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《八年级上英语期末测试卷外语学习英语口语外语学习英语口语.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级上英语期末测试卷外语学习英语口语外语学习英语口语.pdf(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、学习必备 欢迎下载 文华学校八年级英语期末测试卷(一)一(A)根据句意及首字母,完成句子。1.I like to cook but I don t like to do the d_.2.Please help me look after my dog while I am out.Give him water and f_him twice a day.3.Good q_ clothes are usually more expensive.4.I really couldn t finish the work w_ your help.Thank you very much.5.Xu Ji

2、an started playing football when he was eight.His dream job to be a p_ football player.(B)用所给词的正确形式填空。(有的需要加助动词)6.His family are all _ to me.(friend)7.Boys and girls,comes out.Supper is _.(service)8.That big bus has very _ seats.(comfort)9.Thanks for your _.(invite)10.Listening to soft music is quit

3、e _.(relax)11.My father _ to work every day.(drive)12.I _(not)on the last school trip.I had to have a lesson then.(be)13.I want _ a teacher when I _ up.(be,grow)14.My brother loves basketball.He _ professional player when be _ up.(be,grow)15.Could you help me practice _ with the basketball?(move)16.

4、First,_(剥)three bananas and cut them up.17.We _(照了很多相片)on the trip.18.When he was young,he has found to be _(一位极具天赋的小提琴放手)19.Lisa is a poor college student.She wants_(找一份兼职工作)20.With the help of washing machines it s petting easier to _(洗衣服)二、选择填空。()21.Did you and your friends ride your bicycles to

5、the beach yesterday afternoon?Yeah._ we had!A.How a fun B.What fun C.What a fun D.How fun()22.John,will you please _ the blackboard now?It s your duty.OK.A.not clean B.not to clean C.to clean D.clean()23.Gui Yang_its fine weather.It s neither too cold nor too hot all the year round.A.be famous for B

6、.be famous C.is famous for D.is famous()24.Don t worry,sir.I m sure I can run _ to catch up with them.A.fast enough B.enough fast C.slowly enough D.enough slowly()25.I can t find my purse.Did you see it _?A.anywhere B.somewhere C.nowhere D.where()26.Pass my glasses to me,Jack.I can _ read the words

7、in the newspaper.A.hardly B.really C.rather D.clearly()27.I m sure our football will _ the team from No.3 Middle School.A.win B.fail C.lose D.beat()28.Of the two Australian students,Masha is_one.I think you can find her easily.A.tallest B.the taller C.taller D.the tallest()29.The English novel is qu

8、ite easy for you.There are _ new words in it.A.a little B.little C.a few D.few()30.Today some newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures _ a camera.A.as B.for C.like D.of )31.The TV programme is boring.Shall we play chess instead?All right.That is _than watching a boring programme.A.very good B.

9、much good C.very better D.much better()32.Mary is flying to France soon.She will arrive _ Paris _ the morning of July 9.A.at,in B.in,on C.in,in D.at,on()33.Your sister works very hard,and _.A.so you are B.so you do C.so are you D.so do you ()34.Can you give me a hand,Robin?But,Helen,you _ my help ev

10、ery five minutes.I _ TV now.A.need,am watching B.need,watch C.are needing,watch D.are needing,am watching()35.I will give you some nice pictures.Good.The _,the _.A.more better B.many,betterC.most,best D.much,better 三、情景会话。So I am good for people.I was born in a small river.I know I am going to have

11、no tail(尾巴)at all soon.I am going to be like my parents.When I was young,the river was my home.Then my tail became shorter.Now I have four legs and a short tail.I am going to eat a lot of insects(昆虫)a lot of bad insects.I didn t know my parents,but I had hundreds of brothers and sisters.At that time

12、,I didn t look like my parents.I had no legs,but I had a long tail.So I looked like a fish.Then I am going to jump out of water.I am going to live on the land and in the water,too.I swam about and played all day with them.3645:四、完形填空。A New York,London,Paris and other big cities are exciting(激动的)plac

13、es to l 46 in.There are many i 47 things to see and to do.You can go different k 48 of museums and see plays and films.You can also go s 49 to buy things from all o 50 the world.But there are many problems in big big c 51 ,too.There are too many people in some places of big cities and the cost of li

14、ving is high.Every year many people move to cities to find jobs,to study at good schools.But sometimes many people can t f 52 work or a good place to live i 53 .Also,too many people in a small place make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean.So before people have to move t 54 big cities,they sho

15、uld think a 55 the problems of living there.4650:5155:B There were many mice(老鼠)in the house.Every day they were very happy.Then the 56 of the house got a cat.The cat killed many of the mice.The mice became very 57 ,but they could do nothing about it.They asked for 58 from other animals,but no 学习必备

16、欢迎下载 one could help them.The oldest mouse was very clever.He said to the mice one day.“All the mice must come to my hole tonight.We are going to have a 59 and think about what we can do about this cat.”After dinner,all the mice came.Many mice spoke,but none knew 60 to do.At last,a clever young mouse

17、 stood up and said,“We must tie a bell(铃铛)to the cat.Then when the cat comes near,we will 61 the bell and run away and hide ourselves.So the 62 will not catch any more mice.”The oldest mouse was happy and said,“Good idea!If any mouse thinks this 63 is good,please put up your paw(爪子)!”All the mice pu

18、t up their paws.Then the oldest mouse said,“Who will tie the bell to the cat?”He looked around,64 no mouse answered.He waited for a few minutes,but still no one answered.At last he said,“It is easy to say things,but it is 65 to do them.”()56.A.seller B.visitor C.owner()57.A.sad B.happy C.tired()58.A

19、.food B.help C.harvest()59.A.rest B.class C.meeting()60.A.what B.how C.which()61.A.see B.hear C.watch()62.A.cat B.bell C.mouse()63.A.book B.idea C.letter()64.A.or B.but C.so()65.A.easy B.interesting C.difficult 五、阅读理解。A Scientists are trying to turn deserts into good land again.They want to bring wa

20、ter to the deserts,so people can live and (A)food there.However,more and more land is becoming desert.Why?Scientists think that people are doing bad things to turn good land into desert.(B)地球上的一些地方雨量不足,but they still do not become desert.This is because green plants are growing there.Small green pla

21、nts and grass are very important to dry places.Plants do not let the hot sun make the earth even drier.(C)Plants do not let the wind blow the soil away.When rain falls,plants bold the water.(D)Without plants,land can become desert much more easily.66.在(A)的空白处填入一个适当的词:_ 67.将划线部分(B)译成英语:_ 68.将划线部分(C)译

22、成英语:_ 69.将划线部分(D)改写成:Land can become desert much more easily there are plants.B Joseph is a very 8-year-old boy.He is good at many kinds of sports.It is(A)_to see that Joseph is very active after school.In contrast(相比之下),while most American children are in school,they have a PE class just(B)每周一次 for

23、 45 minutes.Boys and girls from Grade 1 to Grade 12 do not have to exercise.Not all American children are(C)as active in sports after school as Joseph is.Therefore,these boys and girls need to exercise in school.Many people believe that(D)美国孩子们的健康 is in trouble.In fact,forty percent of children aged

24、 5 to 8 may be unhealthy already.For example,many are overweight.Doctors believe that these are the results of physical inactivity and poor diet(饮食).In many countries in the world,all schoolchildren have to do one hour of exercise every day.These exercises do not have to be team sports.(E)They may n

25、ot be difficult,such as running or jumping.Doctors believe that habits learned early are more probable to(F)与我们终身相伴.School is the good place to learn these habits,or practices.Active,healthy children who exercise often can become active,healthy adults(成年人).70.在(A)的空白处填入一个适当的词语:_ 71.将划线部分(B)译成英语:_ 72

26、.将划线部分(C)译成汉语:_ 73.将划线部分(D)译成英语:_ 74.将划线部分(E)改写成:_ they _ difficult,such as running or jumping.75.将划线部分(F)译成英语:_(C)判断正误。We all know that there are many pyramids(金字塔)in Egypt(埃及),but most of us don t know the people of Mexico(墨西哥)in the old times also built pyramids.They did not build the pyramids fo

27、r tombs(坟墓).They built a pyramid and they built a temple on top of it.The pyramids of Mexico are not as high as those in Egypt,but they are big.Each pyramids has a wide stairway(楼梯)that goes from the bottom(底部)to the top.There is nothing inside the pyramid,only earth and stone.Scientists think it to

28、ol 10,000 men more than ten years to build the great pyramid Teochuacan(特奥帝瓦坎)。It s 2,000 years old.On the top they built a temple to the sun.The temple is no longer there.How did the people of the old times build the pyramids?No one knows.()76.There many pyramids in Mexico,too.()77.People in Mexico

29、 invited people in Egypt to build the pyramids for them.()78.Teh pyramids in Mexico are higher than those in Egypt.()79.There are some old tombs inside the pyramids in Mexico.()80.Scientists don t know how the people of the old times build the pyramids in Egypt,either 六、句型转换。81.Jack is not as health

30、y as his brother.=His brother is_ _ _Jack.82.To eat a balanced diet is very important.=_ _ _to eat a balanced diet.83.Mother is ill.I must take care of her.=Mother is ill.I_ to _ _ her.84.I think we must buy some bread for breakfast._ _ you think we must buy for breakfast?85.There was nothing delici

31、ous on the table last,_ _?(反义疑问句)七、书面表达。你们学校组织了一场学生才艺表演,你们班的同学都说你的歌唱得很好,要你报名参加。在音乐老师的帮助下你也有了一些信心(confidence),结果你的演唱很成功,你们班获得了第一名。写一篇日记记述这件事,可适当发挥,注意日记格式,70 词左右。_ 字母完成句子用所给词的正确形式填空有的需要加助动词剥照了很多相片一位极具天赋的小提琴放手找一份兼职工作洗衣服二选择填空学习必备欢迎下载铃铛爪子五阅读理解地球上的一些地方雨量不足在的空白处填入一个适当的词相伴成年人在的空白处填入一个适当的词语将划线部分译成英语将划线部分译成汉语

32、将划线部分译成英语将划线部分改写成将划线部分译成英语判断正误金字塔埃及墨西哥坟墓楼梯底部特奥帝瓦坎六句型转换反义疑问句七书面表达些信心结果你的演唱很成功你们班获得了第一名写一篇日记记述这件事可适当发挥注意日记格式词左右学习必备欢迎下载文华学校八年级英语期末测试二一单项选择二完形填空三阅读理解苏格兰划线的习语淡化失败大陆设备国内的学习必备 欢迎下载 _ _ _ _ 文华学校八年级英语期末测试二 一单项选择。1.-If you don t like the pink dress,how abut the purple one?-OK,but do you have _size in purple?

33、This one is a bit small for me.A a big B the bigger C the big D a bigger 2.Tourists need to wear warm clothes in Harbin in winter,_?A doesn t he B needn t they C do they D don t they 3.The price of a hotel room is very _ in Shenzhen.A much B high C good D expensive 4.The little girl can _ lots of be

34、autiful piano pieces.A win B listen C play D sing 5.My grandma is loving and kind.She is usually_ most of her free time with us.A takes B uses C costs D spends 6.All the ingredients are in the bowl,please _.A mix them all up B mix all them up C mix all up it D mix it up all 7.The university student

35、got a part-time job_ a tutor.A like B as C for D with 8.In the west,“Going Dutch”usually means that friends_the cost when they eat together A share B divide C get D pay 9-How about No.3?-It s difficult to say,but that girl s voice _ beautiful.A sings B sounds C listens D hears 10.-_did Jim Green hic

36、cup?-He hiccupped for about two hours.A How soon B How long C How for D How often 11.-do you make a banana smoothie?-Peel the bananas first.A Where B What C Who D How 12.-What do your parents do?-Oh,they are _ teachers.A all B both C every D each 13.After putting it off three times,we _ managed to h

37、ave a holiday in Greece.A finally B then C next D first 14._Mr Green is over eight years old,he has some modern ideas.A But B Because C So D Although 15.In the dark the girl student hurried to put on _ coat.A someone else B someone else s C someone s else D someone s else s 二完形填空。One of the famous w

38、riters from English by far is Agatha Christie.16 books and plays can be found in 17 foreign languages than any other write 18 Shakspeare.Agatha Christie s 19 name was Agatha Miller.She was born in England in 1890.She married Archibald Christie 20 she was 24 years old,and she 21 her family name to Ch

39、ristie.She sold her first mystery book in 1920.This book was the first 22 that the world met Mrs Chrisrie s famous detective Hercule Poirot.Ten years 23 that,Mrs Christie wrote her first book 24 her second famous detective,Miss Marple.In 1928,Mrs Christie s first 25 broke up.She married M.E.L.Mallow

40、an in 1930,26 she continued to write her books under the name Agatha Christie.Over her 27 ,Agatha Christie wrote 60 book,16 plays,and 28 100 short stories.She 29 in 1976 when she was 85 years old.Her books can still be found for 30 in bookstores all around the world.16.A His B Her C My D Your 17.A m

41、any B much C more D most 18.A expect B beside C besides D except 19.A real B true C first D last 20.A when B what C where D how 21.A turned B changed C took D gave 22.A day B time C year D month 23.A before B after C behind D in front of 24.A of B with C named D by 25.A marriage B married C marry D

42、marries 26.A and B so C but D or 27.A life B live C lively D alive 28.A more B over C over than D more than 29.A die B died C dead D dying 30.A sell B sells C sale D seller 三阅读理解。(A)Do You Know About“Cloning”?These days,the word“Clone”can be read very often in the newspapers.Do you know what it mean

43、s?In fact,“clone”is not a word.Here is a story about it.It s said that a Scottish(苏格兰)scientist has cloned a young sheep several years ago named it Dolly.This was the first time the scientist has made a young sheep from a fully-grown sheep.So the word“clone”means to make the same animal from a full-

44、grown one.If everyone knows how to do cloning,people will not have to keep so many sheep,cows or horses.Now there are some other people who even want to clone man.But should we clone ourselves?The answer is“No”.Cloning man sounds interesting but not possible.First,we can not clone a dead person,beca

45、use the cells in his body are dead already.Then can we clone a living person?The answer is not“YES”.A cloned person is only something,but not a real man although he can speak and think.Scientist Ian Wilmut,the“father”of Dolly,cloned a young sheep.He did this to make a better animal.We should not clo

46、ne man in this way.31.Can you translate the sentence unlined(划线的)into Chinese?32.Who is Dolly?Can you say something about it?33.What does the word“clone”mean?34.Why can t we clone ourselves?35.Scientist Ian Wilmut is the“father”of Dolly.What does the sentence mean?(B)No Pains,No Gains The idiom(习语)“

47、No pains,no gains”has been misused by some people to brush aside failures(淡化失败).A mainland(大陆)company spent$2,000,000 to buy advanced equipment(设备)from Hong Kong,but later found part of it was made by an inland(国内的)factory and another is out of date.字母完成句子用所给词的正确形式填空有的需要加助动词剥照了很多相片一位极具天赋的小提琴放手找一份兼职工

48、作洗衣服二选择填空学习必备欢迎下载铃铛爪子五阅读理解地球上的一些地方雨量不足在的空白处填入一个适当的词相伴成年人在的空白处填入一个适当的词语将划线部分译成英语将划线部分译成汉语将划线部分译成英语将划线部分改写成将划线部分译成英语判断正误金字塔埃及墨西哥坟墓楼梯底部特奥帝瓦坎六句型转换反义疑问句七书面表达些信心结果你的演唱很成功你们班获得了第一名写一篇日记记述这件事可适当发挥注意日记格式词左右学习必备欢迎下载文华学校八年级英语期末测试二一单项选择二完形填空三阅读理解苏格兰划线的习语淡化失败大陆设备国内的学习必备 欢迎下载 And because of those,the company lost

49、 about$12,000,but the company manager said,“No pains,no gains.”With the idiom as an excuse,many people take no precautions(预防措施)against failure,some even think it a good thing to suffer(经历)failure before reaching success.It is true that we can not always keep failures away from us,and those who can

50、draw lessons from failures(吸取教训)usually succeed at last.But it is certainly wrong to make the idiom“No pains,no gains”as an umbrella to cover all the mistakes.China is trying her best to make its economy stronger.We have no time and no money to lose,so steps must be taken to keep away avoidable(可避免的


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