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《2023年西藏考研英语二真题及答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年西藏考研英语二真题及答案.pdf(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、20232023 年西藏考研英语年西藏考研英语二二真题及答案真题及答案Section Use of EnglishHeres a common scenario that any number of entrepreneurs face today:youre the CEO of a small business and though youre making a nice 1,youneed to find a way to take it to the next level.what you need to do is 2 growthby establishing a growth t

2、eam.A growth team is made up of members fromdifferent departments within your company,and it harnesses the power ofcollaboration to focus 3 on finding ways to grow.Lets look at a real-world 4.Prior to forming a growth team,the softwarecompany BitTorrent had 50 employees.Working in the 5 departments

3、ofengineering,marketing and product development.This brought them goodresults until 2012,when their growth plateaued.The 6 was that too manycustomers were using the basic,free version of their product.And 7improvements to the premium,paid version,few people were making theupgrade.Things changed,8,wh

4、en an innovative project marketing manager cameaboard,9 a growth team and sparked the kind of 10 perspective they needed.By looking at engineering issues from a marketing point of view,it becameclear that the 11 of upgrades wasnt due to a quality issue.Most customerswere simply unaware of the premiu

5、m version and what it offered.Armed with this 12,the marketing and engineering teams joined forces toraise awareness by prominently 13 the premium version to users of the freeversion.14,upgrades skyrocketed,and revenue increased by 92 percent.But in order for your growth,team to succeed,it needs to

6、a have a strongleader.It needs someone who can 15 the interdisciplinary team and keep themon course for improvement.This leader will 16 the target area,set clear goals and establish a timeframe for the 17 of these goals.This growth leader is also 18 for keeping theteam focus on moving forward and st

7、eer them clear of distractions.19attractive,new ideas can be distracting,the team leader must recognize whenthese ideas dont 20 the current goal and need to be put on the back burner.1.A.purchase B.profit C.connection D.bet2.A.define B.predict C.prioritize D.appreciate3.A.exclusively B.temporarily C

8、.potentially D.initially4.A.experiment B.proposal C.debate D.example5.A.identical B.marginal C.provisional D.traditional6.A.rumor B.secret C.myth D.problem7.A.despite B.unlike C.through D.besides8.A.moreover B.however C.therefore D.again9.A.inspected B.created C.expanded D.reformed10.A.cultural B.ob

9、jective C.fresh D.personal11.A.end B.burden C.lack D.decrease12.A.policy B.suggestion C.purpose D.insight13.A.contributing B.allocating C.promoting D.transferring14.A.As a result B.At any rate C.By the way D.In a sense15.A.unite B.finance C.follow D.choose16.A.share B.identify C.divide D.broaden17.A

10、.announcement B.assessment C.adjustment D.accomplishment18.A.famous B.responsible C.available D.respectable19.A.Before B.Once C.While D.Unless 20.A.serve B.limit C.summarize D.alter【1】B.profit 原文提到“小公司的 CEO 也挣到了大钱”。make a nice profit意为“挣得可观的利润”,故选 profit。【2】C.prioritize 原文提到“所需要做的是通过建立一个发展小组来优先促进增长”

11、。此处强调“优先 性”,故选 prioritize。【3】A.exclusively 原文提到“利用合作的力量来专注于专门寻找增长的方法”。exclusively 表示“独占 地,专门地”,符合题意。【4】D.example 原文提到“来看一个现实生活中的例子”,此处通过举例子来例证上文的观点,故选 example。【5】D.traditional 原文提到“50 名雇员在工程、市场营销与产品研发等传统部门工作”。traditional 表 示“传统的”,符合题意。【6】D.problem 原文提到“问题是太多的顾客可以免费使用其产品的基础免费版本”。上文指出最开始 卓有成就,但后来陷入了瓶颈

12、期,所以,此处应衔接具有产生什么样的问题。故选 problem。【7】A.despite 原文提到“虽然对于付费版本做出了一定的改善,但是几乎没有人进行升级”。此处前后 形成让步-转折逻辑,故选 despite。【8】B.however 原文提到“但是自从一位创新的海外经理人的到来使得事情发生了改变”。此处考查上 下文的逻辑关系,上文指出改善没有得到公众的买账,而海外人才的引入却改变了这一些,所以,此处 应填入转折逻辑词,故选however。【9】B.created 原文提到“这名经理人创建了发展团队”。此处与首段establish a growth team 形成语 义复现,故选 creat

13、ed。【10】C.fresh 原文提到“引发了一个他们所需要的新鲜视角”。创新人才的加入势必会给团队带来新鲜 血液。此处与本段 innovative 形成语义复现,故选fresh。【11】C.lack 原文提到“缺少升级的原因并不是由质量问题多导致,而是大部分消费者没有这方面的意 识”。上文提到很少有消费者进行升级,所以产品缺少升级,故选 lack。【12】D.insight 原文提到“具备这种洞察力,市场营销和工程部门加入到了团队之中”。此处与上文 fresh perspective 形成语义复现,新鲜的看法预示着对事情有了更独到的见解,故选 insight。【13】C.promoting

14、原文提到“将免费版本升级成优质版本”。此处与后文upgrade 形成语义复现,故选 promoting。【14】A.As a result 原文提到“因此,升级量激增”。此处考查句间的逻辑关系,由于版本变得更加优 质,所以选择升级的人数数量在增加,因此应填入因果逻辑词,故选 as a result。【15】A.unite 原文提到“需要一个人来联合来自跨学科的组别”。上文leader一词提示,员工之间需要 团结才能成功。unite 意为“联合”,符合题意。【16】B.identify 原文提到“领导需要确定目标区域”。下文指出设立目标,所以在设立目标之前应确定 目标区域,故选 identify

15、。【17】D.accomplishment 原文提到“建立时间框架赖完成这些目标”。上文提到设立目标,所以此处应 表示实现目标,故选 accomplishment。【18】B.responsible 原文提到“领导需要负责去带领整个团队一起前进”。be responsible for 意为“对负责”,符合题意。【19】C.while 原文提到“虽然很有吸引力,但是新的想法会让人分心”。此处体现句间的让步-转折逻辑 关系,故选 while。【20】A.serve 原文提到“一些想法不能服务目前的目标,并且需要暂时搁置”。即想法和目标无法实现 协调统一,所以需要暂停,故选 serve。Sectio

16、n Reading ComprehensionPart AText 121.The RHS thinks that plastic grass_ A.is harmful to the environment B.is a hot topic in gardening circles C.is overpraised in the annual show D.isruining the view of West London【21】A.is harmful to the environment 解析:该题为细节题,问 RHS 对于 plastic grass 塑料草的看 法。通过 RHS 和

17、plastic grass 定位,锁定句子“TheRoyal Horticultural Society(RHS),which runs the annual show in west London,says it has introduced the ban because of the damage plastic grass does tothe environment and biodiversity.”核心句意“由于塑料草对环境和生物多样性造成的破坏,RHS 出台了这项禁令。”文章中 because of the damage plasticgrass does to the env

18、ironment and biodiversity.对应 A 选项 is harmful to theenvironment。damage 和 harmful 为同义改写。22.The petitions mentioned in Paragraph 3 revealed the campaigners A.disappointment with the RHSB.resistance to fake grass useC.anger over the proposed taxD.concern about real grass supply【22】B.resistance to fake g

19、rass use 解析:该题为细节题,通过题干petitions(请愿书)和 campaigners(运动领导者)进行定位。通过 campaigners 所在句子“The RHSs decision comes as campaigners try to raise awareness ofthe problems fake grass causes.”得知,campaigners 试图提 高人们对假草造成的问题的认识。下文 petitions 所在句子,详细说明提升对假草问题的具体方式:It is trying to encourage people to sign two petition

20、s,one calling for a banon the sale of plastic grass and another calling for an“ecological damage”taxon such lawns.即“呼吁禁止销售塑料草,和呼吁 对此类草坪征收“生态破坏”税”。只有 B 选项 resistance to fake grass use(对假草使用的抵制),对定位 句进行了同义改写。23.In Paragraph 4,supporters of fake grass point out_A.the necessity to lower the costs of fak

21、e grassB.the disadvantages of growing real grassC.the way to take care of artificial lawnsD.the challenges of insect habitat protection【23】B.the disadvantages of growing real grass 解析:该题为细节题,问假草支持者的观点态度。通过第 4 段内容可概括出“天然草坪也会对环境造成影响,并且真正的草需要大量的水、除草剂或其他处 理。”只有 B 选项 thedisadvantages of growing real gras

22、s(种植真草的缺点),是对文章的同义概括。24.What would the government do with regard to artificial grass?A.Urgelegislation to restrict its useB.Take measures to guarantee its quality C.Remind its users to obeyexisting rules.D.Replace it with sustainable alternatives.【24】C.Remind its users to obey existing rules.解析:该题为细

23、节题,问“政府会如何处理人造草?”通过 government 和 artificial grass 定位,从文章中得知“政府没有计划禁止使用人造草,并且人工草地 的使用必须遵守现有的法律和政策保障措施。文章中的 comply with the legal and policy(遵守法律和政 策)与 B 选项 Remind its users to obey existing rules.(提醒用户遵守现有规则。)是同义改写。25.It can be learned from the text that fake grass A.is being improvedcontinuously B.h

24、as seen a market share decline C.is becoming increasingaffordable D.has been a controversial product【25】D.has been a controversial product.解析:该题为主旨题,问通过文章可以得出什么关于假草 的结论。本题考查对文章主旨和段落大意的把握。文章阐述了 RHS,假草支持者,和政府对于假草的不 同态度,其中 RHS 禁止假草的使用,而政府表明没有禁止计划。各方观点明确并阐述了理由。因为文章是围绕 fake grass 展开争议,因为答案是 D,是“有争议性的产品”。

25、Text 226.What problem are US national parks faced with?A.Decline of businessprofits.B.Inadequate commercialization.C.Lack of transportation services.D.Poorly maintained infrastructure.【26】D Poorly maintained infrastructure.解析:该题为细节题,问美国国家公园面临着什么问题,根据 problem,US national parks 回到原文定位,文中提到:“美国国家公园正处于危

26、机之中。他们总共 有超过 120 亿美元的维护费用积压下来没有拨款。”(U.S.national parks are in crisis.Collectively,they have amaintenance backlog of more than$12 billion.)所以美国国家公园面临着维护缺钱的问题,即 基础设施维护不良。27.Increased privatization of the campgrounds may.A.spoil visitorexperience B.help preserve nature C.bring operational pressure D.bo

27、ostvisits to parks【27】A.spoil visitor experience 解析:该题为细节题,问增加露营地的私有化可能会如何,根据关键 词 privatization,the campgrounds 回到原文定位,文中提到:“增加私有化肯定会削弱每年 3 亿游客来 公园的主要原因之一:享受自然,从淹没日常生活的商业鼓声中得到喘息。”(increased privatization wouldcertainly undercut one of the major reasons why 300 million visitors come tothe parks each

28、year:to enjoy nature and get a respite from the commercialdrumbeat that overwhelmsdaily life.)所以增加露营地的私有化可能会让游客仍然受到商业的影响,不能更好地享受自然,即破坏 游客体验。28.According to Paragraph 5,most respondents in the survey would A.goto the national parks on a regular basis.B.advocate a bigger budget for the national parks.

29、C.agree to pay extra forthe national parks.D.support the national parks recent reforms.【28】C.agree to pay extra for the national parks.解析:该题为细节题,问调查中的大多数受访者会 如何,根据关键词 respondents,the survey 回到原文定位,文中提到:“约 81%的受访者表示,他们愿 意在未来 10 年缴纳额外的税款,以避免任何削减国家公园的开支。”(Some 81%of respondents saidthey would be willin

30、g to pay additional taxes for the next 10 years to avoid anycuts to the national parks.)所以调查中的大多数受访者会愿意额外缴纳税款,即同意为国家公园支付额外的费用。29.The national parks are valuable in that theyA.lead the way in tourism.B.have historical significance.C.sponsor research on climate D.provide an income for the locals.【29】B

31、.have historical significance.解析:该题为细节题,问国家公园很有价值因为它们怎么样,根 据关键词 the national parks,valuable 回到原文中定位,文中提到,这些公园还有助于让美国的历史 充满活力,与全国数千个地方司法机构合作,保护包括埃利斯岛和葛底斯堡在内的历史遗迹,并让这些 地方的故事变得生动起来。”(The parks also help keep Americas past alive,working with thousands of local jurisdictions around the country to protect

32、historical sites including Ellis Island and Gettysburg and to bring thestories of these places to life.)所以国家公园很有价值因为它们有助于 让美国的历史充满活力,保护历史遗迹,即有历史意义。30.It can be concluded from the text that the national park system A.isable to cope with staffshortage.B.is able to meet visitors demands.C.is in need of

33、 a new price policy.D.is in need of a funding increase.【30】D.is in need of a funding increase.解析:该题为细节题,问国家公园体系如何,根据关键词 the national park system 回到原文中定位,文中提到:“国会每年只给国家公园系统拨款 30 亿美元 这一数额自 2001 年以来一直没有变化(以通货膨胀调整后的美元计算),除了 2009 年作为奥巴马刺激计划 一部分的一次增加。与此同时,自 1980 年以来,每年的游客数量增长了 50%以上,现在每年达到 3.3 亿 人次。”(Cong

34、ress allocates only$3 billion a year to thenational park system an amount that has been flat since 2001(ininflation-adjusted dollars)with the exception of a onetime boost in 2009 as partof the Obama stimulus package.Meanwhile,the number of annual visitors hasincreased by more than 50%since 1980,and

35、now stands at 330 million visitorsper year.)可以得 知,国家公园体系得到的拨款每年基本上保持不变,然而参观公园的游客再增长,所以国家公园体系需 要拨款资金的增加。Text 331.Sparrows study show that with the Internet,the human brain willA.analyze information in detailB.collect information efficientlyC.switch its focus of memory D.extend its memory duration【31】

36、C.switch its focus of memory 解析:该题为细节题,问 Sparrow 的研究表明在互联网时代,人 类大脑会怎样。通过 Sparrow 定位,最终锁定第一段最后一句,即对研究结论的表“human memory is not deteriorating butadapting to new communications technology,人类的记忆并没有退化,而是“适应新的通信技术”。CD 选项都提到了 memory,C 是转换大脑记忆焦点,D 是延长大脑记忆时间。文章 中的“适应新的通信技术”对应 C 选项“转换焦点。”,因此答案是 C。32.The proces

37、s of“cognitive offloading”_ A.helps us identify falseinformation B.keeps our memory from failing C.enables us to classify trivialfacts D.lessens our memory burdens【32】D.lessens our memory burdens 解析:该题为细节题,通过 cognitiveoffloading 定位。文章 描述“互联网正在成为我们记忆的外部硬盘,这一过程被称为“cognitive offloading”。传统上,这一角色 是由数据库、

38、图书馆和其他人类完成的。例如,你的父亲可能永远不会记得生日,因为你的母亲会记 得。”即cognitive offloading 可以帮助储存部分记忆,即对应 D 选项“减轻我们的记忆负担”。33.Which of the following would Sparrows support about the Internet?A.It may reform our learning approach B.It may impact our society negativelyC.It may enhance our adaptability to technology D.It may inte

39、rfere withour conceptual thinking【33】A.It may reform our learning approach 解析:该题为细节题,通过Sparrows进行定位,本句 话表明了Sparrows的观点:“the trend will change ourapproach to learning from a focus on individual facts and memorization to anemphasis on more conceptual thinking”“也许,她建议,这一趋势将改变我们的学习方式,从关注个人事实和记忆转变,变为关注更多

40、的概念思维”。A 选项It may reform our learning approach(它可能会改变我们的学习方式)是对文章的同义改写。34.It is indicated in Paragraph 3 that how the Internet affects our brains_A.requires further academic researchB.is most studied in older adultsC.is reflected in our reading speedD.depends on our web-surfing habits【34】A.requires

41、further academic research 解析:该题为推断题。段首句明确表示“还有其他专家 表示,现在了解互联网如何影响我们的大脑还为时过早。”。A 选项“需要进一步的学术研究”是对文章的 同义改写。35.Neither Sparrows nor Storm would agree that_A.our reliance on the Internet will be costlyB.the Internet is weakening our memoryC.memory exercise is a must for our brainsD.our ability to fucus

42、declines with age【35】B.the Internet is weakening our memory 解析:该题为观点对比,问 Sparrows 和 Storm 都不 会同意什么。Sparrows 认为互联网可以改变我们的学习方式,Storm 在文章最后一段表明观点。There may be costs associatedwith our increased reliance on the Internet,but Id have to imagine that overallthe benefits are going to outweigh those costs,“我

43、们对互联网的依赖增加可能会带来一些成 本,但我不得不想象,总的来说,收益将超过这些成本。”,因为Storm 也支持互联网。即两人都没有认 为互联网有害,对应 B 选项 the Internetis weakening our memory,即都不会认为互联网正在削弱我 们的记忆。Text 436.According to Paragraph 1,children growing into adolescence tend to.A.develop opposite personality traits.B.see the world in an unreasonable way.C.have

44、fond memories of theirpast.D.show affection for their parents.【36】A.develop opposite personality traits.解析:该题为细节题,问进入青春期的孩子往往会如 何,根据关键词 children,adolescence 回到原文中定位,文中提到:“在青春期,无助和依赖成年人的 孩子成为独立的人,他们可以照顾自己,互相帮助。与此同时,曾经快乐顺从的孩子变成了叛逆的冒险 家,往往到了自我毁灭的地步。(In adolescence,helpless and dependent childrenwho hav

45、e relied on grown-ups for just about everything become independentpeople who can take care of themselves and help each other.At the sametime,once cheerful and compliant children become rebellious teenagerisk-takers,often to the point of self-destruction.)所以进入青春期的孩子往往发展出相反的人格特征。37.It can be learned f

46、orm Paragraph 2 that Crones study A.exploresteenagers social responsibilities.B.examines teenagers emotional problems.C.provides a new insight into adolescence.D.highlights negative adolescentbehavior.【37】C.provides a new insight into adolescence.解析:该题为细节题,问 Crone 的研究如何,根据 关键词 Crones study 回到原文中定位,文

47、中提到:“这项研究是对青春期思考的新浪潮的一部分。很长 一段时间以来,科学家和政策制定者都认为青少年是一个需要解决的问题。这项新研究强调,青春期是 一个充满机遇和风险的时期。”(The study is part of a new wave of thinking aboutadolescence.For a long time,scientists and policy makers concentrated onthe idea that teenagers were a problem that needed to be solved.The newwork emphasizes tha

48、t adolescence is a time of opportunity as well as risk.)所以 Crone 的研究和以往对于青春期的思考不一样,即为青春期提供了一个新的见解。38.What does Crones study find about prosocial behavior?A.It resultsfrom the wish to cooperate.B.It is cultivated through education.C.It is subject to family influence.D.It tends to peak in adolescence.

49、【38】D.It tends to peak in adolescence.解析:该题为细节题,问关于亲社会的行为,Crone 的研究 发现了什么,根据关键词 Crones study,prosocialbehavior 回到原文中定位,文中提到:“有趣的是,这项新研究表明,亲社会行为也存在同样的模式。青少年比年幼的儿童或成年人更有可能报告他们做过 无私地帮助朋友等事情。”(the new study shows that,interestingly,the samepattern holds forprosocial behavior.Teenagers were more likely t

50、han younger children oradults to report that they did things like unselfishly help a friend.)所以相比幼童和成人,青少年更容易做出亲社会的行 为,即亲社会的行为往往在青春期达到顶峰。39.It can be learned from the last two paragraphs that teenagersA.overstress their influence on others.B.care a lot about social recognition.C.become anxious about


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