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1、高考英语俗语表达1. Potatoa couch potato:指那些沉迷电视,无所事事的人a hot potato: 烫手山芋;棘手的问题all (that) meat and no potatoes: 过于月已胖例: r m surprised that guy could fit through the door一he s all meat and no potatoes, drop someone/something like a hot potato:即刻与某人或某事脱离关系;立马摆脱 meat-and-potatoes issue:最重要/最基本的部分例:Candidates in

2、 this election will have to focus on meat-and-potatoes issues like taxes and education.mouse potato:电脑迷not (quite) the clean potato:不正派的人;形迹可疑的人potato head:傻瓜,笨蛋2. Book(one) can read (someone) like a book:很了解某人,对某人了如指掌例:I can read you like a book, so I know that somethings wrong. Please tell me what

3、 it is.a closed book:自己一无所知的科目;高深莫测的事物例: r m a scientist through and through, so art has always been a closed book to me.a turn-up for the books:意想不到的运气;意想不到的结果,通常指惊喜be an open book:容易被了解的人/物be in (ones) black books:被歹U入某人的黑名单To have fallen out of favor with one. 例:I dont think I 11 come to the part

4、y on Saturday一Im in Jennys black books at the moment.be brought to book:绳之以法cook the books:作假帐hit (the) bookshelves:用功读书take a leaf out of somebodys book:效仿某人的成功案例;模仿某人3. Heart(ones) heart is in (one,s) boots: 提心吊月旦heart is in ones mouth:十分紧张、不安;焦急万分a heavy heart:沉重的心情a change of heart: 改变心意absence

5、makes the heart grow fonder:距离产生美;别久情更深;小别胜新婚be all heart:慷慨大方;体贴be sick at heart:心里烦闷;悲伤be etched on (one,s) heart: 铭记在心4. Roadall roads lead to Rome:条条道路通罗马burn up the road: 开快车例:Have you seen my new sports car? Man, I cant wait to take it out and burn up the road!a road to nowhere:没有出路的处境,不可能成功的行

6、动a road hog:妨碍其他车辆行驶(的司机)good intentions pave the road to hell: 好心办坏事fork in the road:三岔路口take the high road:堂堂正正地;秉持正确理念;采取积极途径例:Strive to always take the high road when dealing with others, even if theyve treated you unfairly in the past.hit the road:上路;出发;行动5. Pigeona sparrow in the hand is bette

7、r than the pigeon on the roof: 一鸟在手胜过百鸟在林be (ones) pigeon: 是某人的责任、事情clay pigeon:易被捉弄/欺骗的人milk the pigeon:做徒劳的事pigeon-eyed:喝醉酒的pigeonhole (someone):归类,把某人归为某一类别例:Dont pigeonhole her as a comedic actressshe actually has more range than you would think.put/set/throw the cat among the pigeons:引起纷争;挑起轩然大

8、波例:We didn,t want to put the cat among the pigeons, so we decided not to mention the bomb threat until we knew for certain that it was legitimate.stool pigeon:(向警察提供情报的)线人,内线6. Marka black mark beside (ones) name:指某人的污点A mistake or the negative impact thereof that permanently harms ones reputation.a

9、 black mark against (one): 某人的污点例:They let me keep my job after I got caught, but the transgression became a black mark against me for the rest of my career.be quick/slow off the mark:(对形势的)反应敏捷/迟钝beauty mark:美人痣;雀斑close to the mark:(猜测、陈述等)接近准确,几乎无误off the mark:不切题,不相关make ones mark:出名,成功overstep (

10、oneJ s)/its mark:逾越(某人的)界限【beyond the markbe up to the mark:达到要求;符合标准7. Tip(one) can,t look past the tip of (one,s) nose:指不能预见(问题等);指某人专注在 某一件事上而无法估计其它例:Our boss is ambitious, but she cant look past the tip of her nose when it comes to scheduling projects with realistic deadlines.be in tip-top shape

11、:处于颠峰状态的be on the tip of one s tongue:话在嘴边说不出来the tip of the iceberg:冰山一角;(事物的)端倪tip someone the wink:向某人使眼色;向某人眨眼暗示tip ones hand:亮底牌;摊牌tip the balance/scales:使占优势;使结果倾向某方例:They were both very good candidates for the job but she had more experience and that tipped the balance.8. Golda gold mine:金矿;使

12、人能够获得很多利润的东西be sitting on a gold mine:立即获得大量有价值或可取的东西,特别是尚未从中获益的东 西例: Who knew that my grandfather was sitting on a gold mine of priceless antiques all these years?be worth its/(ones) weight in gold:非常有价值的例:When you re in a foreign country, you 11 find that a reliable translator is worth his weight

13、in gold.black gold:指石油fooT s gold:误以为会令人愉快(或大获成功)的事物例:Dont invest in his latest wacky invention一no matter how great it seems, it will end up being fooF s gold like all the others.have a heart of gold: 心地善良the streets are paved with gold:彳艮容易成功 It is easy to become successful or prosperous in this pl

14、ace例:More and more people are moving to the big cities, where they believe the streets are paved with gold.9. Apple(as) easy as apple pie:小菜一碟;易如反掌a bad apple:害群之马;坏蛋a bad apple spoils the (whole) barrel: 一粒老鼠屎坏一锅粥apples and oranges:风马牛不相及的事物apple-polisher:马屁精;逢迎者apple of discord:争斗的原因或根源;祸根apple of

15、 one,s eye:掌上明珠be in apple-pie order/get (something) in apple-pie order:井井有条;整整齐齐upset ones apple cart:破坏某人的算盘;打破了他人的计划the apple does not fall far from the trunk: 有其父必有其子10. HeelAchilles heel:致命的弱点at the heels of (someone or something):紧总艮某人/某物sit back on ones heels: 态度消极be head over heels (in love)

16、: 坠入爱河beef to (the) heel:身材魁梧bring someone to heel:使某人服从;使某人就范cool (ones) heels:长时间等候;坐冷板凳例:I spent an hour cooling my heels in the waiting room while the doctor saw other patients.dig ones heels in:拒不让步;固执己见under the heel of somebody:在的蹂蹒之下11. Lightbe all sweetness and light:其乐融融;和蔼可亲(its) better t

17、o light a (single) candle than to curse the darkness: 与其诅咒黑暗, 不如点亮蜡烛;坐而言,不如起而行;与其抱怨不如行动【英文释义:It means that it is better to do something, no matter how small, to improve a situation rather than just complain about it.a light bulb goes on in (ones) brain/a light-bulb moment:灵光一闪a light purse makes a h

18、eavy heart: 囊中无钱心事重be given the green light/give someone the green light:给予某人方便a leading light:领军人物be out like a light:倒头就睡cast/shed/throw light on something:为提供解释;使较容易理解hide ones light under a bushel:埋没自己的天赋;深藏不漏,不露锋芒dont hide your light under a bushel:不要过分谦虚以致埋没才华12. Nail(as) tough as nails:身体结实的;

19、坚韧不屈a bed of nails:极其艰难的情况例:This project is a bed of nails一its just so tedious.a nail in the coffin: 催命符; 致命一击 another nail in (one,s) coffin例:Every mistake is one more nail in the coffin of his professional baseball career, drive the final nail in (someones or somethings) coffin: 给某人/某物致命击 a nail-biter:扣人心弦的体育比赛;充满悬念的电影cash on the nail: 现款pay on the nail: 立即支付fight tooth and nail:竭尽全力;全力以赴right on the nail: 一针见血;一语中的nail the lie to the counter: 拆穿谎言


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