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1、高级英语1课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息1 .课程编号:325021222 .课程名称:高级英语13 .英文名称:Advanced English I4 .课程简介:高级英语1是为英语本科专业开设的一门专业基础必修课程,适用于英语 本科各个专业方向,主要通过阅读和分析内容广泛的材料,包括涉及政治、经济、社会、语言、 文学、教育、哲学等方面的名家作品,扩大学生知识面,加深学生对社会和人生的理解,培养学生 对名篇的分析批判能力和欣赏能力,逻辑思维和独立思考的能力,从而巩固和提高学生的英语语 言综合运用能力。二、课程说明1 .教学目的和要求:通过增加不同题材和文体的阅读难度,使学生的词汇量有更大的扩展

2、。要求学生的认知词汇 量应从基础阶段的6000左右达到高级阶段的10000-12000,能正确和熟练使用的词汇和搭配从 基础阶段的4500左右达到高级阶段的6000;在语言方面,进一步学会解决难字、难句的困难, 提高同义词辨义和英语释义的本领;提高学生阅读理解能力,要求学生认真领会、深入钻研、积 极思维并学习进行有水平的分析评论,增强学生的分析欣赏能力,理解幽默、讽刺、含蓄、夸张、 比喻、象征等各种修辞手法,理解文章深层意义;熟悉各种写作技巧和方法,能写故事梗概,文章 摘要,评论等,要求语言正确,表达得体并具有一定的思想深度;培养学生独立学习、进行初步研 究、学会使用各种高级工具书以及其他手段

3、(包括上网)收集资料,解决难题的能力。2 .与相关课程衔接:先行课程:基础英语、英语国家概况等专业必修课,以及英语词汇学、西方 文化入门等选修课。并修课程:英语写作、英国文学、翻译1)等必修课,以及英语视听说、英 语报刊选读、英美文学选读等选修课。后续课程:高级英语2、翻译2,美国文学等必修课,以及跨文化交际等选 修课。3 .学时:每周4学时,共开16周,总学时64,共计4学分。4 .开课学期:第5学期5 .教学方法:讲授为主,讲练结合。采用多种教学手段和教学方法丰富课堂教学,如采用启发式、讨论式、 发现式和探究式的教学方法引导学生从整体上理解课文内容,充分调动学生学习的积极性,激发 学生的学

4、习动机,最大限度地让学生参与学习的全过程。同时引导学生主动积极地利用现有图书 资料和网上信息,查找与课文相关的背景知识,要求学生“在做中学”,W project, presentation 等方式,将现实热点问题与课文相结合,发表自己的看法,使学生在运用知识的过程中培养口头 表达能力和语言组织能力。在教学中,教师除了加强学生的语言知识和语言应用能力外,还应注 意帮助学生开阔视野,扩大知识面,加深对世界的了解,借鉴和吸收外国文化精华,提高文化素 养。6 .考核方式:本课程为考试课程。课程总成绩由平时成绩(含考勤、课内外作业、课堂表现、测验等)(40%)、 期末考试成绩(60%)构成。期末试卷客观

5、试题控制在60%以内,主要考查学生对相关基本知识 的掌握,其余40%为主观题、半主观题以及一定比例的开放性探讨题,主要考查学生对相关语言 知识的综合运用能力。7 .教材:推荐教材:张汉熙.高级英语(重排版).外语教学与研究出版社,2010.8 .教学参考资料:1张汉熙.高级英语教师用书.外语教学与研究出版社,2010.2杨立民.现代大学英语精读.外语教学与研究出版社,2003.李观仪.新编英语教程(5).上海外语教育出版社,2004.4吕煦,实用英语修辞清华大学出版社,2003.5文军.英语修辞格词典.重庆大学出版社,1992.6张鑫友,高级英语学习指南.长江出版社,2007.7 丁往道.英语

6、写作手册.外语教学与研究出版社1996.8王佐良,丁往道.英语文体学.外语教学与研究出版社,1997.9石幼珊.名人演说一百篇.中国对外翻译出版公司,1990.10张久宣,圣经故事.中国社会科学出版社,1984.11翟福金 现代英语散文读写教程(上、下).上海译文出版社,1994.12懂乐山,刘炳章.英汉美国社会知识小词典.新华出版社,1984.13袁宪军,钱坤强.英语小说导读.北京大学出版社,2004.三、课程内容与教学要求本课程教学内容包括以下主要板块,根据选用教材编排差别,可做必要顺序调整,同时注意 增补或评介学科前沿最新成果。Unit 1 The Middle Eastern Baza

7、ar教学目标:1. To know the background of Middle Eastern Bazaar2. To grasp the main idea and the theme of this essay3. To master the language used in a special way in the essay4. To appreciate the description writing skills in advanced level5. To conduct a series of discussing, analyzing, presenting activ

8、ities related to the theme of this essay.教学重点:1. Paraphrasing some sentences.2. Translating some paragraphs.3. Identifying figures of speech.教学难点:1. Paraphrasing some sentences.2. Identifying figures of speech.授课时数:8教学内容:1. Background Knowledge: Middle Eastern Countries; Architecture of Gothic Style

9、2. Vocabulary: bazaar; Gothic; Cavern; thread one* s way; of every conceivable kind; clear a way; penetrate; make a point of; deprive sb. of (all profit); at intervals; fade away; follow suit; peculiarities; display; beat down; picturesque; impressive; intricate; profusion; varied; sumptuous; honey-

10、comb; glimpse; disdain; umber; row one s weight on to; squeaking; engrave; glare; etc.3. Text Analysis1) Organization of the text.2) Theme3) Stylistic features: vivid, beautiful and lively description; contrast and comparison4. Rhetorical Devices: Simile; Metaphor; Metonymy; Onomatopoeia.Unit 2 Hiro

11、shima-the Liveliest” City in Japan教学目标:1. To know the background of “The City of Hiroshiman2. To grasp the main idea and the theme of this essay3. To master the language used in a special way in the essay4. To conduct a series of discussing, analyzing, presenting activities related to the theme of t

12、his essay教学重点:1. Paraphrasing some sentences.2. Translating some paragraphs.3. Identifying figures of speech.4. Reading between the lines.教学难点:1. Paraphrasing some sentences.2. Identifying figures of speech.授课时数:8教学内容:1. Background Knowledge: Hiroshima; Manhattan Project2. Vocabulary: Nippon; kimono

13、; tatami; rub shoulders with; lurch; slip to a stop; at the sight of; set off; cataclysm; trade; loss of face; thank to; a sort of; just; about to; incessant; agitate; back away; heinous; on the part of; lucky birds; be oblivious of; smell of; a lump in one, s throat; in response to; thanks to; each

14、 time +clause; etc.3. Text Analysis1) Organization of the text2) Theme3) Writing techniques: vivid and humorous description; authenticity and objectivity.4) Rhetorical Devices: Pun; Anti-climax; Alliteration; Repetition; MetaphorUnit 3 Ships in the Desert教学目标:1. To learn some useful words and expres

15、sions2. To grasp the main idea and the theme of this essay3. To master effective writing skills used in the essay4. To conduct a series of discussing, analyzing, presenting activities related to the theme of this essay教学重点:1. Analyzing the structure of some long and complicated sentences2. Understan

16、ding the scientific matters connected with ecological environment3. Translating long and complicated sentences教学难点:1. Paraphrasing some sentences.2. Identifying figures of speech.授课时数:10教学内容:1. Background Knowledge: Environmental Crisis; the Aral Sea; Clean Air Act2. Vocabulary: the Aral Sea; Great

17、Lakes; capable of; catch; greenhouse effect; ozone depletion; rendezvous point; parka; scenario; worth of; biomass; manifestation; distraction; skirmish; stratospheric ozone; bleak; pick up speed; noctilucent cloud; contamination; aquifer; at stake; equilibrium, etc.3. Text Analysis1) Organization o

18、f the text2) Theme3) Writing techniques: cause and effect; exemplification4) Rhetorical Devices: understatement; alliteration; metaphor; periodical sentence; rhetorical question; metonymyUnit 4 Everyday Use教学目标:1. To learn the effective writing skills of a short story: successful portrayal of charac

19、ters, using many elliptical and short, simple sentences to achieve certain effects, using languages which suit the background of characters2. To get to know some black culture background3. To understand the underlying meaning conveyed by simple language4. To understand and paraphrase the colloquial,

20、 non-standard English words or sentences 教学重点:1. Analyzing the structure of some long and complicated sentences2. Appreciating the writing techniques of short stories3. Translating long and complicated sentences教学难点:1. Understanding the different attitudes towards the cultural heritage of the charac

21、ters2. Analyzing the conflicts between the main characters授课时数:8教学内容:1. Background Knowledge: about the author and her works2. Vocabulary: tottering; a sweet gum tree; august; dimwit; kinky; furtive; trip over; salt-lick; shelter; churn; stumped; paisley shirts; Polarioid; of this sort; crop up; kee

22、p up with; out of style; burnto the ground; look sb in the eyes; trace- to; stick to; limousine; make something of yourself; etc.3. Text Analysis1) Organization of the text2) Character analysis3) Writing techniques: colloquialism; slang; ellipsis; symbolism4. Rhetorical Devices: simile; metaphor; pa

23、rallelismUnit 5 Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the U. S. S. R.教学目标:1. To appreciate the greatness of the speech in terms of artistic and historic significance2. To identify and study the rhetoric devices used in the lesson3. To analyze text structure and paraphrase some sentences4. To grasp the main

24、idea and stylistic features of this essay教学重点:1. Analyzing text structure and paraphrase some sentences2. Appreciating the stylistic features of political speech教学难点:1. Paraphrasing some sentences2. Identifying figures of speech授课时数:8教学内容:1. Background Knowledge: Life of Winston Churchill; World War

25、 II; Interwar years2. Vocabulary: to the effect; except for; conviction; be devoid of; primordial; vestige; be resolved to; parley; divergence; round up; horde; to bow down in the House of Rimmon; account; Hun; Dominion; Commonwealth of Nations; hearth and home; go all out; revert; flash (away); rid

26、 the earth of; yoke; fortify; moralise, etc.3. Text Analysis1) Organization of the text2) Writing techniques: deduction and induction; comparison and contrast4. Rhetorical Devices: periodic sentence; rhetorical question; parallelism; inversion; repetition; alliteration; metaphorUnit 6 Blackmail教学目标:

27、1. To have the basic knowledge of the development of the plot in a story2. To appreciate the description the figures in the story in detail3. To analyze the structure of this lesson4. To study language points教学重点:1. Appreciating the writing techniques of short stories2. Analyzing the conflicts betwe

28、en the main characters3. Language study教学难点:1. Understanding the concerning cultural background in the story2. Discussing the social problems授课时数:8教学内容:1. Background Knowledge: about the author and his works2. Vocabulary: cryptic; pay to; high-tailed; spell out; lick up; on a hunch; concede; turn ar

29、ound; twig; oafish; peremptorily; rivet; imperious; terrier; decor; muted; an appreciative chuckle; bit off the end; reprovingly; take a general view of; take a long and steady look at; vacillation; dally; square one s shoulders; take on a musing note; get around to; bulged; rise to one* s feet; no

30、more than/ not more than; etc.3. Text Analysis1) Analysis of the fiction: setting; plot; characters; conflicts; actions; suspension; climax; denouement2) Character analysis3) Writing techniques: colloquialism; slang4) Rhetorical Devices: metaphor; euphemism; metonymy; onomatopoeia Unit 7 The Age of

31、Miracle Chips教学目标:1. To learn the characteristics of scientific essay2. To appreciate the accuracy and simplicity of language in the text3. To analyze the textual structure of the text4. To learn about the development of chips and understand some technological terms concerned with the computer教学重点:1

32、. Understanding the technical terms coined by prefixes such as micro-, mini-, super-, de-, semi, homo- concerning micro-technology and computer application2. Paraphrasing long and complex sentences and translating some paragraphs.3. Identifying figures of speech.教学难点:1. Paraphrasing long and complex

33、 sentences and translating some paragraphs.2. Identifying figures of speech.授课时数:6教学内容:1. Background Knowledge: the magazine Time、Byzantine art; Oxford tutorial system2. Vocabulary: inert fleck; versatile; blinks on; abed; micro-technology; drudgery; snugly; Navaho rug; the hulking Caliban; Byzantin

34、e art; miles to empty” ; eyeball to eyeball; groovy; magical beasts; capricious; thanks to; a string of; astray; elicit; ubiquitous; accrue; soporific; benign, etc.3. Text Analysis1) Organization of the text ; 2) Writing techniques of exposition: comparison; contrast; identification, illustration, a

35、nalysis, definition, exemplification and analogy4. Rhetorical Devices: metonymy; synecdoche; antonomasia; alliteration; parody; parallelism Unit 8 Mark TwainMirror of America教学目标:1. To learn much about the famous American writer Mark Twain as a man and as a writer2. To learn and master the vocabular

36、y and expressions3. To understand the structure of the text and the rhetorical devices4. To comprehend the whole text as well as identify literary techniques and styles.教学重点:1. Word formation: compound nouns and compound adjectives2. Paraphrasing some sentences.3. Identifying the figures of speech.授

37、课时数:8教学内容:1. Background Knowledge: Mark Twain and his works2. Vocabulary: every bit; idyllic; cynical; frailty; piracy; dry up; motley; succumb; flirt with; dig one s way; scathing; give to a name; rush sb. through; all over; take a look; sorts; in earnest; debunk; panorama; deplore; ingredient; lay

38、 oneself on the shelf; crumble; release from; lament; obsessed with ; epidemic; etc.3. Text Analysis1) Organization of the text ; 2) Techniques of writing a summary ; 3) Writing techniques: elliptical, short and simple sentence4. Rhetorical Devices: simile; metaphor; antithesis; hyperbole; alliterat

39、ion; personification; euphemism; parallelism; metonymy课程内容板块及学时分配参考表:序号内 容讲授时数实训时数备注1The Middle Eastern Bazaar82Hiroshima- the Liveliest City in Japan83Ships in the Desert104Everyday Use85Speech on Hitler5 s Invasion of the U. S. S. R86Blackmail87The Age of Miracle Chips68Mark TwainMirror of America8合计64


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