2022年go to playground_Shall we go to the zoo-.doc

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1、2022年go to playground_Shall we go to the zoo?教学目标1知识目标 (1)New words and phrases: shall, zoo, nothing, show, gate, land, just, grass, dangerous, panda, lion,elephant, monkey, tiger, deer, snake, rabbit, duck, fox, horse, bear, cage, should, forest, feel, if, fall, climb, finish, cinema, seafood, twen

2、tieth, baby, back, dolphin. (2)日常交际用语 Let make it half past one. What s up? Why not make it little earlier? I d love to. I have a lot of to do. What do you think? I dont know what to do? (3)提建议的表达方法 Using shall Using lets Using why not?2能力目标 (1)使学生掌握有关提建议的交际用语,并能运用这些交际用语进行口头和笔头练习。 (2)使学生能听懂与课文难易程度相当

3、的听力材料.回答教师提出的问题。 (3)使学生能仿照课文中的短文对有关动物进行口头和笔头的描述和介绍。 (4)使学生掌握运用字母组合or, ore, oor, al, au和oa,和o, oa, ow的发音规律。 (5)能读懂课文并根据上下文判断出课文中单词的含义,并回答老师提出的问题。3情感目标: 通过教学使学生懂得爱护动物,珍惜生命,从而树立环保意识,保持生态平衡。教学重点和难点: 有关提建议的交际用语和有关对动物的介绍是本单元的难点和重点。教学建议语法教学建议 本单元的主要语法项目是有关提建议的表达方式。 (1)建议教师在引入阶段应先让学生熟练掌握课文Lesson seventeen的对

4、话,在此基础上教师可以先让学习好的同学按照课文对话进行表演,学生可以自制教具,如用纸叠两个电话听筒,学生边演,教师边讲。在表演到有关提建议的句子时停下,教师帮助学生归纳总结出提建议的几种表达法。 (2)教师也可以利用媒体资料帮助学生熟悉课文,归纳总结本单元主要句型。 (3)在语法项目的操练阶段,建议教师先指导学生就每个句型进行单项造句练习,然后,出示图片或表格设置情景。进行综合练习。表格形式如下:TimePlacePeopleWaysActivitiesThis afternoonSchool gateXiao Ming and MaryBy busHave a party with thei

5、r classmateTomorrowCinemaLi Ping and zhu LiOn footSee a filmNext weekThe park Tom and peterBy taxiClimb hills 要求学生根据图表利用所学的句型编一个小型的对话。以第一行表格为例: Xiao Ming: Hello, Mary. What are you going to do? Mary: Nothing much. Xiao Ming: Shall we have a party? I know there is a party in our classroom t his after

6、noon. Mary: How can we get there? I have no bike. Xiao Ming: Lets go there by bus. Mary: That is a good idea. Xiao Ming: When shall we meet? Mary: About ten past two. Xiao Ming: Why not meet a little earlier? Lets make it one oclock. Mary: Good idea. Where shall we meet? Xiao Ming: At the school gat

7、e. Mary: All right see you then.有关讲授相动物单词的建议 这部内容单词比较多,学生记忆有困难。教师先要求学生能听懂,会说就可以了,以后再逐渐加大练习使学生完全掌握。 (1) 建议教师多使用直观教具,如图片等。教师可以让学生在课下收集一些有关动物的图片,要求他们用字典查出英文意思和读音。上课时,教师先在黑板画出一个动物园,然后让学生把准备好的动物图片贴在动物园内。每贴一个动物,学生就要回答老师的问题,向同学简单介绍这种动物。最后建成一个动物园如教科书III页图: 例如:Whats this? Its a snake. Its dangerous.(2) 猜一猜:教

8、师在这个练习中将学生分成若干组,每组四到五人,每组发一张动物的图片,注意每组的图片不同,小组成员先进行讨论,用英文对图片中动物进行描述,时间三分钟左右 ,然后该组同学走上讲台每人一句,向大家描述这种动物,其他同学猜这是什么动物。 例如: This animal is like cat, but it is much bigger than cat .it is the king of the animals. Which kind of animal it is? 如果其他学生此时仍猜不出这是什么动物,该组同学可进行补充,直到猜到为止。教师对描述准确,猜词迅速准确的小组送一张动物的图片以示表扬

9、。nothing much 译为没什么事,英语不定代词,如:Something, nothing, anything, anybody, anyone 这些词与形容词联用,形容词往往放在不定代词后面,例如;I need something new. (我需要一些新的东西, ) 不定代词还可以跟动词不定式联用,例如:have you got anything to do。Whats up 此句相当于what wrong with you 或者whats the matter 或者why 译为:出了什么事,怎么了,尤其指些不愉快,不寻常的事情,例如:listen ,something is fal

10、ling down ,whats up听,有件东西摔打了,怎么回事?提建议的方法及答语 在英语中,我们可以用多种方式提出我们的建议征求对方的意见,大多语气比较委婉,显得客气而有礼貌。主要方式有: 1主语是第一人称I或we,用“Shall I / we?”shall 不能用于第二人称,不能说shall you? (1)Shall we have a swim this afternoon? 我们下午游泳好吗? Yes, I think so. / No, I dont think so.好的,我也这么想。/ 不,我不这么想。 (2)Where shall we meet? 我们在哪见面? At

11、the school gate. 在学校门口。 2主语是第一人称和第三人称时,用“Lets ”或“Let him / her” (1) Lets go out for a walk, shall we? 我们出去散步,好吗? (2) Lets play football. 我们去踢球吧。 Good idea. 好主意。 3用“Why not?”来提出建议,表示“何不?”not后面接动词原形。Why not?实际上是Why dont we / you?的简略形式。不能说Why dont do 或why not doing。 (1)Why not go and see Uncle Wang now

12、?为什么现在不去看望王叔叔? (2)Why not wear your new trousers? 为什么不穿上你的新裤子? (3)Why not go swimming? 为什么不去游泳? I dont think it is good for animals to stay at zoo. 我认为动物带在动物园没有好处。 这是一个含宾语从句的主从复合句。I dont think 是主句,it is为从句。 此句形式上否定了动词think,但是实际是否定了他后面的定语从句。英语中,think,believe 等动词后如果是否定的,应将否定转移到think,believe等动词上。这被称为动词

13、的否定转移。如:I don t think your can get home so early. 另外,“It is +形容词+for sb. to do sth.”意为“对于某人来说做某事是”如: Its easy for us to swim. 对我们来说游泳很容易。 I dont think it is good for animals to stay in cages. 我认为对于动物来说呆在笼子里是没有益处的。 I have a lot of homework to do.我有很多家庭作业要做。 home work to do译为要做的家庭作业。动词不定式做定语放在所修饰的名词之后

14、,例如my mother has a lot of home work to do every day .(我的妈妈每天有很多家务活要做)听力教学建议 Lesson 20听力与图片的结合使用 (1)学生用书P98的6种动物可扫描彩图;(2)可将教参P49的听力原文扩展一下,如: It s got a mouse like small head. It can jump on its two back legs. Sometimes cars have to be very careful in places where there are so many of this kind of ani

15、mal. If one of them hit a car, there will be a very bad accident. It is said that the bird put its head in the sand or earth when its enemy comes. That is its way out not to face the reality. Its hometown is in China but it s famous all over the world. It moves quietly without making any noise. Its

16、blood is cold and sleeps a long sleep in winter. It looks like a cat but much larger and stronger than a cat. It s black and yellow in colour. It s got a very large head with a black mark on its forehead like the Chinese character Wang. It sometimes even help men when they have fallen into the sea a

17、nd are about to die.日常交际分析:提建议 本单元的核心话题是“提建议”。主要通过对话和句型训练方式来实现的。在要单元一开始的对话中就将表示建议的3种方式的句型都呈现给学生。如:Shall we go to the zoo? Why not meet a little earlier? Lets make it half past nine。本单元从一开始建议到动物园去玩,直到最后建议周六到中山公园去玩,都是围绕着主题。这有助于完成主题教学,使本单元的重点句型得到很好的训练。 第17课的对话中出现了许多有关提建议的句子,教师可以让学生熟读此段对话,就能掌握其中部分提建议的句型

18、。 第19课以找对子的方式又加强了提建议的句型练习。第二部分的练习将不同的建议的句型放在一起编成对话,以达到复习及熟练的目的。 第20课在设置语音和听力训练之后,再转入到本单元的主题上:如何提建议,如何在动物园里欣赏各种动物。最后的短文提示创设了情景,让学生自己编写对话。教学设计方案Lesson 17 Period: The First Period Content: Lesson seventeen Properties: Tape recorder, some pictures of animals Teaching Objectives: Students should grasp 1.

19、 the dialogue ( esp. the telephone conversation) 2. some animal names Language Focus: 1. Telephone conversation A: May I speak to sb? /Is sb. in? B: (This is sb) speaking. Hold on, please/ Sorry, she (he) isnt in. Shall I take a message? /Whos that speaking? A: (This is) sb speaking. 2. Useful expre

20、ssions Whats up? Whats the matter? 3. Ways of making a suggestion. Why not ? eg. Why not have a rest now? Lets ? eg. Lets go out for a walk. Shall we? eg. Shall we have a new year party? Teaching Procedures: I. Organizing the class Greeting and a duty report II. Revision 1. Say what John is going to

21、 do (after school, at college, after college) 2. Recite the rhyme “good, better, best” . Presentation Teacher: (Write the title “Shall we go to the zoo?” on the blackboard) Have you ever been to the zoo? Students: Yes. T: What can you see in a zoo? S: Have you ever seen these animals? Show the pictu

22、res and teach the words “panda”, an animal eating the bamboo, “lion” the famous movie is called King Lion, “elephant the biggest animal living on land, “monkey” something like human beings, “tiger” a very dangerous animal and has the name of “King of the beasts” “dolphin”, “deer”, “snake”, “rabbit”,

23、 “duck”, Beijing has a specialty “Beijing Duck” very delicious, “fox” a very clever (cunning) animal, “bear”. And more animals for them to see, “crocodile”, “Kangaroo” “camel” “flamingo” “zepa” etc. Students recognize the animals by their English names and read the words. IV. Practice (Students look

24、 at the color page and discuss the questions in pairs. Point out that the word “friendly” is from “friend” it means to act like a friend. ) The answers of “look and answer” 1. The elephant 2. The panda 3. Dolphin and snake 4. Dolphin 5. Lion, tiger, snake, bear and fox 6. Panda, deer, sheep, cow, ra

25、bbit and horse 7. Lion, tiger, bear and snake 8. No definite answers V. Leading - in Teacher: We have seen so many animals in the zoo. But Lin Tao and David havent. But they are going to see them next Sunday, because they are going to the zoo next Sunday. Lets listen to their dialogue and answer the

26、 questions; 1. Are they talking face to face? 2. How are they going there? 3. When and where are they going to meet? 4. What are they going to see specially? VI. Presentation Teacher: (Pretend to make a phone call) Hello, may I speak to Charlie? Help Charlie answer: Speaking! Teacher: Hi, Charlie, t

27、his is Jenny speaking Charlie: Hello, Jenny. Get students to make similar dialogues VI. Practice Play the tape, students repeat and read in pairs, then act it out. 1. Exercises in class Complete the dialogues A: Hello, _? B: Yes, this is Jerry _. Who is _? A: This is Sam. How are you? B: Fine, _. A:

28、 Hello, can _? B: Sorry, Nike is not at home. This is Nike s mother_. Who is _? A: Hello, Mrs. King. This is Andy _. 2. Fill in the blanks. Shall we go to the zoo? I hear theres a dolphin _ there. “Why not come a little earlier?” “No _.” Which animal do you like _, a panda, a tiger or an elephant? I

29、 think an elephant is the biggest animal on _. Work must come _. Its a little earlier to come at nine oclock. Lets _ it half past nine. 3. Rewrite the sentences without changing its meaning. Whats up? What s _ _? Why dont you meet a little earlier? Why _ _ a little earlier? Shall we go skating? What

30、 about _ skating? I dont think hes right. I _ _ _ him. Answers: 1. May I speak to Jerry/ speaking/ that/ What about (How about )you/ I speak to Nike/speaking /that /speaking 2. show problem best land first make 3. the matter not meet going dont agree with IX. Homework 1. To memorize the animal names

31、. 2. To make up a short telephone conversation. X. The design of the blackboard Lesson 17Whats up?Nothing much.No problem.Why not meet a little earlier?教学设计方案Lesson 18教学目标: 1掌握本课重点词组和词汇。 2能够运用本课所学的内容对一些动物进行介绍并表达自己的看法。教具:Picture and recorder 教学过程: Step 1 Revision (1) Revise the dialogue 让学生表演自编自演的关于本

32、周末计划去动物园的对话。 (2) Revise the words 教师出示动物园的图片,找一个同学当导游向同学进行简单的介绍。 例如: I am a tourist guide. Welcome to the zoo. This is a panda .The panda is only lives in China. This is a snake .It is dangerous. There are still a lot of interesting animals in our zoo. The exciting dolphin show is waiting for you. C

33、ome and see。 (3) Pre-teach:组织学生根据刚才导游的介绍和导游图就教科书上的问题进行讨论。 Step 2 Presentation (1) 教师指导学生快速默读阅读课文并判断True or False. A: The writer thinks the animals in the cage cannot be happy. B: The dolphin is human s friend. (2) 学生阅读课文找出影响理解文章含义的地方并根据上下文判断出生词cage, forest, feel, fall, if的大意。 Cage is a piece of fram

34、ework in which birds or animals may be kept. Draw it on the board. Holiday is the day when people don t have to go to work or school. We teachers and students have summer holidays and winter holidays. At the beginning of May, We have a seven-day- holiday. Forest is a place where a lot of trees grow.

35、 Use a gesture to teach tired. If you are tired, you need some rest (For it s for to feel sorry for just give some examples.) (3) 教师就本课的知识点进行讲解和分析。 (4)教师指导学生听课文录音,并跟读课文。 (5)学生阅读短文并回答练习册上的问题。 (6)教师可以组织学生可以根据第18课课文内容进行角色表演。(根据探究活动的素材进行) Step 3 Practice Play the tape for students to read and they ask a

36、nd answer questions about the text in pairs. Then try to retell the text, (Paragraph by paragraph) give the following questions as a reminder. Paragraph one 1. Where do your parents often take him to on holidays? 2. What do you like? 3. What do you see in the zoo? 4. How are these animals? 5. Where

37、do some of them stay? What do you feel about that? Paragraph two 1. Where do tigers usually live? 2. What do they do usually? 3. What do they do in the zoo? Paragraph three 1. What animal do you like best? 2. Why? Step 4 Summary. 学生自己总结本课的重点词语。 Step 5 Exercises in class 1. Write out six animals you

38、can see in the zoo _ _ _ _ _ _. 2. Fill in prepositions. I never stay at home _ holidays. _ the zoo, there are many animals. Dangerous animals have to stay _ cages. It s bad _ your teeth to eat much sweet. He likes living _ the forest. Tigers eat small animals _ rabbits and deer. I feel sorry _ the

39、animals. Dolphins often play _ a ball, and they can walk _water. Be careful ! Don t fall _ the water. 3. Fill in the blanks with the proper words. Monkeys like _ (eat) nuts. I _ (not have) many toy animals. May I _ (borrow) your dictionary? It s good _ (read) English in the morning. I have a lot of

40、thing _(do) today. I think the dolphin is _(interesting) animal in the zoo. Which animal is _ (dangerous), a tiger or a bear? Some animals are _ (friend) to people. Answers: 1. (Open answers) eg ; monkey, lion, elephant, bird, snake, deer. 2. on in in for in like for with, on into 3. eating don t ha

41、ve borrow to read to do the most interesting more dangerous friendly Step 6 Homework (1)Copy the new words and phrase. (2)收集有关动物的资料,并写一篇参观动物园的日记。 Step 7 The design of the blackboard Lesson 18Lesson 18take me there feel sorry foron holidays watch sb. do sth.be dangerous fall intoin cages come up to w

42、alk round and round教学设计方案Lesson 19Teaching Objectives: Students should be able to make suggestions in three ways.Properties: Overhead projector, recorderLanguage Focus: Review the three ways of giving suggestions.Teaching Procedures: I. Organizing the class Greeting and a duty report . Revision 1. T

43、o review the animal names. 2. To suggest sth to your friend. III. Practice Ask students to write out the three ways of giving suggestions, then students work in pairs to make suggestions, agree and disagree, if they disagree, they have to make another suggestion. Call some pairs to do it in front of

44、 the class. Then students find the answers in the book. Then students make dialogues with phrases given in the box, do it in pairs first, then act it out in front of the class. IV. Reading and writing Students read the dialogue and fill in the blanks, then check the answers.The answers: Yes, I am./

45、Yes, ( sure)/ Shall I get your house? / No definite answers finish (do) a little later I like dumplings See you then (Thank you) Teacher draws pictures on the blackboard to teach the word dumpling. Explain seafood is fish or animals in the sea that can be eaten, have. to do eg. I have many clothes t

46、o wash. He has some questions to ask etc. V. Practice Students go round the classroom to ask about their future arrangements and the students having the same future plans form one group, they go on to talk about more details, then say it in front of the class. VI. Exercises in class 1. Complete the

47、sentences. The teacher has many lessons _ _ The boys have some words _ _ I don t have anything _ _ There are many games _ _ I have a lot of food _ _ 2. Complete the dialogue. A: Would you like to see a film with me? B: Yes, I_. When_? A: _ meet at 8:00 tomorrow evening. A: Would you like to go skati

48、ng with me? B: _, I can t. I have many things to do. 3. Rewrite the sentence without changing its meaning. Why not go to the park? _ _ _ go to the park? Shall we go to the cinema? _ _ going to the cinema? Shall we go and see the monkeys? Shall we go and _ _ _ _ the monkeys? Are you free today? _ you _ _ today? They often have peakfas


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