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《新人教版八年级上册英语期末语法习题小学教育小学考试小学教育小学教育.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新人教版八年级上册英语期末语法习题小学教育小学考试小学教育小学教育.pdf(4页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、学习必备 欢迎下载 1.“_ you skate?”“Sorry,I cant.”A.Can B.Must C.May 2.“Must I finish my homework at school?”“No,you _.”A.mustnt B.cant C.neednt 3.Please be quiet.You _talk loudly in the hospital.A.mustnt B.neednt C.must 4.“_ you like some tea?”“Yes,please.”A.Would B.Will C.Do 5.“Can you answer this question

2、?”“No,I _.”A.may not B.neednt C.cant 6.“_ I use your pencil?”“Certainly,here you are.”A.Must B.May C.Shall 7.Please give the schoolbag _ Jack.A.to B.with C./8.Please give _ the schoolbag.A.his B.him C.he 9.The girls enjoyed _ at the party.A.ourselves B.themselves C.myself 10.We should keep ourselves

3、 _.A.strong and health B.strong and healthy C.strongly and healthy 11.The story are _ and were _ in them.A.interested;interesting B.interesting;interested C.interested,interested 12.You should _ your car here,you shouldnt _ it by the road side.A.park;leave B.parking,leaving C.to park,to leave 13.Doi

4、ng eye exercises is _ for your eyes.A.good B.bad C.not good 14._ does it last?For half an hour.A.How often B.How C.How long 15._ nice my house is!A.What B.How C.What a 16._ warm day it is today!A.What B.What a C.How a 17._ happily the boys are playing!A.How B.What C.How a 18.“_ I come to school at s

5、ix?”“No,you neednt.”A.Can B.Must C.Do 19._ delicious cake it is!A.How a B.What a C.What 20.Lets _ a rest and _ some water.A.take,drink B.take,to drink C.to take,to drink 21._ New Years eve,we shall have a party.A.In B.On C.At 22.Theyre giving a lot of _ to the guests.A.foods and drink B.food and dri

6、nk C.food and drinks 23.The Christmas tree is standing _ the corner of the room.A.at B.in C.on 24.Tom likes to make _ with different _.A.friends,people B.friend,people C.friends,peoples 25.“_ do you visit your hometown?”“Once a year.”A.How long B.How soon C.How often 26.“What kind of person is Mr.Gr

7、een?”“Hes _.”A.quiet and kind B.quietly and kind C.quiet and kindly 27.Do you take regular _?Yes,I do.A.bath B.baths C.bathe 28.Therere all _ of books in the library.A.kinds B.kind C.sort 29.Its very dark in the room,please _ the lights.A.turn off B.put C.turn on 30.Look!The buses and cars are busy

8、_.A.come and go B.came and went C.coming and going 31.Be careful when you _ the busy road.A.cross B.across C.run cross 32.Youd better _ bus to get there.A.by B.to take the C.take the 33.When does then train _ Beijing?A.leave to B.leave for C.leave on 34.Therere many ways of _ around the town.A.trave

9、ling B.travels C.travel 35.Jim decided _ a trip with Lucy.A.to make B.making C.makes 36.Whatre you going to do _ holiday?A.for B.to C.on 期末单项专练 6 学习必备 欢迎下载 37.Which subject should I talk _?How about sports?A.to B.with C.about 38.Jack promises _ fishing with us.A.to go B.go C.going 39.Tom asked _ his

10、 na me,but he didnt tell him.A.to B.with C.for 40.Would you please _ the postcard into the letter-box?A.send B.post C.drop 41.If you _ hard,you _ the English exam.A.work,pass B.work,pass C.work,will pass 42.When I walked _ the library,I saw it happen.A.past B.pass C.passed 43.Does Lily know _ the wo

11、rd?A.to how spell B.how spell C.how to spell 44._ took them thirty minutes to walk there.A.They B.That C.It 45.Cindy _ one hundred Yuan _ the shoes.A.spent;on B.spent;for C.took;for 46.Why _ wait for them?Theyre coming in a minute.A.not B.dont C.you dont 47.The people over there _ a meeting now.A.ha

12、ving B.are having C.is having 48.Which subject do you like _,English or art?A.better B.well C.very much 49.Tom learns Chinese very _.A.good B.nice C.well 50.I dont feel very _ today.A.good B.better C.well 51.I havent seen you _ two months.A.since B.for C.when 52.What is the postage _ the letter _ U.

13、S.A.?A.for,for B.for,to C.to,for 53.Jims mother _ the money _ Jim and told him to buy some books.A.gave,/B.gave,with C.gave,to 54.Help _ to some more apples,girls!A.yourself B.yourselves C.themselves 55.Tom enjoyed _ a lot,he read a lot of famous books.A.reads B.read C.reading 56.Are you ready _ the

14、 English exam?A.to B.to have C.having 57._ the door when you leave.A.Do close B.Closes C.Closing 58.Jack is a kind-hearted boy,he often _ me _ my lessons.A.helps,with B.help,to do C.helps,and 59.The policeman told the children _ carefully when they cross the road.A.to look B.look C.not look 60.The B

15、rowns _ send the letters to their friends.A.want B.want not C.want to 1.将下列名词变成复数形式(1)The _ are playing football.(boy)(2)We are _,we live in China.(Chinese)(3)These are Lucys _.(box)(4)How many _ are there in the village?(woman)(5)One of the _ is a Young Pioneer.(girl)(6)I have two(leg)_ and _.(foot

16、)2.人称代词的转换(1)A friend of _ will come to visit her this evening.(she)(2)Are these your pens?They arent _.(I)(3)Would you please give _ the pencil?(he)(4)Is this _ book?(you)(5)_ had an English party last Sunday.(we)(6)They enjoyed _ very much at the party.(they)3.用 little,a little,few,a few 填空 外门窗洞口的


18、备 欢迎下载(1)The question is so hard that very _ students in our class can answer it.(2)“Can you speak Chinese?”“Yes,only _.”(3)There is no milk in my bottle.Could you let me have _.(4)Hurry up!There is _ time left.(5)Lucy has been here for a year.She has made _ friends.4.A.将下列词变为形容词形式 care _ use _ wind

19、 _ cloud _ rain _ sun _ friend _ interest _ B.将下列形容词变为副词形式 easy _ hard _ careful _ early _ slow _ quick _ kind _ clear _ usual _ real _ bad _ heavy _ good _ C.动词、名词互变 work _ teach _ sing _ drive _write _ D.用括号中词的正确形式填空(1)I think the tool is very _.(use)(2)Lily had a _ breakfast and went out.(quick)(

20、3)We are very _ to the new student.(friend)(4)You can _ find the cinema,its not far from our school.(easy)(5)The teacher asked us to be more _.(care)(6)Toms father is a _.He works in a factory.(work)(7)What a _ day!(wind)(8)Look at the panda.How _ it walks!(slow)(9)The story is very(interest)_,Im ve

21、ry _ in it.5.用动词非谓语形式填空(1)Its very kind of you _ that for me.(do)(2)Farmers use trucks _ their products to the markets.(take)(3)Id like _(buy)some oranges.(4)Jack promised _ to the English party.(come)(5)Kate is always ready _ others.(help)(6)Our teacher likes _ friends with us.(make)(7)Cindy often

22、helps me _ the flowers.(water)(8)We have _ the car and wait for the lights to change.(stop)(9)“Must I _ home so early?”(leave)“No,you neednt.”(10)You mustnt _ football every day.(play)(11)It takes them three weeks _ how to drive a car.(learn)(12)Will you please _ me your phone number?(tell)(13)Our t

23、eacher asked us _ these maths exercises.(do)(14)Jims father told him _ him with the work.(help)(15)The teacher asked the boy _ late again.(not be)(16)Youd better _to school at once.(go)(17)Its raining hard now.Youd better _.(not leave)(18)Do you know how _ this question?(answer)(19)My sister and I e

24、njoy _ TV very much.(watch)(20)Does she want _ the film tomorrow?(see)(21)Lucy and Lily are busy _ the classroom now.(clean)(22)Jacks father never lets him _ football after meals.(play)(23)Mary began _ English when she was six.(learn)(24)Mr.Green decided _ to Beijing by plane.(go)6.用动词一般现在时填空(1)_ Lu

25、cy _ apples?(like)(2)Mary often _ to school.(walk)(3)We sometimes _ football after school.(play)(4)My parents _ a car.(not have)(5)_ you _ the answer to the question?(know)7.用动词现在进行时填空(1)You cant se e them.They _ model ships now.(not make)(2)_ Mary _ an Chinese song now?(sing)(3)Jacks sister _ TV no

26、w.(not watch)(4)Dont go out.It _ hard now.(rain)(5)Some students _ in the classroom.(read)(6)_ the students _ the museum now?(visit)期末语法专练 7 外门窗洞口的定位预留洞口尺寸应符合规范要求窗框与洞口边的间隙应符合施工标准要求如洞口出现偏差当小于每边或大于每边时应进行洞口处理大于的洞口每边应采用细石混凝土回补工艺流程以水铝合金窗框已完成安装固定窗框防水水泥砂浆塞缝做法二门窗框底边及两侧边上翻高范围采用干硬性防水水泥砂浆塞缝严寒地区部分项底边也采用发泡胶上边及两侧

27、边剩余部分采用打发泡胶塞缝以上做法地区公司根据实际情况自行选择防水水泥砂浆塞缝建议使用不宜使用膨胀剂砂浆的干湿度要求是手握成团落地即散塞缝做法一常规人工塞缝工艺塞缝前将窗框与口间的缠绕保护膜撕去清理缝隙内浮浆垃圾杂物并浇水湿润用素水泥浆涂刷一道利于砂浆结合待素水泥浆快干时用纤维聚合物微膨学习必备 欢迎下载(7)Dont make any noise.They _ a meeting.(have)8.用动词一般过去时填空(1)Tom _ TV last night.(not watch)(2)Jack _ late for school yesterday.(be)(3)_ you ill la

28、st week?(be)(4)_ Lucy _ a good time yesterday?(have)(5)We _ shopping last Saturday.(go)9.选用适当的情态动词填空(1)“_ I speak to Jake?”“Speaking!”(2)Dont be late again.You _ be here on time.(3)You cant park your car here.You _ park it in the car-park.(4)You _ play on the street,its dangerous.(5)You _ talk to fr

29、iends by telephone.10.用 how 或 what 填空(1)_ heavy the traffic is!(2)_ a nice,kind boy!(3)_ bad the weather is today!(4)_ lovely babies!(5)_ bad weather!(6)_ busy they are!(7)_ a traffic jam!(8)_ beautiful Shanghai is!11.基数词变序数词(1)Wednesday is the _ day of the week.(four)(2)July is the _ month of the y

30、ear.(seven)(3)Every day,Tom is always the _ to come to school.(one)12 用 a/an 填空(1)_ interesting story-book (2)_ nice old woman (3)_ American girl (4)_ u(5)_ song (6)_ useful tool(7)_ h (8)_ envelope(9)_ English 外门窗洞口的定位预留洞口尺寸应符合规范要求窗框与洞口边的间隙应符合施工标准要求如洞口出现偏差当小于每边或大于每边时应进行洞口处理大于的洞口每边应采用细石混凝土回补工艺流程以水铝合金窗框已完成安装固定窗框防水水泥砂浆塞缝做法二门窗框底边及两侧边上翻高范围采用干硬性防水水泥砂浆塞缝严寒地区部分项底边也采用发泡胶上边及两侧边剩余部分采用打发泡胶塞缝以上做法地区公司根据实际情况自行选择防水水泥砂浆塞缝建议使用不宜使用膨胀剂砂浆的干湿度要求是手握成团落地即散塞缝做法一常规人工塞缝工艺塞缝前将窗框与口间的缠绕保护膜撕去清理缝隙内浮浆垃圾杂物并浇水湿润用素水泥浆涂刷一道利于砂浆结合待素水泥浆快干时用纤维聚合物微膨


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