2021年广东省小升初考试英语真题分类汇编 4 阅读理解(含答案).pdf

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1、2021年广东省六年级下册小升初真题汇编(四)阅读理解一、阅读理解。(2021 深圳)AThe first Dragon Boat Festival was held(举行)in Hunan.Every year,people always have a dragon boat match(比赛).The dragon boat is quitelong.There are pictures of dragons on each side.The front of the boat islike the head of a dragon.Each team of the match has t

2、wenty members.Besides them there is a man on the boat.He beats a drum(敲鼓).Its anexciting match,especially(特别是)when they are getting the end.Theaudience(观众)beside the lake shout for their favourite teams.From thismatch,we have the name of the festival-Dragon Boat Festival.This special festival has an

3、other name Duanwu Festival.It has astory.The story is about a poet(诗人)called Qu Yuan.根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。()1.Whafs the name of this festival?Ifs c a l l e d.A.Chinese New Year B.the Mid-Autumn FestivalC.Dragon Boat Festival D.Halloween()2.The name of the Dragon Boat Festival comes f r om.A.the dragon boa

4、t match in HenanB.the dragon boat match in HunanC.the boat like a dragon in SichuanD.the dragon flying in the sky()3.In the match,there is always a man on the boat to.A.shout for team B.help them boatC.carry a dragon for them D.beat a drum for them()4.The story of Duanwu Festival is a bout.A.a poet

5、called Qu Yuan B.a poet called Li BaiC.a poet called Du Fu D.a poet called Bai Juyi()5.On that day,people eat.A.pumpkins B.moon cakesC.rice dumplings D.candiesBA tiger is careless(粗心的)and falls into a net(网).He tries to getout,but he cant.His friends are not here.So he cries,I cant get out.Whocan he

6、lp me out?”A mouse comes up to him.The tiger asks him for help.The mouselooks at the tiger and answers,You are so strong and big,but Fm so smalland weak.I want to help you,but you cant catch me when you get out.”Then the mouse uses his sharp teeth to bite(咬)the net.Soon the tiger getsout.The tiger t

7、hanks the mouse again and again,and he says to the mouse,“I want to make friends with you.Tm going to help you if you are in troubleone day.根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。()1.Whats wrong with the tiger?A.The tiger is dead B.The tiger?s legs are hurtC.The tiger falls into a net D.The tiger is killed()2.A tiger is th

8、an a mouse.A.smaller and stronger B.bigger and strongerC.bigger and weaker D.smaller and weaker()3.The tiger asks the mouse to help him b e c a u s e.A.the mouse is one of his friendsB.he wants to eat the mouseC.he likes the mouseD.his friends arent near him()4.How does the mouse help the tiger?A.He

9、 bites the net.B.He goes to find the tigers friends.C.He cries.D.He stays in the net with the tiger together()5.After the tiger gets out of the net,he.A.kills the mouseB.asks the mouse to look for food for himC.eats the mouse at onceD.would like to make friends with the mouseCThere are many people o

10、n the bus.Some have seats,but some haveto stand.At a bus stop,a woman gets on the bus.An old man hears thenoise of the door and tries to stand up.Oh,no,thank you,the womanforces him back to the seat.Please dont do that.I can stand.But,madam,let me.”says the old man.Please keep your seat,55 the woman

11、says.She puts her hands on the old mans shoulder.But the man still triesto stand up and says“madam,will you please let me.?“Oh,no,“saysthe woman.She again forces the man back.At last the old man shouts,t4Iwant to get off the bus.”根据短文内容,判 断 对(T)错(F)o()1.All the people have seats on the bus.()2.An ol

12、d man gets on the bus at a bus stop.()3.The old man wants to give his seat to the woman.()4.The woman sits on the old mans seat.()5.The old man wants to get off the bus.二、阅读理解。依照短文内容选取对的答案,把所选答案字母编号写在答卷相应位置。(2021 广州)AMr.Read works in a hospital.He is a good doctor,but he oftenforgets things.People k

13、now him and dont mind it.One morning,he did an operation(手术)on an old woman,it tookhim three hours to finish it.He looked at his watch and found it was twelvethirty.He felt hungry and wanted to have lunch.When he got to the lift,he remembered he didnt wash his hands.Hewent back to his office and put

14、 his coat on his chair.Then he washed hishands and left.However,in the restaurant,he found he forget his coat.Allhis money was in one of the pockets.He got up and went back to thehospital.He ran to the lift but it was going to close.He put his head into it,and the door opened.A man in the lift said,

15、“Oh,dear sir!Why didnt youhold the door open with your hands?Its too dangerous to do so with yourhead.”“I think my hands are more important than my head.I have to dooperations not with my head,but with my hand.()1.People know Mr.Read but they dont mind it.A.is a doctor B.when forget thingsC.works in

16、 the hospital D.often does operations()2.The operation began at that morning.A.eight thirty B.nine C.nine thirty D.ten()3.Mr.Read left the restaurant b e c a u s e.A.he had no money with himB.he couldnt find his friendsC.he ate lunch thereD.it was closed()4.Mr.Read put his head into the lift b e c a

17、 u s e.A.he wanted to know who was in itB.he wanted to get out of itC.his head was much harder than his handsD.he was afraid the lift could hurt his hands()5.From the passage we can k n o w.A.Mr.Read is poor B.Mr.Read is braveC.Mr.Read loves his job and does it wellD.Mr.Read is not clever at work.BS

18、chool Report of New Field High SchoolName:Tom Evans Grade:6Term:Spring Date:April 14,subjectscoreCommentsMathc-Must try harderP.E.c-Tries hardScienceFVery poor on testSocial studiesc+Shows interestArtA+Has great abilityEnglishB-Is making progressFrenchBGood markConductBQuiet and pays attention well,

19、butis often late for classAverage:C Rank in class:22 of 30To parents:Tom is a good student in the subject he likes,but he does notreally try in the ones he does not like.He must try harder if he wants tosucceed at school.()6.In which subject does Tom do the best?A.Art B.English C.P.E.D.French()7.Wha

20、t does the word“comments“mean in the passage?A.闲谈 B.表扬 C.预计 D.批评()8.Which subject does Tom dislike?A.Social studies B.Science C.Math D.English()9.How many students are there in Toms class?A.7 B.14 C.22 30()1 0.What is the report about?A.Teacher?s documents on Tom B.Toms studies at schoolC.What Tom l

21、earns at school D.Toms score of each subject三、阅读。(2021-惠州)1.阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子正误,正确的打“”,错误的打 XTim is my friend.He comes from London.He usually goes to schoolby subway.He is 13 years old.Im one year younger than him.But Imtaller than him.He likes reading comic books after school.But I likeplaying foot

22、ball.His hobby is collecting stamps.I like collecting stamps,too.We can learn many things from stamps.There is a stamp show onSunday.Were going to the show together.(1)Tim usually goes to school by car.(2)Tim is 12 years old.(3)Tim likes playing basketball.(4)We can learn some things from the stamps

23、.(5)We are going to the stamp show on Sunday.2.读短文,完成任务。Today is Monday.I get up at 6:15 a.m.My mum usually cooksbreakfast for me.I eat breakfast at 6:45 a.m.Then I do morning exercises.I go to school at 7:30 a.m.We have classes from 8 a.m.to 4:30 p.m.Thenwe can play sports,play chess and clean the

24、classroom.We often go homeat 5:30 p.m.At that time,my father is reading a newspaper,and my mumis cooking dinner.They are both waiting for me.It is a happy day in mylife.任务一:根据短文内容,A.go home B.get up选择下列活动的时间。C.begin class D.go to school3.W 4.,W任务二:根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。(1)usually cooks breakfast for me in

25、the morning.A.No oneB.My motherC.My father(2)After class,we don t.A.fly kitesB.clean the classroomC.play chess(3)My father is at 5:30 a.m.A.cooking dinnerB.eating dinnerC.reading a newspaper四、阅读理解。(2021 中山)AHello!My name is Mike.I am from the USA.Now I am in Chinawith my parents.I like China.I like

26、Chinese food,too.I have breakfast athome.I eat an egg,bread and porridge(粥)for breakfast.I do not like milk.I have no time to go home for lunch.So I have it at school.The lunch inour school is good.I can have different food for lunch.I eat rice,meat andvegetables.Sometimes I have noodles(面条)and dump

27、lings(饺子).I havedinner at home with my parents.Sometimes we go out to eat with friends.We have chicken,vegetables and fruit.)1.Mike is.A.American B.English)2.For breakfast,Mike has.A.an egg,an apple and porridgeB.an egg,bread and porridgeC.an apple,bread and milkD.an egg,an apple and bread)3.He has

28、l u n c h.A.at schoolC.in a restaurant)4.He has for lunch.A.rice,meat and vegetablesC.chicken,meat and fruit)5.Sometimes they have dinnerA.at schoolC.at his fHends homeC.Chinese D.JapaneseB.at homeD.with his parentsB.dumplings and noodlesD.A and B are both right.B.in a restaurant with some friendsD.

29、in the open air.(在户夕卜)BMike and Jane are brother and sister.They are Americans.They arein the same school.Their school is not far(远)from their home.Mike is in Mr Blacks class.He is thirteen.He is one of the best(最佳)students in his class.Mr Black likes him.He is good at(在.学得好)Chinese.Jane is eleven.S

30、he is in Mr Blacks wifes class.Mrs Black is anEnglish teacher.Jane is good at English,but she isnt good at Chinese.()1.Are Mike and Jane twins?A.Yes,they are.B.No,they arent.C.Yes,they are in the same class.()2.How old is Jane?She is.A.eleven B.twelve C.thirteen()3.Who is good at Chinese?A.Mr Black.

31、B.Mrs Black.C.Mike.()4.Where is Mike and Janes school?A.Ifs far from their home.B.The school is not big.C.Ifs near their home.()5.Which of these is wrong?A.Mike and Jane are from England.B.Mike and Jane are in the same school.C.Mrs Black is Janes English teacher.CMrs Smith is Jims mother.She loves h

32、er family very much.Sheoften buys food,fruit and clothes for Jim and his father.Now many clothesare on sale at a good price.Mrs Smith comes to the store and she wants to buy some clothes.They have sweaters in all colors for 15 each and sports shoes for only28.Mrs Smith likes the red sweater and she

33、buys one for herself(她自己).She buys a pair of sports shoes for her son.The T-shirts in the storeare just 18!She buys a white one for Mr Smith.And thats not all.Thesocks,in all colors,are 2 each.She buys five pairs.for her family.B.fruit,coffee and shoesD.tea,vegetables and school things)1.Mrs Smith o

34、ften buysA.books and foodC.food,fruit and clothes)2.The clothes in Spring Clothes Store areA.expensive B.cheap)3.Mrs Smith l i ke s.A.the red sweaterC.the green T-shirt)4.Mrs Smith buysA.a T-shirtC.a white sweater)5.Mrs Smith spends(耗费)A.2 B.4C.not good D.very smallB.the blue T-shirtD.the white swea

35、terfor Mr Smith.B.a pair of shoesD.a pair of sports shoeson the socks.C.10 D.20DMy uncle is from Shanghai.Now he is in America.He studiescomputers there.The students in my uncles class are very interesting.Henry is English.Hes from London.George is Australian(澳大利亚人).Hes from Sydney.Mary is American(

36、美国人).Shes from New York.Mr.and Mrs.Smith are Canadian(加拿大人).Theyre from Ottawa.Mr.andMrs.Sato are Japanese.Theyre from Tokyo.My uncles friend Zhang Liand Wu Jun are Chinese,too.Theyre from Taiwan.Yes,the students in my uncles class are very interesting.Theyrefrom many different countries and theyre

37、friends.()1.Uncle is in America b e c a u s e.A.he likes AmericaB.American food is goodC.American movies are exciting.D.he wants to study computers()2.is from the UK.A.Henry B.George C.Mary D.Mr.Smith()e from Canada.A.George and Mary B.Mary and HenryC.Henry and George D.Mr.and Mrs.Smith()4.Sato is f

38、 r om.A.Kobe(神户)B.Sydney C.Japan D.Australia()5.Wu Jun can s p e a k.A.Spanish B.Chinese C.French D.Japanese五、阅读短文,回答下列问题。(2021 汕头)Mr and Mrs Greens house is far from the city.There are no big shopsnear their home.So they only go shopping at weekends.One Saturday morning,Mr and Mrs Green go shopping

39、 with theirson,Tom.Mr Green drives the car to a big shop.It sells clothes.Mrs Greenlikes them.So she chooses a dress and tries it on.It looks great on her.Shebuys it for herself.Then she buys a shirt for her son and a sweater for herhusband.After that,they go to a supermarket to buy some food and fr

40、uit.At about eleven o clock,they all feel hungry.They have their lunchat a restaurant.After lunch,they want to go home.But they cannot findtheir way.Mr Green drives over to a woman and asks,Excuse me,couldyou tell me where I am now?”The old woman looks at him and the car,“You are in your car,sir.She

41、 answers.1.When do the Greens go shopping?2.How do the Greens go shopping on a Saturday morning?3.What does Mrs Green buy for Tom?4.Where do they buy food and fruit?5.What time do they have their lunch?6.Does the old woman tell the Greens the right way?六、根据表格内容,回答下列问题。(2021 梅州)There are lots of chan

42、ges in my hometown.1.How did the students go to school before?BeforeNowStudents went to school on footStudents go to school by bike,bybus or by carWatched TV or saw a film in freetime(空闲时间)Go shopping online(网购)or playWechat(玩微信)in free timeDrank waterDrink tea,coffee,milk or juiceNo parksA big park

43、2.Do the students go to school on foot now?3.What do people do in free time now?4.What did people usually drink before?5.Is there a park in your hometown now?七、阅读理解,完成下列各题。(2021 梅州)A.阅读短文,判断正误。正确的在题前的括号里写“T,错误的写“F”。Im going to graduate from my school.The school looks differentnow.It has a lot of cha

44、nges.And I change a lot,too.Six years ago,there was no library.Now we have a new one.Andthere are many new books in it.I didnt like reading before,but now I lovereading.There was no dining hall six years ago.We couldnt have lunch atschool.Now we have a big dining hall.There was no gym in our schools

45、ix years ago.Now there is a big new one.We often play badminton in it.I didnt like sports before.Now I like sports a lot.I couldnt go cycling sixyears ago.()1.There is a new library in our school now.()2.In the passage,the word“graduate“means 毕业()3.There was a dining hall in our school six years ago

46、.()4.We can play badminton in the gym now.()5.1 rode a bike to school six years ago.B.阅读短文,回答问题,把答案的字母编号填在括号内。Some children are afraid of seeing the dentist,but not me.I have afunny dentist.His name is Dr.Smileface.Why does he call himself Dr.Smileface?Because he always smiles to all the children.He

47、 has a coolwaiting room.It has a big toy box.Dr.Smileface always wears funny hats.He has his face painted.He asks funny questions like“Do you eat flowersto make you so beautifUl“That makes me laugh.One day,he told me thisjoke(玩笑),What has lots of teeth but never(从不)goes to the dentist?A comb(梳子)!”Wh

48、en I laughed,he pulled my tooth out(拔牙).It didifthurt at all.He also teaches me how to take care of(照顾)my teeth.()1.Choose a title for the story.A.My favourite nurse B.My favourite dentist()2.What does the word dentist mean?A.牙医 B.兽医()3.Why is the dentisfs name Dr.Smileface?A.He wants to make the ch

49、ildren happy.B.He wants to make the children afraid.()4.What does Dr.Smileface do when he pulls my tooth out?A.Tell me a joke.B.Teach me how to take care of my teeth.()5.How do the children feel when Dr.Smileface tells jokes?A.They are worried.B.They are relaxed(放松).C.阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的一项,并把答案编号填在括号里。

50、Dear Friends,Weve been together for six years.Its time to say goodbye to eachother.We are going to middle school soon,so we will have a farewell partyin the gym next Friday evening.The party will begin at 6 pm.We are goingto sing and dance at the party.We are also going to play some games.Weare goin


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