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《高中英语2023高考复习常见实用短语汇总(共15组).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2023高考复习常见实用短语汇总(共15组).docx(23页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语常见实用短语1. break-phrasesbreak away from脱离,摆脱,破除(陈规俗套等)break down (计划、谈判等)失败;(车,机器)坏了,抛锚,出故障;(身体)垮了;分解break in强行进入,打断(说话),插嘴说break into破门而入,打进,闯进;(使)成为碎 片break off打断,折断,中断,突然停止break one, s promise违背诺言break out (战争、火灾、疾病)爆火,突然发生;逃脱break out of(从囚禁处)跑出,摆脱break the law违反纪律,犯法break through冲破,突破,冲垮;穿越br

2、eak up拆散,驱散;分解,打碎,散会,放假break the record打破纪录break the rule不遵守规则break into pieces 成为碎片break ones word 失信break the ice打破沉默break the hard ice 打破坚冰break a connection 断绝联系break faith背信,背弃信仰tea break(供雇员、进点心的)工间休息,吃茶点的时间break the bad news to sb把坏消息委婉的告诉某人break out 爆发have a break 休息、一会儿break one s leg 弄折了腿b

3、reak the habit of doing sth改掉做某事儿的习惯heart breaking=heartbreaking 令人心碎的 I am heartbroken. = My heart is broken.我 都心碎了。2. call-phrasescall at (sp)访问(某地)call for去接(某人),需要,要求call for help 呼救call in a doctor 请医生来call on sb. to do sth.号召某人干某事 call on/upon 拜访,号召call out大声叫喊,调来call up 打电话,召集,想起 (She still c

4、an call up the scenes of childhood.她仍然 能想起孩提时代的情景。)call/draw one, s attention to-弓|起某人注意call forth唤起,引起,振作起,鼓起call off放弃,取消call for邀请,要求,需求give sb. a call 给打电话make a call打电话call the police 报警call the roll 点名call back.叫回来,收回,打回电put away拿开,放好,把收起来,积蓄put back放回(原处),拨回(钟表),阻碍,推迟put down放下,记下,镇压;使(乘客)下车p

5、ut forward提出(计划);出风头put into送入,输入,把译成,把放到什么里put into practice 付诸实施,实行put off推迟,延期,拖延put on weight 发胖put one s heart into 全神贯注于之中put out扑灭put together把放在一起,装配put up张贴,挂起,搭起,举起;建造;住宿(Can you put me up tonight?今晚你能留宿 我吗?)put up with容忍,忍受putto bed哄睡觉putto use利用,使用put up ones hand 举手put on a short play 上

6、映短剧put up a notice张贴通知put on performances 演出,表演throw / put sb. into prison 将某人送进监狱put out a fire 灭火put an end to结束,制止put back.放回原处put sb to death置于死地;杀死;处死10 take-phrasestake A for B=mistake A for B把A认为是Btake (an active) part in (积极)参加take a look at看一看take a message for 给捎口信take a picture/photo 拍照ta

7、ke a seat 坐下take an exam 参力口考试take aim (at)瞄准()take away拿走;剥夺,减去take back收回,拿回,取消(约定)take care 小心take care of照料,照顾take down拿下,取下;写下,记录;拆毁;咽下take great trouble to do sth.不辞辛劳干某事take hold of 抓住take in吸收,接受,收留,领会,理解,欺骗,使上当take interest in 对感兴趣take it easy 别着急take medicine 吃药take notes i己笔,己take off脱下;带

8、走;营救;(飞机)起飞;取消;减价;事业飞黄腾达take on雇用,招收,开始从事,呈现,具有take on a new look 呈现一派新面貌take one s place代替某人的职务,坐某人的座位take one, s temperature 量体温take one s turn 轮流take out取出,把拿出来,领出去,除去take over接替,接管,继承take photos 拍照 take place 发生,举行 take pride in 以自豪take sth. by mistake 错拿某物take the place of 代替,代理take turns 轮流tak

9、e up拿起,举起,从事(斗争等);占据(时间空间)takeas把看作takefor example 以为例takefor granted认为当然take effect生效,起作用take it easy 别紧张take a chance 冒险一试=take chancestake care小心,当心take a message for sb 给某人捎个口信 take advantage of 利用,趁 之机take anunderground 乘地铁take care of照顾,照料,注意take charge of 担任,负责take delight in 以为乐take ones adv

10、ice听从某人劝告take one,s time不急不忙,从容进行take the place of 取代take time花费(时间)take a walk/rest 散步/休息 take a look (a last look) at 看一看(最后看一眼)take a bus/train/boat 乘公共汽车/火车/船 take a correct attitude towards sth.对,. 抱正确的态度take a deep breath 深吸一口气take pictures 照相take sb. to a hospital把某人送到医院take a ride兜风take sth.

11、 for granted 想当然take possession of 占有,拥有take ones seat 就座,坐下take action采取行动;提出诉讼take notice of 注意,留心take no notice of没注意到take pride in以自豪take steps采取步骤;采取措施take the lead为首,领先,带头take notes of把记下来take for example拿为彳列take ,into account考虑,对加以考虑take pains to do sth煞费苦心,竭尽全力做某事, 不辞辛苦做某事take office就职,就任11

12、.turn-phrasesturn about/around/round 向后转turn against背叛,反抗turn away闪开;转过脸去,辞退(人);不理睬turn sb away把某人打发走turn back往回走,使倒转turn down拒绝;拧小(灯火,收音机等的声音)turn from side to side 转来转去turn green 变绿turn in变出,上交,转身进去,引渡(罪犯)turn into 变成turn off关闭(电器,自来水,煤气等)turn on旋开,打开;依靠,依赖;取决于;攻击turn out结果是,证明是;生产,制造,培养,出席某项活动tur

13、n over把翻过来,移交,细想;turn red with anger气得脸发红turn round旋转;完全改变(主张)turn to翻到页,转到/向,求助于turn to a dictionary查阅(字典)turn to sb. (for help)向某人救助turn up露面,出现;把开大;卷起turninto把变成,把翻译成in turn = by turns 依次轮流in turn反过来。(注意in turn和in return之间的区别)take one s turn to do sth 该轮到。做。turn writer成为作家turn a deaf ear to 对。置若罔

14、闻turn a blind eye to 对。熟视无睹12 . away-phrasesblow away刮走,吹走break away from 脱离,破除clear away把清除掉drive away (把车)开走get away (from)离开(某地),逃离,脱身,拿走give away捐赠;泄漏;放弃;背弃;出卖(朋友)go/run away 走/跑开keep away from远离move away搬开,移走put away放好,存(钱),把收起来run away逃走,(颜色)褪色,溃逃;私奔send away赶走,开除,解雇take away带走,夺去throw away扔掉,

15、抛弃;错过(机会);拒绝(劝告)turn away离开,把打发走(使改道而走)wash away冲走,冲垮pass away去世,逝世far away很远,遥远far away from 远离live far away from the school住在离学校很远的地方take. . . away 拿开,拿走be away from 远离stay away from远离smooth away difficulties 克服困难get away with侥幸做成;侥幸得手give oneself away 泄露,露马脚make away (急忙)离去;逃走carry away感动,使忘乎所以,冲

16、走,运走,使失去自制力die away (风,声音)渐息,渐弱,(树木等)渐渐凋零right away马上,这会儿就frighten away 吓跑,吓走sweep away扫除,肃清,涤荡go away.走开,口作祈使句,别傻了! chase away赶走,驱逐 drive away赶走,开走fade away消失,消退,逐渐衰弱pull away脱身,离开,开走scare away吓走,吓跑sneak away溜出,溜走,悄悄离开wash away冲去,冲走,洗掉push away 推开steal away (把某物)偷走look away把脸转过去13 .for-phrasesanswe

17、r for* 对负责有害处ask for请求,询问,需要,自找(麻烦)be bad for对be famous for 以出名be good for对有益处be late for(做)迟到be used for被用作call for去接某人,请求,要求(need),为而喊出care for关心,喜欢,想要,照顾,关怀,挂念,担心 change*-foree-用换取get ready for为作好准备go in for从事于head for向方向移动 It,s time for是的时候了leave for动身前往 leave A for B 离开 A 去 Blook for 寻找make a d

18、ive for向猛冲,冲过去拿pay for付钱,为付出代价;因受罚praise sb. for 因赞扬某人prepare for为做准备search for寻找,寻求send for派人去请/叫send A for B 派 A 去请 Bstand for代表,代替,象征take a message for 为(某人)传递信息thank sb. for 因感谢某人=be thankfulto sb for sth= be grateful to sb for sthwait for 等候,等待for the moment 现在,暂时for example例如go for竭力想取得,喜爱,支持,

19、拥护(go for it!加油!)word for word 逐字地account for说明(原因等)run for竞选sit for 参力口 (考试等)(Disappointed with my results, I sat for the exam again.)takefor.把 认为是,把看成是for one thing 首先,一见Ifor another thing 其次 二贝Ufor the first time 第一次for the second time 第二次for the last time 最后一次for instance例如,举例说prepare for 准备look

20、 for 寻找care for照顾,喜欢for a while 暂时,一时for the time being 暂时,眼下stand for代替,代表,意味着apologize to sb. for sth.为某事向某人道歉be bad for有害于be famous for因而有名be late for 迟到be/get ready for 为作准备 二 be prepared forenter for 报名参加enter sb for sth 给某人报名参加。for (the) purpose of 为了for a moment 片亥!J, 一会儿for ever 永远for the pr

21、esent 目前,暂时for the sake of 为了 起见 为了。 的好处(I remind you to do that for your sake.我是为了你好才提醒你做那件事儿.)go for a swim 去游泳go in for参加,从事于,酷爱leave for动身去leave A for B 离开 A 去 Bmistake 。for。误以为pay the way for为 铺平道路praise sb. for sth.为某事表扬某人search for搜寻,搜查search sb/sp for sth为了找到。而搜查某人/某地take a message for sb 给某

22、人捎个口信 wait for 等待go for walks 去散步go out for a walk 外出散步have bread and milk for breakfast 早饭吃面包和牛奶make room/space for 给腾出地方 set an example for 为树立榜样take sb. to a park/London for ones holidays 带某人去公园/伦敦度假ask for leave 请假thankooo for。为感谢for oneself 为自己make/offer an apology to sb for sth.因某事向某人认错或道歉ask

23、sb. for advice / help请某人指点/帮助a call for help 呼救声buy sth. for sb.为某人买东西stay in bed for another two days 再跟床上呆两天a ticket for Shanghai 一张飞往上海的机票for a long time很长时间be sorry for为.难过,遗憾feel sorry for为.难过,遗憾be used for doing=be used to do sth.被用于做某事have a party for sb.为某人举彳亍次聚会 have a surprise (surprising)

24、 party for sb. 为某人举行一个惊喜的聚会study for. . . test为.考试而学习play sports for a living 以运动为谋生be late for school/class 上学/上课迟到 sb. pay some money for sth.某人为某物付多少 钱take sth. for granted 想当然be angry with (at) sb. for doing sth.为什么而生某人的气be good for对什么有好处be fit for sb适合某人=be suited for=be suitable forlt,s a good

25、 idea for sb. to do sth.对:.来说是个好主意Its time for sth.到了该去做某事的时间Its time for class该去上课了It s time for sb. to do sth 该去做wait for sb. to do sth.等某人做什么 enter oneself for a contest 报名比赛 have a gift for music有音乐天分have high hope for sb.对某人抱彳艮大希望=expect too much of sbmake up for one,s mistake 弥补某人的过失 compensat

26、e for=make up for 弥补 place an order for sth.订购某物go out for a picnic 去野餐provide food and clothes for ones family 养家糊口 = support a familyreach for sth. 伸手去拿reach out one, s hand for sth伸手去够什么东西for this reason为此,为此理由scold sb. for sth.为某事责备某人be thankful to sb. for sth.因某事感谢某人act for代理advertise for登广告征求(

27、寻找)某物(advertise sth的意思是为某东西做广告。例如: advertise the new TV意思是要卖这种新电视。Advertise for a flat意思是登广告寻求一套 公寓房。)apply for提出申请(或要求等)as for至于,就.方面说 =as tobe adequate for适合 (be adequate to 胜任)be available for 有效 be eager for sth.渴求某事物be known for因,而众所周知but for 倘没有, 要不是 (But for your help, we would not have won t

28、he first prize.) come for来接人;来取物die for 渴望,切望 (I am dying for your reply.)except for除.之外excuse sb. for sth.原谅某人做了某事figure for谋取,企图获取for ages 长期for fear of由于害怕;生怕,以免for fear that+句子。以免;生怕,唯恐for lack of因缺乏;因没有for life 终身forgive sb. for sth.原谅某人(做了)某事head for朝.方向走去hunt for搜寻;寻找;追猎in exchange for 交换in r

29、eturn for作为.的交换inquire for询问(商店、地点等)long for (动词短语) 渴望 (I have been longing for your reply for a long time.)save for 留供.用struggle for为,而斗争treat sb. for给某人医治.watch out for密切注意;戒备,提防=look out forweep for为.而哭泣wish for盼望,希望,想要come for one,s help 求某人帮助for long 很久,长久 =for a long timebe responsible for 对.负

30、责in search for (为了) 寻找或寻求二in search ofsubstitute for代替, 替换 for safety 为了安全,为了确保安全,为了安全起见be anxious for 渴望be dying for sth.想要某物have an eye for能欣赏have a taste for喜欢(对。有品位 有兴趣)(好这一口儿)apply for a patent for.为申请专禾ll make sacrifices for 为.牺牲 =make a sacrifice for.vote for / against the plan投票赞成/反对这个计划appl

31、y for a job / post / passport 申请工作 / 职位 / 护照for sale.待售speak for代表讲话for good永久地二for everfor sure肯定地,无疑地,确实地be remarkable for以而著称have respect for 尊重;考虑be to blame for 对应负责任=be responsible forfor free 免费地,无偿地 thirst for knowledge渴望求知be thirsty for*.渴求ask for trouble自讨苦吃,自寻烦恼,自找麻烦for some reason由于某种原因,

32、不知怎么回事for love or money无论如何I will do that for love or money.无论如何我都要做那件事儿。ask for it自寻麻烦,自找苦吃(You ask for it!活该!)once and for all一劳永逸地,永远,彻底地jump for joy高兴得跳起来,欢呼雀跃二jump with joy14 . off-phrasesbe off离开call off 取消carry off携走,夺走,拿走,搬走;获取come off离开,脱离,脱落cut off切断drive off 赶走fall off从上掉下来fly off飞走get of

33、f下车give off散发排放(废气)go off走掉,离开hurry off匆匆离去,赶快去jump off 跳离keep off挡住,不让接近,防止kick off 踢脱knock off击倒,把撞落pay off付清;有利可图,得益put off推迟ring off挂断电话,停止讲话see sb. off送彳亍see off出发,动身;爆炸;使更明显show off夸示,炫耀shut off 关闭start off出发,动身,开始take off脱下,营救,(飞机)起飞tear off拉下来,撕掉throw off打发掉,匆匆脱下,摆脱turn off关(水、电、汽等)let off放(

34、烟,烟火),开(枪)pass off中止,停止drop off减弱,减少set off出发使爆炸come off中考实现,成功,奏效finish off吃完,喝完go off爆炸,发射,动身,离开keep off不接近,避开(keep off the grass勿踏草地)break off断绝,结束hurry off匆忙离开off duty 下班ring off挂断电话be off离开shave off 弟怯take off from, 从起飞keep off the grass 勿踏草地kick off ones shoes 踢掉鞋子sweat off one,s face 擦脸上的汗wip

35、e off the dust 擦掉灰尘live off住在之外;靠.生活move off离去,走掉see sb. off为某人送行start off出发,动身;开始hands off请勿动手sell off.廉价卖清die off相继死去直至死光lay off解雇;停止工作,休息;把搁在一边;脱掉;把驶离,停泊港外(laid-off workers下 岗工人)peel off剥掉,脱落;离开机群frighten off 吓跑,吓走off work没上工15.on-phrasesagree on商定,决定,达成共识bring on使前进call on拜访,号召(call on sb拜访某人,ca

36、ll at sp访问某地)carry on继续,经营,开展,从事;come on赶快,加油congratulate on 祝贺depend on依靠,相信;信赖feed on以为食from now on从今以后from then on从那以后(用在过去时态里)get on上(车、船、飞机等)go on继续,持续,前进,发生;上场go on with继续。have on穿着,有事,约会(I have nothing on this evening.我今晚没什么安排。)have pity on 同情hold on别挂断(电话),持续;坚持下去insist on坚持(观点,主张等)keep on继续

37、(干)knock on 敲击later on以后,后来live on靠生活,以为主食,继续存在look down on看不起,轻视look on旁观look onas把看作move on继续向前移动on and on继续不断operate on 给动手术pass on传递push on推动put on穿上,上演spendon在花费(时间、钱)spy on窥探switch on 旋开take on呈现,雇用talk on继续谈try on试穿turn on开(电、水、汽等)wait on服侍,伺候,招待walk on继续走work on从事,研究hold on (打电话时)等一会,不挂断 坚持h

38、old on to sth紧紧抓住。/持续拥有。 而不卖掉call on拜访come on来吧,跟着来,赶and so on 等等rely on依靠on (the) one hand 一方面on the other hand 另一方面hang on抓紧不放,继续下去on fire烧着on the contrary反之,正相反on guard警惕,防范on the road在旅途中on the way to becoming a doctor快成为医生了 (正在做实习医生)catch on理解,明白变得流行起来act on对。起作用take on呈现,接纳,承担,从事on the spot当场,

39、在现场keep an eye on留意,照看on occasion=on occasions=by chance 有时,不时later on后来,稍后be on上演,上映play a trick on 捉弄count on依靠,期待,指望on the whole总的来说on time准时on earth究竟,到底on hand在手边,临近on purpose 故意,有意(go) on the stage 当演员be keen on 喜爱from now on从现在起,今后get along / on (with)进展,与.相处get on well with与 相处融洽go on a diet

40、实行节食go on a picnic去里予餐call in召集,召来,来访call it a day今天就到此结束,就干到这里为止,收工a phone call 电话long-distance call 长距离通话call sb names谩骂某人call black white 颠倒黑白nature call 大小便call me a taxi替我叫一辆出租车3. come-phrasescome about发生,产生,实现come across遇见,(偶然)碰到come along 一起来;过来;快点come at向扑来,袭击come back回来,恢复;反驳;再度流行come back

41、to life/oneself复活,苏醒过来come back to one,s mind回忆起某事come down下来,下降,下落,塌陷,跌落come from 来自come in进来,开始流行,到达,涨潮,获名次(He came in first in the contest.他竞赛获得第一。)come into being形成,出现,产生,存在come into effect/force 生效come into power/office 上台,就职 come into use 使用起来,开始使用 come on 快来, 跟上;进行,进步(成长降临;加油come out出版,(花)开、出

42、来;结果是;褪色,消失come over过来,顺便来访come to苏醒;来到,达到;结果是,共计;得出(结论),作出(决定)come to know终于认识到come to school 上学come true 实现come up走近;(从土中)长出,发芽;被提出come off 实现,成功,奏效(The operation came off.手术成功。)come to life显得逼真,苏醒come across被理解,遇见come from出生于,来自come to an end 结束come to know 知道come to the point说到要点,扼要地说come up wit

43、h赶上,提出in the years to come在即将来临的几年里come out of从出来come to oneself苏醒;恢复知觉come back home 回家come into existence 产生,成立come for来接人;来取物come into use开始被使用come to ones mind 忽然想起come to ones help来帮某人的忙go on doing sth.继续做(某事)go on with sth继续做某事hand on传下来,依次传递have pity on sb.怜悯某人improve on对。进行改进和改良have an influ

44、ence on 对。产生影响on (the/an) average 平均,一般来说on a large scale 大规模地on a small scale 小规模地on account of因为,由于on board在船(车、飞机)上on business有事,出差on condition that 在 条件下on duty值班,上班on foot步行,走路on holiday在休假on one5 s honor以名誉担保on ones own独自地,独立地on ones side 在某人一边on ones way to在去的路上on sale出售,贱卖on show在展出on the ba

45、sis of根据,在的基础上on the phone在听电话on the point of doing sthwhen即将的节骨眼儿上,这时(I was on the pointof leaving when the boss came in.)on the right 在右边on the second thoughts经重新考虑,一转念on top of在之上on top of the world站在世界之巅比喻非常高兴on weekdays在工作日pull on 穿,戴throw/cast light on 使明白,阐明be on TV在电视上播放givesome advice on给些忠告 a talk on space个关于太空的报告on the left (right)在左(右)边on the radio通过收音机(无线电广播)on glue脑子被胶水粘住了,犯傻,冒傻气on the beach在海滩on ones back在某人的背上put on a short play 上映短剧on both s


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