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《2020年山东威海中考英语真题及答案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年山东威海中考英语真题及答案.docx(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2020年山东威海中考英语真题及答案注意事项:1.本试卷共8页,共100分、考试时间90分钟,考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。2.答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名,考生号,座号填写在答题卡和试卷规定的位置上。3.需要涂卡的小题,选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑; 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选其他答案标号,答案选在试卷上无效。4.非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡指定区域内相应的位置,写在试卷上的答案无效;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液,胶带纸,修正带,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。一、阅读理解

2、(共五篇短文,共25小题,计40分,其中1-20每小题1.5分:21-25每小题2分。)阅读A、B篇,从文后每小题A、B、C选项中选择最佳答案,请将答案编号涂卡。ALively music, singing and the sound of beating drums fill the room. As an orchestra(管弦乐队) plays. performers dressed in colorful costumes move across the stage(舞台). Welcome to Chinese opera.Chinese opera is an important

3、(元素)of Chinese culture. Most operas are based on stories from long ago. The amazing stage performances are often set against grand backgrounds. Beautiful paintings hand movements and martial arts(武术)help tell these famous stories.There are more than 300 forms of Chinese opera, including Beijing Oper

4、a, Yue Opera, Yu Opera, Ge Zai Xi and many other forms. of all of them, Beijing Opera is the most famous. Beijing Opera combines(合并)singing, dancing and acrobatics. Instruments such as drums, bells and cymbals accompany(伴奏)the performances. Facial designTraditionally, performers used masks(面具) for t

5、heir facial design. Today, however, performers use makeup, They paint colorful designs on their faces. These colors and designs help to create each character. For example, a brave character has a red face, while a black face means bold. A yellow and white face represents (代表) someone who is dishones

6、t.CostumesCostumes give clues(线索)to the performers characters and roles Audiences(观众)that are familiar with opera will get to know a story by the masks and costumes. Costumes usually have many designs and colors. The same costume can be used in different shows, however, it will represent a different

7、 character.Promoting the artsMany colleges sand schools in China desire(渴望)to keep the art of Chinese opera alive. They provide an education system for talented students. Applicants(应试者)meat pass a written test, an audition(试镜)and an interview and only the most promising students are accepted to stu

8、dy at these colleges and schools. Once accepted into the program, students begin a seven to-twelve-year journey through the school. After graduation, many go on to work as professional actors on stage or in the movies.( )1. Of all forms of Chinese opera, which is the most famous? A .Beijing Opera B.

9、 Ge Zai Xi C. Yu Opera( )2. The character with a yellow and white face is_.A. brave B. dishonest C. bold( )3. What does the word promising mean in the passage?A.诚信的 B.热情的 C.有前途的( )4. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A. Anyone who likes Chinese opera can be accepted into t

10、he program.B. If a person knows opera well, masks and costumes will help know the story.C. Once in the program, you have to study for 7 to 2 year at school.( )5. What is the passage mainly talking about?A. Chinese culture B. Beijing Opera C. Costumes and facial designBI rememberMary Chan asked her g

11、randfather what he could remember about his secondary school. This is part of what he told her.Ill never forget Mr. Tan. We called him Tiger Tan. He was our math teacher when I was in Sec 1. He was a wiry(筋骨强壮的),muscular man and he was very strict. I never saw him smile while I was at school.Mr. Tan

12、 was an excellent math teacher. He explained everything slowly and clearly on the blackboard. When he looked at the class, you had to be looking at his hawk-like eyes. He stared at us like a tiger facing a group of rabbits. If you werent looking directly at him, he summoned(命令)you to the front of th

13、e class. Then he took Joey from his cupboard. Joey was a length of garden hose about half a metre long. After few painful wallops(猛)from Joey you paid attention all the time!Sometimes Mr. Tan felt that the class was getting sleepy. Then he suddenly said, Outside everybody! Round the school! RUN! He

14、stood at the door of the classroom, waiting for us to return. He had a slipper(拖鞋)and hit the last one or two pupils. I was usually the first back.We were all scared of Tiger Tan. We didnt like him but we respected(敬重)him. He was a good teacher and was always fair.We had a very different math teache

15、r in Sec 3. He was Mr. Hu. He was cheerful and friendly. When he entered the room, somebody would ask him how a camera worked. Then he spent the rest of the lesson explaining how something worked. He drew diagrams on the board and sometimes one of us asked another question to keep him talking. Most

16、of the class sat and day-dreamed about food or sport. We werent really interested in cameras. We just wanted to avoid doing any work.We liked Mr. Hu but we didnt respect him. We knew that we didnt learn much in his lessons.6. In Mr. Tans class, _.A. his students had to pay attention all the timeB. h

17、e drew diagrams and explained everything fastC. he taught his students how to run around the school7. The underlined word Joey probably refers to _.A. a boy who wasnt looking directly at Mr. TanB. something Mr. Tan used to punish his studentsC. a rabbit that was facing a tiger8. Mr. Tan asked his st

18、udents to run outside to make them _.A. strong and healthy B. refilled with energy C. scared of him9. In Mr. Hus class, his students asked him about cameras because _.A. they wanted to avoid doing any workB. they were really interested in camerasC. Mr. Hu was good at explaining how cameras worked10.

19、 Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The grandfather was often hit by Mr. Tan with a slipper.B. Mr. Hu always explained everything slowly and clearly.C. The grandfather didnt learn much in Mr. Hus class.C阅读C篇,判断正误,请将答案编号涂卡。Someones always watching you online.How do they get my information?

20、Did you know that when you surf the Web, many websites put secret software on your computer? The software collects a large amount of information about you and sends it to Internet companies. The Internet companies sell it to other businesses. Your personal information can also be collected from soci

21、al media(媒体)sites. There are many ways your information can be used.What information do they collect and why? First, companies collect your information. The companies find out where you live, what websites you visit, and what you do online. With this information, they can guess other things about yo

22、u. For example, they can guess if you are male or female, how old you are, and your interests. The companies use this information to decide which advertisements(广告)are best for you. Two people can go to the same website, but they will see different advertisements. For example, someone who likes spor

23、ts could see an advertisement for sneakers, and someone who like films might see an advertisement for movie.What do they do with my information? Your personal information could also be sold. Some companies collect information just so they can sell it to other businesses. A business that collects and

24、 sells personal information is called a data broker. When data brokers sell your information, a lot of different companies will know your online habits. Then these companies will advertise products or other websites to you.What online habits are tracked(追踪)? Another way your personal information can

25、 be collected is through social media. When your information is on social media, a lot of people can see it. Even if you dont use social media, a friend might post a picture or video of you with your name on it. Pictures and videos can be shared for free on social media, which is one of the great be

26、nefits(福利). However, that same act of sharing could be problem for your own security(安全). If someone knows too much about you, they can steal your identity(身份). Then they can buy things online and post messages while pretending(假装)to be you.Conclusion All of your online habits can be recorded. Study

27、ing peoples online habits is big business. Your personal information is very valuable to companies. That is how they know who to send their advertisements to. The Internet reaches almost every corner of the world, but the danger is that your personal information might travel that far, too.正确的,涂A:错误的

28、,涂B。11. All 不不商businesses collect a large amount of information about you online.12. People who go to the same website may see different advertisements.13. Data brokers collect your personal information for money.14. If you dont get online, your information will be safe.15. Your personal information

29、 can go anywhere with the Internet.D阅读D篇,根据短文内容,将下面方中的句子还原到文章当中,使短文内容完整,请将答案编号涂卡。A Better Way to Start Your DayWhether you love mornings or not, theyre a fact of life. If you hate then, here are some ways to make them less awful. If youre a morning person, these tips can make mornings even better!16

30、 Be sure to get an adequate (足够的) amount of sleep. Most people need seven or eight hours of sleep to feel their best during the day. If you must get up at 5 or 6 a.m., go to bed early to get your eight hours. Turn off the TV, computer or smart phone and hit the hay. When you get enough sleep, you wo

31、nt feel sleepy. You can get out of bed on time. That will make your day better, too.Turn on some music in the morning. Play any tunes you like. It doesnt matter. 17 Youll feel much happier as you start the day. 18 As your mother said, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your body is out

32、 of fuel (燃料) by morning. You need some to help you control your blood-sugar. That affects your mood(情绪) and energy for the day.Dont watch TV or read a newspaper first thing in the morning. Your brain is fresh and ready to work on new things. Dont fill it up with negative (消极的) information about the

33、 world and its problems. Instead, read something inspiring(鼓舞人的) or uplifting. 19 Avoid answering QQ or WeChat first thing. Use that precious (宝贵的) morning time to get some exercise, eat breakfast and enjoy life. Check QQ or WeChat last before you leave your house. Then youll only have time to check

34、 the most important messages. 20 Every day is a new day-enjoy it!A. A good breakfast can make your day.B. Your day will start better if you take time for the important things.C. A good morning starts the night before.D., Just turn on something that makes you feel good.E. This will give you positive

35、thoughts to start your day.E研读E篇影视海报和Betty给她同学Alice的留言,根据它们所提供的信息,帮Alice完成她的摘记,每空不超过3个词,请将答案填写到答卡指定位置。ANGEL THEATRE CENTRESaturday, June 22ndSunday, June 23rdLarge Theatre-The Last ManSmall Theatre-StormSaturday: 2:00 pm5:00 pmSunday: 11:00 am1:00 pmAdults: 10.00Students: 6.00Dear Alice,Do you know

36、my cousin? She has just started at our university.She wants to come to the theatre with us. Both days are fine, but I would like to pm go in the morning.Ive heard that The Last Man is boring, so perhaps we should see the other play.Thanks for booking this.BettyAlices NotesTrip to:Angel Theatre Centr

37、eName of play: 21 Time: 22 Date: 23 Number of people: 24 Price per person: 25 二、单词拼写(共10小题,计10分)根据句意和音标提示以适当形式填写单词。请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。26. Please tell me your_/ dres /. I will go to see you tomorrow.27. I know the city well. Let me be your_/ gad /.28. My mother is getting old. I have to be more_/ pent /

38、with her.29. You shouldnt read others _/ parvt / letters without permission.30. Seeing their parents, the children_/ flu: / to meet them.31. We are going to Hainan on vacation in _/februri/.32. He _/rgretrd/ having missed that good chance.33. Take this medicine according to the _/instrknz/.34. He _/

39、mndz/the business for his father.35. I paid 3,000 for the house, but I think it is _/w:/more.三、动词填空(共10小题,计10分)用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。The most difficult thing for university student Ted Rogers is opening his classroom door. Ted cant do this without help because hes only six years old. Hes th

40、e youngest person ever to study at Rochester University in New York. Ted 36 (begin) reading at two, and by four, he had known a lot about many subjects from astronomy to zoology(动物学). By the age of five, be had been able to talk to university professors about his ideas.Ted 37 just 37 (complete) his

41、first book. It 38 (come) out in a few months, shortly after his seventh birthday. “I love learning.” says Ted.“My hero is the scientist Albert Einstein because he never brushed his hair or 39 (wear) socks. “Psychologists(心理学家)have found it difficult 40 (test) Teds cleverness because they do not have

42、 high enough scores for him. Teds mother first knew her son was different when be kept 41 (cry) at play school because he was bored with the childrens games. She started teaching him at home after finding that local schools were not prepared for children who learned at Teds speed.Now Ted 42 (study)

43、geography at Rochester University and using the Internet to complete his high school studies.However, some psychologists warm that too much study can stop a child from 43 (grow) up in a healthy way. “I 44 (not care) how clever the kid is. Six-year-olds have to play with their friends,” says Dr. Bria

44、n Wood. Mrs. Rogers doesnt agree that her sons time 45 (take) up completely by schoolwork. “He loves the violin and has many outdoor interests, such as camping, fishing and swimming, just like other boys of his age.”四、完成句子(共5小题,计15分)根据所给汉语句子完成英语句子,词数不限。请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。46.为了安全起见,请不要到人群密集的地方。47.这个周末,威海

45、有一场大型音乐会。48.他从来没走那么远, 49.Frank想知道他的电脑什么时候能修好。50.昨天我在海滩上散步的时候,看到一个画家在画画。五。短文填空(共10小题,计10分)请将答案编号涂卡。根据短文内容,选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文意思完整。每个选项仅使用一次。A. get into the cooking area B. Secondly C. seriously D. Experts E. in your Own homeF. properly G. cause these problems H. Of course I. Many people J. move quickly

46、out of the roomSmoke pollution in your homeDo you ever get a bad cough that wont go away? Do you have trouble breathing? Do your eyes hurt when you or your parents are cooking? The air in your home could 51 . In fact, smoke and other kinds of air pollution can cause serious illnesses or make them wo

47、rse.Everyone knows that there is air pollution in the street, but its a shock when you discover that you are also in danger from pollution 52 . 53 , especially those who live in Villages in the countryside, burn coal or wood on an open fire. This can be really dangerous, because there are harmful chemicals(化学物质)in the smoke from both wood and coal and they can 54 pollute the air in your home. When you breathe in these chemicals, they can harm your lungs(肺)and o


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