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《2010年广东省深圳市中考英语真题及答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2010年广东省深圳市中考英语真题及答案.pdf(27页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、20102010 年广东省深圳市中考英语年广东省深圳市中考英语真题及答案真题及答案I I 选择填空选择填空1(4 分)_ apple a day keeps the doctor away!What do you mean?I have never heard of _ saying before()AAn,aBAn,theCA,theDA,a2(4 分)What _ you usually have for breakfast?_ and a cup of coffee()Ado,Three breadBdo,Three pieces of breadCare,Three breadsDar

2、e,Three piece of bread3(4 分)Your bag looks the same _ mineOh,really?Its a gift _ my father()Awith,to Bwith,fromCas,onDas,from4(4 分)The weather report says there is going to _ a typhoon tonightSo we had better _ out()Abe,not goBhave,not goCbe,not to goDhave,not to go5(4 分)_ people are taking action t

3、o protect the environment nowYes_ of my classmates come to school by bike now()AMore and more,Four fifthBLess and less,Four fifthCMore and more,Four fifthsDLess and less,Four fifths6(4 分)Mary,would you like to _ this game?Id love to,but I have to finish _ the composition first()Ajoin in,to writeBatt

4、end,writingCjoin,to writeDtake part in,writing7(4 分)The number of the students in our class _ fiftysixHow many of _ are girls?()Ais,them Bare,themCis,they Dare,they8(4 分)Is MrSmith in his office now?No,he _ thereI _him in the library a minute ago()Amay be,sawBcant be,seeCmustnt be,seeDcant be,saw9(4

5、 分)_ is your opinion on the filmAvatar?Its amazing!I was _ moved()AWhat,deepBHow,deepCWhat,deeply DHow,deeply10(4 分)Do you know _ buy the book Harry Potter?The book is _ popular that you can buy it at any bookshop()Awhere can I,soBwhere can I,suchCwhere I can,soDwhere I can,such11(4 分)Paper _ woodWe

6、 should not waste paperI agreeI always use _ sides of paper()Ais made of,eitherBis made from,bothCmakes of,bothDmakes from,either12(4 分)Have you ever _ Australia?Yes,I haveIts really interesting _ with kangaroos()Abeen to,to play Bgone to,playedCbeen to,playDgone to,playing13(4 分)Lets go to the zoo

7、by taxi,_?Maybe we can go there _Its not far()Awont you,on footBwont you,by footCshall we,by footDshall we,on foot14(4 分)Can you help me _ my cat while I am away?No problemJust bring it to my house _ you leave()Alook after,beforeBlook for,untilCtake care of,sinceDtake off,after15(4 分)Im sorry for be

8、ing late,Miss Green_()AThats right BYou are welcomeCIt doesnt matterDYou should be sorryIIII、完形填空(、完形填空(1010 分)分)Some inventions are very importantFor example,the telephone allows people tocommunicate all over the worldThe(16)lets people travel long distancesin a short timeLife is much easier with t

9、hese(17)inventionsSomeinventionsarejustfun AcompanyinJapanhasinvented(18)flowersYou can listen to music that comes through real flowersCustomers inrestaurants can smell the beautiful roses(19)listen to pleasant musicwhile eatingPeople in the dentists office can look at pretty lilies and listento Moz

10、art while having their(20)examined!There is now a vehicle that gets you around with almost no effort(21)Infact,you drive this inventionwhile standing on it!This vehicle runs byelectricityIt(22)quite easilyWhen you lean forward,it moves forward,and when you lean(23),it moves backward!A new kind of bu

11、bble liquid has been inventedIf you blow bubbles(24)thisliquid,they can last for several minutes!(25)are very strongYou caneven pick them up and throw them around!Do you have your own ideas about inventions now?16AbikeBbusCshipDplane17AimportantBuselessCboringDstrange18AdancingBtalkingCsingingDwalki

12、ng19AbutBsoCnorDand20AearsBeyesCteethDnose21Ain allBat allCafter allDfor all22AcarriesBmakesCworksDplays23AforwardBbackwardCtowardsDafterwards24AaboutBatCwithDfor25ATheyBWeCYouDNoneIIIIII、阅读理解(、阅读理解(3535 分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的 A A、B B、C C、D D 四个选项中选择最佳四个选项中选择最佳选项选项(共(共 5 5 小题,每小题小题,每小题 5 5

13、 分)分)A A(10 分)On a hot summer day,Holmes and DrWatson went on a camping tripAfter a good mealand a bottle of wine,they lay down in a tent for the night and went to sleepSome hours later,Holmes woke up and pushed his friendWatson,look!What can yousee in the sky?Watson replied,I see millions and milli

14、ons of starsWhat does that tell you?asked HolmesWatson thought for a whileFirst,it tells me that we will have a beautiful cleardate tomorrowSecond,it tells me that the time is about twelve oclockAndWhat else?Holmes askedWell,it also reminds me that the world is so big and we are so smallWhat doestha

15、t tell you?Holmes said with a grin on his face,You silly guy!It only tells me that someonehas stolen our tent!26One day,Holmes and DrWatson wentAswimmingBcampingChikingDrockclimbing27Holmes woke upAin the middle of the nightBearly in the morningCsoon after he fell asleepDafter Watson pushed him28Wat

16、son thought of at leastthings after he saw the starsAtwoBthreeCfourDfive29When Holmes saw the stars in the sky,he realized thatAit would be a beautiful clear dayBit was about twelve oclockCthe world was so big and they were so smallDsomeone had stolen their tent30Which of the following statements is

17、 TRUE according to the passage?AThe story happened in the afternoonBThey had some wine before they went to sleepCHolmes asked Watson questions because Holmes didnt know what happenedDHolmes thought Watson was cleverB B(10 分)VeniceVenice is in the northeast of Italy It was built on small islandsin sa

18、ltwater lakes more than 1,500 years agoVenice is a citywith no cars and people travel by boatThere are 117 waterwaysand more than 400 bridges that can guide you where you want togoAucklandAuckland is the largest city in New ZealandIn the seaside city,you can enjoy an amazing view from the citys tall

19、est towerthe Sky TowerYou can also see Maori traditional dances atthe Auckland MuseumAuckland is calledThe city ofSailsbecause it has more boats than anywhere else in the worldLos AngelesLos Angeles was founded in 1781It is now the second largestcity in the United StatesIt is Famous for its modern h

20、ighwaysand its movie stars of HollywoodThere are many beautifulbeaches near the cityBudapestThe population of Budapest is about three million and the cityis a very popular place for touristsVisitors like to take boatrides along the Danube(多瑙河)Budapest is also known for itsexciting nightlifeThe best

21、time to visit Budapest is summersince it is very cold in winterB B(10 分)31People mostly travelin VeniceAby shipBby carCby busDby boat32Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Auckland?AModern highwaysBThe Sky TowerCMaori traditional dancesDA lot of boats33Los Angeles has a history ofAmore than

22、 100yearsBmore than 200yearsCmore than 300yearsDmore than 400years34If Mary wants to visit Budapest,the best season for her to go isAspringBsummerCautumnDwinter35The four cities are allaccording to the passageAmodern cities with a short historyBin New ZealandCnear lakes,rivers or seasDlarge citiesC

23、C(10 分)The Princess and the Frogis a warm and enjoyable cartoon by DisneyIt tells thestory about a girl who makes her dreams come true through hard workTiana is a waitressShe has a dream of owning a restaurantIn order to realizethe dream,she works hardShe knows that it is useless to wish on a starSh

24、e neversits in a castle waiting for a prince to come and save herTianas plans for successgo wrong when she meets a talking frogThe frog happens to be a prince namedNaveen Hoping to become human again,Naveen regards Tiana as a princess by mistake Hetells her to kiss himThen something worse happensTia

25、na turns into a frog,tooTogether they look for a way to become human againThe story is easy enough for kids to understand and it provides us with beautifulhanddrawn pictures,songs and musicBesides,theres a great lesson here:youshould look for a way to make your dream come trueIf there is any problem

26、 withthe movie,its only that it doesnt feel as splendid as some of Disneys other films36The writer introducesto us in this passageAsongBa Hollywood action movieCa cartoon by DisneyDa historical story37Tianas dream is toAkiss a frogBown a restaurantCsit in a castleDfind a prince38The lesson we can le

27、arn fromThe Princess and the Frogis thatAwe should not kiss a frogBwe should believe ourselvesCwishing on a star will be helpfulDwe should look for a way to make our dream come true39The Princess and the FrogisAshort of beautiful pictures,songs and musicBas splendid as some of Disneys other filmsCto

28、o difficult to understandDeducational40You can probably find this articleAin a science bookBin a dictionaryCin a newspaperDin a travelers guideD D(10 分)The opening ceremony of the 2010Shanghai World Expo was held at 8:10pmon April30thThe Expo is first hosted by a developing countryIt is also the fir

29、st timethat cities participate(参加)in a World Expo independentlyA total of 14 citiesaround the world have their own pavilions(展馆)Shenzhen is one of the cities andit has taken the chance to show ideas of city developmentShenzhens pavilion costs 30 million yuan It is a twofloor project Shenzhen showsfi

30、lms,photos,16 paintings by Dafen artists,and multimedia installations(多媒体设施)in its pavilionAll these tell the story of Dafen Oil Painting Villagefrom a small village into an art industry baseVisitors to the pavilion are welcomed by 12young volunteers from ShenzhenThey canspeak both English and Chine

31、se very wellThe volunteers receive thousands ofvisitors each dayOne of the walls in the Shenzhen pavilion is decorated with thousands ofpostcardsVisitors can write down their dreams and wishes on the cardsVisitorsare all interested in the exhibitionA Shanghai visitor wrote,Through the changesof Dafe

32、n Village,I feel the citys energy and see the hope of our country41The Expo is first hosted byAa developed countryBa developing countryCa rich countryDa small country42Shenzhen wants to show visitorsAits scenic spotBits delicious foodCideas of city developmentDits industry43Shenzhen showsin its pavi

33、lionApaintings,films,photos and multimedia installationsBindustry,films,artists and multimedia installationsCartists,industry,photos and volunteersDartists,films,volunteers and paintings44The volunteers from Shenzhen can speakAEnglish and CantoneseBChinese and CantoneseCEnglish and FrenchDEnglish an

34、d Chinese45Visitors to the Shenzhen PavilionAdont like the Shenzhen PavilionBcan sing and dance in the Shenzhen PavilionCcan only watch the exhibitionDare fond of the Shenzhen PavilionE E(10 分)Looking for a childrens book?Internet users can find hundreds of themThese booksare from around the worldAn

35、d they are free to readersThe United States has starteda project called the International Childrens Digital LibraryIt is supported bythe National Science Foundation,the Library of Congress and the institute of Museumand Library ServicesThe goal of the project is to offer more than 10,000 childrens e

36、lectronic booksin at least 100 languagesSome of the books show the similarities and differencesin ways of life around the worldThey will enable children to have a betterunderstanding of other peoples culturesPeople working for this project have triedto design easy ways to search the collection and r

37、ead the booksA picture of eachpage appears on the computerUsers can also print the pages on paper if they wanttoThe project is for two main groups of usersThe first group is children betweenthe ages of three and thirteen,along with their teachers and parentsThe secondgroup is researchers of children

38、s literature(文学)The books can help childrenunderstand more about the world46The books in the project can make children better understandAother peoples culturesBtheir own cultureCtheir teachers and parentsDresearchers of childrens literature47In this project,the electronic books areAexpensive to read

39、ersBfrom the USACin different languagesDfor children only48The underlined wordgoalprobably meansin the passageA山羊B煤炭C进球得分D目标49The third paragraph is mainly aboutAthe purpose of the projectBthe users of the projectCpeople working for the projectDmuseums and libraries50The best title of the passage is

40、AThe International Childrens Digital LibraryBHow to Choose Books for ChildrenCHow to Search Books on the InternetDInternet Usersiiii、选择下列词汇或短语完成下面对话、选择下列词汇或短语完成下面对话(共(共 2 2 小题,每小题小题,每小题 5 5 分分)、51(5 分)Tony:Good morning,Kevin!You look tiredWhats wrong?Kevin:I couldnt(51)asleep last nightTony:Why?Did

41、you watch the World Cup last night?Kevin:No,maybe its(52)the coming final examI cant sleep well beforeexamsTony:I think you are too(53)about examsYou should try to relax yourselfKevin:What should I do?Tony:You can listen to some soft(54)before you go to bedOr you can takea walkKevin:Thanks for your(

42、55)I will try it tonightTony:Youre welcome56(5 分)选择下列句子完成下面的对话(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)AWhat interestingplaces are you going to visit there?AWhat interesting places are you going to visit there?BHow are you going there?CWith my friendsDWhat are you going to do?EThank you!FFor about three weeksGI dont like tr

43、avellingKate:Hello AliceAlice:Hello,KateKate:The summer vacation is coming(56)Alice:I am planning to go on a summer camp to CanadaI want to improve my EnglishKate:That sounds great(57)Alice:Id like to visit the Niagara Falls,CN Tower and some other places of interestKate:Who will you go with?Alice:(

44、58)Kate:How long will you stay there?Alice:(59)We will be back at the end of JulyKate:Have a good time!Alice:(60)IVIV、解释句子(、解释句子(1010 分)根据自己的理解,用已学过的英语解释下列句子。必须将答案写在分)根据自己的理解,用已学过的英语解释下列句子。必须将答案写在答题卡非选择题答题区相应的序号内答题卡非选择题答题区相应的序号内。(共共 5 5 小题小题,每小题每小题 2 2 分分)要求要求:对划线部分做重点对划线部分做重点解释,写出的句子必须是对原句的全句的解释,必须

45、是完整的句子。解释,写出的句子必须是对原句的全句的解释,必须是完整的句子。61(2 分)对划线部分做重点解释,写出的句子必须是对原句的全句的解释,必须是完整的句子Whats youraddress?62(2 分)对划线部分做重点解释,写出的句子必须是对原句的全句的解释,必须是完整的句子The waste waterpollutes the river63(2 分)对划线部分做重点解释,写出的句子必须是对原句的全句的解释,必须是完整的句子You must learn the new words by heart64(2 分)对划线部分做重点解释,写出的句子必须是对原句的全句的解释,必须是完整的句

46、子We cant live if there is no air65(2 分)对划线部分做重点解释,写出的句子必须是对原句的全句的解释,必须是完整的句子He has green fingersV V、书面表达(、书面表达(1515 分)必须将答案写在答题卡非选择题答题区相应的序号内分)必须将答案写在答题卡非选择题答题区相应的序号内(共(共 2 2 小题)小题)66(5 分)请根据 Amy 和 Bob 的对话完成信息Amy:Hi,Bob!What are you reading?Bob:I am reading a book namedSuccess StoriesAmy:What is it

47、about?Bob:Its about successful peopleIt records their success storiesAmy:Is it written by a Chinese writer?Bob:NoBy an American writer in EnglishAmy:What do you think of the book?Bob:It is very goodThe stories make a strong impression on meAmy:Oh,I am preparing for a talk about successful peopleCan

48、you lend me the book?Bob:SureAmy and Bob are talking about a(66)namedSuccess StoriesIt is writtenby an(67)It is not written in Chinese but in(68)The bookcontains success(69)of some people The stories make a strong(70)onBob71(10 分)假如你们学校校报举行英语征文活动,主题是我心目中的成功人士,请你写一篇文章介绍一位你心目中的成功人士(可以使你身边熟悉的人或名人)文章必须包

49、含以下内容:1人物简介;2人物事迹;3给你的启发要求:1)条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确、逻辑清晰;2)假如写的是你身边的人物,文中不能呢个出现真实的姓名和校名;3)80 词左右20102010 年广东省深圳市中考英语试卷年广东省深圳市中考英语试卷参考答案与试题解析参考答案与试题解析I I 选择填空选择填空1(4 分)_ apple a day keeps the doctor away!What do you mean?I have never heard of _ saying before()AAn,aBAn,theCA,theDA,a【分析】一天一苹果,医生远离我你的意思是什么

50、?以前我从没有听说过这个谚语【解答】答案:B结合题干及选项,此题考查冠词的用法联系语境,根据_ apple a day keeps thedoctor away!可知这是一个谚语,这里是指一个苹果,表泛指的概念,意为一天一个苹果,所以用 a 或者 an;由于 apple 的发音是以元音音素开头,所以用 an;根据关键词 saying可知就是指上句说的这个谚语,所以表特指,故用定冠词 the综合以上分析,故选 B2(4 分)What _ you usually have for breakfast?_ and a cup of coffee()Ado,Three breadBdo,Three p


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