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《【自考英语】2022年6月北京市黄村地区(镇)英语(一)模拟题(解析版).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【自考英语】2022年6月北京市黄村地区(镇)英语(一)模拟题(解析版).pdf(53页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、备 注:本套试卷附有答案解析,答案解析字体为白色,预览无法观看,如需观看试题的答案解析,请下载试卷CTRL+A选中全部文字,然后将答案字体调整为黑色即可。【自考英语】2022年 6 月北京市黄村地区(镇)英语(一)模拟题(解析版)第 1 题【单选题】【阅读理解】Scientific conservatism suggests that a biological explanation shouldbe the last choice after all non-biological explanations are addressed,Allen said.We have a lot of w

2、ork to do to rule out(排除.的可能性)possible non-biologicalexplanations.It is more likely that a chemical process,without biology,can explainthese results.What can be inferred from what Allen said?A、Scientists have different arguments over whether there is life on Titan.B、Scientists all agree that there i

3、s life on Titan.C、Scientists all suggest that a biological explanation is reasonable.D、Scientists all agree that a non-biological chemical reaction is a possible explanation.【正确答案】A第 2 题【单选题】【阅读理解】Besides,it is rather unreal to grade people just according to theirintellectual ability.This is only on

4、e aspect of their total personality.We areconcerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full,not just theiracademic ability.We also value personal qualities and social skills,and we find thatmixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.The author arguesthat a tea

5、chers chief concern should be the development of the s t u d e n t s.A、personal qualities and social skillsB、total personalityC、learning ability and communicative skillsD、intellectual ability【正确答案】B第 3 题【单选题】【填句补文】Mexicos current lack of funds is also partly due to oil.The country has rich oil field

6、sand a few years ago,when oil was expensive,Mexico was selling large quantities of oil to the USAand earning a lot of mo n e y.However,the price of oil then dropped,and Mexico has beenleft owing enormous sums of money and with not enough income from oil sales to pay back theloans.A、But those ruins a

7、re in danger of being seriously damaged by pollution.B、Scientists estimate that about one millimeter of stone is worn away every twelve years.C At others the painted surfaces inside temples are lifting and flaking off and the stone is beingeaten away.D、The government was therefore able to borrow hug

8、e sums of money from banks around theworld,thinking they would have no problem repaying their debts.【正确答案】D第 4 题【单选题】The place interested me most was the Childrens Palace.A、whichB、whereC、whatD、in which【正确答案】A第 5 题【单选题】2008.10 Several people were unable to the meeting because of the storm.A、attendB、p

9、articipateC、joinD attempt【正确答案】A第 6 题【单选题】【阅读理解】My teacher once said to me,“If you dont quit,you will win”.I have nodesire to quit writing as Im having too much fun.My thanks go to AssociatedContent and the Yahoo!Contributor Network for all my progress in writing!And tomy fellow writers thank you so

10、 much for your support and friendship.May wecontinue to support each other for many years to comeIWe can learn from thepassage that.A、the author thinks writing on the Net is very easyB、the author has his first book published on the NetC two years has passed since the author began writingD、the author

11、 is grateful for the content sites sincerely【正确答案】D第 7 题【单选题】【阅读理解】Gyorgy Buzsaki of Rutgers University and his colleagues analyzed thebrain waves of sleeping rats and mice.Specifically,they examined the electricalactivity emanating from the somatosensory neocortex(an area that processessensory info

12、rmation)and the hippocampus,which is a center for learning andmemory.The scientists found that oscillations in brain waves from the two regionsappear to be intertwined.So-called sleep spindles(bursts of activity from theneocortex)were followed tens of milliseconds later by beats in the hippocampuskn

13、own as ripples.The team posits that this interplay between the two brain regionsis a key step in memory consolidation.A second study,also published online thisweek by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,links age-associatedmemory decline to high glucose levels.What is the result of t

14、he experiment withrats and mice carried out at Rutgers UniversityA、The electrical activity is emanating from the somatosensory neocortex.B、Oscillations in brain waves are from hippocampus.C、Somatosensory neocortex and hippocampus work together in memory consolidation.D、Somatosensory neocortex plays

15、it primary role in memory consolidation.【正确答案】c第 8 题【单选题】【阅读理解】The other side of a state legal apparatus is a state military apparatus.While the one protects the individual from violence,the other sacrifices theindividual to violence in the interests of the state.In war the state affirms supremepowe

16、r over the individuals within its own borders.War is not simply a trial bycombat to settle disputes between states;it is the moment when the state makesits most powerful demands upon its people for their commitment,allegiance,andsupreme sacrifice.Times of war test a communitys deepest religious and

17、ethicalcommitments.What can we learn from the paragraph?A、Governments tend to abuse their supreme Power in times of war.B、In times of war governments may extend their power across national borders.C、In times of war governments impose high religious and ethical standards on their people.D、Governments

18、 may sacrifice individuals in the interests of the state in times of war.【正确答案】D第9题【单选题】【填句补文】Gang Xiao and Ben Schrag at Brown University,visualize the current by measuringsubtle(2田微的)changes in the magnetic field of an object and.A、to shrink it to the size of a desktop computerB、to make it capable

19、 of measuring very weak changes in magnetic fieldsC、as well as revealing microscopic defects in anything from aircraft to banknotesD converting the information into a color picture showing the density of current at each point【正确答案】D第10题【单选题】He began comparing himself the other teammates and found he

20、 didn/t practice as hard asthem.A、asB、fromC、withD、by【正确答案】C第11题【单选题】【填句补文】Gang Xiao and Ben Schrag at Brown University,visualize the current by measuringsubtle(细微的)changes in the magnetic field of an object and.A、to shrink it to the size of a desktop computerB、to make it capable of measuring very we

21、ak changes in magnetic fieldsC as well as revealing microscopic defects in anything from aircraft to banknotesD converting the information into a color picture showing the density of current at each point【正确答案】D第 12题【单选题】【阅读理解】Young musicians in African countries are creating a new kind of popmusic.

22、The tunes and the rhythms of their music combine African traditions withvarious forms of music popular today,such as hip-hop,rap,rock,jazz,or reggae.The result is music that may sound familiar to listeners anywhere in the world,butat the same time is distinctly African.It is different also in anothe

23、r way Many of thesongs are very serious and they deal with important social or political issues inAfrica today.This passage is about how African pop music is.A usually about love and romanceB、more serious than most pop musicC、popular with young people in AfricaD、mostly written just for entertainment

24、【正确答案】B第 13题【单选题】【阅读理解】Longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes andpromote long term thinking,“says Dr Gregory Stock of the University Of CaliforniaSchool Of Public Health.z/lt would also raise productivity by adding to the year wecan work.Longer lives dont just affect the peo

25、ple who live them.They also affectsociety as a whole.We have war,poverty,all sorts of issues around,and I dontthink any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer,“says USbioethicist Daniel Callahan.The question is What will we get as a society/s suspectit wont be a better society.W

26、hich of the following is NOT mentioned as one of thethings that living longer might enable an individual to doA、Spending more time with his family.B Having more education.C、Realizing more dreams.D、Working longer.【正确答案】B第 14题【单选题】【阅读理解】I was searching for just the right word to describe this book;a w

27、ordthat describes something that is perhaps somewhat sad,but in a good way.Icouldnt find quite the right word,but I do know the feeling.This book does makeme feel a bit sad.Sad for the way that childhood passes so quickly,sad for days thatgo by,faster than wed like them to.But it also makes me feel

28、the sweetness ofthese things and helps me remember that childhood imagination,freedom and joyare things that we can carry with us still,long after our days as children havepassed.Which of the following is true about the authors feeling of the book?A、It makes him feel sad for his childhood is sad.B I

29、t makes him feel sad because he didnt remember his happy childhood.C He couldnt describe the book,for he doesnt know the feeling.D、He realizes that childhood imagination,freedom and joy are things that he can carry evenwhen he is an adult.【正确答案】D第 15题【单选题】【阅读判断】Choosing a good research topic does no

30、t necessarily mean finding something that hasa lot written about it.Many times you will have to research around a topic in order to find out themost useful information.Exciting and original topics often come to mind by combining twocompletely different interests.Let us say that you are interested in

31、 child psychology(心理学的)andin sports.Perhaps you can combine these into a study of the effect that is watching(可得至U 的)onthe subject,you can research the topic individually and,by putting your information together;thendraw a conclusion.Choosing a good research topic certainly refers to finding somethi

32、ng that has alot written about it.A、TrueB FalseC Not Given【正确答案】B第 16题【单选题】【阅读理解】The withdrawal of Nevadas Yucca Mountain as a potential nuclearwaste repository has reopened the debate over how and where to dispose of spentnuclear fuel and high-level nuclear waste.In an article in the July 10 issue

33、of Science,University of Michigan geologist Rodney Ewing and Princeton University nuclearphysicist Frank von Hippel argue that,although federal agencies should setstandards and issue licenses for the approval of nuclear facilities,local communitiesand states should have the final approval on the sit

34、ing of these facilities.Theauthors propose the development of multiple sites that would service the regionswhere nuclear reactors are located.Which of the following words can bestsubstitute the word“withdrawal“in the first paragraphA、Retirement.B、Canceling.C、Replaced.D Disposal.【正确答案】B第 17题【单选题】填句补文

35、 As part of their study,the researchers used a special machine to take action photos ofthe students br a i ns.This is the same part of the brain that becomes active when goodreaders read.This activated brain area appears to include a structure that helps people recognizefamiliar written words quickl

36、y.A、Do you have difficulty reading in class?B、The pictures showed an increase in activity in the back of the brain on the left side.C、As part of the study,37 struggling readers received special tutoring.D、By the end of the school year,these children could read faster than before.【正确答案】B第18题【单选题】2007

37、.4 Tony likes walking in the country andA also does MaryB Mary does alsoC、so Mary doesD、so does Mary【正确答案】D第19题【单选题】【填句补文】Mexicos current lack of funds is also partly due to oil.The country has rich oil fieldsand a few years ago,when oil was expensive,Mexico was selling large quantities of oil to th

38、e USAand earning a lot of mo n e y.However,the price of oil then dropped,and Mexico has beenleft owing enormous sums of money and with not enough income from oil sales to pay back theloans.A、But those ruins are in danger of being seriously damaged by pollution.B、Scientists estimate that about one mi

39、llimeter of stone is worn away every twelve years.C At others the painted surfaces inside temples are lifting and flaking off and the stone is beingeaten away.D、The government was therefore able to borrow huge sums of money from banks around theworld,thinking they would have no problem repaying thei

40、r debts.【正确答案】D第20题【单选题】填句补文】More and more Americans are living alone.Some live alone because of divorce or thedeath of a p a r t n e r.According to a recent U.S.census(人口普查),25 percent of allhouseholds in the U.S.are made up of just one person.A It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that

41、 childhood dream.B He says,a like being by myself/C However;even more people are living alone because they have chosen to.D、Theres more pressure to get married nowadays.【正确答案】C第21题【单选题】【阅读判断】The first principle is that people are more likely to follow someone who is similar tothem than someone who i

42、s not.Wise managers,then,ask peers to help make their cases.Second,people are more willing to cooperate with those who are not only like them but who like them,aswell.Q:People are more likely to cooperate with those who like them.A TrueB FalseC、Not Given【正确答案】A第22题【单选题】【填句补文】The typical person livin

43、g alone is neither old nor l one l y.The majority ofthese people have chosen to live alone.They are responding to decreasing social pressure to getmarried and have a family.A、This is a dramatic change from the extended families of just a couple of generations ago.B、The growing number of women with g

44、ood jobs has done much to increase the number ofpeople living alone.C、Theres more pressure to get married nowadays.D、In fact,a quarter of the 23 million single people in the U.S.are under the age of 35.【正确答案】D第23题【单选题】【概括大意】I love sunny days because they are ideal for outings.I remember the sunny we

45、ekendwhen two roommates and I had a marvelous time in the old Summer Palace.Under the blue sky,the trees are bathed in golden light.On rainy days,I enjoy the sound of raindrops beating on thewindowpanes.I watch the rain washing the trees and grass clean,knowing they will glitter when itclears up and

46、 hoping a rainbow will follow.In winter,a heavy snowfall offers a different type ofpleasure.Cold as it often is,I always go outdoors and leave my footprints in the thick snow whilethrowing snowballs and making snowmen with my fellow students.The main idea of this paragraphis.A、A person should learn

47、to be happy in all weathers.B、Ones mood should not be affected by bad weather.C People usually prefer fine weather to severe weather.D、I enjoy both sunny weather and rainy or snowy weather.【正确答案】D第24题【单选题】【概括大意】There is a vital need to understand the potential risks and long-term health effects ofli

48、ving on naturally contaminated soils.Future environmental investigations of naturally polluted soilsshould concentrate on the potential pathways of metals into the food chain and human body.Geologists should be part of such studies as they can provide the essential background informationon rock and

49、soil chemistry as well as the chemical forms of heavy metal pollution.The main idea ofthis paragraph is.A、Long-term Health Effects on ChildrenB、Research on Channels of Heavy Metals Getting into Human Food ChainC、Potential Hazards of Human Contaminated SoilsD No Evidence to Indicate Bad Effects of Na

50、turally Contaminated Soil【正确答案】B第25题【单选题】【填句补文】Children think that being grown up means being able to do exactly as they please.,The chance to discover whether that freedom is as wonderful as it sounds is a chancemore and more Americans are taking.A、Its now socially acceptable,even fashionable,to li


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