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《高一必刷题二.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一必刷题二.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、提分好题必刷刷基础 保分必刷题二f必讲I.单句语法填空1. They( debate ) whether to carry on with the experiment when lentered the laboratory.2. The( advance ) 5G technology will bring a lot of changes to our daily life.3. your teachers and friends can ( actual) help you out when you are in trouble.4. From the teacher, s( conf

2、use ) look , we could see that he hadn5t expected that we could raise such a( confuse ) question.5. Having stayed in china for many years , he can speak Chinese(fluent).6. A diet and exercise are( obvious ) important if you want to lose weight.7. My(recommend ) is that you should read the book befor

3、e seeing the movie.8. Drawing a picture book is a(challenge ) task forme.9. As his health became worse and worse , he finally decided to quit( smoke ).1. .lprefer(leave ) alone at home rather than join my friends at weekends.n.选词填空sign up for ; be suitable for ; be responsible for ; prefer. to. ; wo

4、rkout; (be ) attracted to ; take responsibility for ; focus on; (be ) addicted to ; keep up with1J healthy food fast food.2. we senior highschool students have grownup and we should our actions.3. This area growing flowers , for the weather here is warm.4.1the gardening class ; for I have a greatint

5、erest in gardening.5. It took me sometime to what had causedthe mess.阅读理解推理判断题1. we can infer from the passage that.2. The passage/author implies that.3. It can be concluded from the passage that 4. The main purpose of the passage is.5. where does this passage probably come from ?6. what5sthe author

6、s attitude towards. ?7. The writer developed the passage/his main idea by【选项特征】义是原文,只一步*不旧必mh.Ilf【解题策略】1 .理解通篇大意,把握写作 意图2 .关注特定措辞,推断作者 态度3 .利用语境褒贬,进行逻辑 推断4 .抓住有效信息,逆向或正 向推理5 .结合已知常识,进行逻辑 推理touch in making their shapeselections.( 根据 研究人员的说法,下一步是尝试弄 清楚凤头鹦鹉是完全依靠视觉线索,还 是也使用触觉来选择它们的形状)”可 推知,后续测试的目的是了解凤头鹦

7、鹉 在测试中是否使用触觉。故选D。4. D 主旨大意题。通读全文,再结合文 章第一 段“Coffin,scockatoos, a kind of small parrot native to Australasia, have been shown to have similar shaperecognition abilities to a human two- year-old. (科芬的凤头鹦鹉是一种原产于 大洋洲的小鹦鹉,它的形状识别能力与 两岁的人类相似)”可推知,本文主要介绍 了会识别形状的凤头鹦鹉。D项“ Cockatoos: skilful shape-sorters (凤头鹦

8、鹉: 识别形状的熟练工)”符合文意,最适合作 为木文标题。故选Do【刷综合满分】I.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章 讲述了 一名医学生在看曲棍球比赛时, 看到一位男子的脖子有一颗特别的悲,判 断出可能是癌症的迹象。并告知该男 子,最后男子去看病最终验证了医学生的 判断,由此挽回生命的故事。1. B细节理解题。根据第一段“shewrote a message with the words 66j jmoleTcance匕 and doctor on her phone in bright red type to get the attention of the man (她在手机上诧辞红字

9、派写亍一条消息 说“色素惩、癌症和“医生”以此引起男人的注意)何知, Nada popovici在手机写酒息,目的是 为了引起男子的注意力。故选Bo2. B推理判断题。根据第三段Mr. Hamilton looked at the message 3 rubbed the back of his neck 5 and kept walking.( 汉密尔顿先生看了看信,揉了揉脖子后 ,继续往前走)”可知,看到消息之后,男 子继续自顾往前走,说明他对此不以 为意,因此可以推断他不相信Nada popovici的判断o故选B。3. A细节理解题。根据第四段“Doctors later told h

10、im that it was type-2 cancer, which could be removed easily but eaily discovery is important.(医生后来告诉他 3 这是2型癌症,可以很容易地切除,但 早期发现很重要)”可知,男子的疾病属 于严重的需要切除的癌症,因此可以 推断这是致命的,所以及早发现并及切 除很重要。故选Ao4. A 推理判断题。根据第四段“Mr. Hamilton wrote a letter posted on the team5s Twitter account 5 trying to find the a who saved

11、his life.(汉密尔顿在球Tw让ter账户上写了 一封信,试图找 到救了他一命的女士)”可知,这位女士 i$T勇字一命,因此可知popovici是乐 于助人的粉丝。故选Ao口.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了学习乐器对儿童、成年人和老年人的好 处。1. D 下文“ Learning to play an instrument when growing up can improve hearing in adulthood.(长大后 学习演奏乐器可以提高成 年后的听力。) ”提到学习乐器可以提高听力,说明在讲 学习乐器的好处。D项“ so what are the benefit

12、s for children, adults and even seniors?(那么,对儿童、成年人甚至 老年人有什么好处呢?)”承上启下,符 合文意。故选Do2. G 上 文“ Moreover, it could also have some academic benefits too (止匕夕卜,它也 可能有一些 学术上的好处)”提到学习乐 器在学术上也有好处,G项“ students involved in musical activities scored significantly higher in math. (参与音乐 活动的学生在数学方面的得分明显 更高。 )”给出例子,

13、参与音乐活动的学生在数 学方面的得分明显更高。符合文意。故 选Go3. E T 文“ Mastering the perfect chord is one way 5 but what if you got together with a bunch of friends and entered into a competition-and won?(掌握完美 的和弦是一种方法,但是如果你和一群 朋友聚在一起参加比赛并获胜呢?)”提 到和朋友参加比赛并获胜,这是一 种成就感。E项“ Learning an instrument can also give you a sense of achi

14、evement (学习乐器也能给你成就 感。)”承上同下5符合文意。故选Eo4. C 下文 “ obviously, picking up aninstrument can help them kill time. But more importantly , it can effectively prevent them from dementia as several regions in the brain are active in the process of playing instruments. (显然, 拿起乐器可以帮助他们消磨时间。 但更重要的是,它可以有效地防止 他们患痴

15、呆症,因为大脑中的几个区 域在演奏乐器的过程中是活跃的。)” 提到乐器可以帮助消磨时间和防止痴呆, 是积极的作用。C项“ positive effects on those who have retired cannot be ignored.(对退休人员的积极影响不容忽视。)“进 行总结,符合文意。故选C。5. B 下 文“why not begin by yourself? Chances are that you can establish a band with your children and parents.(为什么不自 己动手呢?你很 可能会和你的孩子和父母组建一个乐 队。)”

16、提出建议自己开始学习乐器。B项 “will you simply admire others, talents and performances?(你只仅仅欣赏别人 的才华和表现吗)”起到启下作用,符合 文意。故选B。近刊登了 一篇题为感谢 健身伙伴的五个理由 的文章。一个理由是:如 果你知道有人在健身房等 你,你就会去锻炼。)”可 知,这里陈述另一个和别 人一起锻炼的理由。所 以选择项C“ You, II work harder if you train with 松omeone el松a (如果你 和别人一起训练,你会更 努力。)“符合上下文语境。 故选Co2. D 根据前文“Fir松to

17、fall, decide what you want from that per松on.(首先, 决定你想从那个人身上得 到什么。)和后文or do you 川松1 want to be phy松 ically fit, able to move with Strength and flexibility?(或者你只是想 要身体健康,能够移动的 力量和灵活性?)”可知,这 里是一个问句,反问自己 结伴锻炼的目的。所以 选择项 D“Do you want to be a better athlete in your favorite松port?(你想 在你最喜欢的运动项目上 成为更好的运动员吗?

18、)” 符合上下文语境。故选 Do3. B根据前文“You might think about po松ting what you are looking for on松 ocial media, but probably won,tre松ultina useful re 松pon松e.(你可能会考 虑在社交媒体上发布你想 要的东西,但可能不会得 到有用的回应。)”和后文“ If you plan on working out in a gym , that per松 on mu松t belong to the松 ame gym.(如M你打算在 健身房锻炼,那个人一定 是同一个健身房的。)“可 知

19、,寻找的锻炼伙伴要具 有便利性的特点。所以选 择项 B“A workout partner usually need松to live clo 松eby.(锻炼伙伴通常需要 住在附近。)“符合上下文 语境。故投B。4. G 根据前文“My partner po 松ted herreque松t on the noticeboard of a local park. Her notice included what kind of training 松he wanted to do , how many day松a week and how many hourm.1. but前文说的是“听到”功夫“

20、 一词时你会想到什么? 对于大部分人来说可能是少林和尚,李小龙或功夫熊 猫”,后文指“对于Laurence来说,第一件想到的事是非 暴力概念。”前后为转折关系。用but。2. ,松pring松 解析同第1题,语境为现在。故答案为松 pring 松。3. tran松lated此处为非谓语动词短语作后置定语修饰Wu松hu,并与其成动宾关系用过去分词表被动。故 答案为 translated o4. attending 此处表示“Brahm告诉参加他的最新作品的 人们”,作定语修饰people并与其成主动关系用现在分 词。敌答案为attending.5. the此处指这个字6武,”,特指。用the。6

21、. actually此处修饰谓语用副词,actually事实 上。故答案为actually 07. which 此处引导非限制性定语从句修饰legacy 并在从句中作主语。用which o8. it松 此处指“它的巨大影响和吸引”,用形容词性物主代 词修饰名词。故答案为it松。9. ma松松ive修饰名词作定语表示“大量的”用形容词ma松 松 ive。10. w松dom 此处表示“而且因为电影里的智慧。哲学 ,道德与战略”。用名词。痴松dom智慧。故答案为wi 松 dom。必刷题二【刷基础保分】I.1. to 2. arrangement松 3. admiration4. recognitio

22、n 5. official 6. narrowly7. amazed 8. extremely 9. behind10. attractionn.1dt i松forthi松rea松on that2. that he can draw map松in great detail in a very 松hort time3松o that everything in it i松covered with du松14.leading u 松to think5. when people,松Republic of China wa松founded HL1 .to buy 2.松leaving3.will cal

23、l 4.to hand 5. take松;i松leaving 6. come松 7.are taking 8.am coming【刷考题高分】【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了 如何找到一个厂起锻炼的伙伴。1. C 根据前文“ Fitne松松 Magazine recently ran an article titledTive Rea松on松to Thank Your Workout partne. J,one rea松on wa松:“You, II actually 松how up if you know 松 omeone 松 waiting for you at the gy

24、m,”(健身杂志最5.松松he wanted to 松pendon each松e松松ion, and her age. It al松oli松ted her favorite松port松 and activities, and p phone number.(我将搭档把她的要求贴在了当通rovided her 公园的布上。她的注意事项包括她想要做 什么样的锻炼,每周多少天,每次培训要花多少小时,以及她的年龄。它还列 出了她最喜欢 的运动和活动,并提供了她的电话号码。)可 知,本段作者以自己的锻炼伙伴为例,说明寻找锻炼伙伴布 告所要包括的信息。所以选择 项G“Any notice for a tr

25、aining partner松hould include松uch information.(彳壬何锻炼伙伴的布 告都应包括这些信息。)”符合上下文语境。故选G。F 根据前 文“ You and your partner will probably have Afferent松kill松.(你和你的侔侣 武能有不同的技能。)”和后 文“overtime, both of you will benefit- your partner will be6.根据文章体裁和内容推断文章出处刷考题 身分【学以致用】Year松ago, I appeared on 檄age with the Royal Mel

26、bourne philharmonic choir in the Town Hall. There Iwa松/ my feet in plain 松hoet公 松weat dirtying my clean white松hirt 松inging my heart out in front of the big organ. I 木公till have a tape recording of that performance Somewhere; where I松wear I can hear my松elf Ringing, high and thin and pof邠公ibly off-key

27、.But life got in the way and I 木公topped 松inging. Then; in the 松ummer of 2019, Ifound my松elf facing 检me gloom in my own life. It felt a松if it had been a longtime between松ong松,a松 if there wa松松omething u啾ung,松ome abfent m飒c in myear松.Ibegan to fear I might be making my松elfill and unable to breathe in a

28、 normal way.could松inging help me reclaim my voice and calm my fa 松t-beating heart ? Re松earch from the Royal society noted that “group 松inging can improve ph淞cal and mental health, awell a松 promote松ocial bond松”.so, rather than letting my un松ung tune(公松trangle (扼 杀)me,【decided to take on a new choral

29、experience, one being in the Big Femin松t sing,a community choir.6. You mu松t work hard; or you won,t yourcl*公松matel公.7. If松omething unexpected happen松,the manager will the terrible松ituation.8. someudent松the computer gamet公oftenbecome inactive in real life.9. stillthe country life, he returned to hi松h

30、ometown and wrote a book about hi松experience.10.1 n my 松pare time Hike watching the online video松the comfortable family life.m.单元语法一名词、形容词和副词短语请写出下列句子中画线部分属于哪类短语或词组,在句中 作什么成分。1. At pre松ent the松etech nolog ie松 are 松till expensive, though.2. Thi松i松如 excellent fanta松y novel from one of the bet 本公toryte

31、ller松 around.3. The author like松doing volunteer work becau松eit make松 her very happy.4. Then when Iwa松in the fifth grade, Iwanted to be a teacher becau松elliked myEngli松h teacher松omuch.5. After all, not everyone ha松realized that wildlife ha松 thought松 feeling松 and mot公t importantly/ equal right松 to 松 u

32、rvive.阅读理解Goffin,松cockatoo松,akind of松mall parrot native to Au松tral淞ia have been 松hown to have 松imilar ape- recognition abilitie木公to a human two-year-old. Though not known to u松e toed松in the wild, the bird松have proved 松kilful at tool /公e while kept in the cage. In a recent experiment / cockatoowere p

33、resented with a box with a nut in松ide it The clear front of the box had a keyhole in a geometric 松hape, and the bird松 were given five differently松haped key松“to choo$e from. Inserting the correct key would let out the nutIn humans ;babies can put around shape in around hole from around one year of ag

34、e,but it will be another year before they are able to do the same with less symmetrical (对称的)shapes. This ability to recognize that a shape will need to be turned in a specific direction before it will fit is called an allocentric frame of referenceH . In the experiment / Goffin,s cockatoos were abl

35、e to select the right tool for the job , in most cases ; by visual recognition alone, where trial-and-error was used , the cockatoos did better than monkeys in similar tests. This indicates that Goffins cockatoos do indeed possess an allocentric frame of reference when moving objects in space / simi

36、lar to two-year-old babies.The nextstep , according to the researchers , is to try and work out whether the cockatoos rely entirely on visual clues (线索),or also use a sense of touch in making their shapeselections.1. How did the cockatoos get the nut from the box in the experiment ?A. By following i

37、nstructions.B. By using a tool.C. By turning the box around.D. By removing the lid.2. which task can human one-year-olds most likely complete according to the text ?A. using akey to unlock a door.B. Telling parrots from other birds.C. putting a ball into around hole.D. Grouping toys of different sha

38、pes.3. what does the follow-up test aim to find out about the cockatoos ?A. How far they are able to see.B. How they track moving objects.C. whether they are smarter than monkeys.D. whether they use a sense of touch in the test.4. which can be a suitable title for the text ?If you don5t know what to

39、 sing , the choir director said , /zfind someone who looks confident and go and stand next to them. Find a friend if you, re in trouble ; take a risk ; use your voice ; be part of something bigger than yourself.I,ve been singing in the choir ever since , because group singing gives me a sense of saf

40、ety 一 and each rehearsal (排练)is a lifeline , a connected thread , an intake of air working toward a collective voice. It doesn3t matter if lam a bit off-key to start with. Decades of unsung situations have changed , and I have flown.1. How did the author feel during her performance in the Town Hall

41、?A.Excited.B. Relaxed. C. Nervous. D. Curious.解析:推理判断题。根据 第一段There Iwas , my feet in plain shoes , sweat dirtying my clean white shirt ,singing my heart out in front of the big organ.(我就在那里,我的 脚穿着普通的鞋子,汗水 弄脏了我干净的白衬衫, 在大风琴前唱着我的心 曲)出了很多汗,说明作 者当时很紧张,故选CoA. Cockatoos : Quick Error Checkers B. Cockatoos

42、: Independent Learners C. Cockatoos : Clever signal-Readers D. Cockatoos : skilful shape-sorters刷综合满分I.阅读理解Nada popovici/ a future medical student / was at a professional hockey (曲棍球)game, she kept looking at the back of the man3s neck, she wrote a message with the words mole , cancer”(癌),and “docto

43、r on her phone in bright red type to get the attention of the man, Brian Hamilton, an equipment manager for the hockey team.Mr. Hamilton had a small mole on his neck. It was irregularly shaped and red-brown. These are the signs of cancer that Ms. popovici had learned to see. After waving al him seve

44、ral times, she finally drew Mr. Hamilton, s attention, she held high her phone on which read, “The mole on the back of your neck is possibly cancer, please goto see a doctor!nMr. Hamilton looked at the message ; rubbed the back of his neck; and kept walking, “well, that5s unusual. But after the game

45、, he asked the team doctor if it was worrisome. It was! Then after he had it removed in a hospital / he waited for the results, was the fan sitting in the stands right ?Indeed/ Ms. popovici was correct, she had saved Hamiltons life. Doctors later told him that it was type-2 cancer,which could be rem

46、oved easily but early discovery is important. The sooner you find something ; the better it is,“ a doctor said. Mr. Hamilton wrote a letter posted on the team3s Twitter account trying to find the lady who saved his life. It took less than three hours to find Ms. popovici.A couple of weeks later, at

47、the next game / they met each other, she watched the game from the same seat where she had noticed the mole, she thought everything had gone right that day. she was sting close enough to Mr. Hamilton and he was not wearing a jacket large enough to cover the mole on his neck.1. why did Ms. popovici w

48、rite a message on her phone ?A. To record Hamiltons problem.B. To draw Hamilton5s attention.C. To advertise for her hospital.2. what does the underlined phrase H some gloom in my own Ufe in paragraph2 refer to ?A. something unsung in the authors life.B. some difficulty in the authors life.C. some disease that stopped the author singing.D. something affecting the authors voice.解析:词句猜测题。根据 第二段 nBut life got in the way and I stopped singing.(但生活阻碍了 我,我停止了唱歌)可知 是生活中的一些困难阻 碍了作者,所


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