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《高中英语语法讲解素材形容词和副词.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语语法讲解素材形容词和副词.docx(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高中英语语法讲解形容词和副词一、形容词、副词的比较级与最高级1 .形容词和副词的比较级与最高级的变化形容词和副词的比较级与最高级的变化分规则和不规则两种情况。规则的变化,短的词(单音节及部分双音节的词)一般是在词尾力口“er”或est” (其中重读闭音节要双写最后的辅音字母;e结尾只要加“r”或“st”; “y”加 辅音结尾的去 “y” 加 “ier” 或 “iest)如:big, bigger, biggest; late, later, latest; early, earlier, earliest等,较长的词(部分双音节及多音节的词)在前面加上more 或 most, 如:carefu

2、l, more careful, most careful; clearly, more clearly, most clearly 等。不规则变化的词为:good, well, bad, badly, ill, many, much, little, old, far。变化 见下表:原级比较级最高级good, wellbetterbestbad, badly, illworseworstmany, muchmoremostlittlelessleastoldolder, elderoldest, eldestfarfarther, furthestfarther, furthest2.常用的

3、比较级、最高级句型A)用原级形容词、副词的句型:a)as. as.和一样”选C。根据上下文,本句的意思为“大体上说来,我还是同意谢丽,虽然不 是全都同意J entirely的意思就是“完全地”,符合本题要求。Those who change mobile phones frequently will pay a heavy price for being.A. gracefulB. fashionableC. particularD. feasible选B。本题考形容词词义。解题时要考虑的是“频繁换手机的人将为什么东 西而付出高额代价? ”所以显然答案就是fashionable, “他们是为追

4、求时髦而付 出代价”。其他各项都不符合题意。The house rent is expensive. Ive got about half the space I had at home and Im paying here.B. as three times muchB. as much three timesC. much as three timesD. three times as much选D。本题考倍数的正确表达。用英语表达倍数,一般都是把倍数放在asas 或 er than之前。这个句子为了避免重复,把three times as much之后的as . 部分省略了。He spe

5、aks English well indeed, but of course not a native speaker.A. as fluent asB. more fluent thanC. so fluently asD. much fluently than选C。本句考副词的比较等级。因为要修饰怎么“说英语”,不能用形容词, 应该是用副词来修饰,所以A、B两项不用考虑。而如要表示“比更流利”, 应该是more fluently than,所以D项也不对。表示“不如”可以用not as/so+原级形容词或副词+as”的句型。全句的意思是“他英语说得的确很好,但当然 还是不如一个以英语为母语

6、的人那么流利JMost people on this island are recreational fishers, and , fishing forms an actual part of their leisure time.A. accidentallyB. purposefullyC. obviouslyD. formally选Co本题考副词。根据前后两个半句,“岛上大部分人都是钓鱼爱好者”, “钓鱼成为他们休闲时间的一个实际组成部分”,最恰当的连接应该用“很显然”, 所以用C,其他选项都不符合逻辑。At a rough estimate, Nigeria is Great Bri

7、tain.A. three times the size asB. the size three times ofC. three times as the size ofD. three times the size of选D。本题考倍数表达法。在英语中倍数应该放在“asas” , -er than, 或 “ thesize/length/width.之前,所以D是正确的表达。There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we gave up.A. eventuallyB. unfortunatelyC. genero

8、uslyD. purposefully选Ao本题考副词。根据上下文,可以知道“有一个很长的队伍排着要咖啡二 所以“我们最终放弃了eventually意思是“最终”,正合题意,其他都说不通。At times, worrying is a normal,response to a difficult event or situation a loved one being injured in an accident, for example.A.effectiveB. individualC. inevitableD. unfavorable选Co本题考形容词。所给的四个形容词,effectiv

9、e意思是“有效的,individual 是“个人的”,inevitable是“不可避免的”、“必然的”,unfavorable是“不利的”。 本题的意思应该为“有时候,处于一种困境时比如一个所爱的人在一次事故 中受伤了忧虑是一种正常的,不可避免的反应。”A typhoon swept across this area with heavy rains and winds strong as 113miles per hour.A. tooB. veryC. soD. as选D。本题考形容词比较的句型,只有asas可以在次运用,因为so.as的形 式一般是用在否定句里的。asas在这里的意思是“

10、有如此强的程度”,整句 的意思为“伴随着大雨和强达每小时113英里的狂风,台风袭击了这个地区JAlan is a careful driver, but he drives of my friends.A. more carefullyB. the most carefullyC. less carefullyD. the least carefully选D。本题考副词的最高级。“在我的朋友当中“,一定是超过两个人,同时句 子中也没有than一词,所以不可能用比较级,而后半句由but引出,说明意思有 转折,所以不可能用the most carefully,只能选D。eg. Try to mak

11、e as few mistakes as you can.He speaks English as fluently as you.b) not as/so. as. “不如那样”eg. Peoples brains cannot work as fast as computers.c)在以上两个句型中,我们还可以加上“倍数” “分数” “百分数”等词。eg. Tibet is twice as large as Texas. (= Tibet is twice the size of Texas).My handwriting is not half so good as yours.B)用

12、比较级形容词、副词的句型:a) .er than. / more . than. ” 匕匕更”eg. Its cheaper to eat at home than in the restaurant.注意:用比较级句型的时候,比较的对象必须是同类事物。在汉语中,我 们常看到“上海的天气比北京热”,这样的句子,但在做翻译的时候就要注意, 必须是同类作比较:The weather in Shanghai is warmer than that in Beijing.在比较级形容词和副词前,还可以用一些副词或短语修饰,如:much, far, even, still, a lot, a littl

13、e, a bit, rather, slightly, *many 等。eg. Your argument is far more persuasive than his.这些修饰语中的many只用在more +可数名词之前,表“多得多”之意,如 many more studentso而要表示“多得多”的不可数的东西,则要用much moreo还可以用“倍数(如three times)”,“数词+量词(如two degrees或five hours 等)”来修饰。除此之外,还有by far也能修饰比较级的句型,但by far多用在 比较级之后,个别情况下,可用在比较级之前。eg. He arr

14、ived here only 5 minutes earlier than you.The new method is more complicated by far than the old one.b) less . than. “不如那样”eg. In my opinion, the writers second book is less interesting than his first one.c) .er and .er/ more and more 越来越”eg. With the final examination drawing nearer and nearer, Tim

15、 was getting more and more nervous.d) the .er, the .er / the more , the more.”越, 就越”eg. The faster you solve the problem, the best result you will get.e)带有than的句型,但不是比较的意思。more than 二 not only eg. Students have learned more than book knowledge at school.other than = l)except eg. Theres nothing in hi

16、s room other than books.2)anything but eg. I couldnt feel other than surprised.3)different from eg. His tastes are quite other than mine.rather than = instead of eg. The color seems green rather than blue.I would sleep rather than see a film tonight.。在表示“两者之中比较的那一个”时,比较级形容词前要用定冠词theoeg. Bill is the

17、taller of the twin brothers.C)用最高级形容词、副词的句型:a) the .est/ most. of/ in.eg. China is one of the largest countries in the world.b)可以用比较级的句型来表示最高级的意思:eg. Tom is taller than anyone else/ any other one/ any of the others/ all the others in our class.No one is taller than Tom in our class.I have never seen

18、 a better film than this one.请注意在上面第一个例子中的other, else等的用法。试比较:China is bigger than any other country in Asia.Chins is bigger than any country in Africa.c)在最高级形容词或副词前可以用序数词或very, much, by far等。eg. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.Among the candidates, John is the very youngest.Th

19、e Pacific is by far the largest ocean in the world.d)在作比较的时候,最高级形容词前必须用定冠词或物主代词所有格、指示 代词,在最高级副词的前面可用可不用。eg. Dont forget to wear the/your best clothes to the job interview.He runs (the) fastest in our class.但是有时候会看到在最高级形容词前不用定冠词的例子,这时,这个最高级其 实不是“最”的意思,而是“非常”的意思。eg. This is a most interesting film.二、有

20、关形容词的一些要点1 .作定语和作表语的形容词英语中很多形容词都既可作定语,也可作表语,如kind,可以说She is a kind teacher,或Sheiskind。但是有些形容词只能作表语,如很多a开头的形容 词(afraid, alive, alone, asleep, awake) 以及 glad, pleased, sorry, tired 等。有些形容词用作表语时的意思与用作定语时的意思不一样。试比较:1) He is ill in bed.Ill news runs apace(二quickly).2) Whats your present address?All the m

21、embers were present at the conference.*2多个形容词修饰同一个名词的词序排列:eg. a charming small round old brown French oak writing table(描述性T大小T形状T新旧/年龄T颜色T地方T物质材料T用途)3 .形容词和名词的正确搭配eg. price (high/low); goods (cheap/expensive); population (large/ small); rain (heavy/ ight)4 .形容词作状语/补语形容词有时可以作句子的状语(也有的语法书上称之为补语)。eg.

22、The little girl went home, cold and hungry.The captain promised to land the passengers safe.5 .一些由同一词根派生出来的形容词词义辨析英语中根据构词法,经常可碰到一些由同一词根派生出的不同的形容词, 在学习掌握的时候需要加以注意,不要混淆。A) historic 与 historicalhistoric意思为“历史上有重大意义的”, historical意思为“历史的eg. Waterloo is a historic battlefield, where Napoleons army was def

23、eated.Have you seen the historical film about Napoleon?B) sensible 与 sensitivesensible意思为“明智的”“合理的”“可感觉到的,sensitive意思为“敏 感的” “神经过敏的”。eg. Surely it would be sensible to get a second opinion before taking any further action.There is a sensible increase in temperature because of the global warmth.This

24、is such a sensitive issue that we should deal with it carefully.C) imaginable, imaginary 与 imaginativeimaginable意思是“能够想象的” “想象得出的“,imaginary意思是“想 象(出来)的” “虚构的”,imaginative是“富于想象力的”。eg. The seven dwarfs tried every imaginable means, but couldnt wake her up.All the characters in the story are imaginar

25、y.Jack was an imaginative child though he didnt do well at school.三、有关副词的一些要点1 .副词的位置频度副词一般在动词“be”与助动词之后,行为动词之前.eg. David is usually late.He seldom comes early.You can never imagine how embarrassed I was at that time!修饰动词的副词经常在动词之后,有时也可放在句首。eg. Though I did the exercise very carefully, I failed agai

26、n.Suddenly, a tall man appeared from behind the curtain.表地点和时间的副词可放在句尾或句首。2 .与形容词同形的副词,以及词尾以ly结尾的副词A)有些有ly结尾的副词经常可以有抽象的意义,而与形容词同形的副词表示 的是比较具体的意义。如 high/highly; deep/deeply; wide/widelyeg. He can jump very high.The principal speaks highly of your work.B)有些词的意思完全不同如 hard/hardly; near/nealy; late/latel

27、y; most/mostly, 需要加以注意。3 .一些常用副词的用法A) very, much, very much 与 well 的用法very 一殳修饰形容词、副词和现在分词,如:very good/hard/interestingmuch 一般修饰比较级和过去分词,如:much faster/ respectedvery much 一般修饰动词,如:I love it very much.well 一般修饰 worth doing 与介词短语,如:well worth reading/above the treesB) fairly 与 ratherfairly与rather都有“相当

28、”的意思,但一般fairly修饰带有褒义的形容词 或副词,含有“正合适“恰当”等的意义;而rather含有“过分”的意义,所 以修饰带有贬义的形容词和副词更多,如:fairly warm, rather hot; fairly cool, rather cold; fairly easy, rather difficult 等。C)nearly 与 almostnearly与almost都可以解释为“几乎”,一般情况下,两个词经常可以互换, 有人认为用almost时,感觉上比nearly更接近一些。eg. The work was almost/nearly completed.Almost/

29、Nearly all the Japanese eat rice.在 any 及一否定词 no, none, never, nothing, nobody 的前面,必须使用 almostoeg. Almost no one believed what he said.固定词组not nearly的意思是“远远不(够)Jeg. There are not nearly enough people here to do the job.I have 20 dollars, but that isnt nearly enough for my journey fare.考研真题试析:In recen

30、t years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go,.A. our holiday will be betterB. our holiday will be the betterC. the better our holiday will beD. the better will our holiday be选C。这是一个“the more,the more.”的比较结构,在用这一结构时,后面 的主谓是正常语序,不用倒装。I dont think Peter is too y

31、oung to take care of the pet dog.A. correctlyB. properlyC. exactlyD. actively选Bo此句中properly可解为“完全地”,全句的意思是“我认为比德已经不 小了,完全可以照顾好他的宠物狗了J而其他三个选项都不符合题意。According to the new research gardening is a more exercise for older women than jogging or swimming.A. mentalB. physicalC. effectiveD. efficient选C。根据上下文,

32、本题的意思是“根据最新研究,对于年纪较大的妇女来说, 园艺是比慢跑和游泳更加的一项锻炼”,那么在四个选项中,只有用effective(有效)才讲得通。mental意思是“智力的,physical是“体力的”,efficient 是“效率高的,显然都不符合题意。As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn,A. the more for life are you equippedB. the more equipped for life you areC. the more life yo

33、u are equipped forD. you are equipped the more for life选Bo本题考比较级the more., the more的句型。在用这个句型的时候,值 得提醒的是:我们所记的“the more”,其实是“the+形容词或副词比较级”。本 句中,过去分词equipped作用相当于形容词,意思是“做好准备的“,那么它的 比较级就是more equipped。这样就不难理解为什么要选B 了。The secret of his success is that he does everything.A. efficientlyB. curiouslyC. a

34、nxiouslyD. sufficiently选Ao四个选项中,efficiently意思是“效率高地;curiously是“好奇地”; anxiously是“急切地”;sufficiently是“充分地”。只有用efficiently,本句才讲 得通,“他成功的秘诀在于他做每一件事都效率很高”。The shopkeeper gave us weight: we got 9 kilos instead of 10 kilos.A. scarceB. shortC. lightD. slight选B。本题考英语的习惯表达法。中文所说的“缺秤”,“分量不足”,在英语 中用“shortweight”来表达。不用其他说法。Broadly speaking, I would agree with Shirley, though not.A. widelyB. thoroughlyC. entirelyD. extensively


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