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1、2023年考研英语一真题答案及解析.一、完形填空Use of EnglishCaravanserais were roadside inns that were built along the Silk Road in areas includingChina, North Africa and the Middle East. They were typically _1 outside the walls of a city or village and were usually funded by governments of 2.This word “Caravanserais is

2、a 3 of the Persian word ukarvan,J, which means a group of travellers or a caravan, and seray, a palace or enclosed building. The Perm caravan was used to 4 groups of people who travelled together across the ancient network for safety reasons, 5 merchants, travellers or pilgrims.From the 10th century

3、 onwards, as merchant and travel routes become more developed, the 6 of the Caravanserais increased and they served as a safe place for people to rest at night. Travellers on the Silk Road _7 possibility of being attacked by thieves or being _8 to extreme conditions. For this reason, Caravanserais w

4、ere strategically placed _9_ they could be reached in a days travel time.Caravanserais served as an informal 10_ point for the various people who travelled the Silk Road. 11, those structures became important centers for culture 12 and interaction, with travelers sharing their cultures, ideas and be

5、liefs, 13_ talking knowledge with them, greatly _14 the development of several civilizations.Caravanserais were also an important marketplace for commodities and15 in the trade of goods along the Silk Road. _16, it was frequently“This is all part of a wider change towards concentration of power and

6、cartels. Literary agencies are getting bigger to have the clout to negotiate better terms with publishers, publishers consolidating to deal with Amazon,n says Lownie. uThe publishing industry talks about diversity in terms of authors and staff but it also needs a plurality of ways of delivering inte

7、llectual contact, choice and different voices. After all, many of the most interesting books in recent years have come from small publishers/5We shall see whether that plurality is a casualty of the current need among publishers to be big enough to take on all-comers.31. the author mentions two book

8、s in the paragraph 1 to presentA. an ongoing conflict.B. an intellectual concept.C. a prevailing sentiment.D.a literary phenomenon.32. Why did Waterstones shops retire PRH books to their relevant sections?A.To make them easily noticeable.8. To comply with PRHs requirement.C.To respond to PRHs busine

9、ss move.D. To arrange them in a systematic way.33. What message did the spokesman of Waterstones seem to convey?A. Their customers remain loyal.B. The credit limit w川 be removed.C.Their stock is underestimated.D. The book market is rather slack.34. What can be one consequence of the current dispute?

10、A. Sales of books by mid-list PRII writers fall off considerably.B. Lesser-known PRH writers become the target of criticism.C. Waterstones staff hesitate to promote big-name authorsbooks.D. Waterstones branches suffer a severe reduction in revenue.35. Which of the following statements best represent

11、s Lownies view?A. Small publishers ought to stick together.B. Big publishers will lose their dominance.C. The publishing industry is having a hard time.D. The merger of publishers is a worrying trend.Text 4Scientific papers are the recordkeepers of progress in research. Each year researchers publish

12、 millions of papers in more than 30,000 journals. The scientific community measures the quality of those papers in a number of ways, including the perceived quality of the journal (as reflected by the titled impact factor) and the number of citations a specific paper accumulates. The careers of scie

13、ntists and the reputation of their institutions depend on the number and prestige of the papers they produce, but even more so on the citations attracted by these papers.In recent years, there have been several episodes of scientific fraud, including completely made-up data, massaged or doctored fig

14、ures, multiplepublications of the same data, theft of complete articles, plagiarism of text, and self-plagiarism. And some scientists have come up with another way to artificially boost the number of citations to their work.Citation cartels, where journals, authors, and institutions conspire to infl

15、ate citation numbers, have existed for a long time. In 2016, researchers developed an algorithm to recognize suspicious citation patterns, including groups of authors that disproportionately cite one another and groups of journals that cite each other frequently to increase the impact factors of the

16、ir publications. Recently, I came across yet another expression of this predatory behavior: so-called support service consultancies that provide language and other editorial support to individual authors and to journals sometimes advise contributors to add a number of citations to their articles and

17、 the articles of colleagues. Some of these consultancies are also active in organizing conferences and can advise that citations be added to conference proceedings. In this manner, a single editor can drive hundreds of citations in the direction of his own articles or those of colleagues that may be

18、 in his circle.How insidious is this type of citation manipulation? In one example, an individualacting as author, editor, and consultantwas able to use at least 15 journals as citation providers to articles published by five scientists at three universities. The problem is rampant in Scopus, which

19、includes a high number of the new uinternationar5 journals. In fact, a listing in Scopus seems to be a criterion to be targeted in this type of citation manipulation.36. According paragraph 1, the careers of scientists can be determined byA how many citations their works contain.B how many times the

20、ir papers are cited.C the prestige of the people they work with.D the status they have in scientific circles.37. The support service consultancies tend to.A recommend journals to their clients.B list citation patterns their clients.|C| ask authors to include extra citations.D advise contributors to

21、cite each other.38. the function of the milk cow to journals is to.A boost citation counts for certain authors.B help scholars publish articles at low cost.C instruct First-time contributors in citation.D increase the readership of new journals.39. What can be learned about Scopus from the last two

22、paragraph?A It Fosters competition among citation providers.B It has the capability to identify suspicious citations.C It hinders the growth of intemationar* journals.D It is established to prevent citation manipulation.40. What should an author do to deal with citation manipulation?A Take legal act

23、ion.B Demand an apology.C Seek professional adviceD Reveal their misconduct.三、新题型考察了排序题,出题形式与往年略有差异,给出了三个既定选项位置,并给 出了8个选项,首段空缺,虽然出题形式略有差异但解题思路和难度并无差异, 只要能看出指代即可轻松判断出首段,整体难度中等。Reading Part BA. Last year marks the 150th anniversary of a series of Yellowstone photographs by the renowned landscape photo

24、grapher William Henry Jackson. He captured the first-ever shots of iconic landmarks such as the Tetons, Old Faithful and the Colorado Rockies.B. Two centuries ago, the idea of preserving nature, rather than exploiting it, was a novel one to many U.S. settlers. One of the turning points in public sup

25、port for land conservation efforts and recognizing the magnificence of the Yellowstone region in particular came in the form of vivid photographs.C As an effective Washington operator, Hayden sensed that he could capitalize on the expeditions stunning visuals. He asked Jackson to print out large cop

26、ies and distributed them, along with reproductions of Moran5s paintings, to each member of Congress. uThe visualization, particularly those photographs, really hit home that this is something that has to be protected,n says Murphy.D Though Native Americans (and later miners and fur trappers) had lon

27、g recognized the area5s riches, most Americans did not. ThaVs why Haydens expedition aimed to produce a fuller understanding of the Yellowstone River region, from its hot springs and waterfalls to its variety of flora and fauna. In addition to the entourage of scientists, the team also included arti

28、sts: Painter Thomas Moran and photographer William Henry Jackson were charged with capturing this astounding natural beauty and sharing it with the world.E The journey officially began in Ogden, Utah, on June 8,1871. Over nearly four months, dozen of man made their way on horseback into Montanaand t

29、raversed along the Yellowstone River and around Yellowstone lake. That fall, they concluded the survey in fort Bridger, WyomingF Though Native Americans (and later miners and fur trappers) had long recognized the areas riches, most Americans did not. Thafs why Haydens expedition aimed to produce a f

30、uller understanding of the yellowstone river region, from its hot springs and waterfalls to its variety of flora and fauna. In addition to the entourge of scientists, the team also included artists : Painter Thomas Moran and photographer Jackson were charged with capturing this astounding natural be

31、auty and sharing it with the world.G The bill proved largely popular and sailed through Congress with large majorities in favor. In quick succession, the Senate and House passed legislation protecting yellowstone in early 1872 . That March, President Ulysses S.Grant signed an act into law that estab

32、lished Yellowstone as the worlds first national park. while some locals opposed to the designation, the decision was largely accepted-and Jackson*s photos played a key role in the fight to protect the area. I dont believe that the legal protection would have happened in the timeframe that it did wit

33、hout those images , says Heather Hansen, journalist and author of Prophets and Moguls, Rangers and Rogues, Bisonord Bears : 100 years of the national Park Service.H Perhaps most importantly, the images provided documentary evidence that later made its way to government officials. Weeks after complet

34、ing the expedition, Hayden collected his teams observation into an extensive rep aimed at convincing Senators and Representatives, along with colleagues at government agency like the department of Interior that Yellowstone ought to be preserved.答案:BAFEDHCG41. B42. F43. D 44. C 45. G四、英译汉讲了人工智能在digit

35、al marketing里的应用,生词不多,与往年翻译题目相 比难度偏低。Translation(46) Al can also be used to identify the lifestyles choices of customers regarding their hobbiesjavorite celebrities,and fashions to provide unique content in marketing messages put out through social media.(47) Some believe that Al is negatively impac

36、ting on the marketers role by reducing creativity and removing jobs,but they are aware that it is a way of reducing costs and creating new information.(48) Algorithms used to stimulate human interactions are creating many of these concerns,especially as no-one is quite sure what the outcomes of usin

37、g Al to interact with customers will be.(49)If customers are not willing to share data.Al will be starved of essential information and will not beable to function effectively or employ machine learning to improve its marketing content and communication.(50)The non-intrusive delivery of the marketing

38、 message in a way that is sensitive to the needs of target customers is one of the critical challenges to the digital marketer.五、小作文小作文考查告示,主题是为教授关于校园体育活动的研究项目招募助手,给 出助手工作责任和要求,难点在于容易审题错误,要弄清楚是为研究项目招募学 生,不是校园体育活动。【题目】Writing Part A51 .Directions:Write a notice to recruit a student for Prof. Smith5s

39、research project on campus sports activities. Specify the duties and requirements of the job.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Mingn instead.Do not write the address. (10 points)If you are interested in joining thisresearch program, please contact us at to apply.Students, U

40、nion六、大作文大作文考察了与龙舟相关的图画作文,可以看作社会现象类,主题是越来越 多人重视传统文化。第一段描述图画的难点在于龙舟赛相关的表达,第二段可以 分析背后原因,也可以分析保护传统文化的好处,第三段可以落脚到积极参与传 承中华文化相关活动Writing Part B52. Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essayyou should1) describe the picture briefly,2) interpret the implied meaning

41、, and3) give your comments.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)2023年考研英语一真题答案一、完形填空1、答案:C. located2、答案:A. privately3、答案:B. transition4、答案:C. describe5、答案:C. such as6、答案:A. construction7、答案:B. faced8、答案:B. subjected9、答案:A. so that10、答案:D. meeting11、答案:D. As a result12、答案:C. exchan

42、ge13、答案:C. as well as14 答案:B. influencing15、答案:A. aided16 答案:B. indeed17、答案:D. stock up on18 答案:A. believed19 答案:D. although20、答案:A. ruins二、阅读理解Text 121 .C. indicate the atmosphere at the board meeting22.B. She denies the value of scientific work.23 .A. Climate education is insufficient at state pub

43、lic school24 .C. have limited influence25 .D. can be swayed by external forcesText 226: A. Its housing supply is at a very low level.27: D. allow a free short-term rental market.28: B in increase in a affordable housing29: C the necessity to stop developers from evading taxes.30: D an inadequate sol

44、ution.Text 331 : A. an ongoing conflict32: C. to respond to PRHs business move33: B. The credit limit will be removed.34: A Sales of books by mid-list PRH writers fall off considerably35: D The merger of publishers is a worrying trend36: B how many times their papers are cited37: C ask authors to in

45、clude extra citation 38: A boost citation counts for certain authors the first stop merchants looking to sell their wares and _17_ supplies for their own journeys. It is 18 that around 120000 to 15000 caravanserais were built along the Silk Road, _19_ only about 3000 are known to remain today, many

46、of which are in 20.1. A displayedfB occupiedC locatedfD equipped2. A privatelyB regularlyfC respectivelyD permanently3. A definitionfB transitionC substitutionfD combination4. A classifyB recordC describeD connect5. A apart from1 B instead ofC such asD along with6. A constructionB restorationC impre

47、ssionD evaluation7. A doubtedB facedC acceptedD reduced8. A assignedB subjectedfC accustomedD opposed9. A so thatB even ifC now thatD in case10. A talkingB startingC breakingD meeting11. A By the wayB On occasionCln comparisonD As a result12. A heritagefB revivalC exchangefTD status13. A with regard

48、 toB in spite ofC as well asD in line with14. A completingB influencingC resumingD pioneering15. A aidedB investedC failedD competed16. A RatherBlndeedC OtherwiseD However17. A go in forB stand up forC close in onD stock up on39: B It has the capability to identify suspicious citation40: DReveal their misconduct三、新题型Reading Part B答案:BAFEDHCG41. B42. F


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