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《高中英语2024届高考语法复习定语从句知识讲解(共十一个方面).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语2024届高考语法复习定语从句知识讲解(共十一个方面).doc(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、高考英语语法复习定语从句知识讲解一、概念定义:用来说明主句中某一名词或代词(有时也可说明整个主句或主句中一部分)而起定语作用的句子叫做定语从句。简单地讲:定语从句就是修饰名词或代词的作定语的句子。大家要清楚一个概念,那就是它就相当于一个形容词,作后置定语,所以定语从句通常又被称为形容词性从句。可以解释为什么什么样的人或物。前置形容词的位置顺序:Op sh a c o m (记住这个无意义的单词): opinion shape age colour origin material two very nice small French wooden chairsan interesting lit

2、tle red French oil painting定语从句的位置只能放在它所修饰词的后面,被修饰的词我们叫它“先行词”。Tom, who is 17, is my classmate.Tom is my classmate, who is 17.(Tom就是先行词)二、结构被修饰的名词 / 代词 + 关系词 + 从句被修饰的名词/代词“ = 先行词 这儿要强调的是先行词只能是名词或代词“先行词”与“关系词”之间实质上是互等、互换的关系。关系词的作用就是将先行词所表达意义“代到”从句中来起作用。“先行词”往往是分别重复出现在两个句中(主句和从句)的名词或代词。先行词可以看成区别定语从句和名词

3、性从句的标记。看以下两句:Thats all that I have told him. 此句为定语从句,先行词为allThats what I have told him. 此句为表语从句,由what引导,没有先行词。那为什么一定要有关系词呢?关系词可以看作是连接主句和从句的桥梁,它指代先行词在从句中充当一个句子成份。这就体现了英语句子的链形结构,英语的句子逻辑性很强,就象一环扣一环的链条。有了关系词,就把主句和从句紧紧地联系在了一起。比如下面这组句子:第二个句子中who把主从句连在了一起。The woman she lives next door is a doctor.The woman

4、 who lives next door is a doctor.又如:The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday.The girl we saw her yesterday is Mary.The girl her we saw yesterday is Mary.The girl who/whom/that we saw yesterday is Mary.关系词可分为关系代词和关系副词关系代词有who, which, that, whose(所有格), as关系副词有when, where, why特别注意:what不能引导定语从句,只能引导名词性从句。

5、三、分类1.限定性定语从句 (去掉定语,意义模糊)对先行词进行限定、修饰The man who is talking is Marys father.2.非限定性定语从句对先行词进行补充、说明Tom, who is 17, is a good student. “,”是非限定性定语从句的标志。注意以下两组句子的区别:The old man has a son, who is in the army.(他只有一个儿子,这个儿子在参军)The old man has a son who is in the army.(他有一个参军的儿子。)可能不只一个儿子。He said nothing that

6、 made her angry. 他没有说使她生气的话。He said nothing, which made her angry. 他什么也没有说,这使她很生气。特别注意:在非限定性定语从句中,不能用关系代词that四、特征我们撇开先行词和关系词后,再看剩下的从句,这个句子一定会缺少一个句子成份,而这个成份就是由先行词来充当的。比如:The man who is talking is Marys father.去掉关系词who, 剩下is talking,则缺少主语,这个主语也就是由who,即the man。从句补充完整就是The man is talking.再如:This is the

7、reason why he was late.不看关系副词why, 剩下he was late 和句子原意再比,缺少原因状语。完整句子应该是:He was late for that reason.(why=for what)我们分析一个定语从句时,可以按以下三步来做:一. 先确定先行词,定语从句一定有先行词,并且只能由名词或代词(有时会是整个句子)来充当。二. 判断从句的起止,也就是从什么地方开始到什么地方结束,可以用括号括出。三. 判断先行词在从句中充当什么成份(或看先行词可以还原到从句什么位置,如果要加介词才能还原,则为状语,要用关系副词why, where, when或介词前置),以此

8、确定关系词。这个步为关键。特别注意:分析时主句和从句要分开看,不能互相影响。五、关系代词引导的定语从句1.关系代词在从句中充当主语、宾语、定语(whose, which)。表示人时用who(主格/宾格);whom(宾格,也就是动词或介词的宾语);that, whose(所有格)。表示物时用which, that, whose。(注意that和whose既可表人也可表物),另外which可以指代前面整个句子。注意,介词后宾语表人用whom,表物用which,若是表所有格,用whose。特别注意:what不能引导定语从句,只能引导名词性从句。2.我们来看以下几个例句:The girlwho/tha

9、t is standing at the gateis an English teacher. (who, that作从句的主语, 表人)Thats not Tomwho/that is sitting next to John. (who, that作从句的主语, 表人)=Thats not Tom. Tom is sitting next to John.The girlwhom/who/that Peter is talking tois a teacher.(whom作从句宾语,表人)The girlto whom Peter is talkingis a teacher. (介词可以

10、前置,且当介词前置时,表人只能用whom)(人) The girlwhose mother is a nurseis a teacher. (whose与它所修饰的名词一起构成一个名词短语在从句中担当成分)(物) The bookwhose cover is missingis very funny. (不可分割的一部分, 指物时可用of which来代替)= The book,the cover of which is missing, is very funny.The roomwhose door faces southis very bright. (物质所属)= The room,t

11、he door of which faces south, is very bright.The bookwhich/that belongs to meis missing.(which/that作从句主语,表物)I dont like the novelthat/which you are reading. (that/which作从句动词的宾语,表物)3.which的特殊用法He was late for school again,which made the teacher very angry. (which指代前面整个句子,作从句的主语)。He advised me to hide

12、 behind the door,which advice I took at once.(which作定语)She had a little money in the bank,with which to help her mother. (which与不定式连用,构成定语短语)(1)介词+关系代词例句(包括介词前置)注意介词的选择,要根据从句来确定,不能受主句影响!This is the roomin which I live.先行词room在从句中要加上介词in作地点状语,也就是作in的宾语。从句还原应该是I live in the room.此句也可以转换成:This is the r

13、oomwhich I live in.I have paid for the housein which he lived.注意此句不能用for which,分析此句时,先确定先行词the house,其次确定the house或which在从句中要加介词in作状语。不能受主句中the house前介词for的影响。The manto whom you talked just nowwill chair the meeting tomorrow.= The manwhom/who you talked to just nowwill chair the meeting tomorrow.He

14、told me the tickets are hard to buy,in which case youd better buy right now.(which作case的定语)The books,some of which he has read, are very interesting. 表示整体与部分关系The students,most of whom have seen the movie, are from our class.He spent 2 hours there,during which time he slept.The bossin whose departme

15、nt Mr. King workedhad a heart attack.但注意,在部分固定短语中介词不能提前,比如:care for, call on, put off, listen to, look for, look after等,如果把它们拆开,那么这些短语就失去了原来的含意。The old manwhom I am looking afteris better.(2)介词+关系代词的倒装I arrived at a building in front of which grow many trees.I arrived at a building, and many trees g

16、row in front of it.We visited a hill at the foot of which lies a temple.We visited a hill, and a temple lies at the foot of it.They went into the classroom in the center of which stands a large table.They went into the classroom, and a large table stands in the center of it.关系代词as (as as, such as, t

17、he same as/that) 可放于句首和句中,可作从句主语、宾语和状语(做题时一般看到前面有as, such, the same等,大部分情况后面都选as)常用于be known, expected, reported, announced, shown As we all know, China is a big country. as作宾语China is in the east of Asia, as is known to all. as作主语Our team, as we had expected, won the game.Take as many books as you

18、can.I want to read such a book as you read. (as定语从句)This is such a good book that we all like it. (so/suchthat结果状语从句,that后跟完整的句子)Please do it in the same way as I did. (as作状语)I want to borrow the same book as you read. 我想借一本和你读的一样的书。I want to borrow the same book that you read.我想借你读的那本书。(只有一本)六、特殊的定

19、语从句It/This is+the+序数词+时间+(that)+定语从句(从句用完成时)It is the first time(that)I have ever been here.It is (high) time +that+定语从句It is time that we should go home.It is time that we went home the way+定语从句,the way做从句状语时,通常省略关系词或用that/in whichThe way (that/in which) he is doing the experiment is very funny.tim

20、e, moment, second, minute等后,通常用that来代替when引导定语从句,并且常省略The moment he arrives, I will ring you up. (that/when)常省略By the time John came, Peter had finished his work. (that/when常省略)But作为关系代词(了解即可),相当于that(who) notThere are very few but admire his talents. 很少有人不佩服他的才华。七、定语从句的省略定语从句除了上述特殊定语从句中的2、3点两种情况的省略

21、外,主要是当关系代词在定语从句中充当宾语时可省,注意,只有做宾语时才能省。(但如果是介词前置,则不可省)The novel (which/that) he wrote is interesting.The man (who/whom) Tom is talking with is a teacher in our school.八、定语从句的主谓一致1当关系代词作定语从句的主语时,定语从句中的谓语动词在人称和数上要和先行词一致。I know the studentwho is your classmate.The students who are my classmates are going

22、 to help the old man.2“one of可数名词复数”引导的定语从句中,谓语动词应用复数;而“one of可数名词复数”前有the,only或the only修饰,定语从句中的谓语动词用单数。He is one of the studentswho study very hard at school.He is the (only/the only) one of the students who studies very hard at school.九、定语从句需特别注意的地方situation, case, point在从句中充当状语时,后常用whereCan you

23、think of a situationwhere you can use the word?标点符号,比较以下一组句子:I picked up the apples. Some of them were bad.I picked up the apples and most of them were bad.I picked up the apples, some of which were bad.关系词选择时,要注意从句中的及物动词和不及物动词,从而判断先行词在从句中所作的成份。特别是看到先行词是时间、地点、原因时,要特别小心。注意下面几组句子:Ill never forget the

24、dayswhen/in which we worked together.Ill never forget the daysthat/which we spent together.I went to the place where/at which I worked ten years ago.I went to the placethat/which I visited ten years ago.This is the reasonwhy/for which he was late.This is the reasonthat/which he gave.which和whose在从句中做

25、定语时的区别:He told me the tickets are hard to buy, in which case youd better buy right now.(which作case的定语)He advised me to hide behind the door, which advice I took at once.(which作定语)The book whose cover is missing is very funny. (不可分割的一部分, 指物时可用of which来代替)The room whose door faces south is very bright

26、. (物质所属)which做定语时和后面的名词一起指代前面的先行词(通常为整个句子),还原从句为独立分句时,往往还原成this/that;如第一句which case指代前面的句子,从句可还原成In that case, youd better buy right now. 第二句:I took that advice at once.而whose做定语时只是单独指代前面的先行词,通常可以用of which 或of whom来代替,还原时往往变为its/his等。比如第三句:The book is very funny and its cover is missing.分裂式定语从句:有些定语

27、从句的先行词和关系词之间会插入一些其它成份。He arrived in Jinzhou in 1984, where he became a manger 2 years later. 此句中关系词不能用when,因为从句中已经有时间状语,因此先行词不是1984,而是Jinzhou。带有插入语的定语从句,如I think, do you suggest等。Please choose someone who you think is kind. (此句中you think为插入语,关系代词who作从句的主语,is是从句的谓语)介词from后可以跟whereHe has been to the c

28、ity twice from where his girl friend came.十、与其他从句的区别一、定语从句和同位语从句的区别定语从句的先行词或关系代词要在从句中充当一定的句子成份,而同位语从句中则不充当任何句子成份,比较以下两个句子。The news that our team lost the game disappointed all of us. 此句为同位语从句,that连词在从句中不充当任何句子成份。The news that you told me yesterday is so disappointing. 此句为定语从句,that连词在从句中充当told的宾语。二 、

29、定语从句和状语从句的区别状语从句没有先行词,引导词用where,它很明显的特点是其前面为动词、副词等,有时虽有名词但不是表示地点的名词。You should make it a rule to leave things where you can find them again.状从After the war a new school building was put up where there had once been a theatre. (状语从句)This is the roomwhere/in which we lived three years ago.定从,先行词是room三

30、、定语从句和强调句的区别强调句型的结构:It is / was (could be) + 被强调的成分 + that .强调的成分是主语、宾语和状语。强调句型可用“还原法”来判断,若删除强调句型结构(It iswas.that)后,句子能还原为一个完整的句子,就是强调句。It was at the school gate that I met Tom yesterday. It was the school gate where I met Tom yesterday.第一句为强调句,去掉强调句型结构后,句子可以还原成一个完整的句子,I met Tom yesterday at the sch

31、ool gate. 而第二句不能还原成一个完整的句子,必须要加个介词at。四、as前置和It作形式主语的主语从句辨析这两种形式主要区别在于as结构有标点符号“,”号,而It和that连用,比较下面两个句子:As is known to all, the earth moves around the sun.It is known to all that the earth moves around the sun.十一、定语从句练习中的难点陷阱一从句迷惑主句结构的判断The person we spoke to _ no answer at first Amaking Bmakes Cmake

32、 Dmade对于此题,一些粗心的学生看到to马上就选择C。实际上we spoke to是定语从句,修饰the person,主句的主干应该是The person made no answer.应该选D。The man whose songs we are fond of _ in our city next week Asinging Bto sing Cwill sing Dsang同样,此题易误选A,以为是be fond of singing,实际上whose songs we are fond of 为定语,句子主干为The man will sing in our city.陷阱二主句

33、从句结构混杂在一起Everything he _ away from him before he returned to his hometown. A. took B. had been taken C. had had been taken D. had taken此句对于一些基础差的学生有一定难度,他们无法正确判断句子的结构,容易误选A或D。但实际上,此题是主句和从句的结构相互混杂。Everything为先行词,he had为定语从句修饰everything,主句主干为Everything had been taken away. 因此应选C。陷阱三定语从句和强调句混杂在一起定语从句和强调句本身就容易混淆,如果把两者加在一起就更容易混淆了,做题时,关键是要判断定语从句的范围。如以下这个句子:It was in this building _ I once worked _ he met his former classmate.(答案是where,that,因为强调部分是in this building,where I once worked是状语从句,强调句主语谓语部分是从he开始)7


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