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《山东省菏泽市巨野县2021-2023年中考英语二模试题分类汇编:综合填空.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省菏泽市巨野县2021-2023年中考英语二模试题分类汇编:综合填空.docx(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、山东省荷泽市巨野县2021-2023年中考英语二模试题分类汇编综合填空2023年山东省荷泽市巨野县中考二模英语试题四、综合填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,用方框内所给词汇的适当形式填空,使短文语义完整。patiently volunteer if during easy joined one me help experienceSome experiences in our lives are unforgettable, such as getting good grades. What makes me unforgettable is the (61)that

2、I helped in my community as a volunteer.My best friend Mary and I live in the same community. Last Saturday she asked me(62)I wanted to do something meaningful. I said Yes. She explained to me that our community needed some (63), whose work was to take peoples temperatures when they entered the comm

3、unity. I knew that many volunteers and medical workers devoted(付出) their time and energy to serving the public (64)the COVID-19 pandemic. I looked up to them and always wanted to be part of them. So I (65)_Mary to work as a volunteer.The work was not (66). I had to stand for a long time. Besides, so

4、me people didnt support my work and argued wiih(67). All I could do was repeatedly and (68)_explain to them the importance of following the rule.By (he end of each day I was worn out, but I experienced happiness by (69)_o(hers. I also understood how hard the volunteer work was and how great the volu

5、nteers were. This was my(70)volunteer work and Im looking forward to my next.2022年山东省荷泽市巨野县中考二模英语试题第四部分综合填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次。每空只填一个 单词。)(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)decide; take; person; do; happy; that; however; study; from; moveHe Studies Harder Than He Used toLi Wen is a 15-ycar-old boy fro

6、m the countryside. He works very hard and 61wellin school. Its hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school. When his parents 62 to the city to work, they could not be at home to take care of him, He missed his parents so much and he often felt lonely and unhappy.Li Wens unhappiness b

7、egan to influence his school work. So he became less interested in 63. Sometimes he was absent 64 classes and failed his examinations. Finally, Li Wens parents made the 65 to send him to a boarding school. 66. Li Wen was shyand was notable to make friends quickly in school. He found life there diffi

8、cult. One day, he told his teacher that he wanted to leave the school. His teacher advised his parents to talk with their son in 67. So his parents 68 a 24-hour train and 5-hour bus ride to get to Li Wensschool. This conversation changed his life. He realized that his parents would always love him,

9、and they would take pride in everything good 69 he did. Now he is much 70 and more outgoing than he used to be.2021年山东省荷泽市巨野县中考二模英语试题五、短文选词填空make, how, different, exactly, cat, my, for, the, must, wakeA man with his donkey carrying two bags of wheat on his way to the market. After a little while, he

10、 was tired, so he lay down and had a nap(小憩)under a tree. When he4up,he could not see the donkey and started looking 42 it everywhere. On the way he meta boy.tvHavc you seen 43 donkcy? The boy asked,44 Is the donkeys left eye blindand its right foot lame(跛的)? Is it carrying a load of wheat? “Yes,44!

11、 Where have you seen it? the man was happy and said.“I havent seen it,“ answered the boy. This 45 the man very angry and he took46 boy to the village judge(法官)for punishment.The judge asked, “Dear boy, if you havent seen the donkey,47 can you knowit?” The boy answered. saw the tracks(痕迹)of a donkey

12、and the right and left tracks were48. From this I understood that the donkey was lame. And the grass on the right side of the road was 49 but the grass on the left was not. From (hat I understand that its lefteye was blind. There were wheat seeds on the ground and I understood that it 50carry a load

13、 of wheat? The judge understood the boys cleverness and told the man to say sorry to the boy.答案:2023年山东省荷泽市巨野县中考二模英语试题41. experience42. if43. volunteers44. during45. joined46. easy47. me48. patiently49. helping50. first【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,作者介绍自己做志愿者的经历。句意:让我难忘的是我作为志愿者在社区提供帮助的经历。根据Some experiences in our li

14、ves arc unforgettable”和后文介绍可知,是作者做志愿者的经历,experience“经历”符合语境。故 填 experience。句意:上周六,她问我是否想做一些有意义的事情。根据she asked me. 1 wanted to do something meaningful”可知,问我是否想做一些有意义的事情,用if引导宾语从句。故填if。 43.句意:她向我解释说,我们的社区需要一些志愿者,他们的T.作是在人们进入社区时测后体 温。根据She explained to me that our community needed some.”可知,社区需要一些志愿者, v

15、olunleer“志愿者”,此处表示复数含义,使用名词复数形式。故填volun【eers。句意:我知道,在新冠肺炎疫情期间,许多志愿者和医务工作者投入了时间和精力为公众服 务。根据I knew that many volunteers and medical workers devoted附出)iheir lime and energy to serving the public.the COVID-19 pandemic.”可知,指在疫情期间,during在期间”符 合语境。故填during。句意:所以我和玛丽一起做志愿者。根敏So I.Mary I。work as a volunteer.

16、”可知,加入玛丽 一起做志愿者,join“加入”,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填joined。句意:这项工作并不容易。根据“The work was nol.”可知,做志愿者并不容易,easy”容易的”, 在句中作表语。故填easy。句意:此外,有些人不支持我的工作,并与我争论。根据some people didnt support my work and argued with.”可知,有些人会跟我争论,me“我”,在动词短语后作宾语。故填me。句意:我所能做的就是反复耐心地向他们解释遵守规则的重要性。根据“All 1 could do was repeatedly and.expla

17、in to them the importance of following the rule.”可知,耐心解释遵守规则 的重要性,用副词patiently修饰动词。故填patiently。句意:每天结束的时候,我都很疲惫,但我在帮助别人的过程中体验到了快乐。根据“but I experienced happiness byothers”可知,通过帮助他人获得了快乐,help“帮助”,介词by后用 动名词作宾语。故填helping。句意:这是我的第一次志愿者工作,我期待着下一次。根据“This was myvolunteer work and Fin looking forward to my

18、 next.”可知,这是第一次做志愿者,用序数词first作定语。故填first(2022年山东省荷泽市巨野县中考二模英语试题61. does 62. moved 63. studying 64. from 65. decision66. However 67. person 68. took 69. that 70. happier本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了李文离开【语篇解读】父母感到孤独,学习成绩下滑想要辍学,后来父母回来与他交谈,他比以前更加勤奋的故事 61.does考查短语。do well in意为“在方面做得好”,前面谓语动词是第三人称单数, and并列,故填docs。62.

19、moved在含有时间状语从句的复合句中,主句是过去时态,故可判断从句为一般过去 时。63. studying前面提到影响学业,后面提到对学习失去兴趣,become interested in后面接名 词或动名词,故填studying。64 .from 考查短语。be absent from意为缺席。65 . decision考查短语。make the decision意为“做出决定”6. However考查副词。however为表示转折的副词,意为然而。67. person考查短语。in person意为“亲自68. took时态。take a train意为乘火车。叙述过去的经历用过去69.

20、 that考查定语从句中的关系词。先行词为不定代词everything,故关系词用that。70. happier考查形容词比较级。and引导的并列成分,故前面也需要用比较级。2021年山东省荷泽市巨野县中考二模英语试题41. woke 42. for 43. my 44. exactly 45. made 46. the 47. how 48. different49. eaten 50. must【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一个人找驴的故事。41 .句意:当他醒来时,他看不到驴了,就开始四处找它。根据句意及结构可知,此处缺少 动词wake, wakeup意为“醒来”,根据语境可知,讲述

21、的是已经发生过的事,故句子应用一 般过去时,动词wake应用过去式,故填woke。42 .句意:当他醒来时,他看不到驴了,就开始四处找它。此处为固定用法look for,意为“寻 找“,故填for。43 .句意:你见到我的驴了吗?根据上文“he could not sec the donkey and started looking for it everywhere,可知,此处指的是“我的驴”,应选用形容词性物主代词my,故填my。44 .句意:是的,正是驮着麦子的!根据上文“Where have you seen il?”可知,男子认为自己 的驴找到了。可知此处表示“的确如此,故填exac

22、tly。45 .句意:这让男子很生气。此处缺少动词,表示“使”,选用make,根据语境可知, 讲述的是已经发生过的事,故句子应用一般过去时,动词make应用过去式,故填made。46 .句意:他把那个男孩带到村法官那里受罚。此处考查定冠词the的用法,表示上文当中 己经提到过的人或者事,故填the。47 .句意:你是怎么知道的呢?根据下文“I saw the tracks(痕迹)of a donkey . From this I understood that”可知,此处指的是“怎么样知道的,故填how。48 .句意:我看到了一头驴的足迹,左脚和右脚的痕迹不一样。根据上文“From this

23、I understood that the donkey was lame”可知,通过驴左右脚足迹不一样,断定这是一头跛驴。 此处选用形容词different,意为“不同的,故填different。49 .句意:路右边的草被吃了,左边的草没有被吃。根据句中“the grass”提示,驴吃草,此 处选用动词eat,且位于“was+过去分词”的被动语态结构中,故动词cat应用过去分词形式, 故填eaten o50 .句意:地上有麦粒,所以我知道它一定驮着麦子。根据上文“There were wheat seeds on the ground”可知,地上散落有小麦种子,所以男孩推断驴一定是驮着麦子。情态动词must表极 有把握的推测,意为“一定”,符合句意,故填musl。


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