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《上海市浦东新区2021-2023年中考英语二模试题分类汇编:完形填空+.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《上海市浦东新区2021-2023年中考英语二模试题分类汇编:完形填空+.docx(6页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、上海市浦东新区2021-2023年中考英语二模试题分类汇编完形填空2023年上海市浦东新区中考二模英语试题Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12 分)The most important jobMy parents got Federicos Family Laundromat (洗衣店)from my grandfather. It was a true family business. My father worked the washing machines while my mother sat

2、 at the sewing machine. My Aunt Gloria was responsible for the cash desk. Even my retired grandfather offered to 65 by doing some cleaning now and then.My father used to say that the most important machine in the Laundromat wasnt the washing machine, the cash desk, or the sewing machine. It was the

3、coffee pot that sat by the entrance. The coffee was free, and almost every 66 would have a cup and chat with my family while waiting for their clean clothes. In the hours after school or on weekends, it was my job to keep the coffee pot filled. At least ten times per day, I would clean up the wet co

4、ffee grounds(咖啡渣),weigh 40g of beans, fill the pot with water, and turn on the coffee machine. It was such a(n) 67 job that I could have done it in my sleep.I remember complaining to my father one busy day Why do we have to give away coffee? Were a Laundromat, not a coffee shop!” I said 68.My father

5、 was surprised at my attitude and immediately stopped what he was doing to talk to me. He took a seat across from me, and with a patient but serious look on his face, he spoke:“Son, people can wash their clothes at any laundromat in town. They come to ours because we 69 them like friends. We offer t

6、hem a cup of coffee. We chat with them, laugh with them and connect with them. People dont just need a place to clean their clothes. They need friendship. That is why your job is the most important job in the laundromat.”My fathers words had the expected 70 . From then on, I even weighed the cofiee

7、beans more carefully, making sure that the coffee would turn out just right. After all, I had the most important job in the laundromat, and that was worth taking seriously.65. A) check in66. A) customer67. A) amusing68. A) politely69. A) forgive70. A) effectB) give a handC) dress upD) make a livingB

8、) passengerC) engineerD) assistantB) changeableC) importantD) boringB) angrilyC) gentlyD) slowlyB) praiseC) serveD) encourageB) lessonC) awardD) attention2022年上海市浦东新区中考二模英语试题VII. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成 短文)(12分)Birds have always been a problem for farm

9、ers. They like to eat the seeds in farmers9 fields. As soon as a farmer plants seeds, the birds arrive for dinner. Often these birds are crows.Farmers try to get rid of their unwanted visitors by making scarecrows. A scarecrow is45 to scare away crows and other birds. The first scarecrows were made

10、hundreds of years ago. They were sticks stuck in the ground with big rags 46 to the top. When the wind blew, the rags flapped(飘动)and frightened the birds.As time went on, farmers began making better scarecrows. They nailed a second stick across the top of the one in the ground. Now the scarecrows ha

11、d arms and could wear old shirts. When farmers put straw into the shirts, the scarecrows began to look like real people. Some even had faces. Scarecrows were usually placed in 47 fields and became a notable symbol of farms and countryside in popular culture.When farmers began using modern machines,

12、they didnt need scarecrows anymore. The new farm machines were big and made a lot of 48. They scared the birds away quite well.In the 1960s people became interested in folk art such as scarecrows. Suddenly scarecrows were popular 49, People wanted them for their yards and vegetable gardens. Evenpeop

13、le in cities bought scarecrows for their parties.Today some artists make scarecrows to sell. They use 50 materials such as sticks, straw and dry leaves for the bodies. However, these new scarecrows are often dressed in fancy clothes. Some were sunglasses, belts or scarves. Some may have masks, hats

14、and purses.45. A. requiredB. supposedC. refusedD. supported46. A. draggedB crossedC , steppedD. tied47. A. largeB quietC, openD extra48. A. noiseB. moneyC. foodD. mess49. A. laterB. againC. onceD. right50. A. easyB. specialC , naturalD. tiny2021年上海市浦东新区中考二模英语试题VII. Choose the words or expressions an

15、d complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成 短文)(12分)What comes to mind when you think of archaeologists烤古学家)2 Are they as cool as the characters in Hollywood hit movies? Do they experience new adventures every day? Lefs discover the world of archaeologists.Reaching spotsHistorical treasures are often buri

16、ed underground. To locate the proper place for 37,archaeologists do surveys to search for signs of ancient spots. These signs may be anything just like broken pieces of ancient tools.Ifs difficult work. They walk across the areas in all kinds of weather, so it is often done by walking. Besides, it r

17、equires much experience and 38 knowledge to tell an ordinary rock from a stone tool, or tell a natural hill from a grass-covered historic site.ResearchingArchaeologists spend a lot of time in the lab studying the discoveries. 39 they are now closer to answering those mysteries than ever with modern

18、technology.The first thing they need to do is to recognize the age of the items discovered. They also40 bones of humans or animals to find out the cause of their death and what they ate during their lifetime. After that, archaeologists draw the pictures of them on computers based on collected data.R

19、estoration(修复)Ancient objects can be damaged in different ways. 41 bowls and cups are often broken into pieces, while metal tools usually get (生锈 的).Before repairing, they use X-rays to look for damage. If the rust is harmful, they need to remove it and repair the object with special metal powder. I

20、n this process, restorers have to be extremely patient and careful so as not to damage the 42 of the objects.Since the job can be physically tiring outdoors or need a long time work in the lab, most archaeologists are proud of their work. Ifs their hard work that has brought the lost treasures back

21、to life.37. A. living38. A. junior39. A. Carefully40. A. contact41. A. For exampleB. restingB. generalB , FortunatelyB . followB , In additionC. diggingC. majorC. BeautifullyC. examineC. At leastD. sightseeingD. professionalD. ImmediatelyD. developD. In return42. A. secretB , temperatureC. weightD.

22、value答案:2023年上海市浦东新区中考二模英语试题45 . B 46. A 47. D 48. B 49. C 50. A【导语】本文主要讲述了作者父亲的洗衣店提供免费咖啡,作者一开始向父亲抱怨,理解了 父亲的意图之后开始认真对待这份工作。46 .句意:就连我退休的祖父也主动提出帮忙,时不时地打扫卫生。check in 登记入住;give a hand 帮助;dress up 装扮;make a living 谋生。根据by doing some cleaning”可知他爷爷也会帮助打扫卫生。故选B。47 .句意:咖啡是免费的,几乎每个顾客都会喝一杯,在等待他们干净的衣服时和我的家人 聊

23、天。customer 顾客;passenger 乘客;engineer 工程师;assistant 助手。根据“would have a cup and chat with my family while waiting for their clean clothes”可知是来洗衣店的顾客会喝一杯免费 咖啡。故选A。48 .句意:这是一项如此无聊的工作,我可以在睡梦中完成。amusing 有趣的;changeable 可变的;important 重要的;boring 无聊的。根据“that I could have done it in my sleep”可知作者觉得这份工作他在睡梦中就可以完

24、成,可见他觉得这份工作很 无聊。故选D。49 .句意:“为什么我们必须送咖啡?我们是自助洗衣店,而不是咖啡店! “我愤怒地说。politely 礼貌地:angrily 生气地;gently 温柔地;slowly 慢地。根据I remember complaining to my father one busy day”可知作者在抱怨,应该是很生气。故选B。50 .句意:他们来我们这里是因为我们像朋友一样为他们服务。forgive 原谅;praise 表扬;serve 服务;encourage 鼓励。根据“them like friends”可知是为顾 客服务。故选C。51 .句意:我父亲的话达

25、到了预期的效果。effect 影响;lesson 教训| ; award 奖;attention 注意。根据“I even weighed the coffee beans more carefully”可知和父亲交谈之后,作者的态度发生了改变,父亲的话达到了预期的效果。故选 Ao2022年上海市浦东新区中考二模英语试题45. B 46. D 47. C 48. A 49. B 50. C【导语】本文主要介绍了稻草人的发展。45 .句意:稻草人被认为可以吓跑乌鸦和其他鸟类。required需要;supposed认为;refused拒绝;supported支持。结合语境可知稻草人被认为应 该可以

26、吓跑乌鸦和其他鸟类的,固定短语be supposed to“应该”,故选B。46 .句意:它们是插在地上的棍子,上面系着大破布。dragged crossed 穿过;stepped 踏步;tied 捆绑。根据They were sticks stuck in the ground with big rags.to the top”可知破布是系在棍子上,故选D。47 .句意:稻草人通常被放置在开阔的田野里,在流行文化中成为农场和乡村的显著象征。 large 大的;quiet 安静的;open 开放的;extra 额外的。根据Scarecrows were usually placed in.fi

27、elds and became a notable symbol of farms and countryside in popular culture.”可矢口稻草人 一般是放在田野里,田野是很开阔的,故选C。48 .句意:新的农业机器很大,噪音很大。noise 噪音;money 金钱;food 食物;mess 混舌L。根据They scared the birds away quite well.” 可知机器噪音很大,故选A。49 .句意:突然,稻草人又流行起来了。later 稍后;again 又一次;once 一次;right 立刻。根据In the 1960s people becam

28、e interested in folk art such as scarecrows. Suddenly scarecrows were popular”可知稻草人又一次流行起来了, 故选Bo50 .句意:他们使用木棍、稻草和干树叶等天然材料制作稻草人。easy 容易的;special 特殊的;natural 自然的;tiny 微小的。根据“sticks, straw and dry leaves 可知木棍、稻草和干树叶是天然材料,故选C。2021年上海市浦东新区中考二模英语试题37. C 38. D 39. B 40. C 41. A 42. D【分析】本文主要介绍了考古学家是如何进行考古

29、的。37 .句意:为了确定适当的挖掘地点,考古学家们做调查,寻找古代遗迹的迹象。living 生活;resting 休息;digging 挖;sightseeing 观光。由前句Historical treasures are often buried underground可知,历史珍宝常被埋在地下,考古学家们会做调查去确定适当的挖掘 地点,故选C。38 .句意:此外,区分普通的岩石和石器,区分天然的山丘和长满草的历史遗迹,都需要很 多的经验和专业知识。junior初级的;general 一般的,普通的;major主要的;professional专业的。由句中后半句“to tell an o

30、rdinary rock from a stone tool, or tell a natural hill from a grass-covered historic site”可 知,此句是说区分这些东西需要经验和专业的知识,故选D。39 .句意:幸运的是,借助现代科技,他们比以往任何时候都更接近于解开这些谜团。 Carefully认真地;Fortunately幸运地;Beautifully漂亮地;Immediately立即。通过借助现代 科技,能够更接近地去解开谜团,这是幸运的,故选B。40 .句意:他们还检查人类或动物的骨头,以找出他们死亡的原因和他们一生中吃什么。 contact 联

31、系;follow 跟随;examine 检查;develop 培养。由句中“to find out the cause of their death and what they ate during theirlifetime”可知,此句是说他们检查人类或动物的骨头,找 出他们死亡的原因和一生中吃什么,故选C。41 .句意:例如,碗和杯子经常破碎成碎片,而金属工具通常会生锈。For example 比如;In addition 止匕夕卜;At least 至少;In return 作为报答;由前句Ancient objects can be damaged in different ways.”可知,此处是在举例说明古代物品可能会以不同的方式受 损,故选A。42 .句意:在这个过程中,修复者必须非常耐心和小心,以免损坏物品的价值。secret 秘密的;temperature 温度;weight 重量;value 价值。由前半句In this process, restorers have to be extremely patient and careftil”可知,此句是说修复者必须非常耐心和小心,以免损 坏物品的价值,故选D。


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