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《2020年广东省深圳市中考英语真题及答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年广东省深圳市中考英语真题及答案.pdf(23页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、20202020 年广东省深圳市中考英语年广东省深圳市中考英语真题及答案真题及答案1Tom,lets go to play basketball.Id love to.But I have to complete my homework first.AcheckBfinishCcorrect2Your English teacher is very humorous.Exactly.She is very popular with us.AfriendlyBoutgoingCfunny3 You are always there for me when I am in trouble.That

2、s what a friend should do.Ain fearBin difficultyCin surprise4 Bi Sheng,an ancient Chinese,invented movable type printing in the 1040s.It was developed in China but served the world.AcreatedBdiscoveredCsearched5It took me nearly two days to make the vlog.I cant wait to watch it.AhardlyBprobablyCalmos

3、t6Sam,could you tell me something about Earth Hour?Sure.People usually turn off lights and keep them off for an hour.Aswitch offBtake offCget off7 What do you think of the Hi-tech Fair in Shenzhen Bay?You cant miss it!The show room is full of different models.Ais filled withBis made ofCis covered wi

4、th8Most Chinese customers prefer to pay by Alipay or WeChat pay nowadays.Thats true.Life becomes more convenient in China because of them.AwaitersBbuyersCbusinessmen9Do you mind _ the opening time of Shenzhen Library?No problem!Ill check it on its website right now.Alooking afterBlooking upClooking

5、like10Cindy,I have bought a lot of fruits for you.Wonderful!Lets put them into the fridge to keep them_.AcleanBfreshCfit11Whenever I nod to Jenny,she_ my greeting with a big smile.She is always so cheerful.Areplies toBpoints toClaughs at12Hey,Alicia!Have you got used to Chinese food?Yes!But I am sti

6、ll learning to use _as a Chinese does.AforksBchopsticksCknives13Have you reminded your father about grandmothers birthday party?Yes,Ive left him a(an)_.AmagazineBarticleCmessage14 To lose weight,I have to be on a diet.Youd better not._,you should take exercise.AInsteadBHoweverCTherefore15 I feel bad

7、 about all the mess._!I will clean it up later.AHave funBGood luckCDont worryA group of boys stood around a tree.“What a tall tree!”they saidto each other,“It would be16to climb to the top!”The group of boys then decided to play a game to17who could climbto the top of the tree first.Their mothers we

8、re sitting not far away,lookingon at their18as they played.One of the climbers was an 8-year-old boy named David.He was the shortestchild in the group.19thought he would win.Then the game started.All of the boys tried their best to climb as highas they could.Although the other boys climbed faster th

9、an David in the beginning,he20the top of the tree fastest in the end.His mother was21.She asked him,“David,how did you reach the topof the tree so22?”“It was easy,”David said,“The other children23looking down asthey climbed.When they realized how high they were,they were afraid of24.I,however,looked

10、 only up.When I saw how close I was,I kept going higherand higher,25I reached the top.”It is true in life that if we just keep going forward without looking back,we are more likely to reach our goals.16AboringBexcitingCdangerous17AbelieveBthinkCsee18AstudentsBchildrenCteachers19ANobodyBSomebodyCEver

11、ybody20Agot upBgot onCgot to21AproudBworriedCfrightened22AcarefullyBquicklyCquietly23AkeptBavoidedCpracticed24Ataking downBfalling downCcalming down25AifBafterCuntilGood news for art lovers!We have collected some information about theexhibitions put on in Shenzhen this summer.Frank Yangs ArtworksAn

12、exhibition showing late masterFrank Yangs old photos,letters,videos and landscape paintings isbeing held.Entry is free.Dates:Until July 26.Venue:Guan Shanyue Art Museum,6026Hongli Road,Futian District.Metro:Line 3 or 4 to Childrens PalaceStation,Exit BContemporary ArtChinese artists Wang Dawei and L

13、iXiao are holding their exhibitions,featuring contemporary sound art andvideo art.Entry is free.Dates:Until August 18.Venue:OCAT Shenzhen,South Area,OCT-LOFT,Nanshan District.Metro:Line 1 to Qiaocheng EastStation,Exit ACassie Chens PhotosCassie Chen,a graduate ofTsinghua University,is exhibiting her

14、photographic Works in Shenzhen.Visitors can find photos on differentthemes.Entry is free.Dates:Until July 30.Future ArtChinese artist Sun Fangping isexhibiting his works.Organizers hopethat this series of exhibitions willexplore the direction and value of thefuture of art.Dates:Until August 31.Venue

15、:TC101 Exhibition Hall,2001Longxiang Boulevard,LonggangDistict.Metro:Line 3 to Universiade Station,Exit CVenue:Zhi Art Museum,Song an RoadBaoan District.Metro:Line 11 to Houting Station,ExitA and then take a taxi.26Which line can you take to enjoy Cassie Chens Photos?ALine 11.BLine 4.CLine 3.DLine 1

16、.27In which district can you visit Future Art?ANanshan DistrictBFutian DistrictCLonggang DistrictDBaoan District28Which exhibitions can you choose if you are free on August 15?AContemporary Art and Future Art.BCassie Chens Photos and Future Art.CContemporary Art and Frank Yangs Artworks.DFrank Yangs

17、 Artworks and Cassie Chens Photos.29Where is the text probably taken from?AA novelBA story bookCA newspaperDA science magazineMiss Smith!What rough(粗糙的)hands Mary Jessup has!said DaisyMarvin,as she walked home from school with her teacher.In my opinion,Daisy,Marys hands are the prettiest in our clas

18、s.Why?Miss Smith,they are as red and hard as they can be.How they wouldlook if she tried to play on a piano!Daisy said.Miss Smith took Daisys hands in hers,and said,Your hands are very softand white,just the hands to look beautiful on a piano:yet they dont have onebeauty that Marys hands do.Shall te

19、ll you what the difference is?Yes,please,Miss Smith.Daisy looked at Miss Smith,with eyes wide open.Well,Daisy,Marys hands are very busy.They wash dishes;they make fires;they hang out clothes,and help to wash them,too:they are always trying tohelp her poor,hard-working mother.Miss Smith continued,Bes

20、ides,they wash and dress the children;they mendtheir toys and dress their dolls;yet,they find time to bathe the head of thelittle girl who is so sick in the next house to theirs.They do good deeds(行为)to every living thing.I have seen them pattingthe tired horse and the homeless dog in the street.The

21、y are always ready tohelp those who need help.I shall never think Marys hands are ugly any more,Miss Smith.Daisy saidthat with tears in eyes.I am glad to hear you say that,Daisy;and I must tell you that they arebeautiful because they help others gladly and cheerfully.Oh,Miss Smith!I feel so ashamed

22、of myself and so sorry,said Daisy,looking into her teachers face with shining eyes.My dear,beauty doesnt lie in how one looks but what he does.30What did Daisy think of Marys hand at first?AWarmBUglyCDirtyDSoft31What is beauty in Miss Smiths opinion?ABeing patient.BBeing good-looking.CBeing helpful.

23、DBeing hard-working.32What can we infer(推断)from the passage?AMarys mother was lazy.BMary lived a comfortable life.CMiss Smith disliked Daisy.DDaisy understood beauty better.33What is the best title for the passage?ABusy DaysBCheerful TearsCShining EyesDBeautiful HandsWhen Chinese people talk about C

24、hinese tea culture today,they wontmiss an important person in Chinese history-Lu Yu,respected as a Sage of Tea(茶圣)for his achievements in the Chinese tea culture.He is bestknown forThe Classic of Tea,the first work on growing,making and drinking tea.Lu was born in Jingling in 733 ADAs a child,he bec

25、ame a student of ZouFuzi.Thanks to his teachers guidance,he learnt a lot.He often made tea forhis teacher.He also took care of his fellow students health using his knowledgeon tea and herbs(草药).Lu Yu often went to the countryside to gather tea leaves and herbs.On oneof those trips,Lu Yu found a spri

26、ng.The water was quite clear and clean.WhenLu made tea with this spring water,he found the tea tasted better than usual.From then on,he realized the importance of water quality in making tea.In 752 AD,Lu Yu finished his studies and returned to Jingling,where hemet Cui Guofu.Both men shared the same

27、interests in tea,literature(文学)andpoetry.They soon became good friends.Since then,the two spent much timetravelling,drinking tea and writing poems together.This period was important to Lu Yu as a man of literature.Cui,with hisrich experience and skills in writing,became a coach of Lu.He providednece

28、ssary help with Lus writing.It was during this time that Lu finally wrotethe amazing work,The Classic of Tea.34What is Lu famous for?AHaving wisdom.BRespecting teachers.CCaring for friends.DInfluencing tea culture.35What does the underlined word guidance in Paragraph 2 probably mean?AHelpBStressCPro

29、tectionDControl36Why did Lu and Cui become good friends?AThey had the same hobbies.BThey lived in the same place.CThey spent much time together.DThey had the same experiences.37Which of the following is the correct order according to the passage?Lu Yu wrote The Classic of Tea.Lu Yu became a student

30、of Zou Fuzi.Lu Yu made friends with Cui Guofu.Lu Yu found water quality was important.ABCDTeens and kids are reading a lot less for fun,according to a recentreport.Although the decline(下降)in the past ten years is very surprising for teenreaders,some data(数据)in the report shows that reading is still

31、a big partof many childrens lives.According to the report,the number or teens who hardly read has gone upfrom 8 percent to 25 percent today.The report data shows that kids readingability remains almost the same.However,the amount of reading time has fallen,from about an hour every day to half an hou

32、r.As for childrens e-reading,the report mentions little about its effects.But it says that many parents choose to control the time spent on e-books,mainlybecause they are worried about the increased screen time.After all,it isimportant to protect their kids eyes.The most helpful part in the report i

33、s parents effects on their children.It shows that parents are examples and important guides for them in reading.If parents read more and find more time to read with their children,it turnsout that their children actually read more often.As summer vacation arrives,parents might take this chance to st

34、ep in,makea reading list and enjoy the pleasant family reading time.38What do we know about childrens fun reading time?AIt is much shorter.BIt stays the same.CIt is much longer.DIt changes a little.39Why do many parents control e-reading?AIt can waste kids time.BE-books are not so important.CIt can

35、harm kids health.DE-books are a waste of money.40How should parents encourage childrens reading?ABy making reading plans.BBy setting good examples.CBy praising kids reading.DBy offering different books.41Whats the writing purpose of the last paragraph?ATo prevent e-reading.BTo encourage family readi

36、ng.CTo advise family trips.DTo describe vacation pleasure.The Taojinshan Greenway(绿道)in Shenzhen has been open to citizenssince July,2019.Sitting at the west side of Shenzhen Reservoir,it is as longas 7.07 kilometers.With plants along both sides and lakes lying at different sites,touristscan enjoy w

37、onderful scenery all the way.If they are tired,they are free totake a rest at the 3 stops that were built for breaks.Additionally,five unusedguard posts(岗享)along the old route have remained.They serve as sightseeingplatforms for visitors to feel the cultural spirit behind the place.Of all its 13 sce

38、nic spots,8 were designed to have AI helpers.From them,visitors can gain information on parking,tour guide services and more.The smartgreenway,with free Wi-Fi available,also provides environmental date,such astemperature,wind speed and air quality.Whats more,it can give visitorswarnings of coming ex

39、treme(极端的)weather and natural disasters,includingrainstorms and typhoons that may hit Shenzhen.Started in the middle of 2015,the building process of the TaojinshanGreenway has taken good care of the wildlife and environment nearby said YangShiming,an official in charge of the project.The greenway is

40、 an example of construction projects without doing ham tothe nature.It also shows the role that technology plays in building a smartgreenway for more life convenience.42How long did it take to finish the Taojinshan Greenway?AAbout 3 yearsBAbout 4 years.CAbout 5 yearsDAbout 6 years.43What does the un

41、derlined word They in Paragraph 2 refer to?AViews.BVisitors.CStops.DGuard posts.44What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?AWhat AI helpers do.BTechnology changes life.CHow AI helpers work.DTechnology protects humans.45What can we learn from this passage?AIt is interesting to use AI helpers.BIt is impor

42、tant to build greenways.CIt is possible to balance nature and construction.DIt is unnecessary to worry about terrible weather.One day,a man was walking by the corner of a street.Here he met46 littleboy holding a bird cage and selling the birds inside.He 47(stop)and lookedvery sadly at the birds with

43、out freedom in front of him.The birds were screamingin the cage,trying to fly away.After standing 48 a moment,he said to the boy,How much does49(you)bird cost?I wantOne fifty cents,sir,the boy answered quickly.I am afraid that you are mistaken.I am not asking how much it is.Theman said,I would like5

44、0(buy)all of them.What I ask is how much you wantfor them.Hearing this,the boy51(happy)counted the number of the birds in the cage.They cost five dollars.Here52(be)the money!The man passed the money.The boy counted excitedly.However,he then was53(surprise)to find all the birds had flown away.OH,my g

45、od,for what reason did you do that,sir?You dont even get a bird!The boy asked the man who set the birds free.My boy,let me tell you54I did this.The man said,I have no right toget them.Every life should be free and they are our55(friend).So we shouldgive them freedom.56深圳市正在争创全国文明城市、假定你是鹏城中学学生会主席,希望同

46、学们为创文做出自己的贡献.请你按照所提示的要点,代表学生会写一篇倡议书.环境保护垃圾分类;绿色出行公益慈善志愿服务;人际交往诚信友善;要求:1、词数 80 左右(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数);2、要点齐全,可适当发挥;3、条理清晰,语句通顺,意义连贯,书写规范;4、文中不得出现真实姓名和校名.参考词汇:分类 sort out志愿者 volunteer贡献 contributionDear friends,As we know,Shenzhen is working hard to win the title of Chinas NationalCivilized City._.All i

47、n all,Shenzhen is our home.Its time to take action.The Student UnionJuly 20,2020参考答案参考答案1B【解析】【分析】【详解】分析:汤姆,我们去打篮球吧.我很想去,但是我得先完成作业.考查动词.check 检查;finish 完成;correct 纠正.题干中 complete 意为“完成”,finish与其意思相同.故选 B.2C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:你们的英语老师很幽默.没错,她很受我们的欢迎.考查形容词辨析.friendly 友好的;outgoing 性格外向的;funny 滑稽的,有趣的.题干中hum

48、orous 意为“幽默的,风趣的”,funny 与其意思相近.故选 C.3B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:当我有困难的时候,你总是在我身边.这是朋友应该做的.考查介词短语.in fear 在恐惧中、害怕;in difficulty 有困难、处于困境中;in surprise惊讶地.题干中 in trouble 意为“有困难、处于困境中”,in difficulty 与其意思相同.故选 B.4A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:中国古代的毕昇在 11 世纪 40 年代发明了活字印刷术.它是在中国发展起来的,但服务于世界.考查动词.create 创造;discover 发现;search 搜寻、寻找.

49、题干中 invent 意为“发明”,create 与其意思相近.故选 A.5C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:我花了近两天的时间制作微录.我迫不及待地想看了.考查副词.hardly 几乎不;probably 可能,大概;almost 几乎,差不多.题干中 nearly 意为“将近,几乎”,almost 与其意思相近,选项 C 符合题意.故选 C.6A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:萨姆,你能告诉我一些关于“地球一小时”的事情吗?当然可以.人们通常会关灯,并保持关灯一小时.考查动词短语.switch off 关闭,关掉;take off 脱下,起飞;get off 下车.题干中 turn off意为

50、“关闭,关掉”,switch off 与其意思相同.故选 A.7A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:你觉得深圳湾的高交会怎么样?你不能错过!展厅里摆满了不同的模型.考查同义短语.is filled with 装满、充满;is made of 由制成;is covered with 被覆盖.题干中 is full of 意为“充满、装满”,is filled with 与其意思相同,选项 A 符合题意.故选 A.8B【解析】【分析】【详解】分析:如今大多数中国客户更喜欢用支付宝或微信支付.对.因为有了它们,中国的生活变得更方便了.考查名词.waiters 服务员;buyers 消费者,买主;busi


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