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《黑龙江省佳木斯市东风区佳木斯市第八中学2022-2023学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《黑龙江省佳木斯市东风区佳木斯市第八中学2022-2023学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、20222023年度(下)高二期中考试英语试题考试时间:120分钟试卷总分:150分第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一甘(共5小西;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小巴,从题中所给的A、B. C三个选项中选H;坡佳选XR,并标在试卷的相应位置 听完诲段对话后,你都仔10杪钟的时间来问答有关小理和初读 下一小卷.每段对话仅读一遍.1. When will I be game Marl?A. At 】8700.B. At 19:00.C. At 22:00.2. Where will the girl cat breakfast?A. At the school

2、 cafe.B. At the libmry.C. Al home.3. What is(le woman doing?A. Doing behomework.B. Taking exercise.C. Watching TX/.4. What arc the speakers doing? A. Playing a gome.B. Planning a game.C. Watching a gome.5. What docs the nun suggest the woman save money for?A. A puree.B. A watch.C. Wam】 clothes.第二节:(

3、共IS小胸;每小盘1.5分,满分22. 5分)不下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独臼后才几个小题,以眼中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听每段对话或独白的,你将有时间例设各个小盟.每小腮5秒钟:听完后.各个小题将给出5杪钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白谈两退.所卜面一段对话回答第6、7噩.6. How docs the woman want to go to Jesss this time?A. By car.B. On fool.C. By hike.7 Why is the xwman going to Jews?A. Tb do homework.B. To cut dinner.C.

4、 lb see a film.所卜面一段对i回答第8、9题.8. What did the woman like about Ireland?A. The local people.B. Tle cost of travel.C. The weather.9 Wh;H、the probable rchtionship bclwccn the speakers?A. Pumily members.B. Good friends.C. Guide and tourist.听上面一段对话.回答10至12题.10. What docs the man say about electric energy

5、?A. Il、cheaper.B. Ifs nu)re convenientC. 1( pollutes less.11. Which country uses ihe nM】、l electric cars accuixiing(o (he nwn?A. Chilli.B. Germany.C.Japan.12. What docs the man think will happen by 2050?A. EvcQonc will use public transport.B. There will be bicycles cvcrywlwrc.C. Electric cars will r

6、eplace gas can*.听下面一段对话回答13至161a.noticed most things like bugs 3nd small pieces of trash. But this day. a shiny coin caught his eyes. He slopped and picked it up. It was a nice dollar coin. With (hat. he could buy a package of candy. Bui he decided to put (be coin on the ground again. What if a home

7、less person might need that money more than he did? He could buy a cup of hoc coflcc or a loaf of bread with it. But then. Jack quickly picked up the coin ugain. What if one of the uralthy guys found it? But just as quickly. Jack put the coin onto the ground and walked away, because he had seen the

8、poorest boy in his class heading in (he same direction, with his eyes also on the ground.阅读理解:A-2I-23BBA B-24-27ABDA C-28-3IDDAD D-32-35DDAD七选五:36-40GFBCA完形埴空:41-55 DADDA BBABB ACDCD谙法填空:56tuching 57. muddy 58. where 59. Knowing 60. accuracy61. sharpen 62. but 63,sclccccd 64.continuous 65. what写作:第一

9、节参考应文Dear Mr. Brown.Im Li Hua. President of the Student Union. Im writing co inform you of the arrangements for the basketball match to promote our friendship.The match will be held at 9:30 a. m. on September Sth. when it is Sunday and no one has classes. It is going to be played on the basketball c

10、ourt in (he school playground, where we have reliable equipment for exciting games. ComfbrUiblc sneakers arc necessary iind it is recommended ihM you wear sport shins so you can play better. By the way. you arc expected to arrive half an hour curlier since llwrc will be a bnef welcome ccrcmcmy. IxxA

11、ing fbnvgd (u Mxing you?YlHllS,Li Hua 第二节 参考范文Para. I:Ihe whulc 心y、1 印ded up ihinkinq vboui Why doe、he ihink th通Am I that perfect in her eyes and I just didnt just realize it? In this ease. I was thinking that she was cvcrylhing I wanted (u be and site thought (he same of ine. We are no( perfect fro

12、m our point of view. But we arv juM us and iluis ok.Para. 2:After several 如I mcl her again J came up to her and smiled confidently. We talked about our feelings to each other. Aclually. we admired each other. From this. 1 knew we may be that perfect penion in other peoples eyest解析】本文以人物为浅索展开.讲述了作者注意

13、到班上一个女孩,觉得她非常漂亮,她的生活似乎很完荚,有很多朋友,成缴都是A.拥行所有人想要的一切.结果这大女孩告诉作者.他觉得 作者很漂亮.1 .段落续写:由第一段百句内存“一整天.我都在想她为什么这么招? ”可知,第一段可描写作者听了女孩的话之后内心的活动。由第二段首句内容-几天后,我乂见到了她,”可领,笫二段可描写他们见面后的事侨和作者的盛悟2 .放写戏我;作者思考女孩的话一作者密恰我们并不完美一再次相遇一谀论监受一盛梏13. How inany universities has the man attended?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.14 Whal arc the

14、 man s udks about?A. Job hunting.B. College life.C. Ibaching skills.15. What docs the man advise (he woman to study?A. Writing.B. Physics.16. What is the woman worried about?C. Math.A. Her grades.B. Her tuition fees.听下面一段独白,回答第17至20题,C. Her paients* health.17. What did Jack usually do while he walke

15、d?A. He looked up at the sky.B. He thought about something.C. He pkked up (rash.18. What did Jack find on the ground?A. A coin.B. Candy.C. A bug.19. Whai did Jack do in (he end?A. He brought the object with himB. He gave the object (o someone.C. He left the object on (be ground.20. Who would inost l

16、ikely discover the sanw thing as Jack?A. His leader.B. His ehMnate.C. A Komele peruxi.第二部分回读(共两节,通分SO分)第一节(共15小题;每小题26分,满分375分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。San Francisco Fire Engine ToursBack to the Fifties TourRunning: August 16ugh August 3islThis tour tranjiports you bock in time to one of Sun

17、 FranciscoS most fiintaslic psiods、the 19407 Enjoy fun history ax we lake you through &m Francisco lor x free (axle of ice cnyim.Departing form the Cannery: 5XX) p.m. and 7:00 p.m.Duration: 2 hoursPrice: S90San Framiwo Winery TourRunning: February I si ihruugh Apnl MhhThis delicicnix (our goes throu

18、gh the city on its way to Trcimirc Island where we will Mop aUbc famous Winery SE Here you am enjoy 4 pours of wxne of the best wine Sun FratKisco Ivis (o oiler. (Included in tickets price)Departing from the Cannery: Tell time upon request.Duration: 2 hoursPrice: $90Spooky llnllowccn TourRunning: Oc

19、tober I Oth (hrough October 31stJoin us fvi Treaxure khtui.B. Have free ice cream.C. Enjoy the holiday scenes.D. Visit the Presidio discnct.23. What do ibe Spooky Halloween lour and Holiday Lights Tour have in common?A. They have【be aine lasting timeB. They have the same scenesC. They b(Kh need to b

20、ook in advanceD. They have the same departing timeBDo you love holidays but hate the increase weight that fol lows? You arc not alone.Holidays arc happy days with pleasure and delicious (oods.Many pcoplc.hourvcr.arc worried about (he weight chat comes along with the delicious foods.With proper is po

21、ssible(o control your wcight.Thc idea is to enjoy the holidays but not co cat too much.You dont have to turn away from the foods that you cnjoy.Thc following suggestioiK may be of sone help io you.IX not miss mealv.Bckire you leave hume fbr a fetixijiave a small,kw*ta( xnack/lhis may help lo keep yo

22、u from gelling loo excited bdbrv delicious (ckkIs.Begin with clear noup.fruit or vegetaWes.A large glass of water before you cat may help you feel full.Use a small platcia large plate will encourage yew to have more than enough.Better not have high-fat foods.Dishes that look oily or creamy have much

23、 fat in them.Choose lean nwat.Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables.If you lias e a sweet tooih.try mints aiui fruits.They dont liave fat content cream and cltocolaie.Dont kl exervixe hike a hrvak during (he holichys.A 20 minu(e walk after a nwal can Iwlp burn off excess caJones.24. Holida

24、ys arc happy days with plcasunc tnu (hey may.A.bring weight problemsB.bring you much tremble in your liteC.makc you worry about your foodsD.inakc you hate delicious foods25.In order to ivally enjoy your holidays witliout putting on weight.youd belter.A.drink mixrh waler and luve vegetables onlyB.nul

25、 ait much food in high taiC.not accept invitations to tcaMsD.turn away from delicious foods26. According to the passage. is a necessary part co stop you from putting on weight.A.ckar sixip B. water C.energyD.phyical exercise27. Many people cant help pulling oi weight after Ihc holtblcms. For example

26、, if you were late because your car broke down, maybe you need io liavc your car examined more regularly. Or. you might start to catty along with you the zful phone number?%, so you could call for help when in need. For anodier example, if your colleague cauxes)ou problem、on (he job for lack of resp

27、cwibihiy or ability, find way、 of dealing with his irrcsponsibilily or inability rather than simply blame the person, /sk (o work with a diflcrcnt person, ordon*( rely on this pcnon. You should accept tlwt the person is not reliable and find creative ways (o work successfully regardless of how your

28、colleague fails to do his job well.This is what being a winner is all about-creatively using your skills and Ulents so that you arc successful no matter what happens. Winners donl have 命wcr problems in their lives; they have just as many difficult situations to face as anybody cIm?. They aiv just bc

29、ucr at seeing tbov problems as challenges and opportunities to develop their own talents. So. stop focusing on Whose fault it is.* Once you are confident about your power over txid situaiiofis, problems atv jusi de stepping “one for sucoe於.28. Accuftling (u the passage* winners.A. blame themselves r

30、ather tluin others B. meet with fewer diflkultics in tbeir livesC. have responsible and able colleagues D. deal with problems rather (han blame others29. The underlined wool remedy in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to.A. improveB. refuseC. avoidD. consider30. When prclems occur, winners take ihen

31、i as.A. excuses lor their failuresB. chances for self-developmentC. challenges to ihcir colleaguesD. barriers to greater power31. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A.A Winners OpportunityB. A Wiimers ProblemC. A Winners StxnrtD. A Winners AchwvemenlDUu Xu was robbcd.Tbc 13-yca

32、r-old was riding home when a man jumped out from (he noadsidc.Hc pulled Liu ofThis bike and rode away.Uu was scarcd.bui he didnt run after the robber.He found a telephone and called the police at 110.Safety is (he first in such a sitiwtion/- Liu saidjemembering what his teacher had told him m his ai

33、d class.Jts not sate to run a Her an adult who is much stronger tlun you Liu is a student at Shenzhen Baoan Middle School in Guangdong.His school is one of the first in China to have required first aid cducution.Grade I students must take the class oikc u week.Teenage safety has become a serious pro

34、blem recently. According to a recent survey about 16.000 teenagers die in accidcnis in China every ycar.An average of 40 students Me every day from drowningjixxi poiM)ninge leenagers hew to keep themselves safe from danger34 .Zbou Min gives an example (o show .A.bow they Icurn in the find aid classe

35、sB.whcre they have their first aid classesC.what they dont often do in her classesD.wlx) (aught (hein role-playing in her classes35 . Which of (he fdlowing is NO T true according lo the passage?A. A survey shows (hat over ten thousand tccnagcn* die in accidents in China every year.B.Many students of

36、 Baoan Middle School enjoyed themselves in first aid classes.C.Girl students arc taught what to do when someone tries to do bad things to them.D.Topics for finu aid classes are quite differenc from whai the students have been taught.第二节共5小题;每小题2.S分,满分125分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项Some

37、 people sucoccd.whilc others inay not. _36_The first thing you must renumber is itu【in order to succeed, you must be opiimisticX 乐观体J . If you do no( expect(o win.you will no try as hard as those who do expeci to win.37 If you do nM luve an ;iim,lhen yew will n -thinking atKHil things in a dilYerent way and wondering bow ochers would do the same thing. 38 They might be successful with a little crcativity.


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