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《2021年湖北省宜昌市中考英语真题及答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年湖北省宜昌市中考英语真题及答案.pdf(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、20212021 年湖北省宜昌市中考英语真题及答案年湖北省宜昌市中考英语真题及答案(本试卷共(本试卷共 4646 小题小题,满分满分 8080 分分,考试时间考试时间 9090 分钟分钟。)注意事项注意事项本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分,请将答案写在答题卡上每题对应的答题区域内请将答案写在答题卡上每题对应的答题区域内,写在试题卷上无效。写在试题卷上无效。考试结束考试结束,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第一部分第一部分 语言知识运用(共两节语言知识运用(共两节,满分满分 2525 分)分)第一节(共第一节(共 1515 小题小题,每小题每小

2、题 1 1 分分,计计 1515 分)分)完形填空完形填空先通读下面短文先通读下面短文,掌握其大意掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的然后从各小题所给的 A A、B B、C C、D D 四个选项中四个选项中,选出一个最佳选出一个最佳答案。答案。A group of boys from a primary school soccer team in Anshun,Guizhou Province,are doing dailytraining on the playground.The team was made _1_ their P.E.teacher Mr.Zeng.And their head

3、master Mr.Xiong also_2_ a lot.Although the members practice 2 hours every day,playing soccer does not _3_their studies or farm work.Most of these boys parents work in big cities far from the village.In the past,they wereafraid of showing themselves in public,_4_ now through soccer,they have become o

4、utgoing,active and brave.And their skills in soccer have improved rapidly by working hard.In a shorttime,they have _5_ the other teams from nearby schools in the city.To open _6_ minds,Mr.Xiong encouraged them to join in a“Whos the King”nationalsoccer game.They did not play well in the _7_.However,w

5、ith the physical advantages they_8_ the game.Unluckily,they were short of _9_ in such competitions,so they finallylost 1-0._10_,after Mr.Zeng moved to another school,Miss Yu took his place.The young teacherwho was born in 1985 _11_ to teach there.She is their soccer coach and also teaches themEnglis

6、h,math and other _12_.To her surprise,these village boys are not like _13_she thought.She says that every time the team travels to another city to take part in a soccergame,the kids are just very _14_ in themselves.Soccer gives these kids a _15_ to see the wonderful things of the outside world.Andit

7、 makes them strongly believe that they would go beyond(在另一边)the mountains one day.1.A.inB.byC.fromD.of2.A.celebratedB.changedC.supportedD.achieved3.A.influenceB.shakeC.affordD.cover4.A.orB.soC.forD.but5.A.directedB.comparedC.beatenD.interviewed6.A.herB.ourC.hisD.their7.A.endB.beginningC.middleD.proc


9、.chanceD.result【答案】1.B2.C3.A4.D5.C6.D7.B8.A9.A10.B11.B12.D13.C14.A15.C【解析】【分析】本文讲述了一群农村足球队的孩子们在老师的支持和陪伴下,坚持在学校练习踢足球,并且经常和其他的足球队进行比赛,志愿老师看到这些孩子的精神面貌感到很吃惊,因为他们在去其他城市比赛时表现得很自信,这些孩子们坚信总有一天他们会走出这里。【1 题详解】句意:这个队是由他们的体育老师曾老师组建的。in 在里;by 由;from 从;of的。根据“The team was made their P.E.teacher Mr.Zeng”可知,此处用 be

10、made by 表示“由组成的”,故选 B。【2 题详解】句意:他们的校长熊老师也给予了很大的支持。celebrated 庆祝;changed 改变;supported 支持;achieved 达到。根据“And their headmaster Mr.Xiongalsoa lot”可知,校长也支持这件事情,故选 C。【3 题详解】句意:踢足球不影响他们的学习和农活。influence 影响;shake 动摇;afford 买得起;cover 覆盖。根据“Although the members practice 2 hoursevery day”可知,尽管每天练习两个小时,但是踢足球并不影响

11、他们的任何事情,故选 A。【4 题详解】句意:但是现在,通过足球,他们变得开朗,积极和勇敢。or 或者;so 所以;for 为了;but 但是。根据“In the past”及“now”可知,此处是拿现在和过去进行对比,表转折关系,故选 D。【5 题详解】句意:在很短的时间里,他们打败了城市附近学校的其他球队。directed 指导;compared 比较;beated 击败;interviewed 采访。根据“the other teams”可知,此处指击败了其他的球队,故选 C。【6 题详解】句意:为了开放他们的思想,熊老师鼓励他们参加一场名为“谁是国王”的全国足球赛。her 她的;our

12、 我们的;his 他的;their 他们的。根据“them”可知,此空应填 their,修饰名词 minds,故选 D。【7 题详解】句意:他们开始踢得不好。end 结束;beginning 开始;middle 中间;process 过程。根据“However,with the physical advantagesthey the game”可知,刚开始踢得不好,后来发挥出优势,故选 B。【8 题详解】句意:然而,凭借身体上的优势,他们控制了比赛。controlled 控制;passed 通过;finished 完成;recorded 记录。根据“with the physical adva

13、ntagesthey the game”可知,凭借自己的优势控制了比赛,故选 A。【9 题详解】句意:不幸的是,他们缺乏此类比赛的经验。experience 经验;development 发展;progress 过程;information 信息。根据“Unluckily”及“so theyfinally lost 1-0.”可知,因为缺乏经验所以输了,故选 A。【10 题详解】句意:后来,曾老师转到了另一所学校,于老师接替了他的位置。Now 现在;Later 后来;Before 在之前;Firstly 首先。根据“after Mr.Zeng moved to another school”可

14、知,此处讲述后来发生的事情,故选 B。【11 题详解】句意:这位 1985 年出生的年轻教师自愿在那里任教。invited 邀请;volunteered 志愿;remembered 记得;dared 敢于。根据“The young teacher who was bornin 1985 to teach there”可推断,这位老师是自愿到农村教学,故选 B。【12 题详解】句意:她是他们的足球教练,也教他们英语、数学和其他科目。challenges 挑战;choices 选择;purposes 目的;subjects 学科。根据“English,math”可知,此处指其他的学科,故选 D。【

15、13 题详解】句意:令她吃惊的是,这些乡村男孩并不像她所想的那样。how 怎样;when 何时;what 什么;where 哪里。此空是作动词 thought 的宾语,应用 what 引导宾语从句,故选 C。【14 题详解】句意:孩子们对自己很有信心。confident 自信的;talented 有天赋的;interested 有趣的;rich 富有的。根据“And it makes them stronglybelieve that they would go beyond(在另一边)the mountains one day.”可知,孩子们出去参加比赛时,都很自信,他们坚信自己有一天会走出

16、大山,故选 A。【15 题详解】句意:足球给了这些孩子一个看到外面世界美好事物的机会。rule 规则;role 角色;chance 机会;result 结果。根据“She says that every time the team travelsto another city to take part in a soccer game”可知,去其他的城市参加比赛是给了这些孩子们看到外面世界的好机会,故选 C。第二节(共第二节(共 1010 小题小题,每小题每小题 1 1 分分,计计 1010 分)分)综合填空综合填空根据所给首字母、上下文或汉语提示完成空格中所缺单词,使短文完整通顺,语法正确,

17、每个空只能填一个词。When we say“we threw something out,”what do we really mean?After all,our waste doesntjust disappear even if it is taken a_16_.So why not recycle it?Have you ever used newspapers when you clean the windows?If you havent,please try!I didntbelieve it when I _17_(听到)and read that.I thought tha

18、t they would certainly leave ink(墨汁)or bits of paper behind.Actually,I was so wrong.I have had clearer windows than befores_18_ I tried it.When we mention cleaning products,we have to talk about paper towels(手巾).I used _19_think more paper towels meant a cleaner home.I loved the idea of cleaning wit

19、h the fresh whitepaper and then throwing _20_ out.But now I know that I have to s_21_ using paper towels,because paper towels are a huge waste problem.Cutting out paper towels would save _22_(树),water,air and our money.Recently,my family and I have started collecting all old _23_(衣服),and then cut th

20、eminto pieces.Getting one piece to do some cleaning has become our n_24_ habit.I thought thatit would be such _25_ uneasy thing to break a 30-year-old habit.Whatever,it really is themost meaningful thing that I have done during a long time.【答案】16.(a)way17.heard18.(s)ince19.to20.it21.(s)top22.trees23

21、.clothes24.(n)ew25.an【解析】【分析】本文通过讲述作者改变自己清洁习惯的经历,来告诉人们重复利用一些环保的东西来做清洁。【16 题详解】句意:毕竟,即使我们的废物被带走了,它也不会凭空消失。根据“our waste doesnt just disappear evenif it is taken”及首字母,可知,此处表示“被带走”,用 take away 表示“带走”,故填(a)way。【17 题详解】句意:我听到并看到的时候都不敢相信。根据中文提示,hear 表示“听到”,根据“didnt”可知,此空应填动词过去式,故填 heard。【18 题详解】句意:自从我试过以后,

22、我的窗户比以前更干净了。根据“I have had clearer windows than before I tried it”及首字母,可知,自从试过以后就发现这个很好用,since“自从”,故填(s)ince。【19 题详解】句意:我以前认为纸巾越多,家就越干净。根据“But now”可知,此处影视描述过去常常发生的事情,用used to do sth 表示“过去常常做某事”,故填 to。【20 题详解】句意:我喜欢用新鲜的白纸清洗,然后扔掉它的想法。此空指代前文提到的“the fresh white paper”,paper 是不可数名词,用代词 it 指代,故填 it。【21 题详解

23、】句意:但现在我知道我不能再用纸巾了。根据“because paper towels are a huge waste problem”可知,发现了这个问题,所以要停止使用纸巾了,stop doing sth“停止做某事”,have to do sth“必须做某事”,故填(s)top。【22 题详解】句意:减少使用纸巾可以节约树木、水、空气和我们的钱。根据中文提示,tree 表示“树”,此处不是单指一棵树,要用其复数形式,故填 trees。【23 题详解】句意:最近,我和我的家人开始收集所有的旧衣服。根据中文提示,clothes 表示“衣服”,故填 clothes。【24 题详解】句意:让其中

24、一片做一些清洁已经成为我们的新习惯。此空缺少形容词修饰名词 habit,根据前文描述,作者之前习惯用纸巾做清洁,现在用衣服的碎片成为一种新的习惯,结合首字母 n,可推断,此空应填 new“新的”,故填(n)ew。【25 题详解】句意:我以为打破一个 30 年的习惯是一件很不容易的事。此处表示“一件不容易的事”,表泛指,且 uneasy是以元音音素开头的单词,故填 an。第二部分第二部分 阅读与写作(共四节阅读与写作(共四节,满分满分 5555 分)分)第一节(共第一节(共 1010 小题小题,每小题每小题 2 2 分分,计计 2020 分)分)阅读下面两篇短文阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容选择

25、最佳答案。根据短文内容选择最佳答案。A AJonny,a 15-year-old student,is checking his dads old jacket.He says,“Youre 45.Dad,youre never going to wear this again.Can I have it?”Keith has had a bad day at work,and he is feeling old.And Jonny has hit his pain.Keithraises his voice and says,“What?You mean Im too old to wear

26、 the jacket again?”Jonny feels like this has come out of nowhere,and now he feels hurt.But I only asked,“Whyare you shouting at me?”“But I dont like being treated as though Im too old.”Both of them feel a bit upset.Have you ever had a similar argument with the people around you?Here are some tips fo

27、r youto remember when youre getting mad.Accept your feelings and consider the other persons feelings.That means not always makingyourself“right”or“clever”and the other person“wrong”or“stupid”.Explain yourself and not the other person,so you can speak out your ideas by startingwith“I”but not“You”.Don

28、t always have to reflect before reacting(回应).If you feel angry,I think itsa good idea to stop for a moment and understand why.Dont decide the purpose of the other person by your guessing.Try to work out what heor she is feeling,and admit(承认)it if you were wrong.Dont forget that its never too late to

29、 start the ways of communicating.26.From the passage,we can know Jonny _.A.is school boyB.doesnt like his dadC.thinks his dad is too oldD.wants his dads new jacket27.Jonny felt hurt because his dad _.A.hit is painB.had a busy dagC.liked the jacketD.was angry with him28.To avoid an argument,the write

30、r gives us _ suggestions.A.2B.3C.4D.529.According to the passage,if you want to express your ideas,youd better begin like this:“_”.A.You misunderstood meB.I know how you feel,butC.Theyre different from usD.Things arent the same30.The best title for the passage can be _.A.Learn to Admit Your Mistakes

31、 BravelyB.Be Patient with the People around YouC.An Argument between a Father and a SonD.Good Ways of Communication Are Important【答案】26.A27.D28.C29.B30.D【解析】【分析】本文由 Jonny 和爸爸二人的争论,就生气给我们几条建议,告诉我们好的沟通方式很重要。【26 题详解】细节理解题。根据“Jonny,a 15-year-old student”可知,Jonny 是一名学生,故选 A。【27 题详解】细节理解题。根据“and now he fe

32、els hurt.But I only asked,Why are you shouting at me?”可知,Jonny 感觉受伤是因为他的爸爸对他大叫、跟他生气。故选 D。【28 题详解】细节理解题。根据“Accept your feelings and consider the other persons feelings.”,“Explainyourself and not the other person”,“Dont always have to reflect before reacting(回应).”和“Dont decide the purpose of the other

33、 person by your guessing.”可知,作者给出四条建议,故选 C。【29 题详解】推理判断题。根据“Explain yourself and not the other person,so you can speak out your ideas bystarting with I but not You.”可知,解释你自己而不是别人,这样你就可以从“我”而不是“你”开始说出你的想法。选项 B“我知道你的感受,但是”符合,故选 B。【30 题详解】最佳标题题。根据“Dont forget that its never too late to start the ways o

34、f communicating.”和全文内容可知,本文就生气给我们几条建议,告诉我们好的沟通方式很重要。故选 D。B BWhen we first moved here,we didnt have a garden.Mike and I talked about making a largevegetable garden somewhere in our yard,but we couldnt agree on where.Before we went aheadand dug up the grass,we spent some time thinking about where it w

35、ould work best.At last,wechose an old sandbox(沙坑)in our front yard to become our garden.We dreamed about a lively garden with lots of vegetables.We asked many people what we shoulddo to turn this sandbox into a space,then plants can grow in it.And they gave us lots of ideas.My sister was the most kn

36、owledgeable,so we listened mostly to her.At first,Mike made a woodfence(栅栏)and I painted it with the kids.We chose a darker color because it would fit ourlight grey house.Next,Mike dug 17 holes.Then we filled them with soil(土壤).It was still too cold to plantanything,so for days I just stared out the

37、 window at these holes.To me,it looked much too untidy.I advised to fill those holes back and dig new ones.This time we ended up with 10.Much better.Over the next few weeks,I worked on getting everything planted in my garden.I started byplanting green onion.But I was too excited and planted it too e

38、arly.Right away it was clearthat it wasnt going to survive.survive.I had to give it up and try something else.Then my next doorneighbor gave me red roses to put in my garden.A few days later we went to a greenhouse and cameback not with green onion but peppers,tomatoes and so on.Clearly the vegetabl

39、e and flower gardenwas slowly becoming our dream garden.Oh well!I love the way it turned out.This garden will always remind me of my sister.31.When the writer first arrived at her new house,she _.A.had a large flower gardenB.dug up the grass in her yardC.talked about making sandboxD.wanted a garden

40、with vegetables32.Why did the writer suggest filling the first 17 holes back?A.Because she listened to her sister.B.Because the weather was too cold.C.Because the garden looked like a mess.D.Because the kids could dig better ones.33.Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word in Paragraph 4?A.存

41、活B.传播C.嫁接D.爬藤34.Which one is the right order of building the garden according to the passage?a.We built the fence and painted it.b.We collected much others advice.c.We prepared the plants that we wanted.d.We decided on the place of the garden.e.We dug several holes and filled them with soil.A.b-d-a-

42、e-cB.d-b-a-e-cC.d-e-c-a-bD.b-a-d-e-c35.What does the passage mainly tell us?A.Why was the writer thankful to her sister?B.What did the family plant in their garden?C.How did the family make their dream garden?D.Who spent time with the writer in the garden?【答案】31.D32.C33.A34.B35.C【解析】【分析】本文主要讲述了作者把自己

43、把前院变成一个种蔬菜和鲜花的花园的经历。【31 题详解】细节理解题。根据“When we first moved here,we didnt have a garden.Mike and I talked aboutmaking a large vegetable garden somewhere in our yard”可知,在搬到新房子时,她想有一个有蔬菜的花园,故选 D。【32 题详解】细节理解题。根据“To me,it looked much too untidy.I advised to fill those holes back and dignew ones”可知,花园看起来太脏

44、了,故选 C。【33 题详解】词义猜测题。根据“I had to give it up and try something else”可知,因为它没有成活,所以作者不得不放弃而尝试些其他新的东西,所以 survive 表示“存活”,故选 A。【34 题详解】细节理解题。根据“Before we went ahead and dug up the grass,we spent some time thinking aboutwhere it would work best”“We asked many people what we should do to turn this sandbox i

45、nto aspace”“Mike made a wood fence(栅栏)and I painted it with the kids”“Next,Mike dug 17 holes.Then we filled them with soil”“Over the next few weeks,I worked on getting everything plantedin my garden”可知,正确的顺序是:决定了花园的位置收集了其他人的意见建立了栅栏并给它上了漆挖了几个洞,然后用土填上准备想要的植物。故选 B。【35 题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了作者是如何建立她梦想

46、花园的经历,故选 C。第二节(共第二节(共 5 5 小题小题,每小题每小题 2 2 分分,计计 1010 分分阅读短文,将五个句子还原到短文当中。Weiqi,as an old board game,was invented in China more than 2,500 years ago.And _36_.The playing pieces are called stones.One player uses the white stones and the other,black.The players take turns placing the stones on the game

47、 board.As we know,_37_.The stonesare placed on them.Weiqi is also calledgoin the world.Learning it can not only improve peoples logical(逻辑的)thinking ability,but also _38_.Thats why it is more and more popular with modernpeople.In the Sui and Tang Dynasties,Weiqi traveled to Japan.and then to Europe

48、in the 19th century.Now it has grown into an important international competition event.So far,_39_.Among them,players from China,Japan and South Korea have the highest level of Weiqi.On February 19,the Chinese-English Dictionary of Weiqi Terms(术语)came out in Beijing.Its the first professional dictio

49、nary about Weiqi in China.As a symbol of Chinese culture,_40_.It also has its own way of thinking and the method of communicating.The dictionarywill serve as a necessary tool and bridge for spreading Weiqi culture.A.Weiqi has its special languageB.the game is played until todayC.it can develop their

50、 calm characterD.the board surface has 361 cross pointsE.people from over 40 countries have played it【答案】36.B37.D38.C39.E40.A【解析】【分析】文章主要讲述了下围棋的基本规则、围棋的历史及围棋文化的发展。【36 题详解】根据“was invented in China more than 2,500 years ago”可知讲了围棋的起源后会讲这个游戏的持续时间。B 项“这个游戏一直玩到今天”符合语境。故选 B。【37 题详解】根据“The stones are place


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