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1、2023年四川省遂宁市中考英语试卷第一部分 听力。第一节听下面5段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中追出最佳选项。听完每段对话后。你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。1.How is the weather now?A.Sunny. B.Cloudy. C.Rainy.2. What was the boy doing when he heard the news?A.Cleaning the room B.Eating dinner. C.Doing the dishes.3.What did Mike use to look li

2、ke?A Tall and thin. B.Short and thin. C.Short and heavy.4.What does Sam want to be when he grows up?A.An artist. B.A teacher. C.A doctor.5. How did Tim get to school this morning?A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By bike.第二节 听下面5段对话或独白, 每段对话成独白后有几个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中远出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间

3、。每段对话或独白谈两遍。6. When did Tom start to play the piano?A.At the age of 6. B.At the age of 7. C.At the age of 8.7. Where will the concert be held?A.In the music hall. B.In the dining ball. C.In the dancing room.8. When is the yard sale?A.On Sunday afternoon. B.On Saturday morning. C.On Sunday morning.9.

4、 Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A.Teacher and student. B.Mother and son. C.Sister and brother.10. Where are they talking?A.In a post of office. B.In a movie theater. C.In a restaurant.11. What does the mam order?A.Fish, dumplings and soup.B.Fish, noodles and soup.C.Chicken, dumpling

5、s and soup.12. How much does the man need to pay?A.25 yuan. B.35 yuan. C.45 yuan.13. What kind of music does Tony like?A.Pop music. B.Rock music. C.Country music.14. Which country does John Deaver come from?A.The US. B.Canada. C.The UK.15. Why does the girl prefer pop music?A.Because she likes the l

6、yrics.B.Because she can dance to it.16.What time did they meet at the school gate?A.At 7:00. B.At 8:00. C.At 9:00.17.Who is Mr.Tang?A.The teacher. B.The driver. C.The guide.18. How did they learn about physics?A.By using special machines.B.By driving a car.C.By playing chess.19.How many living sill

7、are mentioned?A.One. B.Two. C.Three.20. How was the study trip?A.Relaxing. B.Amazing. C.Usual.第二部分 英语知识运用 。第一节单项填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳这项。1. Look! The traffic light is green. We can go _ the road now.A. acrossB. aboveC. belowD. against2. I saw your grandma using Douyin on the phone. Who taugh

8、t her? Nobody. She taught _.A. himselfB. myselfC. herselfD. yourself3. Give me a hand, Jim. I have to climb up the tree to get my kite.Better not. You have to take your safety _.A. seriouslyB. completelyC. comfortablyD. slowly4. Which movie would you like to watch, Tracy? Umits hard to make a _.A. s

9、urveyB. choiceC. callD. wish5. Miss Xiang is a great teacher _always makes her classes lively and fascinating.A. whichB. whoC. whatD. whom6. The city Zibo is _ popular _ many people want to go there for a trip this year.A. so, thatB. such, thatC. too, toD. very, that7. Its said that ChatGPT has both

10、 good and bad sides.Well, it all _ how you use itA. leads toB. sounds likeC. turns intoD. depends on8. Liu Yi has just got the only chance to visit Peking University. She is the _ student in class.A. luckyB. luckierC. luckilyD. luckiest9. Sandy, Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Could you tell me_? Su

11、re! You can buy some in Shihui Supermarket. Its not far from here.A. where I can buy some sweet zongziB. who likes eating sweet zongziC. whether this kind of zongzi is sweetD. how you make sweet zongzi10. This is Annie speaking. May I speak to Sally?_ I can take a message for you.A. I hope not.B. Im

12、 sorry to hear that.C. Sorry, she isnt here now.D. Have a good day.第二节 完形填空。阅读下面两段短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入白处的最佳选项。Many of Chinas most popular dishes come from Sichuan. If its the first time for you to visit Sichuan, dont have your hometown dishes. Try a hot pot dinner _11_. And if you go,

13、 be sure to bring your friends and familyyou get lots of food!At a hot pot _12_ in Sichuan, the waiter serves the food uncooked. You cook it yourself at the table. You get a large pot of boiling soup, vegetables and meat or seafood. Add these foods to the _13_ one by one. When its finished, enjoy it

14、 with relish you like. Its fun to eat at a hot pot restaurant. Just several months ago, the first hot pot bus _14_ in Chengdu. On the bus, you can eat hot pot, go around the city and learn about the history of Sichuan hot pot. People like hot pot because it is delicious and its _15_ to make. You can

15、 even make it at home by yourself. Everybody is a cook!11. A. againB. insteadC. aloneD. bravely12. A. homeB. supermarketC. restaurantD. hotel13. A. bottleB. bowlC. plateD. pot14 A. appearedB. happenedC. brokeD. stopped15. A. easyB. popularC. necessaryD. tastyHave you heard of Zhu Yanjun, a middle-ag

16、ed builder from a small village in Gansu Province? Can you believe that he _16_ the second prize in Chinese Poetry Competition hosted by CCTV in February, 2023?Born in a family of farmers, Zhus love for _17_ started from a very young age under the influence of his Chinese teacher. He dreamed of writ

17、ing his own books one day, just like his teacher. _18_ he finished middle school, Zhu went to big cities to look for jobs. He worked for house building in more than ten _19_ wherever he was, he went to local bookstores with a notebook. He would take notes from the books and _20_ the words in a dicti

18、onary to check the meanings.At the beginning, he read poems from the Tang Dynasty and poems written by Chairman Mao Zedong. As time went by, he found some _21_ methods to remember them. He especially likes Chairman Maos words: _22_ in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. Over the

19、years, he has read _23_ poems and can memorize more than 1,000 of them.There is an old Chinese saying, “Reading 10,000 books is not as good 85 traveling 10,000 miles.” Zhu said, “_24_ I have been to many different cities, it is not for travel. I get to know the history and traditions of many places

20、by reading books and poems. It opens up a new _25_ for me.” Reading also helps him live _26_ and he never complains(抱怨) about hard work. There are _27_ everywhere in his home, so he can read whenever he wants.Zhu was very _28_ in his childrens study. The children were required to finish their homewo

21、rk and do some reading before they play. “Getting a good education is very important for my kids, because knowledge can bring _29_ a better life,” said Zhu.Zhu is already 50 years old, but he keeps on learning all the time. His story tells us that learning is a lifelong journey. Whether we are old o

22、r _30_, we should always learn to improve ourselves. Our life time is limited. Lets put it to good use.16. A. inventedB. wonC. createdD. discovered17. A. readingB. singingC. drawingD. running18. A. IfB. DuringC. AfterD. Unless19. A. museumsB. villagesC. countriesD. cities20. A. put upB. write downC.

23、 look upD. take out21. A. usefulB. fairC. realD. ancient22. A. somethingB. nothingC. everythingD. anything23. A. severalB. a fewC. thousands ofD. a couple of24. A. As soon asB. BecauseC. UntilD. Although25 A. buildingB. houseC. schoolD. world26. A. politelyB. peacefullyC. heavilyD. safely27. A. book

24、sB. clothesC. lettersD. pictures28. A. talentedB. strictC. interestedD. pleased29. A. herB. himC. meD. them30. A. richB. poorC. youngD. kind第三部分 阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出最佳选项。These days, Riverside High School has cut down the students homework and encouraged them to take part in social a

25、ctivities. Last week, the school newspaper asked the students about them. Here are some of the replies.Xue Mei, 13I fell in love with paper cutting as soon as I watched it on TV. This year, I have time to learn it in our local art museum on weekends. Now I am able to make a lot of wonderful paper cu

26、ttings. I also teach my classmates to do it. I hope that our traditional Chinese art can be passed down from one to another.Wang Yan, 14My father tells me that food is the first necessity of man. This spring, I grew some tomatoes and corn with the help of him. While working in the field, I feel clos

27、e to nature. Its hard but meaningful to look after my plants. I believe that the food grown by myself must be the most delicious.Wen Man, 14I spend every weekend working in my uncles pet shop. There I care for the pets and play with them. When I help the homeless animals find warm-hearted owners, I

28、get a strong feeling of satisfaction. Working at the pet shop is tiring but interesting, I hope to have my own pet shop some day.Tian Hao, 15Im a ping-pong lover. Without so much homework I can practice it with my classmates more often. Now my ping-pong skills have improved a lot. And I can even hel

29、p teach little kids in the ping-pong club. I plan to take part in the citys ping-pong competition next summer.31. You can ask Xue Mei about _ if you are interested in it.A. paper cuttingB. tomato plantingC. animal caningD. ping-pong playing32. Wen Man may work in the pet shop on _.A. MondayB. Tuesda

30、yC. FridayD. Saturday33. Wang Yan thinks the food is the most delicious mostly because _.A. tomatoes and corn are her favorite foodB. the food is grown by herselfC. working with her father makes her happyD. she enjoys being close to nature34. What is Tian Hao going to do next summer?A. Practice ping

31、-pong more often.B. Improve his ping-pong skills.C. Take part in a ping-pong competition.D. Be a ping-pong trainer in the club.35. Whats the structure of this text?A. B. C. D. Peng Jingxuan, a 26-year-old Chinese girl, is now studying in a music university in Paris. While learning abroad, she is als

32、o working at spreading traditional Chinese culture to the world. She can often be found on French streets, wearing a silk Han Dynasty-style dress and playing the guzheng to passers-by.Born in 1995, Peng began to learn the guzheng when she was seven years old. After arriving in France in late 2017, s

33、he saw many people do street performances, but few of them knew about Chinese music. So she decided to play the guzheng on the streets.Peng made her first performance in from of a theater in October, 2018. “I was very nervous at that time, but a lot of people said they enjoyed my performance,” Peng

34、said. Then she started to perform during weekends and holidays. After being asked plenty of times by local people about the guzheng, Peng now carries a book that explains the instrument to foreigners. Later, she posted her first video of playing the guzheng online and it spread quickly. From then on

35、, Peng has posted many videos of her street performances. The videos have got many likes and made her a very popular guzheng artist. She has millions of fans on the Internet now.More and more people show great interest in the guzheng after watching Pengs performances. “People come to me and praise m

36、e for the beauty of the instrument and the music. Every time they ask me which country the guzheng comes from, I am very happy to tell them its from China.” Peng feels she has more responsibility to spread traditional culture. “What is national is universal. I hope to play a bigger role in making Ch

37、inese music known by the world.” said Peng.36. Peng started to learn the guzheng _.A. in 1995B. in 2002C. in 2017D. in 201837. Why did Peng decide to play the guzheng on the streets in Paris?A. Because she needed to make money for her education.B. Because she wanted to become famous.C. Because she f

38、ound few people there knew about Chinese music.D. Because she wanted to make videos to post online.38. Whats the come order of the following events? put her first video onlinegot many fanswent to Parismade her first performanceA. B. C. D. 39. What is the book that Peng carries about?A. Han Dynasty-s

39、tyle dresses.B. Street performances.C. The guzheng.D. French instruments.40. What is the passage mainly about?A. Advising people to visit Pang.B Telling the story of a popular guzheng artist.C. Asking people to learn the guzheng.D. Encouraging readers to do street performances.These days, a game cal

40、led Treasure Find is getting popular among young people in some western countries. Would you like to have a try?What is Treasure Find?In a Treasure Find activity, you look for treasures in a city. They create each Treasure Find activity to help you explore (探索) a city and to learn about its most fam

41、ous sights.How does it work?Its better to explore in a group. So find a team of three or four people first. To begin your trip, you must download the Treasure Find app. Then touch “start” and the app will give you directions to your first place. Follow the directions to that place. Theyre usually im

42、portant buildings or city parks. Once you arrive, youll get information about the place. You only have 30 seconds to study the information, and then youll get a test. If you pass the test, you can get easy directions to the next place. If not, the directions can be difficult.How do you win?To win, y

43、our team has to go from place to place quickly. Once you get to the last place, there is a Treasure Find sign. Stand next to it and take a photo. Send your photo through the Treasure Find app. The app marks your time and sends a message to the winning team. The team gets a great prize.Treasure Find

44、is a wonderful game that offers people chances to know about a city in a short time. Young people like it not only because it lets their pressure go but also develops the spirit of teamwork. Its worth trying!41. To begin your trip, you have to _.A. download the Treasure Find appB. make a phone callC

45、. take a photoD. pass a test42. How do you know where to go?A. By inviting a guide.B. By asking people on streets.C. By calling the Treasure Find team.D. By following the directions from the app.43. If you do badly on the test, what will happen?A. You will not get directions to the next place.B. You

46、 will have to start your trip again.C. You may get difficult directions to the next place.D. You may have to take the test again.44. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?A. The sign.B. The building.C. The park.D. The prize.45. What is the text?A. A story.B. A poem.C. An interview.D. An introd

47、uction.Some people believe that humans could live on the planet Mars by the year 2100. Our own planet, the Earth, is becoming more and more crowded and polluted. It is hoped that people could start all over again and build a better world on Mars. Here is what life there could be like.At present, our spacecraft are too slow to carry large numbers of passengers to Marsit would tak


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