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1、2023-2023 年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题 含答案(IV)第一局部:听力共两节,20 小题,每题 1.5 分,总分值 30 分第一节 (共 5 小题;每题 1.5 分,总分值 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来答复有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman think makes people happy?A. Money.B. Love.C. Success.2. What are the speakers

2、 talking about?A. A television.B. A picture.C. A movie.3. Where did the woman meet Alice?A. At a restaurant.B. At a school.C. At a clothes shop.4. Who is the woman?A. A house owner.B. A house agent.C. A house keeper.5. How long can the man keep the book?A. For one week.B. For two weeks.C. For three

3、weeks. 其次节 共 15 小题;每题 1.5 分,总分值 22.5 分听下面 5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料, 答复第 6、7 题 。6. Where does the woman work?A. In a newspaper office.B. In a sports shop.C. In a sportsclub.7. What kind of water

4、sports does the man often do?A. Sailing.B. Windsurfing.C. Swimming. 听第 7 段材料, 答复第 8 至 10 题 。8. Where are the speakers?A. In a hotel.B. In a bank.C. In a clothes shop.9. What does the man want to do?A. Have a drink.B. Buy a T-shirt.C. Get some money.10. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The

5、speakers are in Avenue de Sude.B. The man should turn right twice.C. The caf is next to the bank. 听第 8 段材料, 答复第 11 至 13 题 。11. Why is the man happy?A. He was promoted.B. He was praised by his boss.C. He found a new job.12. What advice did the man give his boss?A. Add more signing-in stations.B. Call

6、 off the signing-in system.C. Introduce a new signing-in system.13. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Ask for an award.B. Talkwith his colleagues.C. Behave himself in the pany.听第 9 段材料, 答复第 14 至 17 题 。14. What are the speakers mainly talk about?A. A mobile phone.B. An MP3 player.C. A puter.1

7、5. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Customer and saleswoman.B. Husband and wife.C. Interviewer and interviewee.16. What is one of the features of the product?A. It can give directions.B. It can deliver files anywhere.C. It can be used as an address book.17. What does the man like abo

8、ut the product?A. The style.B. The price.C. The functions. 听第 10 段材料, 答复第 18 至 20 题 。18. What part-time job did the speaker do when she was in high school?A. She was a babysitter.B. She was a waitress.C. She was a store detective.19. What do we know about the speaker?A. Shesavedno money from the sum

9、mer job.B. Shefoundher summer job exciting.C. shestilllikes shopping now.20. Why did the speaker fail to catch the thieves?A. She couldnt see clearly.B. She was afraid to do that.C. She was too young to do that.其次局部:单项选择共 20 小题;每题 0.5 分,总分值 10 分21. is known to us all is that the Chinese government h

10、as spared no efforts to protect people from fake food.A. WhatBItCAsDWhich22. The designer askedwe were getting on well with the project.A. howBwhatCifDthat 23What we can learn from the story isyou mustn”t blame childrenfor the mistakes of their parents.AwhereBwhatCwhetherDthat24. It made Kate”s pare

11、nts excitedKate entered the final in the tennis match.A. whatBwhetherCthatDwhen25. They were walking along the shorea huge wave appeared out of nowhere, sweepingthem out to sea.A. asB. whileC. whenD. though26. It was his courage, not his skill,really struck me most.A. whenB. whereC. whichD. that27.

12、The two thingsthe couple felt most proud were their smallgarden and their sports car.A. about whichC. for whichB. of whichD. in which28. him that she would fail as she was so able and worked so hard.A. It never occurred toBThat never occurred toCIt never occurred withDThat never occurred for29. I ha

13、ve to go to school by bus because my bicycle.A. will be repairedB. is repairedC. has been repairedD. is being repaired30. Many experts stick to the viewteacher development isthe key to quality education lies.A. which; whereB. which; in whichC. that; whereD. that; in which31. The decision has been ma

14、dea new school building be built next month.A. whyB. ifC. whetherD. that32. the teacher expected, the students were very excited after heard the good news.A. AsB. SoC. WhatD. /33. TV turnoff week ,millions of people around the world participate every year,tries to encourage people to turn on life.A.

15、 in whichB. on whichC. whichD. when34. Do you remember the chicken farmwe visited three months ago?A. whereB. whenC. thatD. what35. To show our respect, we usually have to take our gloves off we are to shake hands with.A. whicheverB. wheneverC. whoeverD. whatever36. Our teacher did allhe could to he

16、lp them.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. whose37. He is such a good teacherwe all like him.A. whomB. thatC. asD. which38. Occasions are quite rareI have the time to spend a day with my kids.A. whenB. whichC. whyD. where39. The old templeroof was damaged in storm is now under repair.A. whereB. whichC. itsD.

17、whose40. we cant get seems better thanwe have.A. What, whatB. What, thatC. That, thatD. That, what第三局部:阅读理解共两节,总分值 40 分第一节 阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最正确选项。TODAY, Friday, November 12JAZZ with the Mike Thomas Jazz Band at The Derby Arms. Upper Richmond Road West, Sheen.DISCO Satin Sounds Disco. Free at The

18、 Lord Napier, Mort lake High St., from 8a. m. to 8p. m. Tel: 6821158.SATURDAY, November 13JAZZ Lysis at The Bulls Head, Barnes. Admission 60p.MUSICAL HALL at The Star and Garter, Lower Richmond Road, Putney, provided by the Aba Daba Music Hall pany. Good food and entertainment fair price. Tel: 78967

19、49.FAMILY night out? Join the sing-along at The Black Horse. Sheen Road, Richmond.JAZZ The John Bennett Big Band at The Bulls Head, Barnes. Admission 80p.THE DERBY ARMS, Upper Richmond Road West, give you Joe on the electricaccordion(手风琴). Tel: 7894536SUNDAY, November 14DISCO Satin Sounds Disco, fre

20、e at The Lord Napier, Mort Lake High Street, from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.FOLK MUSIC at The Derby Arms. The Short Stuff and residents the Norman Chop Trio. Non-remembers 70p. Tel: 6884626.HEAVY MUSIC with Tony Simon at The Bull, Upper Richmond Road West, East Sheen.THE DERBY ARMS, Upper Richmond Road West

21、, give you Joe on the electric accordion.41. Where and when can you hear the Norman Chop Trio?A. AttheBulls Head on Sunday.B. AttheDerby Arms on Sunday.C. AttheBull on Saturday.D. AttheBlack Horse on Saturday.42. You want to enjoy the electric accordion on Saturday. Which telephone number do you hav

22、e to ring to find out what time it starts?A. 7896749.B. 7894536.C.6821158.D.6884626.43. You want to spend the Saturday by joining the entertainment with your family. Where should you go?A. Disco at The Lord Napier.B. The sing-along at The Black Horse.C. The electric accordion at The Derby Arms.D. Ja

23、zz at The Bulls Head.BThe story happened during the Second World War. An old man lived in a small town of Germany. He had three sons and they all worked in the same factory where he had worked. After the war had begun, his sons were allmade to join the army one after another and they all died in the

24、 fights. The old man was very sad. He didnt have enough food and was often hungry.And nobody helped him and he didnt know how to go on living.It was a very cold winter night. The old man couldnt go to sleep. He had been hungry for two days and it was so cold in his room that ice could be seen. He ha

25、d to get up and began to run in the room until he lay down on the floor. The next morning he had to beg from door to door. Hehad been to a lot of cities and knew a lot.Once he came to a village, but the villagers were all poor and couldnt give him anything. He was too hungry to go to another village

26、. He thought hard and found a way. He came to a police station and called out, “Hitler is a foolish pig!”Out came an old policeman at once. He took the old man into a room, gave him some bread and a cup of tea. Then he said, “Dont say so in our village, sir!”“Im sorry, sir,” said the old man. “I don

27、t know its Hitlers home town.” “No, no, sir,” the policeman said in a hurry. “Its pigs hometown!”44. The old mans sons joined the army because.A. they were all strongB. they loved their countryC. they wanted to be fullD. they had to do so45. The villagers didnt give the old man any food because.A. t

28、hey werent kind-heartedB. his sons were in the armyC. they were also hungryD. they hated him46. Which of the following is true?A. The old policeman would send the old man into prison.B. The old policeman hated Hitler, too.C. The old policeman thought Hitler was better than pigs.D. The old man found

29、a friend at the police station.47. The policeman thought.A. Hitler was more foolish than pigsB. theoldmaninsulted(污辱) their hometownC. theoldmanhad to say sorry to himD. theoldmanhad to fight with HitlerCPierre is a 25-year-old penguin at the California Academy of Sciences. Due to his old age, he wa

30、s going bald, which made him feel too cold toswim in the pool.Therefore, biologists at the academy had a wetsuit 潜(水服)created for this penguin to help him get back in the swimming pool. Unlike marine海洋的mammals, which have a layer of blubber to keep them warm, penguins depend on their waterproof feat

31、hers. Without them,Pierre was unwilling to jump into the swimming pool and ended up tremblingon the side of the pool while his 19 peers played in the water.“He was cold; he would shake,“ said Pam Schaller, a senior biologist. Schaller first tried a heat lamp to keep Pierre warm. Then she got another

32、 idea: if wetsuits keep humans warm in the cold Pacific, why not make one for Pierre?Schaller designed the suit, which covered Pierres body and had small openings for his flippers.“I would walk behind him and look at where there were any gaps, and cut and refit and cut and refit until it looked like

33、 it was extremely suitable,“ she said.One concern was that the other penguins would reject Pierre in his new suit, but in fact, they accepted his new look. He swam freely and got along with others well, although he was the only penguin with a black stomach.Schaller couldnt say for sure whether the w

34、etsuit allowed Pierre to recover his fine feathers, but “certainly we were able to keep him fortable during a periodof time that would have been very difficult for him to stay fortable“.Pierre will take off his suit after his new feathers grow back.48. Pierre felt too cold to swim in the pool becaus

35、e of.A. not having a layer of blubberB. having few feathersdue to old ageC. having no wetsuitD. others penguins rejecting him49. Schaller followed Pierre in order to see.A. whether other penguins would reject himB. if anywhere of wetsuit needed to be cut and refitC. if the wetsuit kept warmD. whethe

36、r the wetsuit would keep the feathers from recovering50. What does the underlined word in the second paragraph mean?A. feeling scaredB. staying aloneC. shaking with coldD. keeping warm51. The best title of the passage is.A. Wetsuit for An Old PenguinB. Old Penguin Getting BaldC. Unwilling to SwimD.

37、Strange Look of PierreDEven a child knows that nodding(点头) the head means “Yes”. But some people will probably be puzzled when they first e to India. When they talkto an Indian, he often shakes his head. They might think that the Indian does not like what he said, but on the contrary he is expressin

38、g agreement.The Indians have a habit of shaking their heads slightly when they talk to somebody. It doesnt mean “No”, but “Yes”.If a person doesnt know this, it might cause misunderstanding.At one time a foreigner in India told his driver who was an Indian to take him to his office. The driver shook

39、 his head. The foreigner repeated his request and the driver shook his head again. At last, the foreigner shouted angrily, “Drive me to my office at once!” The driver said in a low voice, “Yes, sir,” smiling and shaking his head again at the same time.52. Generally speaking, nodding the head means,

40、and shaking the head means.A. Yes, NoB. No, YesC. Yes, YesD. No, No53. According to the habit of India, if someone agrees with you, he will .A. nod his headB. shake his headC. neither nods his head nor shakes his headD. either nod his head or shake his head54. Why did the Indian driver shake his hea

41、d when the foreigner asked him to drive him to his office? Because.A. the Indian driver has something important to doB. the foreigner promised to give him only a little moneyC. The driver felt unfortable at that timeD. In India shaking the head means agreement55. Why did the foreigner bee angry? Bec

42、ause.A. the Indian driver didnt want to send him to his officeB. He misunderstood the meaning of shaking the head in IndiaC. he asked the driver to send him to his office, but the India driver didnt say any wordsD. the Indian driver asked him for a lot of money其次节共 5 小题;每题 2 分,总分值 10 分依据短文内容, 从短文后的选

43、项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.Are you simply moving through your day without fully living? I thinkmany of us have done this. Everyone wants to fully live every day.56 So Ive decided to share with you some ways to help you enjoy every moment.Sit in morning. When you wake up, in the quiet of the mornin

44、g, sit on the floor. I often use this opportunity to stretch. I feel every muscle in my body.5758I like to take breaks from work, and go outside for a slow walk.Pay attention to your breathing, to everything around you, to the sounds and light of objects.Read in silence. Find a quiet time and a quie

45、t place, and read a good novel. Have no television or puters on nearby.59It might seem difficult to let your mind move from the present into the time of novel, but its a great patience in focus. Also, I love a good novel more than almost anything else.Look at someone in a grateful way.60If you want,

46、 you can tell that person how thankful you are to him.A. Walk slowly.B. Work with force.C. And just put yourself in the world of the novel.D. Its a way of building something good into your life.E. But this is easier said than done.F. Find someone you care about and be grateful for his existence.G. I also just sit, and focus on my brea


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