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《上海市松江区2021-2023年中考英语一模试题分类汇编:阅读回答问题(含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《上海市松江区2021-2023年中考英语一模试题分类汇编:阅读回答问题(含答案).docx(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、上海市松江区2021-2023年中考英语一模试题分类汇编阅读回答问题2023年上海市松江区中考一模英语试题IX. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)Seba Stephens is only 10 years old, but hes a very talentedmusician. He plays the drums, bass, guitar, and piano.Seba grew up with music all around. Before he turned three, hisparents asked him what he w

2、anted fbr his birthday. Drums!” heanswered. His parents werent sure, but after seeing him play thedrums at a local music store, they decided he was serious. They bought him a junior drum kit (成套的架子鼓).He didnt stop playing - ever,“ says his dad.But two months later, Seba grew upset. He couldnt make t

3、he sounds he wanted with hisjunior drum kit. His parents bought him a professional drum kit and signed him up for lessons. Injust a few months, his drum teacher reported that Seba was learning extremely quickly and neededa higher level of training. He was still four.Seba started a band in kindergart

4、en. In the first grade, he began earning money by playingmusic.In 2020, Seba joined a summer music program at Berklee College(伯克利音乐学I院)as an 8-year-old. He studied bass in an online program. To keep up, he had to practice up to 36hours a week.After the busy summer, Seba made a decision to be home-sc

5、hooled (to be educated at homeinstead of being sent to school) by his parents so that he could keep going to Berklee during theschool year. He did schoolwork in the mornings. In the afternoons he worked on music. And atnight he usually worked on music some more.In May, 2021, Seba became the youngest

6、 person ever to receive a professional certificate fromBerklee. The certificate is equal to about four college-level classes.When hes old enough, Seba hopes to go to college at Berklee. For now, hes still practicingand playing.78. Seba is a talented musician, isnt he?79. What did Seba want for his t

7、hird birthday?80. Why did Seba grow upset two months after he received his present?81. How old was Seba when he joined a summer music program at Berklee College of Music?82. What did Seba decide to do after the summer online program?83. What do you think leads to Sebas success in music?(请至少写出三个方面的因素

8、)2022年上海市松江区中考一模英语试题IX. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)Answer the questions.One day Jack was preparing to leave on a trip. He often travelled on business back and forth between New York and his home in Boston. His wife Katie was carrying out his suitcase to the car when it suddenly opened.

9、Inside were shorts, shirts, sandals, and a swimming suit. In light of the fact that her husband had packed all of his casual clothes, she started to doubt(怀疑)that he was going on a business trip.The next day, she followed up on her suspicion(猜想)by calling the airline that her husband travelled on. S

10、he asked the man at the airline.uCan you tell me how many frequent flyer miles my husband and I have?The man looked up their account and told Katie, “Up to now, you have almost 100,000 miles if I include your husbands most recent flight.Katie was surprised. She said.“That doesn,t make sense. How did

11、 my husband collect so many miles flying to New York?”The man at the airline told her/Those miles include his flights to New York and his flight to the Bahamas.” “The Bahamas!,?Katie thought.No wonder I cant find the sunscreeniShe knew just how to get even with(报复)her husband. Now that she knew her

12、husband was having fun without her, she would! She wanted to use up all of the frequent flyer miles by going as far as she could.Id like to reserve a ticket fbr myself, please.9,she said/When is your next flight?“There are two flights leaving this afternoon: one to Chicago and one to Paris. Ifs up t

13、o you.” “Paris would be perfect!,9Katie smiled.52. Jack and his wife Katie lived in New York, didnt they?53. Why did Katie doubt her husband was going on a business trip one day?54. How did Katie follow up on her suspicion the next day?55. How did Katie feel when the man at the airline told her they

14、 had almost 100,000 miles?56. Where did Jack go recently according to their flight account?57. What can be filled in the blank?2021年上海市松江区中考一模英语试题IX. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)A group of scientists discovered a gas called phosphine (磷化氢)on Venus (金星).That means there may be living thin

15、gs on the planet, which made many people start to imagine the talk between aliens and humans. A reporter from Washington Post wrote a letter to people of Earth on behalf of (代表) the citizens on Venus.Attention, People of EarthFine. The big secret is out. Many of your finest scientists have discovere

16、d there is life tens of millions of miles away一here, on the beautiful planet of Venus. Congratulations! However, we have a polite request: Please stay away.Were serious. No spacecrafts to Venus, no tasks, no visits. If we wake up one morning and see so many of you people wandering around in spacesui

17、ts, were going to be really upset. We dont want to be impolite. Its just that were shocked by what youve got going on down there. Earth looks like a mess. Youve got health problems, environmental pollution, traffic jams, political fights, etc. No wonder so many of you want to leave Earth for another

18、 planet. We know you*d like it here. Thafs what frightens us. Youd all move to Venus at once. If we start having you all up here, pretty soon, the Martians (火星人)and Jupiterians (木星人)are going to come, too. But we cant handle so much. Venus is not Earth 2. We suggest because.God bless you!Sincerely,V

19、enusians (金星人)88. Is it possible that there are living things on Venus according to the scientific discovery? (1 分) 89. What do the Venusians ask Earth people to do? (2 分)90. How will the Venusians feel when seeing many Earth people on Venus? (2 分)91. Why do Earth people want to leave for another pl

20、anet? (2分)92. What can be filled in the blanks? (3 分)93. Who actually wrote the letter? (2 分)答案:2023年上海市松江区中考一模英语试题78. Yes, he is. /Yes.79. Drums.80. Because he couldnt make the sounds he wanted with his junior drum kit.81. 8. /He was 8 years old.82. He decided to be home-schooled by his parents. /H

21、e decided not to go to school but be home-schooled by his parents. /His decision was to .83. His talent, his hard work and his parents9 support/his family environment/his great passion/his persistence/his ambition to go to Berklee.【导语】本文主要介绍了天才音乐家Seba St叩hens的成长经历。【小题78根据”.but hes a very talented mu

22、sician. ”可知,Seba是个有才华的音乐家。故 填 Yes, he is. /Yes.【小题79根据Drums!he answered. ”可知,他想要鼓作为三岁的生日礼物。故填Drums.【小题 80根据He couldnt make the sounds he wanted with his junior drum kit. ”可知,因为 他用初级架子鼓打不出他想要的声音,所以他感到沮丧。故填Because he couldn*t make the sounds he wanted with his junior drum kit.【小题 81 根据Seba joined a su

23、mmer music program at Berklee College of Music (伯克利音 乐学院)as an 8-year-old boy. ”可知,他八岁时在伯克利音乐学院参加暑期音乐课程。故填 8. /He was 8 years old.【小题 82根据After the busy summer, Seba made a decision to be home-schooled. . . by his parents.可知,暑期网上课程后,他决定由父母在家教育。故填He decided to be home-schooled by his parents. /He dec

24、ided not to go to school but be home-schooled by his parents.【小题83】此题为开放试题,言之有理即可。根据”but hes a very talented musician. 、To keep up, he had to practice up to 36 hours a week.及Seba made a decision to be home-schooled (to be educated at home instead of being sent to school) by his parents.”可知,Seba 的成功

25、取决于他的天赋,努力和父母的支持。参考答案为His talent, his hard work and his parents1 support/his family environment/his great passion/his persistence/his ambition to go to Berklee.2022年上海市松江区中考一模英语试题52. No, they didnt.53. Because her husband had packed all of his casual clothes.54. By calling the airline that her husba

26、nd travelled on.55. She felt surprised.56. The Bahamas.57. do exactly the same/ have some fun without him, too/ enjoy a trip all by herself, too【分析】本文主要讲述了 Katie发现她的丈夫公里数超出他所出差的距离,她猜测丈夫在不带着她的 情况下独自出去玩,她决定用完所有的飞行里程,尽可能走得更远。根据He often travelled on business back and forth between New York and his home

27、in Boston. 可知,家住在波士顿,故填No, they didnt.根据In light of the fact that her husband had packed all of his casual clothes, she started to doubt(怀疑)that he was going on a business trip”可知,因为她丈夫把他所有的便装都打包好 了,她开始怀疑他是不是要出差,故填 Because her husband had packed all of his casual clothes. 54.根据The next day, she foll

28、owed up on her suspicion(猜想)by calling the airline that her husband travelled on”可知,是通过打电话给丈夫所乘坐的航空公司来证实自己的怀疑,故填By calling the airline that her husband travelled on.根据Katie was surprised.”可知,Katie听到公里数感到很惊讶,故填She felt surprised.根据Those miles include his flights to New York and his flight to the Baha

29、mas及“The Bahamas!,?Katie thought”可知,根据他们的飞行记录,Jack最近去了巴哈马,故填The Bahamas.根据She wanted to use up all of the frequent flyer miles by going as far as she could.”可知,看至U 丈夫最近自己出去玩了,她也想做同样的事情,也想自己出去玩,故填do exactly the same/ have some fun without him, too/ enjoy a trip all by herself, too。2021年上海市松江区中考一模英语试题

30、83 . Yes, it is. 84. They ask them to stay away from Venus. 85. Upset. 86. Because the Earth looks like a mess./Because there are health problems, environmental pollution, traffic jams, political fights, etc. on the Earth./Because there are many problems on the Earth. 87. that you solve your problem

31、s/improve your planet because there is only one earth/the earth is your only home./that you stay away from us because we dont want to face the same problems as the earth. 88. A reporter from Washington Post.【分析】本文讲述了一位记者代表金星人写了一封信给地球人,地球上的人们或许因为健康, 环境污染,交通等因素想搬到金星上生活,但这样很快火星人和木星人也会搬过去,金星无 法承载这么多,所以警

32、告地球上的人们不要去打扰金星人的生活。84 .根据A group of scientists discovered a gas called phosphine(磷化氢)on Venus(金星). That means there may be living things on the planet”,可知,科学家在金星上发现了 一种叫做磷化 氢的气体,这意味着金星上可能有生物,故填Yes,itis.85 .根据“However, we have a polite request: Please stay away”,可知,金星人要求地球人们远 离金星,故填 They ask them to

33、stay away from Venus.86 . 根据“If we wake up one morning and see so many of you people wandering around in spacesuits, we*re going to be really upset,可知,金星人看到这么多地球人在金星上,会感到 很不安,故填Upset.87 . 根据“Earth looks like a mess. Youve got health problems, environmental pollution, traffic jams, political fights,

34、etc. No wonder so many of you want to leave Earth for another planet”, 可 知,因为地球看起来一团糟。因为地球人会遇到健康问题、环境污染、交通堵塞、政治斗争 等等许多问题,所以地球人都想离开地球去另一个星球,故填Because the Earth looks like a mess./Because there are health problems, environmental pollution, traffic jams, political fights, etc. on the Earth./Because the

35、re are many problems on the Earth.88 .卞艮据“Earth looks like a mess. Youve got health problems, environmental pollution, traffic jams, political fights, etc”可知,因为地球上有许多问题,所以金星人建议地球人解决自己的 问题或改善自己的星球,因为只有一个地球,即地球是你唯一的家。根据“However, we have a polite request: Please stay away,可知,金星人建议地球人要远离他们,因为他们不想面对品艮土也球

36、同样的问题,故填 that you solve your problems/improve your planet because there is only one earth/the earth is your only home./that you stay away from us because we dont want to face the same problems as the earth.89 .根据A reporter from Washington Post wrote a letter to people of Earth on behalf。4代表)the citizens on Venus,可知,这是华盛顿邮报的一名记者代表金星上的公民给地球人写的 一封信,故填 A reporter from Washington Post.


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