动词后接动词原形)作情态动词后接动词原形e.g.They darent ask for any more money.他们不敢再要钱了。他们不敢再要钱了。Dare you go with me?你敢跟我走吗?你敢跟我走吗?Yes,I dar

17、e.(肯定回答)(肯定回答)No,I dare not.(否定回答)(否定回答)(2)作实义动词,后接带)作实义动词,后接带to的动词不定式,常用于否定的动词不定式,常用于否定句中。句中。dare to do 敢于做敢于做e.g.How do you dare to say such words?你怎么敢说这样的话?你怎么敢说这样的话?针对训练针对训练 4.这个女孩足够勇敢做她想做的事。这个女孩足够勇敢做她想做的事。The girl is _what she wants to do.5.他不敢食言。他不敢食言。He wont break his promise.brave enough to

18、dare to dodare to拓展:拓展:take相关词组相关词组take off 起飞;脱下;动身起飞;脱下;动身take on 承担;呈现承担;呈现take over 接受;接管;借用;接办接受;接管;借用;接办take down 记下;取下记下;取下take place 发生;进行;举行发生;进行;举行take a look 看一下看一下 take a walk 散步散步take away 带走,拿走,取走带走,拿走,取走take care of 照顾;注意;抚养照顾;注意;抚养take charge 掌管,负责掌管,负责deal v.对待;处理对待;处理(dealt,dealt)d

19、eal with 应对;处理应对;处理e.g.Have you dealt with these letters yet?这些信件你处理了吗?这些信件你处理了吗?shyness n.害羞害羞dare v.敢于;胆敢敢于;胆敢dare to do sth.敢于做某事敢于做某事e.g.He doesnt dare to jump from the top of the wall.他不敢从墙上跳下来。他不敢从墙上跳下来。3.As she got better,she 3.As she got better,she dared todared to sing in sing in front of h

20、er class,and then for the front of her class,and then for the whole school.whole school.4.Now shes not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.not anymore 不再不再 e.g.People are not interested in movies anymore.人们不再对电影感兴趣了。人们不再对电影感兴趣了。5.but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go.get tons

21、of attention 被众人所关注被众人所关注 tons of sth.很多;极多很多;极多 e.g.They have tons of work every day.他们每天都有大量的工作要做。他们每天都有大量的工作要做。private adj.私人的;私密的私人的;私密的e.g.Mr.Smith is rather secret about his private life.史密斯先生对自己的私生活相当史密斯先生对自己的私生活相当保密。保密。6.6.And I dont have much And I dont have much privateprivate time time an

22、ymore.anymore.7.Many times I thought about giving up,but I fought on.fight(fought,fought)努力去做,尝试努力去做,尝试 战斗,搏斗;争取战斗,搏斗;争取 fight on 奋力坚持奋力坚持 e.g.We must fight on until the end of the battle.我们必须坚持到战斗结束。我们必须坚持到战斗结束。require v.需要;要求需要;要求e.g.Fishing requires a lot of patience.钓鱼需要很大的耐心。钓鱼需要很大的耐心。8.You rea

23、lly 8.You really requirerequire a lot of talent and a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.hard work to succeed.1.Finish the sentences by using the words in the box.1.Playing the piano well _ a lot of practice.2.The _ wont let anyone through the gate without a pass.guardrequiresrequire,guard,deal

24、with,background,private3.Its a _ garden,not a public one.4.We know nothing about his _.5.I have a lot of letters to _ today.privatebackgrounddeal withrequire,guard,deal with,background,private2.Complete the following sentences.1.Rice is the main food in many _(Asia)countries.2.Young people must dare

25、 _(think),speak up,and act.to thinkAsian3.Mike tried his best to overcome his _(shy).4.Mr.Li took up _(engineer)ten years ago.5.Its _(possible)for us to climb up such a high mountain.shynessengineeringimpossible3.Finish the following sentences.1.我采访了二十四岁的亚洲流行歌手茜拉。我采访了二十四岁的亚洲流行歌手茜拉。I _ _ Asian pop st

26、ar Shila.2.她从事歌唱来解决她的害羞问题。她从事歌唱来解决她的害羞问题。She _ _ singing to _ _ her shyness.interviewedtook updeal with24-year-old3.我不再有许多个人时间。我不再有许多个人时间。I dont have _ _ time _ _.4.她过去常和朋友一起闲逛。她过去常和朋友一起闲逛。She _ _ _ _ with friends.much private any moreused to hang out1.背诵短文中的重点句子。背诵短文中的重点句子。2.完成本单元完成本单元学生用书学生用书第二课时的练第二课时的练习。习。Step 6.家庭作业家庭作业(Homework)The end,thank you!


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