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1、学习必备 欢迎下载 2016 2017学年度第二学期新目标八年级英语第一次质量检测题(Units 1 4)温馨提示:本试题共计 100分,145题为选择题,请将其答案用 2B铅笔准确无误规范的涂到答题卡上。一、单项选择(每题 1 分,计 20 分)1.-What s matter with you?-I have stomachache.A./,the B.a,the C.a,a D.the,a 2.Tony always thinks about ,so one would like to make friends with her.A.her B.himself C.herself D.h

2、im 3.The man doesn t his son to spend over 5 dollars every day.A.allow B.let C.make D.hope 4.They had to the sports meeting until next week because of the rainstorm.A.get off B.put off C.send off D.go off 5.Why are most children under too much pressure?-Because their parents always compare them othe

3、r children.A.at B.of C.with D.on 6.Every year driving after drinking wine(酒)a lot of traffic accidents.A.makes B.happens C.causes D.pushes 7.She doesn t do her homework,she goes to the movie.A.instead B.however C.whatever D.anyway 8.Why don t you have free time to do things you like?-Because I have

4、homework to do.A.much too B.too many C.many too D.too much 9.I some words in this article because they are meaningless(毫无意义).A.cut down B.cut out C.cut off D.cut up 10.If some players use drugs,it is to the others.A.unfair B.unlucky C.fair D.lucky 11.The little girl her seat to an old man on the bus

5、.-What a nice girl!A.provided B.brought C.offered D.lent 12.The box is heavy I can t carry it.A.too,to B.enough,to C.such ,that D.so ,that 13.I got up too late this morning so I went to school _breakfast A.with B.without C.by D.for 14.He is a funny boy.He often makes us _ A.to laugh B.laughing.C lau

6、gh D.laughed 15.You can _how our lives will be if there is no electric.A.imagine B.think C.tell D.talk 16.Smoking is bad for your health.You should .A.give up it B.give up them C.give it up D.give them up 17The old man lives _,but he does not feel _ A.alone,alone B.lonely,lonely C.lonely,alone D.alo

7、ne,lonely 18.Which do you like better,rice or noodles?_,thanks.I am not hungry.I only need some water.A.Neither B.Either C.Both D.All 19.He often borrows money_ others but he doesnt lend anything _ anybody.A.from,from B.to,from C.from,to D.to,to 20.-Your spoken English is much better now.-Thank you.

8、Our English teacher often asks me_English as_as possible.A.to speak;many B.not to speak;many C.to speak;much D.not to speak;much 二、完型填空(每题 1 分,计 10 分)Do you often communicate with your parents?Some parents are always comparing their 21 with themselves when they were young or with other people when t

9、hey were children.When I was your age,a father said to his sixteen-year-old son one day,I was at the top of my class every year.And I 22 what I wanted to do when I left school.I had goals(目标).You are always at the bottom(最后)of your class 23 you have no goals.The mans son said nothing.He had already

10、heard this from his father many times.And when your mother was your age,the young mans father 24 ,she had a good job and she 25 lots of money.You dont even have a part-time job.You earn nothing.The mans son still said nothing.He had heard this before,too.And when your 26 brother was your age,the you

11、ng mans father said,he studied hard.But you just waste your time.And the mans son still s aid nothing.Finally,the young mans father said,And when Abraham Lincoln was your age,he worked all day and studied at night.This time the son 27 stay silent.And when Abraham Lincoln was your age,father,he said,

12、He was the President of 28 United States.29 are you?His father had no answer 30 this.Are your parents always comparing you with others?And whats your reply?Do you have a better way to communicate with each other?()21.Achildren Bstudents Cteachers Dfriends 学习必备 欢迎下载()22.Aknow Bknew Cwill know D have

13、known()23.Aalthough Bor Cand Dbut()24.Awent away Bwent over C went up Dwent on()25.Awon Bmade Creceived Dgave()26.Aold Byoung Colder Delder()27.Acan Bcant Ccould Dcouldn t()28.Aa Ban Cthe D/()29.AWhat BHow CWhere DWho()30.Ato Bwith Cof Don 三、阅读理解(每题 1 分,计 15 分)A The date was like any other day in hi

14、s life.After school David walked past the shop on the street corner.He stopped to look at the front row of shoes,and he felt sorry for himself.He really wanted to have a new pair for his birthday.He sadly walked away and thought of how to tell his mother.He knew she would give him anything if she co

15、uld.But he also knew very well she had little money.He decided not to go home at once,as he looked worried and he didnt want to make his mother worry about it.So he went to the park and there he sat on the grass.Then he saw a girl in a wheel chair.He found that the girl moved the wheels with her han

16、ds.David looked at her carefully and was surprised to see that the girl had no feet.He looked down at his own feet.“It is much better to be without shoes than without feet.”It was not right for him to feel so sorry and sad.He went away and smiled,thinking he was luckier in life.()31.David was so sor

17、ry that _A.he walked past the shoe shop.B.he forgot bring any money with him.C.his mother couldnt buy him a pair of shoes.D.the shoes in the shop were not the right size for him.()32.From the story we know that _.A.Davids mother has much money.B.Davids mother wouldnt buy him anything.C.Davids mother

18、 was a kind-hearted woman.D.Davids mother often bought presents for Davids birthda y.()33.David didnt go home at once _.A.because his mother was at work.B.because he wanted to sit on the grass in the park.C.because his mother wouldnt give him any money.D.because he didnt want to give his mother any

19、trouble.()34.In the park,David saw a girl_.A.without feet.B.without hands.C.walking slowly.D.looking down at his shoes.()35.At last David _.A.left the park sadly.B.decided to buy a new pair of shoes.C.didnt know what to do with his old shoes.D.thought hes luckier than the girl in the wheelchair.B Ma

20、ny young people can use the computer,but few of them know how to look after them.Remember the following when you use the computer.Keep your computer in a cool,dry room.Too much or too little heat is bad for computers.Damp is also bad for them.Most computers work best at a temperature of 5-30 degrees

21、 centigrade.Do not let people smoke cigarettes near your computer.Smoke of all kinds is very bad for many parts of a computer and can cause many problems.Do not eat or drink when you are near your computer.Pieces of food and a little water in the keyboard can also cause many problems.Make sure that

22、the keyboard and the screen are the correct height for you.If they are not correct,youll get backache.Make sure the screen is the correct distance from your eyes.If you wear glasses,make sure these glasses are correct for using with the computer.Some people use a different pair of glasses when they

23、use a computer.Keep your screen clean and do not have it too bright.A dirty screen can hurt your eyes.A very bright screen can also be bad for your eyes.If you can afford one,buy a computer screen.It will be better for you than using the screen of a TV set.36.According to this passage,_.A.more and m

24、ore people can control computers as well as take care of them.B.fewer and fewer people pay any attention to the protection of the computers nowadays.C.most young people can control computers well while paying little attention to keeping them well.D.Most computer lovers are fond of eating their food

25、while playing computer games.37.Computer,just like some people,may prefer(更喜欢)_.A.autumn to(比起)summer and winter B.neither winter nor summer or autumn C.summer to winter and autumn D.both summer and winter 38.Putting the keyboard and screen too high means you _.A.have to straighten your back long ev

26、ery time B.have to lower your head while using the computer C.dont have to look at your manuscript while typing D.dont have to look sideways from time to t ime 39.Some people use a different pair of glasses when they use a computer because they want to _.A.protect the computer B.prevent their eyes b

27、eing hurt C.make them look cool D.show off his glasses 40.Which is NOT true according to the passage?A.If the height of the screen isnt correct,youll get backache.B.Smoking is bad for a computer and is one of the cause of many problems.C.You should wear a different pair of glasses when you use a com

28、puter.D.You should use a computer screen instead of a TV screen.我就不由得怀想在曾经军阀混战民不聊生的中国在曾经恐怖弥漫百业萧条的中国在曾经敌寇入侵华夏危亡的中国党和她的儿女们是怎样用满腔屠刀无法恫吓枪炮无法威慑饥寒无法胁迫的意志和热忱以血肉之躯筑就了这新华夏的钢铁蹒跚着前行晚清政府丧权辱国腐败无能割香港割澳门割九龙割台湾赔巨款开口岸满耳是大众的嗟伤一年年国土的沦丧九百六十万河山随人践踏四万万同胞任人欺凌一个又一个仁人志士站起来又跌倒了林则徐虎门硝烟被放伊犁洪秀全带来了中国人民解放事业的新曙光八年抗日战争三年解放战争年天安门城楼上

29、那声庄严的宣告响彻寰宇中华人民共和国成立了中国人民从此站起来了建国伊始百废待举五十年风雨如磐五十年沧桑巨变五十年迂回曲折五十年江山不复学习必备 欢迎下载 C In March,2013,the H7N9 virus(病毒)hit(袭击)Shanghai,Anhui,Jiangsu,Zhejiang and so on.It seemed that most people who were infected(被感染)with H7N9 had the common flu(流感).Some people suffered from a fever or a cough.Dont be afrai

30、d its not easy to be infected with the virus.Here is some advice to help you protect yourself when it comes.Wash your hands.You need to wash your hands with soap and hot water before you eat,after you use the toilet,and after you touch animals,because your hands may carry viruses.Cover your nose and

31、 mouth.When someone sneezes(打喷嚏)or coughs,flu viruses can travel as far as one meter through the air,so youd better keep a proper distance(距离)while talking to someone who has a cold.And always cover your mouth and nose with a piece of paper when you sneeze or cough,and then clean your hands.Wear a m

32、ask(口罩).Some doctors say that masks can stop the flu as much as 80%,but if you dont wash your hands often,its no use wearing a mask.And its necessary to wear the mask in the groups of people.Do sports often.Exercises will help make your body strong enough to resist the virus.()41.Most people who wer

33、e infected with H7N9 had .A.a common flu B.a stomachache C.a headache D.a cold()42.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Some people who were infected with the H7N9 virus had a toothache.B.You should cover your mouth and nose with a piece of paper when you sneeze or cough.C.Some

34、doctors say that masks can stop the flu as much as 100%.D.Its easy to be infected with the H7N9 virus.()43.How many ways to stop the virus are mentioned in the passage?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.D.Six.()44.What does the underlined word“resist”mean in Chinese?A.抵抗 B.传播 C.感染 D.消灭 ()45.Whats the main idea o

35、f this passage?A.It tells us how to wash hands.B.It tells us why we should use masks.C.It tells us not to touch animals.D.It gives us some advice on how to protect ourselves when the H7N9 virus comes.第二卷 非选择题部分 共计 55分 四、单词拼写 1.If you can join us,we will enjoy_(我们自己)playing basketball.2.The twins are

36、 both at home but _(都不)of them helps to do the chores.3.There are many _(困难)if you take risks alone.4.You shouldn t put off _(计划)the art festival in March and April.5.Mountain climbing_(使感兴趣)Aron Ralston a lot.6.Its crazy for Mothers to keep on _(比较)their kids with others.7.Alice _(不喜欢)to do the dis

37、hes,but she likes sweeping the floor.8.Playing computer games too much is a _(浪费)of your time.9.They are _(筹集)money for the homeless people.10.The boy _(扔)a stone at the dog and the dog ran away quickly.五、句型转换(每空 0.5 分,计 10 分)1.She could play the piano when she was five years old.(改为同义句)She could pl

38、ay the piano _ _ _ _ five.2.He didnt go there.I didnt go there,either.(改为同义句)He didnt go there._ _ _.3.What s the matter with your little sister.(同义句)_ _ with your little sister.4.We provide free food and drink for the kids here.(同义句)We _ the kids here _ free food and drink.5.Anna has a terrible too

39、thache.(划线提问)_ _ _ _ Anna?6.Her sister used to be a nurse.(改一般疑问句)_ her sister _ to be a nurse?7.Put some medicine on the cut.(改否定句)_ _ _ medicine on the cut.六、动词应用(每空 1 分,计 10 分)1.My best friend often _ (pass)me a piece of paper in English exams.2.Look,someone_ (wait)for you at the school gate.3.To

40、m took some medicine and _(lie)down to rest.4.She expected her son _(win)the first prize in the match.5._(copy)others homework is not right.6.He had problems _(do)his math homework last week.7.Be careful when _(climb)the mountains.8.My little brother _(visit)some great places of interest(名胜)in Franc

41、e next week.9.He will come as soon as he _(have)time.10.My sister hurt her back _(play)volleyball yesterday.七、翻译句子(每空 0.5 分,计 10 分)1.令我们吃惊但是,这个小女孩独自住在这个房子里。,the little girl lives alone in the house.2.虽然我祖父 75 岁了,但他还掌管着某些事情。Although my grandfather is 75,he still something.3.凯特一点也不像她妈妈。Kate doesn t he

42、r mother at all.4.她为了获奖,每天练习唱歌。She practiced singing every day a prize.5.我保证我会照顾你的。我就不由得怀想在曾经军阀混战民不聊生的中国在曾经恐怖弥漫百业萧条的中国在曾经敌寇入侵华夏危亡的中国党和她的儿女们是怎样用满腔屠刀无法恫吓枪炮无法威慑饥寒无法胁迫的意志和热忱以血肉之躯筑就了这新华夏的钢铁蹒跚着前行晚清政府丧权辱国腐败无能割香港割澳门割九龙割台湾赔巨款开口岸满耳是大众的嗟伤一年年国土的沦丧九百六十万河山随人践踏四万万同胞任人欺凌一个又一个仁人志士站起来又跌倒了林则徐虎门硝烟被放伊犁洪秀全带来了中国人民解放事业的新曙光

43、八年抗日战争三年解放战争年天安门城楼上那声庄严的宣告响彻寰宇中华人民共和国成立了中国人民从此站起来了建国伊始百废待举五十年风雨如磐五十年沧桑巨变五十年迂回曲折五十年江山不复学习必备 欢迎下载 I promised that I will you.6.你不应该和你的弟弟打架。You shouldn t your brother.八、补全对话(每空 1 分,计 5 分)根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项多余。A:Hello,Tony!You look worried._1_ B:I lost my bike.A:How did it happen(发生)?B:I rode

44、 my bike to the library yesterday afternoon._2_ When I came out of the library,it was lost.A:How did you get home?B:_3_ A:Then you need to buy a new one.B:_4_ A:You could borrow some from your parents.B:Its not a good idea._5_ A:You should say youre sorry and you will be more careful later.B:Sounds

45、good.Ill have a try this evening.A:Good luck!1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 十、书面表达(计 10 分)假如你是李明,你将代表学校参加邹平县中学生英演讲比赛。演讲的题目是 We should help parents do housework.请你用英诰写一篇演讲稿。要点提示:现 象 你常做的家务 你的体会和看法 许多学生懒悄,不愿做家务。修理床铺 浇花 打扫房间 倒垃圾 (至少两点)参考词汇:lazy,chores,make the bed,water flowers,clean the room,take out the trash,re

46、laxing,interesting,proud,pleased,duty 要求:1.短文须包含要点提示中的所有信息,并可适当发挥;2.80 词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3.文中不得出现自己的真实姓名、校名和地名。Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning!Im Li Ming.Its my honor to give you a speech.My topic is We should help parents do housework._ Thats all.Thanks for your listening!AI took a bus.BMy pare

47、nts may get angry with me.CI rode my bike.DWhats wrong?EI got a parttime job.FBut I dont have enough money.GI put my bike on the street.我就不由得怀想在曾经军阀混战民不聊生的中国在曾经恐怖弥漫百业萧条的中国在曾经敌寇入侵华夏危亡的中国党和她的儿女们是怎样用满腔屠刀无法恫吓枪炮无法威慑饥寒无法胁迫的意志和热忱以血肉之躯筑就了这新华夏的钢铁蹒跚着前行晚清政府丧权辱国腐败无能割香港割澳门割九龙割台湾赔巨款开口岸满耳是大众的嗟伤一年年国土的沦丧九百六十万河山随人践踏四万万同胞任人欺凌一个又一个仁人志士站起来又跌倒了林则徐虎门硝烟被放伊犁洪秀全带来了中国人民解放事业的新曙光八年抗日战争三年解放战争年天安门城楼上那声庄严的宣告响彻寰宇中华人民共和国成立了中国人民从此站起来了建国伊始百废待举五十年风雨如磐五十年沧桑巨变五十年迂回曲折五十年江山不复


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