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《2023年-商贸实用英语.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年-商贸实用英语.docx(35页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、商贸英语2The First Meeting2译文一一会见宴请3Foreign Trade Policy4译文一一外贸政策6Inquiry8译文一一询价报价9On Price 10译文一一价格争议14Placing an Order 16译文一一订货下单18Discount 19译文折扣佣金21Commission22Date of delivery25译文一一交货日期27Shipment28译文一一装运条件30Packing32译文包装陵头3310以及这是上海出产的真丝印花绸。11以及我觉得这几个品种的花色不错。12以及我们想了解一下你们在这方面的供货能力和销售条件。13以及请您把品号告诉我

2、。14以及我们需要起吊能力35吨以上的汽车吊。15以及不知你们有没有这种规格的?16以及我看NK400E符合您所提出的规格。17以及我们的商品销售说明书您看了吧?18以及你们打算订购哪种型号的呢?19以及我们考虑D6c型的。20以及这种型号的推土机总重量是多少?21以及这种推土机的总重量是14吨。22以及这种推土机有什么特点?23以及这种推土机操纵方便。24以及你们有没有输出功率是150马力的?25以及我们可以接受特殊订货。On Price1. It is difficult for us sell the goods, as your price is so high.2. It would

3、 be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.3. Your price is 25 % higher that of last year.4. You may notice that the price of this commodity has gone up since last year.5. You know, the price of this commodity has gone up a lot in the last few months.6. The price of this

4、commodity is US$25 per pound in the international market.7. Our price is reasonable as compared with that in the international market.8. Im afraid I donft agree with you there.9. Your price is higher than those we got from elsewhere.10. The Japanese quotation is lower.11. You should take quality int

5、o consideration.12. Taking quality into consideration? I think the price is reasonable.13. Our products are of high quality.14. Some countries are selling there goods at low price in big quantities.15. 1n respect to qualities, I dont think that the goods of other brands can compare with ours.16Jt is

6、 no easy job for us to persuade the enduser to buy your goods at this price.16. Our products can stand competition.18.1 dont think the enduser would accept your price.19.1f we had not thought our good relationship we dont havemade you a firm offer at this price.2O.In order to conclude the business,

7、we may make some concessions.21.Could you tell us the quantity you require so that we may adjust our price accordingly.22.We are prepared to make a 2% reduction if your order is big enough.23.1n order to conclude the transaction5 I think you should reduce your price by at least 5%.24.We cant do more

8、 than a 2% reduction.25.1n order to conclude the transaction, we accept your price.26.What do you think of our price?27Jfm afraid your price is too high.28.We have to readjust our price because the price of fuel is continuously going up.29.1f you have taken everything into consideration, you may fin

9、d our quotation lower than those you can get elsewhere.30.Our price is much lower than than that in the international market.31.Can you give me your idea of an appropriate price for this commodity?32.We think an appropriate price should be around 270 Francs per ton, FOB Marseilles.33Tm afraid we can

10、t accept your counterbid.34.Our counter-offer is in line with the price in the international market.35Tm sure that you know the market price for this commodity very well.36.At present the supply of this commodity exceeds the demand.37.1f you accept our counterbid? well persuade the enduser to place

11、an order with you.38Tm afraid we cant reduce our price to the level you indicated.39J think it unwise for us to insist on his own price.40 .Can we each make some concession?41 .How shall we compromise?42 .Letfs meet each other half-way.43 .We can only make an reduction of US$5 per ton in the price.4

12、43This is our lowest quotation. Im afraid we cant go any further.45 .You you can meet our needs, Ill accept your price.46Tm afraid we have to call the whole deal off if you still insist on your original quotation.47 .We wont import this kind of goods unless the price is reasonable.1.1 1 think the bu

13、siness mainly depends on your price.49 .We may accept you price only if you can make an earlier shipment.50 .A11 right, we agree to conclude the transaction at the price ofUS$500 per ton.译文一一价格争议1、 你们的价格那么高,我们很难以销售。2以及如果按这个价格买进,我方实在难以推销。3以及你方的价格比去年高出百分之二十五.4以及您知道去年以来该商品的价格上涨了。5以及您知道,几个月来这种商品的价格上涨得很多

14、。6以及 这种商品国际市场价是每磅25美元。7以及我们的价格和国际市场相比还是合理的8以及我不同意您的说法。9以及你们的价格比别处得到的报价要高。10以及日本的报价就比较低。11以及您必须考虑到质量问题。12以及考虑到质量,我认为这个价格是合理的。13以及我们的产品质量高。14以及有的国家对这种商品正在销价抛售。15以及在质量方面,其它牌号的商品很难和我们的相比。16以及要说服客户以这个价格购买,对我们来说是不容易的。17以及我们的产品是有竞争力的。18以及客户很难接受你们的价格。19以及 要不是为了我们的友好关系,我们是不愿意以这个价 格报实盘的。20以及为了成交,我们可以作些让步。21以及

15、请您说明你们大概要订购的数量,以便我们对价格作相 应的调整。22以及如果你们订货量大,我们准备减让2虬23以及为了促成交易,我认为你们至少得让百分之五(5%)才 行。24以及我们只能减让2%,不能再多了。25以及为了达成交易,我们接受你方的价格。26以及您觉得我们的报价怎么样?27以及我觉得你们的价格比较高。28以及因为燃料不断涨价,所以价格也不得不作些调整。29以及如果把各种因素都加以考虑,您会发现我们的报价比别 处的报价要低。30以及我们的价格比目前国际市场价格低得多。31以及请您把你方认为合适的价格谈一下。32以及我们认为每吨马赛船上交货价定为270法郎左右比较合 理。33以及我们无法接

16、受你方的还盘。34以及我们的还盘是符合国际市场价格的。35以及对于这种商品的行情我想您是清楚的。36以及目前这种商品是供过于求。37以及如果你方接受我们的还盘,我们就劝用户向你方购买。38以及我们的价格不能降到你方提出的水平。39以及我想双方坚持自己的价格是不明智的。40以及我们能不能双方都作些让步?41以及我们双方各让多少?42以及我们双方各让一半。43以及在价格上我们只能每吨再减5美元。44以及这是我方的最低报价,不能再让了。45以及如果你方能接受我们的数量,我们就接受你方的价格。46以及如果你们仍然坚持原来的报价,我们就只好放弃这笔交 易。47以及对于这类商品,只有在价格合理时,我们才进

17、口。48以及我们能不能成交,很大程度上要看你方的价格。49以及如果你们答应提前交货,我们可以接受你方的价格。50以及就这样吧,我们同意以每吨五百(500)美元的价格成 交。Placing an Order1. How many do you intend to order?2. I want to order 800 cases.3. r m sorry, we can only supply you with 500 cases.4. The most we can offer you at present is 500 cases.5. I think we are able to sup

18、ply you with no more than500 cases this year.6. We have tried our utmost to supply you with 500 cases.7. As regards this commodity, I hope you will able to supply more next time.8. We 11 certainly keep you requirement before us if we are able to get more goods next year.9. We can reduce our price by

19、 2% if if you order more than 5,000 pieces.10. All right, Well order 5, 000 pieces.11. What is the minimum quantity of an order for your goods?12. The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases.13. Wed like to cancel the order for the goods because of the change in the home market.14. W

20、e would like to increase the order for this product by 150, 000 yards.15. Can you meet our requirement?16. r m afraid we are not able to supply as much as you required.17. May suggest that you cut down the quantity of your order by half?18. It is very difficult for us to get the goods in large quant

21、ity as well as to make prompt shipment.19. I suggest that you buy this product.20. The supply position of this product is better.21. If you want to purchase this product, we are able to supply as much as you require.22. How many can you supply us with?23. We can only supply you with 1, 000 metric to

22、n at the price we quoted you yesterday.24. We maybe able to supply some additional quantity if you can persuade your enduser to buy this commodity.25. We 11 buy 500 cases this time.译文一一订货下单26. 这种产品你们想订多少?2以及我们想订八百(800)箱。3以及我们只能供应五百(500)箱。4以及目前我们最多只能报五百(500)箱。5以及我想今年供应不可能超过500箱了。6以及我们是作了特殊努力才能供应500箱的

23、。7以及这种产品,希望下次你方能多供应些。8以及明年如果能够扩大供应,我们一定考虑你方的要求。9以及如你方订5000台以上,我们就削价2% o10以及我们就订购五千(5000)台吧。11以及你们这种产品的起订量是多少?12以及这种产品的起订量是五百(500)盒。13以及由于国内行情有变化,这种商品我们打算取消订货。14以及这种产品我们增订十五万码。15以及我们要求的数量能不能满足那呢?16以及你们要求的数量,我们无法满足。17以及我建议你把订货量削减一半,怎么样?18以及要搞到大批量的这种货物并在近期内交货,是不容易的。19以及我建议你们购买这种商品。20以及这种商品的供应情况好一些。21以及

24、如果你们订购这种商品,我们可以按你们所需要的数量 供应。22以及你们最多能供应我们多少?23以及我们只能按昨天的报价供应你们1000吨。24以及如果你能说服你们用户接受这种商品的话,我们可以多 供应一些。25以及这次我们就订购五百(500)箱吧。Discount1 . I*d like to discuss the matter of discount with you.商贸英语The First MeetingIf there is an opportunity, Wed like to see your manager.-Our manager would like to meet you

25、.-Our manager would like to invite you to a dinner party this evening at the Beijing Roast Duck Restaurant.-We are going to give a dinner party at the Beijing Hotel this evening and would like to invite you all.-If its convenient, would you pleas tell your manager that he is invited.-If you are free

26、, please come and join us.-Here is your invitation card.-Well meet you at the gate of the hotel at six this evening.-Thank you for your invitation.-Ill certainly come if I have time.-Is this the service counter of the restaurant?-Can I reserve a table for eight people?-Do you like to have Chinese fo

27、od or Western food?-Wed like to have Chinese food and pay a hundred yuan a head.-Welcome. Please sit down.-Thank you for preparing such a splendid dinner specially for us.-This food is a Sichuan speciality. Help yourself, please.-Make yourself at home and eat it while its hot.-May ask what line are

28、you in?2 . What would you say about the discount?3 . In principle, we usually wont allow any discount.4 . When we book such a large order with other suppliers, we usually get a 2% or 3% discount.5 . We got little profit from selling this product.6 . Im afraid we cant allow you any more discount.7 .

29、Weve ordered such a large quantity that a discount, no matter hoe little, should be allowed.8 . As a rule, we wont allow any discount for this commodity.9 . How much discount do you usually allow when such a large order is placed.10 .We usually allow a 1% discount for an order of 1,000 pieces.11 .We

30、 usually get 3% discount from the European exporters.12 .We hold that at least a 2% discount should be allowed.13 .Well allow you a 2% discount as an exception to our usual practice.14 .We can conclude the transaction with you right away if you agree to allow us a 4% discount.15 .What do you think o

31、f a 3% discount?16 .Donft you think a 3% discount is too little?17 .A 3% discount is not a small amount.18 .We think the discount should be no less than 5%.19 .As we have quoted you our rock bottom price, we cannot give you any more discount.1 0.1m afraid we cant come to terms if you wont give us a

32、3% discount.21 .We are going to give you a 3% discount if you increase your order by 6,000 pieces.22 .How much discount do you intend to allow us for this order of feather goods?23 .We can only allow you a 1% discount.24 .Would you consider increasing discount to open the market, as this a new produ

33、ct of yours.25 .Considering this a new product, well allow you another 1% discount.译文一一折扣佣金1、我想跟你们商量一下折扣问题。2以及关于折扣你们是怎么考虑的?3以及原则上,我们一般是不给折扣的。4以及 我们从别处买这么多货,人家都给2%到3%的折扣。5以及 经销这种制品,我方利润很小。6以及 我们不能再给折扣了。7以及 我们买这么多的货,折扣多少还是要给的吧。8以及对于这种商品,我们一般不给折扣。9以及买这么多的货,你们一般给多少折扣?10以及买一千台,我们一般只给1%的折扣。11以及我们通常从欧洲出口商那

34、得到3%的折扣。12以及我们认为至少得给百分之二的折扣。13以及我们破例给你们百分之二的折扣。14以及如果你们同意给4%的折扣,我们可以立即成交。15以及给你们百分之三的折扣,可以吧?16以及百分之三的折扣是不是少了一点儿?17以及百分之三的折扣已经不少了。18以及我们认为折扣不能少于百分之五。19以及我们的报价已是最低价,折扣不能再多给了。20以及如果不给3%的折扣,我们就很难成交。21以及如果你们增加6000元,我们就同意给你3%的折扣。22以及我们订购的这批羽绒制品,你们打算给多少折扣?23以及我们只能给你百分之一 (1%)的折扣。24以及这种商品是你们的新产品,为了打开市场,你们是不是

35、考虑多给一些折扣?25以及由于该商品是新产品,我们再加1%折扣。Commission1. Let,s talk about the matter of commission, shall we?2. What is your usual practice in giving commission?3. Commission is usually given as a percentage of the total value of a transaction.4. We are very much concerned about commission.5. We usually dont al

36、low any commission.6. It does not conform with the international trade practice not to allow a commission.7. We do business on a commission basis.8. I believe that a commission is usually allowed for a middleman.9. Since we have made commission in price we cannot give you any commission.10. It will

37、be easier for us to push the sale if you can give us more commission.11. It 11 be all right, even you give us a 2% or 3% commission.12. Well take the commission into consideration if your order is big enough.13. How much commission will you give if the transaction is over US$1,000, 000?14. Take into

38、 consideration the quantity you have ordered, we11 allow you a 1% commission.15. We usually get a 3% commission on the total volume of business.16. A 10% commission will no doubt cause the price to go up.17. How much commission will you give?18. WeH give you a 2% commission.19. A 2% commission is no

39、t high at all.20. It 11 cost us a lot to push the sales of your product. 21We 11 give a 2% commission as an exception. This is the best we can do.22. The commission you gave is too little.23. Weve accommodated you in allowing a 2% commission.24. I suggest you add 1% to the commission for each additi

40、onal 100 pieces sold.25. For every extra sale of 100 pieces, well give you an additional 1% commission.译文一一付款方式1以及我想打听一下佣金问题。2以及不知你们对佣金是怎么规定的?3以及我们通常按成交额的百分比计算佣金。4以及我们很关心佣金问题。5以及我们一般不给佣金。6以及不给佣金不符合国际贸易惯例。7以及我们是通过拿佣金来进行商业活动的。8以及对于代理商,佣金还是要给的吧?9以及我们在价格上已经作了让步,所以佣金不能再给了。10以及如果你方能多给我们一些佣金,就可以便于我方推销。11以及

41、你们即使只给2%或3%的佣金也成。12以及如果你们订货量大,可以考虑给佣金。13以及成交超过一百万美元,你给多少佣金?14以及考虑到你们的大量订货,我们给你们百分之一 (1%)的佣 金。15以及通常我们从成交额中得到3%的佣金。16以及给10%的佣金,意味着价格要提高。17以及你们考虑给多少佣金?18以及我们给你们百分之二(2%)的佣金。19以及百分之二的佣金对我们来说并不算多。20以及推销你们的产品我们要耗费大量资金。21以及我们破例给2%的佣金,不能再提高了。22以及你们的佣金给得实在太少了。23以及百分之二(2%)的佣金已是照顾了。24以及我建议多销100台,就增加设的佣金。25以及每多

42、销一百(100)台,我们就增加百分之一 (1%)的佣金。bate of delivery1. How long does it usually take you to make delivery?2. As a rule, we deliver all our orders within three months after receipt of the covering L/C.3. What about a special order?4. It takes longer for a special order, but in no case would ittake longer tha

43、n six months.5. When do I have to open the L/C if we want the goods to be delivered in June?6. Youll have to open the L/C One month before the time you want the goods to be delivered.7. Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly?8e I hope that the goods can be dispatched promptly after you get

44、 my L/C.9. Shipment can be effected within two or three weeks after receipt of your L/C.10J wonder whether you can make shipment in September?ILIm afraid it wont be until the middle of October.12.Shipment by the middle of October will be too late for us.September is the season for this commodity in

45、our market.14.Shipment should be made before October, otherwise we are not able to catch the season.15.When is the earliest you can make shipment of the goods?16.The earliest shipment we can make is early March.17.You may know that time of delivery is a matter of great importance to us.very sorry, w

46、e cant advance the time of delivery.1 9.1 hope you can give our request your special consideration.20 .Wefll get in touch with the manufacturers and see what theyhave to say.21 .Wefll try our best to advance shipment to September.22 .We could receive the goods much earlier if shipment effected from

47、Hongkong.23 .We want the goods on our market at the earliest possible date.24 .Can you deliver the goods in the end of March if we make Whampoa the port of shipment.25 .The shipment will be made not later than the first half of April.译文一一交货日期1以及你方通常需要多长时间交货?2以及一般来说,在收到信用证以后三个月内可以交货。3以及对于特殊订货呢?4以及特殊订货的交货时间要长些,但绝不会超过六个月。5以及如果想要你们六月份交货的话,我应该在什么时候开立信用 证呢?6以及在交货的前一个月,你方必须开立信用证。7以及你们能不能再提前一点交货呢?8以及我希望你们能在受到我方信用证后马上发货。9


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