人教版七年级英语上册(RJ) Unit 7 综合能力检测题.docx

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1、Unit 7综合能力检测题听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共计5分) 听力材料:l.Helen has a nice skirt.2 - Mary doesn 7 like the blue T- shirt.3 - I need a pair of trousers.4 - The socks are only 5 yuan.5 - This yellow sweater is nice.1.2. B 3, D 4. A 5. E二、听句子,选择正确的应答语。(每小题1分,共计5分) 听力材料:6.How much are these shoes?7 -

2、 What color do you want?8 - Can I help you?9 - Thank you very much.10 Where is his sweater?(B )6.A.Ifs $10.B. They are $14.C. This is $40.C. Here you are.B. Can I help you?(B )7.A.I want a skirt. B. Green.(C、thank you.C - Yes , please.I want a T- shirt.(B )9.A.Fm sorry.C OK!(A )10.A.Its on the desk.

3、C - Its $12.B.You are welcome.B - It*s red.三、听对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分) 听力材料:M:Hello 9can I help you?W: Yes 9 please.I need a skirt.(C) 11 .Where is the woman?A In the library.B. At school.C - In a clothes store.听力材料:W: Bill ? do you like this red sweater?Mx No、I want that brown one.(B )12.What color

4、does Bill want?A Red. B. Brown. C. White.听力材料:M: How much are these trousers ?W: Sixteen dollars for one pair and thirty dollars for two pairs.(C )13.What does the boy want to buy?A - Shorts. B. Socks. C. Trousers.听力材料:M: Blue T-shirts are only 20 dollars at our great sale.W : Great.ril take one.(C)

5、14.How much is a blue T-shirt?A - Its 17 dollars. B. It*s 18 dollars. C. Its 20 dollars.听力材料:W: Does your uncle have a store,Jim?Mx Yes.His store sells hats.(A )15.What does Jims uncles store sell?A Hats. B. Fruit. C. Vegetables.四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料: The things in Happy Store are on sale.T

6、om,Anna and Jack are in the clothes store now.Tom wants to buy a sweater.He likes black.And that black sweater is 35 yuan.Anna needs a skirt.She likes white and she wants to buy that white skirt.ltfs 28 yuan. J ack likes playing soccer and he needs a pair of sports shoes.The shoes are 40 yuan.(B )16

7、.Tom needs.A - a jacketB. a sweaterC - a pair of trousers(A )17.Anna likes.A - white B. black C. yellow(A )18.The skirt is yuan.A - 28 B. 35 C. 40(C )19.What sport does Jack like?A - Ping-pong. B. Baseball. C. Soccer.(B )20.What does Jack want to buy?A - Socks. B. Sports shoes. C. Shorts.笔试部分(100分)五

8、、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计10分)(A )21.一Hi! Do you have hats red?一Yeah! And we have red hats only $3.A , in; for B. for; in C. in; in D. for; for(D )22.Where are my,Grandma?一are on your bed.A socks; It B. sock; TheyC - sock; It D. socks; They (D )23.Who are the?TheyYe Lilys.A - woman; aunt B. woman; auntsC women

9、; aunt D. women; aunts(C )24.The socks are four yuan for one pair.So I need yuan to buy five pairs.A eight B. twelve C. twenty D. thirty(D )25._is this blue pencil box?一$2.A What color B. Where C. Who D. How much(A )26.This cup is too.Please get a big one for me.A - small B. tidy C. boring D. intere

10、sting(C )27.一You nice on that blue hat,Grace.一Thank you.A - sound B. see C. look D. eat(C )28.一Mike,a pair of sports shoes under the bed.一the sports shoes blue?A - are; Are B. is; Is C. is; Are D. are; Is(A )29.一Excuse me,Helen.Can you get my purple jacket for me?一Sure.A - Here you are B. Have a goo

11、d dayC Thank you for your help D. Youre welcome(B )30.sir?一Yeah! I want a bag for my daughter.A - How are you B. Can I help youC - What do you like D. Whats this in English六、完形填空。(每小题1分,共计10分)Mr. Johnson has a clothes store.He 义nice clothes to people.The clothes are always 32 very good prices.One da

12、y,a boy comes to Mr. Johnsons store.He looks at a blue 33 . Then he asks, uExcuse me.How %is the blue skirt? ” Its $20.” Mr. Johnson says. Oh,thats too expensive(昂贵的).the boy says.He looks 至sad (伤心的).Mr. Johnson asks the boy , a36 do you want to buy this skirt for? ”“For my mother.Her birthday is ne

13、xt week.She must look nice in this skirt 37 I only have $5.1 cant buy it for her.”“Well,the skirt is on 烈these days.Ifs only $5.You can have it now.”“Oh,thats really great! ril take 英 Thank you! ”the boy says.He 例happy now.“ Good boy! Im sure your mother can have a happy birthday.”(D )31.A.plays B.

14、buys C. watches D. sells(B )32.A.under B. at C. with D. of(C )33.A.T-shirt B. sweater C. skirt D. jacket(O )34.A上ig B. long C. short D. much(A )35.A.very B. always C. sure D. then(A )36.A.Who B. How about C. Where D. What color(B )37.A.So B. But C. After D. And(C)38.A.dollar (A )39Ait B. (C )40.A.ta

15、kcs 七、阅读理解。B. store C. sale D. price them C. us D. herB. needs C. looks D. knows (每小题2分,共计20分)AWelcome to Masons Clothes Store!ClothesColorsPricesT- shirtwhite,red,black$10skirtyellow,blue,white$23trousersblue,red,black,white$20sweaterpurple,green$31hatblack,white$11jacketgreen,brown,purple$18(B )41

16、.have four colors.A Skirts B. Trousers C. Hats D. Jackets(C )42.The most expensive (最贵的)clothes of the store are.A - T-shirts B. trousers C. sweaters D. jackets(A )43.How much are two skirts and a hat?A $57. B. $46. C. $34. D. $23.(D )44.We can buy at the store.A blue T-shirts B. purple skirtsC - wh

17、ite sweaters D. brown jackets(A )45.Kate likes red and she has twelve dollars.She can buy at the store.A - a T-shirt B. a skirt C. a sweater D. a hatBMy friend Lisa has a clothes store.She asks me to come and see.So I go to her store one day.Its a small but nice store.Good clothes are everywhere.! s

18、ee T- shirts,shorts and skirts.All of them are at a great sale.A woman and her son come in.The woman wants to buy a T- shirt for her son. My son likes blacksays the woman.Lisa finds a black T- shirt for the boy.The boy likes it very much.The woman asks,“How much is it? Only SlO.says Lisa. “Oh,its re

19、ally cheap! ” Then the woman buys the T-shirt happily (高兴地).Another (另一个)woman comes.She is a teacher.She wants to buy thirty skirts for her students (学生).She needs ten black ,eight yellow ,seven green and five white ones.Lisa sells the thirty skirts at a great sal已One skirt is only $18.I help Lisa

20、sell some clothes、too.Its a really great day.(C )46.How many kinds (种类)of clothes does Lisa sell?A - One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.(B )47.From Paragraph (段落)3 we can know that.A - the first woman needs shortsB the first womans son likes blackC - another woman buys some socksD the black T- shirt is

21、100 dollars(D )48.The underlined word cheap” means (意思是)in Chinese.A珍贵的B.劣质的C.大方的D.便宜的(B )49.The teacher needs.A - ten white skirts B. eight yellow skirtsC - seven black skirts D. five green skirts(A )50.How much are the thirty skirts?A $540. B. $420. C. $300. D. $180.八、词汇运用。(每小题1分,共计10分)A)根据句意及汉语提示

22、完成单词。51 - All(所有的)my friends like this game.52 , Mom,where is my T-shirt (T 恤衫)?53 Tom sells(卖)books in the store.54 - Come here ? Jack! I need(需要)your help.55 I think it is oery(彳艮)relaxing to watch TV.B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。56 These bo、s (boy) are my good friends.57 These skirts (skirt) are Jennys

23、.58 - This watch is nice.I want tq Jake (take) it.59 - Darning helps (help) me get the hat.60 Come and 力uy (buy) your shoes at good prices.九、句子运用。(每小题2分,共计20分)A)按要求完成下列句子。61 This jacket is black and white.(改为复数句)These jackets are black and white.62 Our store only sells clothes for boys.(改为一般疑问句) Doe

24、s your store only sell clothes for boys?63 - Those are blue T- shirts.(对画线部分提问) W/iaf are those?64 How about the blue shoes?(改为同义句)W痴,about the blue shoes?65 Whafs the price of that purple skirt?(改为同义句) How much is that purple skirt?B)根据汉语意思完成下列句子。66 那件毛衣对我来说太长了。That sweater is too Ion? for me.67-这件

25、白色的短T恤衫是我妹妹的。This short white T-shirt is my sistefs.68 这些鞋一百元两双。These shoes are 100 yuan for two pairs.69 我们可以趁着他们大促销时买衣服。We can buy clothes at their 史reat/bi史sale.70 这个篮球15美元。This basketball is fifteen dollars.十、情景交际。(每小题2分,共计10分)从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余)A: Good morning.Can I help you?B :711 。I need

26、a skirt for my daughter.A: What color do you want?B: My daughter likes white.72. A: Yes 5 we do.Look! How about this one?B: Great! 73. AA: Ifs on sale.74. GB: OK.ril take it.A:75.1B: Thank you very much.A : Youre welcome.A - How much is it?B - Here you are.C , What can I do for you ?D - Yes please.E

27、 Fil take them.F Do you have a white one?G - Ifs only 15 dollars.十一、短文填词。(每小题1分,共计1。分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。price,come , like long,find,girls sell , welcome,purple sportsHi,boys and girls! 76.Come and have a look at our clothes store! We 77.se trousers for only $18.Do you 78.like sweaters

28、? We have sweaters in yellow ? red and 79.Dun)le for $21.For boys,you can buy 80.sorfeshoes for only $25 ! The 8Llo砍T-shirts are on sale for only $17 and the short ones are $1 l.For 82如rls,we have skirts at a very good 83.price-only $15.84Wig/co/neto our clothes store! You can what you want here.十二、

29、书面表达。(共计10分)请根据下面表格里的信息,为Super Clothes Store写一则促销广告。要求:60个单词左 右。Super Clothes Store产品毛衣运动鞋短裤袜子颜色红色白色蓝色黄色价钱$15$12$5两双$3One possible version:Super Clothes StoreCome and buy clothes at Super Clothes Store! Some clothes are on sale. They are at very good prices. We have red sweaters for only $15.Do you need sports shoes They are white for only $12.We have shorts in blue for only $5. Yellow socks are only $3 for two pairs.Come to Super Clothes Store now!


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