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《第一学期新目标英语九年级期中考试卷.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第一学期新目标英语九年级期中考试卷.pdf(27页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2005-2006学 年 第 一 学 期 新 目 标 英 语 九 年 级 期 中 考 试 卷(检 测 时 间:120分 钟;满 分:150分)听 力 部 分 20%笔 试 部 分 120分 I、词 汇(共 15小 题,每 小 题 1分,满 分 15分)。(一)根 据 句 意 及 首 字 母 提 示 完 成 单 词(5 分)31、We are doing a s about learning English.32 What about reading a to practices pronunciation.33 Her sister often practices English conver

2、sations.With friends.She wants to i herEnglish.34 Surfing is enjoyed by people all over the w.35、Will it b you if I turn the television on.(二)找 出 与 划 线 部 分 意 思 相 同 的 选 项。()36、He can always think of a good idea to solve peopled problems.A、come out B、come up with C、think over D、think about()37 You did

3、 not embarrass me in the slightest.A、not,any longer B、not*at all C、no longer D、not,any more()38、rd love to go on holiday but I cant afford the time.A、I waste time B、I dont have much time.C、I spend a little time D、I take little time.()39、Tom likes reading books in the library.Instead of watching TV a

4、t home.A、than watch B、not to watch C、than watching D、rather than watch()40、Please come and support me.Dont disappoint me.A、Let me go B、Leave me alone C、Leave me behind D、Let me down.(三)用 所 给 的 单 词 的 正 确 形 式 填 空,使 句 子 意 思 完 整。(5 分)41、I think they might be(monkey)and I still hear the noises.41 Liu Xia

5、ng is a w e l l(k n o w).42、My l i f e(c h a n g e)a lot in the last few years.43、Taking exercise can help y o u(r e l a x i n g).44、We cant put o f f(h o l d)t h e spring sports meeting now.II、选 择 填 空(共 2 0小 题,每 小 题 1分,满 2 0分)。()4 6、Have you ever a foreigner?Yes,many times.A、spoke to B、spoke with C

6、、spoken with D、spoken to()4 7、I often think my old phone will make people.A、to laugh B、laugh C、about D、on()48 I used to like music.But now Im in sports.A、more interested B、more interesting C、much interested D、much interesting()4 9 s e e m s that it is to going to rain.A、This B、That C、The D、It()50、My

7、 sister always goes to sleep with her bedroom l i g h t.A、in B、to C of D、on()51、I think she should stop wearing those s illy earrings.I like those earrings.She looks so cool.A、I disagree.B、I think so C、I agree D、So do me()52、This Spanish book isnt.1 have one with my name on it.A、my B、mine C、me D、I()

8、53、What rules do we have?I should keep quiet there.A、at the library B、at home C、at school D、in the shop()54 If I had a dollars,I would build a large hospital.A、million B、millions C、millions D、millions of()55、He likes music.He often plays after school.A、basketball B、volleyball C、baseball D、the violin

9、()56 I used to be very shy,then I join a club to make many friends,now I am notany more.A、outgoing B、happy C、friendly D、shy()57、Wow,you have so many kinds of spiders.Dont you have a collection o f?A、sports B、movies C、insects D、photos()58、She doesnt mind being with a group,but she wouldnt want to b e

10、.A、alone B、heavy C、short D、tall()59、I saw a strange outside my window last night.I think it might be alien.A、picture B、light C、creature D、voice()60、I can understand what people talk to me because they too fast.A、ride B、speak C、listen D、read()6 1、She is the dark.So she goes to bed with the bedroom li

11、ght on.A、worried about B、interested in C、afraid of D、excited about()62、This hair band be Anns.She has a red one.A、cant B、could C might D、must()63 I really want a d o g,my parents wont let me have one.A、and B、but C、so D、then()64、The students in our school should not wear their own clothes.A、be allowe

12、d to B、allow C、be allowed D、allow to()65、I often practice conversation with friends and improve my speaking skills.A he B、they C、she D、itI、图 句 理 解(共 5 小 题,每 小 题 1分,计 5 分)。请 听 句 子,选 择 与 其 意 思 相 符 的 图 画,并 将 其 字 母 代 号 填 入 相 应 的 句 子 的 横 线 上。句 子 读 一 遍。II、情 景 反 应(共 5 小 题,每 小 题 1分,计 5 分)。请 听 句 子,选 择 合 适 的

13、应 答 语。句 子 读 一 遍。6、A、Yes,I did B、I took a bus C、I remember7、A、The same to you B、You,too8、A、Yes,please B、No,Tm notC、ThanksC、And you?9、A、Spiders B、Yes,I likeit C、Its interesting50、A、Yes,I do B、No,Music classes C、Gym classesm、听 对 话,根 据 你 所 听 到 的 内 容,选 择 正 确 的 答 案。(1 5分)第 一 节 听 下 面 5 段 对 话,每 段 对 话 后 有 一

14、个 小 题,从 题 中 所 给 的 A、B、C 三 个 选 项 中,选 出 最 佳 答 案。()1 1 Where is Jim?A、At home B、At school C、At the library()1 2、What is Judy going to do?A、Study B、Watch TV C、Go shopping()13、What did Tina use to be?A、She used to very tall.B、She used to be very tall and have long hair.C、She used to be very short and hav

15、e short hair.()1 4、How is the weather?A、Cloudy B、Sunny C、Windy()15、What is Tony doing?A、He is sleeping B、He is watching TV C、He is doing homework.第 二 节 听 下 面 4 段 对 话,每 段 对 话 后 有 两 个 或 三 个 小 题,从 题 中 所 给 的 A、B、C 三 个 选 项 中,选 出 最 佳 答 案。听 第 一 段 对 话,回 答 16、17题。()1 6、Where are they?A、At home B、At school C、

16、In the shop()1 7、What do they wear every day?A、Sweaters B、School uniforms C、The clothes they like听 第 二 段 对 话,回 答 18、19题。()1 8、What does Mr.Moore look like?A、He is a tall man with short black hair and glasses.B、He is a short man with short black hair and glasses.C、He is a short man with short blonde

17、hair and glasses.()19、What is Mr.Moore going to do?A、He is going to run.B、He is going to run to work.C、He is going to work by bus听 第 三 段 对 话,回 答 2 0至 2 2题。()2 0、What subject does Peter like now?A、Chinese B、English C、Math()2 1、What subject does Jim like best?A、English B、Music C、Math()2 2、How does Pet

18、er study?A、Study grammar B、Listen to cassettes C、Listen to cassettes and do lost of reading听 第 四 段 对 话,回 答 2 3至 2 5题。()2 3 What do Betty and Joe do?A、They are students.B、They are policewomen.C、They are teachers.()24、What in the wallet?A、There is a phone number and some money.B、There is a phone numbe

19、r,some money and an ID card.C、There is some money and an ID card.()2 5、Whose wallet is it?A、Betty?s B、Judys C、We dont knowIV、听 短 文,根 据 短 文 内 容,选 择 正 确 的 答 案。(5 分)()2 6、Alice often t h o u g h t.A、others were clever B、others were wrong()2 7 Alice was happy b e c a u s e.C、she was not cleverA、she coul

20、d see an interesting movie B、she could leave the dark roomC、she couldnt do any homework at home.()2 8、Alice and her brother came b a c k.A、on foot B、by car C、by bus()2 9、The rooms are all dark b e c a u s e.A、their parents didnt come back B、their parents didnt turn on the light.C、something was wrong

21、 with the lights.()30、Alice told Fred to turn on the lights b e c a u s e.A、she didnt know where the switch was.B、she was afraid to go in the dark room.C、she didnt know how to turn on the lights.III、口 语 应 用(共 2 0小 题,满 2 0分)。(一)从 n 栏 中 选 出 I 栏 中 每 句 话 的 正 确 答 案。(i o 分)I II()6 6 What color is your new

22、 dress?()6 7、We lost the game yesterday.()6 8、Pass me the ruler,Please.()69、What the date today?A:Ok,Here you are.B:June 29.C:Its blue.D:Betty dark.)70、Im Cathy smith.What is your name.E:Im sorry to hear that.)71、72、73、74、75、How was your holiday?Do you enjoy music or dance?I like cakes with a little

23、 cream.F:It was wonderful.Thank you very much for your advice.This is my good friend,Bob.G:Glad to meet you.H:That5s all right.I:so do I.J:Both.根 据 对 话 内 容,选 择 恰 当 的 句 子 补 全 下 列 对 话。(5 分)Paula:Do you like shopping on line?Anna:76Paula:Why do you like it?Anna:77.It saves a lot of.tibuy things.I just

24、click the mousPaula:78t leave home toI like.A.Pll have a try.B.Have you ever doneshopping on line?C.Because its veryinteresting.D.Yes,I do.E.Did they send it to yourhome?Anna:Yes,I bought a car online last month.It was very nice.Paula:79Anna:Yes,they send the things you buy to your home.Paula:Oh,Tha

25、nk you 80Anna:You are welcome.(三)情 景 选 择,根 据 所 给 情 景 选 择 最 佳 答 案。(5 分)()8 1、If you get to class late,you should say:.A、Excuse me B、I am sorry C、Thank you D、It doesnt()8 2 If you meet one of your old friends in matter.The street,you should say:A、How do you do?B、Hi,how are you?C、Whats your name?D、I am

26、 Jenny.Nice to meet you.()83、If you want to use your classmate ruler,you should say:A、May I use your ruler?B、Is this your ruler.C、Your ruler is very nice.D、Please give me your ruler.()84、If your friend makes mistakes in English.Speech contest,you should say:A、You are too silly.B、That is something yo

27、u can doC、If I were you,Id get out of there.D、We all make mistakes,dont we?()8 5 If your parents buy you a present for your birthday.You should say:A、I dont like i t.B、Its very nice,Thanks a lot.C、If I were you,I would buy another thing.D、How much is it?IV、完 形 填 空,(共 1 5小 题,每 小 题 1 分,满 分 1 5分)(一)阅 读

28、 下 面 短 文,在 所 给 的 四 个 选 项 中 选 出 最 佳 的 答 案。(10分)Miss Green lived alone in a small flat.She was old and didnt like 86 at all,but the youngman and woman who lived over her always made much noise every night,so she wouldnt87.When the noisy young man and woman moved out,she was very 88.A new young manmove

29、d in,and Miss Green thought,Well,he 89But at three oclock the next morning,when Miss Green 90 the baking of a dog 91She thought,Ive never heard a dog here before.It 92 belong to the new man upstairs.She93 him and telephoned him,said some dirty words to him and then hung the phone up before hewould a

30、nswer.Nothing more happened until 4 oclock.Then Miss Greens telephone rang,and when sheyou I havent got a dog.”answered,a voice said,Im the man upstairs.I am 94 to trouble you.Bit I want 95 to()86、()87、()88、()89、()90、()91、A、noise B、light C、people D、darkA、get to sleep B、watch TV C、take a walk D、do so

31、me readingA、angry B、pleased C、surprised D、excitedA、look quiet B、looks quiet C、look quietly D、looks quietlyA、was sleepingB slept C、was sleep D、is sleepingA、woke up her B woke her up C、wake up her D、wakes her up()9 2、A、can B、might C、could()93、A、was angry with B、is angry with()94 A、glad B、happy C、sorry

32、()95 A、say B、speak C、tell(二)用 方 框 中 所 给 词 的 适 当 形 式 填 空。(5 分)D、mustC、is interested in D、was interested inD、sureD、talkmedicine shelf die decide permit96 You must ask if you want to leave early.97、The at books are on those t h r e e.98、His fathers makes her sad.99、At last he made a to buy that camera.

33、100 Grandma falls downstairs.Call 120 and get the help first.V、阅 读 理 解(共 二 部 分,满 分 4 0分)第 一 部 分 阅 读 以 下 A、B、C 三 篇 短 文,请 根 据 要 求 作 答。A 篇 根 据 短 文 内 容,判 断 句 子 的 正 误,正 确 的 在 括 号 内 打“J”,错 误 的 打(每 小 题 1分,满 分 5 分)。B、C 篇 根 据 短 文 内 容,从 题 中 所 给 的 A、B、C 三 个 选 项 中,选 择 最 佳 答 案。(每 小 题 2 分,满 分 10分)(A)Are you able

34、to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone,anywhere in the world withoutputting a stamp on it?With e-mail you can just do that.Using computer you can send e-mail quicklyand easily.The post is much slower than e-mail.E-mail can send its message to the other side of theworld in seconds.E-mai

35、l is easy to use and it saves time and money.The differences in time in different parts of theworld do not matter when sending e-mail.It is twenty-four-hour service,that you can send e-mail atany time of the day or night.No one has to be there to receive e-mail.It does not matter if yourfriends are

36、in bed when you send e-mail to them,or you are seeing a film at the cinema when theysend e-mail back.()1 0 1 With e-mail you can send a letter without putting a stamp on it.()102、You can send e-mail very quickly by using computer.()103、E-mail comes only at night.()104、When you friend send e-mail to

37、you,you must wait for it.()105、Sending e-mail is much better than posting a letter.(B)Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work?Or when yourbest friend does not wait for you after school?It you do,you need to take control(控 带 U)of your feelings and stop getting angr

38、y fo easily.Getting angry with people can cause you to lose friends.Gary Gerber,an American high school teacher,has written“My Feeling Are just Like WildAnimals to help you control your feelings.It tells people how to stay cool when bad things happyto them.The book says getting angry only makes prob

39、lems worse.It can never make them better.Gettingangry is not a natural way to act,the book says.It is just a bad habit,like smoking.The book says you can control your angry easily all you have to do is tell yourself not to beangry.When a baby falls over,he only cries if people are watching it.Like a

40、 baby,you should only get angry if you are sure it is the right thing to do.The book givesmany tips to help you if you get angry easily.Here are our tips:1.keep a record.Every time you get angry write down why you are angry.Look at it later andyou will see you get angry too easily.2.Ask your friends

41、 to stop talking to you when you get angry.This will teach you not to beangry.3.Do something different.When you get angry,walk away from the problem and go somewhereelse.Try to laugh!()106.When you get angry with your friends,.A.you had better quarrel with him or her.B.you had better leave him or he

42、r.C.you had better control your feelingsD.you had better not talk with him or her()107According to Gary G e r b e r,.A.feelings are just wild animals.B.when bad things happen,you had better stay in a cold place.C.when bad things happens,you had better calm yourself.D.when bad things happen,you had b

43、etter shout.()108 Getting angryA.makes your friends leave.B.helps to make more friends.C.is a good way to let out(发 泄)feelingsD.helps to make things better.()109.How do you control yourselves,when bad things happen?A.Write down why you are angry.B.Walk away from the problem.C.Try to laugh.D.A,B and

44、C)110.Which of the following is not right?A.Both smoking and getting angry are bad things.B.Getting angry easily will make your friends leave.C.When you get angry,just cry like a baby.D.This passage mainly tells us how to control our feelings.(C)Mr.Smith is a worker.He has neither a wife nor childre

45、n.He lives in an old house alone.Helikes nothing but drinking.He nearly spends all his money on drinks.Sometimes he is hungry,so he has to borrow somemoney from his workmates to buy a little food.One evening he met a friend of his in the street.The man asked him to have dinner in arestaurant.He was

46、happy and drank a lot.When they left there at midnight,he could hardly stand.The man has to stop a taxi and asked the driver to carry him home.Soon they arrived at the door ofhis house.With the help of the driver,he got off.Thank you,sir.Mr.Smith said.Now,I can open the door myself.”The taxi driver

47、went away.But he couldnt put the key into the keyhole.He was trying to do itwhile a policeman came.“Can I help you put the key into the keyhole,sir?”asked the policeman.“Thank you,sir,Mr.Smith said.The house is circling now.If you can stop it moving,I canopen the door myself.()111.Mr.Smith w o r k s

48、.A.in a company B.in a school C.in a bank D.in a factory()112.He spends all his m o n e y.A.on books B.on his clothes C.on drinks D.on food()113.One evening Mr.Smiths friend asked h i m.A.to go to the cinema.B.to take part in a partyC.to watch the football match D.to have dinner()114.That night he c

49、ould hardly stand because h e.A.drank a lot B.felt tired C.was hungry D.was too happy()115.Which of the following is right?A.Mr.Smith was caught by the policeman.B.Mr.Smith was drunk.C.Mr.Smiths house was moving.D.The policeman helped Mr.Smith to stop the house moving.第 二 部 分(D)是 一 篇 段 落 顺 序 打 乱 了 的

50、 短 文,请 根 据 各 段 大 意,给 短 文 重 新 排 序(满 分 5 分);E 是 一 篇 任 务 型 短 文,根 据 短 文 中 的 步 骤,完 成 一 个 任 务 设 计(满 分 10分)。)(D)A.The old woman took the keys and followed the man into the bank.B.The man looked the old woman for a few seconds.Then he looked at the clerk and then he tookhis keys,ran out of the bank,got into


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