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《高中英语2024届高考复习常用写作词组和动词汇总.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届高考复习常用写作词组和动词汇总.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语常用写作词组和动词一、常用写作词组1.Think about your future.(考虑你的未来)2.Run across the field.(跑过田野)3.Look into his eyes.(凝视他的眼睛)4.Work on your project.(致力于你的项目)5.Speak with confidence.(自信地说话)6.Live for the present.(活在当下)7.Study for your exams.(为你的考试学习)8.Dance to the music.(跟着音乐跳舞)9.Laugh at the joke.(笑那个笑话)10.Drea

2、m of success.(梦想成功)11.Smile at strangers.(向陌生人微笑)12.Write about your experiences.(写下你的经历)13.Sing along to the song.(跟着歌曲唱)14.Read with concentration.(专心阅读)15.Drive through the city.(驾车穿过城市)16.Walk towards the beach.(朝着海滩走去)17.Play with your pets.(和你的宠物玩耍)18.Cook for your family.(为你的家人做饭)19.Listen to

3、 natures sounds.(聆听大自然的声音)20.Relax by the pool.(在泳池旁放松)21.Help with the chores.(帮助做家务)22.Study for your future.(为你的未来学习)23.Run through the park.(穿过公园跑步)24.Talk to your friends.(和你的朋友交谈)25.Look after your health.(照顾好你的健康)26.Work towards your goals.(为你的目标而努力)27.Speak in a clear voice.(用清晰的声音说话)28.Danc

4、e with joy.(欢快地跳舞)29.Laugh at funny movies.(对搞笑电影笑)30.Dream of traveling the world.(梦想环游世界)二、常用动词1.be - 是Synonyms: exist, liveExample: She is a teacher.2.have - 拥有Synonyms: possess, ownExample: I have a car.3.do - 做Synonyms: perform, executeExample: What are you doing?4.say - 说Synonyms: state, expre

5、ssExample: He said he would come later.5.go - 去Synonyms: travel, moveExample: We are going to the park.6.can - 能Synonyms: able to, capable ofExample: Can you swim?7.get - 得到/获得Synonyms: obtain, acquireExample: I couldnt get the job.8.would - 将会/愿意Synonyms: will, desireExample: I would love to go on

6、vacation.9.make - 制造/做Synonyms: create, produceExample: They made a delicious cake.10.know - 知道Synonyms: understand, comprehendExample: Do you know the answer?11.will - 将会Synonyms: shall, intendExample: She will arrive tomorrow.12.think - 思考/认为Synonyms: ponder, believeExample: I think its a good ide

7、a.13.take - 拿/带Synonyms: grab, carryExample: Please take this book with you.14.see - 看见Synonyms: perceive, observeExample: I saw him at the party.e - 来Synonyms: arrive, approachExample: Come and join us for dinner.16.could - 可以/能Synonyms: be able to, mayExample: Could you please pass me the salt?17.

8、want - 想要Synonyms: desire, wishExample: I want a new guitar.18.look - 看Synonyms: glance, gazeExample: Look at that beautiful sunset!19.use - 使用Synonyms: utilize, employExample: You can use my computer.20.find - 找到Synonyms: discover, locateExample: I cant find my keys.21.give - 给予Synonyms: provide, o

9、fferExample: Will you give me a hand?22.tell - 告诉Synonyms: inform, communicateExample: Can you tell me the time, please?23.work - 工作Synonyms: labor, operateExample: She works in a hospital.24.may - 可能/可以Synonyms: might, couldExample: May I borrow your pen?25.should - 应该Synonyms: ought to, mustExampl

10、e: You should apologize to him.26.call - 打电话/呼叫Synonyms: phone, ringExample: I will call you later.27.try - 尝试Synonyms: attempt, endeavorExample: I will try my best to help you.28.ask - 询问Synonyms: inquire, requestExample: Can I ask you a question?29.need - 需要Synonyms: require, demandExample: We nee

11、d more time to finish the project.30.feel - 感觉Synonyms: sense, perceiveExample: She felt nervous before the presentation.31.become - 成为Synonyms: turn into, transform intoExample: He wants to become a pilot.32.leave - 离开Synonyms: depart, go awayExample: What time do you plan to leave?33.put - 放置Synon

12、yms: place, positionExample: Please put the book on the shelf.34.mean - 意味着Synonyms: signify, representExample: What does this word mean?35.keep - 保持Synonyms: retain, holdExample: Keep the door closed.36.let - 让Synonyms: allow, permitExample: Let me help you with that.37.begin - 开始Synonyms: start, c

13、ommenceExample: The concert will begin soon.38.seem - 似乎Synonyms: appear, look likeExample: It seems like its going to rain.39.help - 帮助Synonyms: assist, aidExample: Can you help me carry these bags?40.talk - 说话Synonyms: speak, converseExample: We need to talk about this issue.41.turn - 转动Synonyms:

14、rotate, revolveExample: Turn left at the next intersection.42.start - 开始Synonyms: initiate, launchExample: Lets start the meeting.43.show - 展示/显示Synonyms: display, demonstrateExample: He showed me how to do it.44.hear - 听到Synonyms: listen to, perceiveExample: Did you hear what she said?45.play - 玩/演

15、奏Synonyms: have fun, performExample: They love to play soccer.46.run - 跑Synonyms: sprint, jogExample: He runs every day for exercise.47.move - 移动Synonyms: relocate, shiftExample: She moved to a new city.48.like - 喜欢Synonyms: enjoy, appreciateExample: I like ice cream.49.live - 居住Synonyms: reside, dw

16、ellExample: They live in a small house.50.believe - 相信Synonyms: trust, have faith inExample: I believe in you.51.hold - 握住Synonyms: grasp, gripExample: Hold my hand and dont let go.52.bring - 带来Synonyms: carry, transportExample: Dont forget to bring your passport.53.happen - 发生Synonyms: occur, take

17、placeExample: What happened last night?54.write - 写Synonyms: compose, penExample: She writes beautiful poems.55.provide - 提供Synonyms: supply, furnishExample: The hotel will provide towels and toiletries.56.sit - 坐Synonyms: be seated, perchExample: Please have a seat.57.stand - 站立Synonyms: rise, be u

18、prightExample: Stand up and stretch your legs.58.lose - 丢失/失去Synonyms: misplace, mislayExample: I dont want to lose this game.59.pay - 付款Synonyms: compensate, remunerateExample: Can I pay with a credit card?60.meet - 遇见/会晤Synonyms: encounter, greetExample: Lets meet at the coffee shop tomorrow.61.in

19、clude - 包括Synonyms: contain, incorporateExample: The price includes breakfast.62.continue - 继续Synonyms: persist, carry onExample: They decided to continue their journey.63.set - 设置/安排Synonyms: arrange, establishExample: She set the table for dinner.64.learn - 学习Synonyms: study, acquire knowledgeExam

20、ple: I want to learn how to play the piano.65.change - 改变Synonyms: alter, modifyExample: Change is inevitable.66.lead - 领导Synonyms: guide, directExample: He was chosen to lead the team.67.understand - 理解Synonyms: comprehend, graspExample: I dont understand the instructions.68.watch - 观看Synonyms: obs

21、erve, viewExample: Lets watch a movie tonight.69.follow - 跟随Synonyms: obey, trailExample: Please follow me to the meeting room.70.stop - 停止Synonyms: cease, haltExample: The bus stops here.71.create - 创造Synonyms: generate, produceExample: She likes to create art.72.speak - 讲话Synonyms: talk, converseE

22、xample: I can speak English and Spanish.73.read - 读Synonyms: peruse, studyExample: He enjoys reading books.74.allow - 允许Synonyms: permit, grantExample: Smoking is not allowed inside the building.75.add - 添加Synonyms: include, incorporateExample: Add the ingredients to the bowl.76.spend - 花费Synonyms:

23、consume, useExample: I love to spend time with my family.77.grow - 成长Synonyms: develop, cultivateExample: Plants need sunlight to grow.78.open - 打开Synonyms: unlock, unsealExample: Can you open the window, please?79.walk - 散步/步行Synonyms: stroll, hikeExample: Lets take a walk in the park.80.win - 赢得Sy

24、nonyms: triumph, conquerExample: They worked hard to win the game.81.offer - 提供Synonyms: provide, presentExample: The company offered him a job.82.remember - 记住Synonyms: recall, recollectExample: I cant remember her name.83.love - 爱Synonyms: adore, cherishExample: They love each other deeply.84.cons

25、ider - 考虑Synonyms: contemplate, ponderExample: We should consider all the options before making a decision.85.appear - 出现Synonyms: emerge, show upExample: He appeared out of nowhere.86.buy - 购买Synonyms: purchase, acquireExample: I need to buy some groceries.87.serve - 服务Synonyms: assist, helpExample

26、: The waiter served us our meals.88.die - 死亡Synonyms: expire, pass awayExample: Unfortunately, her pet dog died.89.send - 发送Synonyms: transmit, dispatchExample: I will send you an email with the details.90.expect - 期望Synonyms: anticipate, awaitExample: They expect good results from the project.91.bu

27、ild - 建造Synonyms: construct, erectExample: They are planning to build a new house.92.stay - 停留Synonyms: remain, resideExample: We will stay at a hotel during our vacation.93.fall - 掉落/跌倒Synonyms: drop, tumbleExample: The leaves fall off the trees in autumn.94.cut - 切割Synonyms: slice, chopExample: Pl

28、ease be careful when you cut the vegetables.95.reach - 达到Synonyms: achieve, attainExample: She reached the top of the mountain.96.kill - 杀死Synonyms: murder, slayExample: The lion killed its prey.97.remain - 保持/仍然Synonyms: stay, continueExample: Only a few questions remained unanswered.98.suggest - 建议Synonyms: propose, recommendExample: I suggest we go to the beach for a picnic.99.raise - 抬起/提高Synonyms: lift, elevateExample: She raised her hand to ask a question.100.pass - 经过/通过Synonyms: go by, move pastExample: The car passed us on the highway.7


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