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《公共英语三级PETS3必考30分.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《公共英语三级PETS3必考30分.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Writing1、邀请信Examples:1).Dear Prof. Hopkins,Its my pleasure to invite you toNanjing University as a visiting professor fromApril 1 to June 30. We will offer you a salary of $3,000 per month. And alltravel expenses can be reimbursed.If you want to know the specificsof your activities during this perio

2、d, please contact Mr. Li Qing, whose telephone number is025-7620341.Department of EnglishNanjingUniversityFaithfully yours,Notes:a visiting professor客座教授2).Dear Dr. Johnson,We arewriting this official letter to invite you to our university to give lecture.If you could come, well be very glad.It isre

3、ported you have developed a software that can simplify complicatedcalculations. Could you bring a copy with you?Sincerely yours, Wang Fang, Director2、接受邀请Example:Dear Mr. Peterson,Im happy to know that you are interested in myresearch. I would be glad to visit your laboratory next month as you expec

4、ted.But myvisit needs to get official approval, so it would be so kind of you to send mea formal invitation letter. I would appreciate if you can state that: 1) youinvite me to your laboratory from June 20 to July 6. 2) you would finance mystay in your country. Actually, I would finance myself durin

5、g the whole period.If you state like that, the procedure to get a visa would be simple.Yours sincerely,公共英语三级,考前押题,高分通过QQ5771329793、通知已办好签证并准备去访问Example:Dear Mr. Peterson, Im gladto inform you that I have got my passport and visa to theU.S.A.Now Impreparing all necessary things for the coming trip t

6、o visit your university.After Iget flight ticket, I will inform you of the time of my arrival.Faithfullyyours,4、请求派人接机Example:Dear Mr. Peterson,Im pleased to tell you that Ihave booked the flight ticket to Denveron Sep,15 and the flight No. is TS1524.Since I have never been to Denver, Im afraid I ca

7、ntfind your university to the airport to meet me? Truly yours,5、通知参加国际会议Example:Dear Mr. Robinson,This is to inform you that theinternational Conference on Structured Dynamics will be held from Nov.27, 1995to Nov.30, 1995 in Hongkong Polytechnic University.We hope you will be able to attend the conf

8、erence. If you need additionalinformation concerning the preparation of your paper, please contact me (852)2766-6062.Yours sincerely,(Signature)Notes:Hongkong Polytechnic University香港理工大学6、邀请加入国际学术机构Example:Dear Colleague, I hope you will take advantage ofthis invitation to join me as a member of a

9、remarkable organization.Founded in 1849, the XX Academyof Sciences has for more than 150 years played a unique role as an independentinstitution committed to advancing science and technology and to applying themfor the public good.Perhaps your interests, likemine, range far beyond your own specialty

10、 field. If so, our Academy is asespecially good value. As a geneticist in a university community, I have longbeen dedicated to fundamental research, and Im concerned as well withinformation technologies, global public health trends, chemical and biologicalweapons, and space exploration. In the cours

11、e of my workover the30 years I have been a memberI have benefited from the Academys high qualitycross-disciplinary contributions and especially the new initiatives in scienceand technology.Please join me in this uniquelyvaluable membership organization and its work to illuminate and improve thecontr

12、ibutions of science, engineering, and medicine to global social andeconomic progress.Sincerely yours,Notes:take advantage利用benefit from7、求职信Examples:1)Dear Manager,Im writing to you about thepossibility of working as a computer programmer in your company. Though Ihavent held a job before, I feel tha

13、t my college record shows that Im a good,energetic and reliable man, and what is more, I did computer programming as apart-time job for some companies in the past two years, and I believe thisexperience will lead to my competence in your company. I have passed CET-6, and I canspeak English smoothly.

14、Should you be interested in myapplication, I will be available for an interview at your convenience.Sincerely yours,2)DearSirs,In reply to your advertisement in China Daily, Ishould be grateful if you would consider my application for this post.I have been working as an audio-typist for more thansix

15、 years; my speed in shorthand is 110 words a minute and in typing, 60 wordsa minute. I have recently updated my qualifications by taking a course incomputer studies.公共英语三级,考前押题,高分通过QQ577132979Im now very proficient in word processing (Windowsin Words 6.0) and familiar with data bases such as VFP 2.0

16、. Im experienced inall kinds of office work and have a good knowledge of up-to-date accountancyprograms. Im 26 and have a clean driving license. I enclose my curriculumvitae and copies of three testimonials. I very much hope that you will give methe opportunity of attending an interview.Yours faithf

17、ully, Notes:data base数据库VFP (Visual Fox Pro)一种数据库软件8、简历Example:Name: Ji LiangSex: MaleDate of birth: July 15,1972Place of birth: Nanjing,ChinaNationality: ChineseHeight: 175 cmWeight: 64 kgMarital status: SingleReligion: NoneEducation: Finished high school at Xuan WuHigh School, Nanjingin 1989.Gradu

18、ated from Nanjing University,receiving the degree of Bachelor in 1993.Experience: Began to work inManshan Iron & Steel works in July, 1993 as assistant engineer andengineer.Foreign language: RussianPresent address: No XX Jinger Street, Jinan,China9、推荐信Examples:1)Dear Mr. Robert,Im about to apply for

19、 the position of SalesRepresentative at Continental Trade Company in New York. I would very much appreciate it ifI could include your name in my list of references.As you are familiar with my work as Rose Company,you will be able to give Jack Rothwell a fair evaluation of mycapabilities.I enclose a

20、stamped, addressed envelope for yourreply.Yours sincerely,JohnBridges2)Dear Prof. Wang,Imapplying for the position of guide with Youth Travel.As yougave me every encouragement to continue with my study of German and helped meprepare for the final examination, I would very much appreciate it if you w

21、ouldkindly write a letter of recommendation on my behalf.I enclosea stamped envelope addressed to Huang Hua, the personnel manager atYouth Travel Agency. Yours sincerely,ZhangLing3)Dear Suzanne,Enclosedyou will find the resumes for two excellent candidates that you may be able touse in any searches

22、that you are currently concluding. The first is Beverly McDonald who youcan see has a diverse background and has recently left AT & T. the secondis Tim Vasquez who was formerly the ChiefFinancial Officer at Rose Medical Center.Ive personally had the opportunity to work with both of these executives

23、andfind them to be beyond what I would consider competent. They have bothperformed extraordinarily well in all the circumstances that have beenpresented to them. They present the intelligence, foresight, and creativitythat I think is so needed in American business in the future.I wouldgreatly apprec

24、iate anything you can to do assist these individuals. Please feelfree to contact them directly.With best regards, BarbaraBrannen10、辞职信Examples:1)公共英语三级,考前押题,高分通过QQ577132979Dear Mr. Richardson,This is to inform you that I have been presented with an opportunity thatwill enable me to work in the area

25、of my stated preference, marketing.Therefore, Im tendering my resignation from Kinsley and wish to advise youthat July 8, 1998, will be my last day of employment.I would like to thank you for the experience of having worked for KinsleyManufacturing, a truly outstanding organization.Sincerely,DavidMa

26、tthews2)Dear Mr. Smith,This willconfirm my resignation as Director of Human Reaources.I haveaccepted a position as Editor at a growing publishing house in New Jersey. Im lookingforward to my new position and the challenges that await me.My lastday of work will be December 10, 1998, which should allo

27、w me plenty of time tofinish my replacement. Please feel free to contact me at any time should youhave any questions regarding my past work. I hope that the transition will gosmoothly for everyone.Myexperience with DBG has been very rewarding. I appreciate having had theopportunity to work for such

28、a fine company. I wish you and the organizationcontinued success. Sincerely Yours,ZhangHua11、感谢信Examples:1).Dear Aunt Mary,Thank youso much for the beautiful carpet you and uncle sent us! You must have spent alot of time in choosing it and I think there is no better choice than it.Petersends thanks,

29、 too. And we hope you and uncle will come soon and see howperfectly the carpet fit our bedroom.With love from both of us.Loving yours,Hellen2)Dear Carl,Yourflowers came this morning and turned our bedroom into a garden. Fifty yellowroses for our fifty golden years! How wonderful are you of your reme

30、mbering andgenerosity.Georgeand Iare not very rich, but grateful to so many years happiness. And we aregrateful, too, for so many friends we have made during these years. You ranksthe highest among them, Carl, our dearand loyal friends.So we send you our love on our golden anniversary.And we send yo

31、u our thanks, Carl, forthe beautiful roses.Affectionately, Lucy3)Dear Bill,Thank youfor the exquisite gift of the Sierra Club calendar for my birthday.It willlift my spirits each time I look at it through the coming year and Illremember your thoughtfulness many times over.Bestwishes for laughter and

32、 peace to you and your family during the holidays andthrough 2000.Cordially,Mary4)May 22nd, 2000Dear Mr. Robinson,Yourletter of May the twentieth, 2000 has been received.Im soglad to know that I had been admitted to Maryland University.Thank you very much for the acceptance of my application. Ill en

33、roll for thesemester which begins in September.Enclosedis a money order to cover the initial deposit that you have asked for. Illmake complete payment at the time that I register.Additionally,Im sending all the forms that you require this time.Thank youagain for the admission. Ill try my best to suc

34、ceed there.Sincerelyyours, LiLin12、祝贺信Examples:1)公共英语三级,考前押题,高分通过QQ577132979Dear Handsome,Congratulationson your 18thbirthday! From now on, you will be a man. I hope youlllike the book specially selected for you. Itll benefit you a lot after yourcareful reading. I appreciate it very much,I hope youl

35、l like it, too. We arebest friends in the world, arent we?Truly yours, Tom2)Dear Wu Yan,Im sothrilled to hear that you have been admitted to Beijing University.Everyone knows, its one of the most prestigious and the most famousuniversity. I still remember when I was a middle-school student. I dreame

36、d forit day and night. Now, you did it.Congratulationson a job well done and good luck to you during the next four years ofschooling. Lovingly yours,Wang Gang13、道歉信Examples:1)Dear Johnson,Imafraid you must have misunderstood me. I remember you have promised a gift formy mothers birthday. Its my faul

37、t that I dont remind you before that. Dontworry,I dont think mother will care about this. Anyway, you will soon make up,wont you? Yours truly,LiLi2)Dear Elizabeth,Imterribly sorry that I forgot to return the dictionary to you. Ive got such apoor memory. When I tried my best to remind myself of retur

38、ning it to you, Istill failed to do it. So when you mentioned about it, I said I had returned itto you already!I mustthank you for your kindness of not dwelling on it. If you have time, pleasecome for a coffee.Lovingly yours, Mary14、慰问信Examples:1)Dear YaoBao,Im sorryto hear you are homesick and cant

39、 concentrate on your study. Just haveconfidence in yourself. Anyway, its the first time that you have been awayfrom home. I believe you can make good adjustment to the new surroundings andcontinue your subjects sufficiently.You areso good a guy and everyone of our family is proud of you. And you are

40、 alwaysdelighting us with one success and another. The day before yesterday, I alsomet with Mr. Wang, your middle school teacher. He stillconsiders you as his favorite student. Dont forget to write him. Be cheered!Lovingly yours, Billy2)Dear Mary,Im veryglad to hear you are making such a rapid recov

41、ery that you will soon be out ofthe hospital and back with your family and friends. I have missed you so muchand you have been on my mind ever since you went to hospital. I just can nottell you how sorry I was that you had such a difficult time of it.I hopethat by the time this note reaches you, you

42、 will be feeling a great dealbetter. Im sure that now it will not be long before you are entirely andcompletely yourself again.公共英语三级,考前押题,高分通过QQ577132979By theway, Mary, we are postponing thepicnic until you can join us. We think it will be meaningless without you. Sohurry and get well.Affectionate

43、ly, Lillian15、投诉信Examples:1)Dear Sirs,We regretto inform you that our consignment of a set of weight-training equipment wasdelivered to us in very bad state. You can understand our disappointment.We arenow returning the damaged items and would be grateful if you would replace themimmediately.2)Gentl

44、emen,We aresurprised that our order of the July 16thfor Sheeting has not yetcome to hand. Our customers are writing to us every day, asking for anexplanation, so we are urgently requiring the goods. If you value your tradewith us, please get these goods off at once, and wire us that you are doing so. Yours faithfully,


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