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《七年级英语whenisyourbirthday单元测试题小学教育小学考试_小学教育-小学考试.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语whenisyourbirthday单元测试题小学教育小学考试_小学教育-小学考试.pdf(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、VIP 免费 欢迎下载 Unit 8 When is your birthday?温故知新(课前预习类训练).Match the proper date in Column with the festival in Cloumn.(将栏中的日期与栏中的节日进行匹配。)1.May Day A.June 1st 2.Childrens Day B.May 1st 3.New Year s Day C.December 25th 4.Christmas Day D.October 1st 5.National(国庆)Day E.September 10th 6.TeachersDay F.Janua

2、ry 1st 7.Mothers Day G.the second Sunday in May 8.Fathers Day H.the third Sunday in June 9.Womens Day I.August 1st 10.Armys Day J.March 8th 答案:15 BAFCD 610 EGHJI.Choose the proper word to complete the sentence.(从括号中画出合适的词完成句子。)1.(When,What)is your birthday,Jeff?Its January 3rd.2.Womens Day is March

3、(eight,eighth).3.(How much,How old)is John?He is 13.4.The twelfth month is (November,December).5.(On,In)weekends,we often have a party at school.6.(Does,Do)you like basketball?Yes,I like it.答案:1.When 2.eighth 3.How old 4.December5.On 6.Do 一鼓作气(课中强化类训练)Exercises for new words (生词专练).Write down the or

4、dinal number according to the cardinal number.(根据所给基数词,写出相应的序数词。)1.two 2.three 3.four 4.five 5.eight 6.nine 7.twelve 8.fifteen 9.twenty 10.thirty-one 答 案:1.second 2.third 3.fourth 4.fifth 5.eighth 6.ninth 7.twelfth 8.fifteenth 9.twentieth 10.thirty-first.Spell out the word according to the sentence

5、meaning and tip.(根据句意和提示写出单词。)1.When is your b ,Maria?My birthday is August 10th.2.Mr.Smith s daughter is eleven y old this year.VIP 免费 欢迎下载 3.Every year they have an Art F .4.J is the first month of a year.5.I like listening to relaxing m in my free time.6.I know your a .You are twelve years old.答案

6、:1.birthday 2.years 3.Festival 4.January 5.music 6.age Exercises for phrases (短语专练).Write out the English phrase according to the Chinese meaning.(根据汉语写出英语短语。)1.吉娜的生日 2.我爸爸的名字 3.英语晚会 4.学校上课日 5.篮球赛 6.演讲比赛 7.多大年纪 8.艺术节 答案:1.Ginas birthday 2.My father s name 3.English party 4.school day 5.basketball ga

7、me 6.speech contest 7.how old 8.Art Festival.Complete the sentence according to the sentence meaning and tip.(根据句意和提示完成句子。)1.When is your birthday?My birthday is (12 月 9 日).2.When is the (郊游)?Its March 10th.3.We have (艺术节).4.Do you like a (流行音乐会)?Yes,I like it.5.How old are you,Sally?Im (15 岁).答案:1.

8、December ninth 2.school trip 3.an Art Festival 4.pop concert 5.15/fifteen years old Exercises for sentence structure(句子结构专练).Write out the question according to the answer.(根据答语写出问句。)1.My birthday is July 8th.2.Im fourteen.3.句子答案一鼓作气课中强化类训练生词专练根据所给基数词写出相应的序数词答案根据句意和提示写出单词免费欢迎下载答案短语专练根据汉语写出英语短语吉娜的生日我

9、爸爸的名字英语晚会学校上课日篮球赛演讲比赛多大年纪艺载答案根据要求改写句子连词成句连词成句改为一般疑问句改为同义句改为一般疑问句答案交际用语专练补全对话即将来临免费欢迎下载答案语法专练单项填空答案具体到某一天应用介词表示日期应用序数词答案表示年龄用基数词为为单数所以应当是两个人共有表示两人共有时只在最后的名字后加用所给数词的适当形式完成句子免费欢迎下载答案快乐时光笑话你父母结婚时你在干什么我和弟弟在街上玩呢再接再厉课后巩固类训练基础题根据括号内的要求写VIP 免费 欢迎下载 My sisters birthday is August 16th.4.The party is December 2

10、4th.5.My mother is thirty-nine.答案:1.When is your birthday?2.How old are you?3.When is your sister s birthday?4.When is the party?5.How old is your mother?.Rewrite the sentence according to the requirment.(根据要求改写句子。)1.your,birthday,brothers,when,is(连词成句)?2.birthday,Daves,fifth,July,is(连词成句).3.Joe lik

11、es Art Festival best.(改为一般疑问句)4.Whats your age?(改为同义句)5.They have a school trip every year.(改为一般疑问句)答案:1.When is your brother s birthday?2.Daves birthday is July fifth.3.Does Joe like Art Festival best?4.How old are you?5.Do they have a school trip every year?Exercises for function items (交际用语专练).Co

12、mplete the conversation with the proper sentence in the box.(补全对话。)A.When is her birthday?B.How old are you?C.Happy birthday!D.Whens your birthday?E.My birthday is October 10th.F.What about you?G.Do you have a birthday party?A:Hello.My name is Lisa.B:Hi,Im Leila.Nice to meet you.A:Nice to meet you,t

13、oo.1.B:Im thirteen.2 A:Twelve.3.B:Its March 5th.And you?A:4.B:Oh,its coming(即将来临).5 句子答案一鼓作气课中强化类训练生词专练根据所给基数词写出相应的序数词答案根据句意和提示写出单词免费欢迎下载答案短语专练根据汉语写出英语短语吉娜的生日我爸爸的名字英语晚会学校上课日篮球赛演讲比赛多大年纪艺载答案根据要求改写句子连词成句连词成句改为一般疑问句改为同义句改为一般疑问句答案交际用语专练补全对话即将来临免费欢迎下载答案语法专练单项填空答案具体到某一天应用介词表示日期应用序数词答案表示年龄用基数词为为单数所以应当是两个人共有

14、表示两人共有时只在最后的名字后加用所给数词的适当形式完成句子免费欢迎下载答案快乐时光笑话你父母结婚时你在干什么我和弟弟在街上玩呢再接再厉课后巩固类训练基础题根据括号内的要求写VIP 免费 欢迎下载 A:Yes,I do.Would you like to come to my party?B:Yes,Id love to.Thanks.答案:1.B 2.F 3.D 4.E 5.G Exercises for grammar(语法专练).Multiple choice(单项填空)1.When were you born?I was born .A.in June three,1993 B.on

15、June the third,1994 C.in June the third,1993 D.on June the three,1994 答案:B 具体到某一天应用介词 on,表示日期应用序数词。2.Sally is a middle school student.She is in Class Six,Grade One.How old is she?.A.The thirteen B.Thirteenth C.The thirtieth D.Thirteen 答案:D 表示年龄用基数词,前面也不加冠词。3.is the Art Festival?December.A.When;On B.

16、When;In C.Where;In D.What;On 答案:B 问时间应用 when,月份前用介词 in。4.Tomorrow is birthday.A.my mother B.I mothers C.my mother s D.me mother s 答案:C“我的妈妈”应用 my mother 表示。排除 B、D。表示“某人的”应用名词所有格形式。5.room is very nice.A.Tinas and Ginas B.Tina and Gina s C.Tinas and Gina D.Tina and Gina 答案:B 因为 room 为单数,所以应当是两个人共有,表示两

17、人共有时,只在最后的名字后加-s。.Complete the sentence with the right form of the numeral.(用所给数词的适当形式完成句子。)1.Today we ll study the (9)lesson.句子答案一鼓作气课中强化类训练生词专练根据所给基数词写出相应的序数词答案根据句意和提示写出单词免费欢迎下载答案短语专练根据汉语写出英语短语吉娜的生日我爸爸的名字英语晚会学校上课日篮球赛演讲比赛多大年纪艺载答案根据要求改写句子连词成句连词成句改为一般疑问句改为同义句改为一般疑问句答案交际用语专练补全对话即将来临免费欢迎下载答案语法专练单项填空答案具

18、体到某一天应用介词表示日期应用序数词答案表示年龄用基数词为为单数所以应当是两个人共有表示两人共有时只在最后的名字后加用所给数词的适当形式完成句子免费欢迎下载答案快乐时光笑话你父母结婚时你在干什么我和弟弟在街上玩呢再接再厉课后巩固类训练基础题根据括号内的要求写VIP 免费 欢迎下载 2.Jeff has (3)Chinese friends.3.The Greens live on the (5)floor.4.This is Room (12).Your room is next to it.5.February is the (2)month of the year.6.Lesson (5)

19、is very easy.答案:1.ninth 2.three 3.fifth 4.Twelve 5.second 6.Five 快乐时光 A joke A:What were you doing when your parents got married?B:I was playing with my brother in the street.笑 话 A:你父母结婚时你在干什么?B:我和弟弟在街上玩呢。再接再厉(课后巩固类训练)Elementary exercises (基础题).Write the right word form requested in the parentheses.

20、(根据括号内的要求,写出单词的正确形式。)1.one (序数词)2.second (基数词)3.he (宾格)4.answer (反义词)5.tomato (复数)6.twelve (序数词)7.have (第三人称单数)8.she (形容词性物主代词)9.father (所有格)答案:1.first 2.two 3.him 4.ask 5.tomatoes 6.twelfth 7.has 8.her 9.fathers.Multiple choice(单项填空)1.He came home the morning of March 25,2010.A.in B.for C.at D.on 答

21、案:D 在某天或在某天的上午、下午、晚上都要用介词 on。2.Whats the date today?.A.It was June 2nd,2010 B.Its May 9th C.It was Sunday D.Its Tuesday 答案:B Whats the date today?问的是“今天是几月几日”,可以直接回答。故答案为 B。3.The month of a year is April.句子答案一鼓作气课中强化类训练生词专练根据所给基数词写出相应的序数词答案根据句意和提示写出单词免费欢迎下载答案短语专练根据汉语写出英语短语吉娜的生日我爸爸的名字英语晚会学校上课日篮球赛演讲比赛

22、多大年纪艺载答案根据要求改写句子连词成句连词成句改为一般疑问句改为同义句改为一般疑问句答案交际用语专练补全对话即将来临免费欢迎下载答案语法专练单项填空答案具体到某一天应用介词表示日期应用序数词答案表示年龄用基数词为为单数所以应当是两个人共有表示两人共有时只在最后的名字后加用所给数词的适当形式完成句子免费欢迎下载答案快乐时光笑话你父母结婚时你在干什么我和弟弟在街上玩呢再接再厉课后巩固类训练基础题根据括号内的要求写VIP 免费 欢迎下载 A.third B.forth C.fourth D.fifth 答案:C April 四月,是一年中的第四个月;第四的写法是 fourth,故正确答案为 C。4

23、.is the most difficult of .A.Lesson Nine;Book Three B.The lesson nine;the book three C.The nine lesson;the three book D.The Ninth lesson;the Third Book 答案:A“第几册,第几课”应该是课和册放在前,其后放上基数词并且都大写。故正确答案为 A。5.2010 北京模拟 How old are you?Im fifteen.I was born 1990.A.in B.at C.on D.for 答案:A 1990 表示年代,前面应用介词 in。“i

24、n 1990”意为“在 1990 年”。at 和表示点时间的词连用;而 on 则和表示具体日期的词连用。Integrated exercises (综合题).Unscramble the sentence.(连词成句。)1.April is birthday 2nd her.2.is birthday Ellens when?3.Jack is old how?4.birthday August your is 12th?5.a festival have we music.答案:1.Her birthday is April 2nd.2.When is Ellens birthday?3.H

25、ow old is Jack?4.Is your birthday August 12th?5.We have a Music Festival.Reading comprehension(阅读理解)Sue is 13 years old today.She has a birthday party.Her friends Amy,Lily and Kate come to her home.Sue:Sit down and have a cup of tea.Her friends:Thank you.Happy birthday,Sue.Amy:Here is a cake for you

26、.I m sorry its too small.The shop doesn t sell the big ones and 句子答案一鼓作气课中强化类训练生词专练根据所给基数词写出相应的序数词答案根据句意和提示写出单词免费欢迎下载答案短语专练根据汉语写出英语短语吉娜的生日我爸爸的名字英语晚会学校上课日篮球赛演讲比赛多大年纪艺载答案根据要求改写句子连词成句连词成句改为一般疑问句改为同义句改为一般疑问句答案交际用语专练补全对话即将来临免费欢迎下载答案语法专练单项填空答案具体到某一天应用介词表示日期应用序数词答案表示年龄用基数词为为单数所以应当是两个人共有表示两人共有时只在最后的名字后加用所给数

27、词的适当形式完成句子免费欢迎下载答案快乐时光笑话你父母结婚时你在干什么我和弟弟在街上玩呢再接再厉课后巩固类训练基础题根据括号内的要求写VIP 免费 欢迎下载 Lily likes it very much.Lily:I made a card for you.Happy birthday to you,Sue.Kate:Sue,this hat is my present for you,do you like it?Sue:Thank you very much.I like all of your presents for me.Lets sing and eat the cake.(Th

28、ey jump with joy and begin the birthday party.)1.Whose birthday is it?A.Kate.B.Sue.C.Amy.2.Who made a card for Sue?A.Lily.B.Kate.C.Amy.3.Who gives a hat to Sue?A.Lily.B.Kate.C.Amy.4.Who gives a cake to Sue?A.Kate.B.Lily.C.Amy.5.What does Sue like?A.The card.B.The hat and the cake.C.A and B.答案:1.B 据“

29、Sue is 13 years old today.She has a birthday party”可以得到答案。2.A 据“Lily:I made a card for you”可以得到答案。3.B 据“Kate:Sue,this hat is my present for you,do you like it?”可以得到答案。4.C 据“Amy:Here is a cake for you”可以得到答案。5.C 据“Thank you very much.I like all of your presents for me”可以得到答案。Honor is the reward for v

30、irtue.荣誉是美德的报偿。巧学法园地 几个时间词的区别:分开“一段时间”,some time 表示“一段时间”;相聚“在某一时”,sometime 表示“在某一时”;“有时”相聚加 s,sometimes 表示“有时,不时”;“几次”分开带 s,some times 表示“几次,次数”。句子答案一鼓作气课中强化类训练生词专练根据所给基数词写出相应的序数词答案根据句意和提示写出单词免费欢迎下载答案短语专练根据汉语写出英语短语吉娜的生日我爸爸的名字英语晚会学校上课日篮球赛演讲比赛多大年纪艺载答案根据要求改写句子连词成句连词成句改为一般疑问句改为同义句改为一般疑问句答案交际用语专练补全对话即将来临免费欢迎下载答案语法专练单项填空答案具体到某一天应用介词表示日期应用序数词答案表示年龄用基数词为为单数所以应当是两个人共有表示两人共有时只在最后的名字后加用所给数词的适当形式完成句子免费欢迎下载答案快乐时光笑话你父母结婚时你在干什么我和弟弟在街上玩呢再接再厉课后巩固类训练基础题根据括号内的要求写


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