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《广东省深圳高级中学2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末英语试卷.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省深圳高级中学2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末英语试卷.pdf(32页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2021-2022学年广东省深圳高级中学八年级(上)期末英语试卷二、词汇测试(20题,每小题0.5分,共 10分)1.(.5 分)I appreciate your attention and_ hearing from you soon.()A.look up B.look afterC.look forward to2.(.5 分)A is an event in which many people take part in so as to find out who is the best ata certain activity.()A.concert B.competitionC.s

2、peech3.(.5 分)To_ means to have somebody or something as a part of a whole.()A.include B.spend C.take4.(.5 分)-Sorry,I m afraid I wont have time to go shopping with you this afternoon.-But you me yesterday.()A.ordered B.talked C.promised5.(.5 分)-Why do you paint the wall of your new bedroom red?-Becau

3、se I want to a feeling of warmth.()A.depend on B.create C.control6.(.5 分)-There are more than 1000 parks in Shenzhen and the air is so nice.-So it is.lt_trees and flowers everywhere.() short of covered connected with7.(.5 分)-You must read the before taking the medicine.-Thanks for

4、your advice.()A.number B.instructionsC.amount8.(.5 分)-Mrs.Li was sent to teach Chinese in an American high school last year.-Yes,I know.She told me she would never forget her pleasant workingth ere.()A.experimentsB expressionsC.experiences9.(.5 分)Sandy had a good time at the party last weekend.()A.e

5、njoyed herself B.was goodC.had a try10.(.5 分)-On my way home,1 suddenly realized I had left my key in the classroom.-What did you do th e n?()A.slowly and quietlyB.quickly and unexpectedlyC.sadly and carefully11.(.5 分)-Why hasnt Sara come to our party?-Perhaps something bad kept her from coming on t

6、im e.()A.Usually B.Maybe C.Certainly12.(.5 分)-Many people are still wasting water today.-They dont realize the importance of water.()A.are aware of B.are unaware ofC.arent in need of13.(.5 分)-Can you go to the meeting instead of me,Lily?I dont feel well.-No problem.() addition to a result o

7、 place of14.(.5 分)The story happened in a small village five years ago.()A.took place B.took out C.took away15.(.5 分)-What do you think of the party?-We had great fun at the party.We did some activities like playing video games andplaying cards.()A.and so on B.enjoy C.such as16.(.5 分)The review

8、s for this product are mixed.Some people really liked it,while others saidit was not very good.()A.comments C.memory17.(.5 分)-The twins look similar.-But they have different characters(性 格).()A.the same B.alike C.friendly18.(.5 分)Tom didnt complete his homework yesterday.()A.stop B.finish C.e

9、nd19.(.5 分)-I f people dont protect these animals,t hey will die out from the earth.-Thafs true.We should do something to save them.() B.disappear C.appear20.(.5 分)Use your intelligence,you will win the gam e.() B.wisdom C.internet三、完形填空阅读短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。21 (10 分)

10、A window is a common but powerful tool-a patch(小块)of the separatesour body from the world.The only thing we can do is to look.You have no(1)onwhat you will see.However,your brain may make an assumption(猜想)out of whateverhappens to appear.One day(小睡)in my office when I woke up because of the

11、(2)of a car accident.I looked out of my window.A car had just backed into a fence and damaged it.The driver got out of the car.He was short without hair on his head.I (3)himat once.To my surprise,the man tried t o(4)t h e damage he caused.However,his effortsall failed.Once he even funnily fell onto

12、the road when trying to pull the fence.I (5)alot.The failure of this terrible man was amusing my whole day.About 10 minutes later,the man left.That,I thought,would be the end of his effbrts.The man-that villainous(可憎的)(6)all the mess behind for someone else to clean up.But this is the(7)of windows.T

13、hey contradict(与.矛盾)your easyassumptions.The man appeared a few minutes later with some tools.For the next hour,1watched out of my window as he kept on fixing the fence(8)it was extra safe,stronger than before.This man was a hero.My(9)assumptions,I realized,were all about myself.Iwould be(10)and run

14、 away if I came across such a messy situation.My window had woken me up from a nap to teach me a lesson and it changed mywhole day and even my whole life.(1)A.agreementB.influenceC.discovery0.impression(2)A.voiceB.helpC.soundD.light(3)A.knewB.rememberedC.disliked0.greeted(4)A.look forC.cove

15、四、阅读理解(共40分)第一节阅读短文22.(10 分)People have told stories about Robin Hood for over 7

16、00 years.Nobody knows if he wasa real person or an invented character.I n the legends,Robin was extremely smart andhumorous.He helped strangers,and later his kindness paid off.The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood appeared in 1883.I t was Howard Pyles firstbook and it was a great success.At the beginni

17、ng of the story,Robin was just a young man,who was good at archery(射箭术),a royal hunting forest near Nottingham in England.There he got into trouble with agroup of men.Among them,he killed the cousin of the Sheriff(郡 长)(传 奇 的)outlaw,and soon the leader of one hundred outlaws.They were known as his nM

18、erry Men”.Robin and his Merry Men”always looked for rich people and asked them to theircamp in Sherwood Forest.When they arrived,Robin gave them a good meal and played musicfor them.Then he took their gold away to help the poor.Robin became most famous for“robbing from the rich and giving to the poo

19、r.*The Sheriff of Nottingham was Robins greatest enemy.He was cruel and treated thepoor was his job to keep the woods safe and to make sure that nobody stole the king*sdeer.He hated Robin because Robin was an outlaw.But most of all,he hated Robin becauseeveryone else loved him.The Sheriff o

20、f Nottingham kept trying to catch Robin Hood and hisMerry Men*,but never succeeded.Centuries ago people loved to tell stories of Robin Hood.Later he became a famouscharacter in books,and nowadays Robin is still a well-loved hero in literature,theatre(1)What was Robin Hood like according to the passa

21、ge?A.Clever and full of fun.B.Smart and serious.C.Cruel to the poor people.D.Good at telling stories.(2)How many Merry Men did Robin Hood have?A.Ninety-nine.B.One hundred.C.One hundred and one.D.One hundred and two.(3)What was Robin Hood best known for?A.Playing beautiful music for the rich.B.Robbin

22、g the rich and helping the poor.C.Stealing the kings deer in Sherwood Forest.D.Killing the cousin of the Sheriff of Nottingham.(4)Which is the right order of what happened in the story?Robin became the leader of a group of outlaws.Robin asked the rich people to Sherwood Forest.Robin killed the cousi

23、n of the Sheriff of Nottingham.(4)Robin gave poor people the gold he took away from the rich.A.B.C.D.(5)What can we learn from the first and last paragraphs?A.Robin Hood was a real man who once lived in England.B.People can only read stories of Robin Hood from books.C.The stories of Robin Hood are s

24、till very popular nowadays.D.Robin Hood didn*t get help from strangers who he once helped.23.(10 分)Wars end,eventually.But that doesn*t mean that troubles end with them.Soldiers oftenfind it a challenge to get home.Odysseus is the greatest example of this experience.I n theTrojan War,Odysseus is the

25、 man who uses the wooden horse as a trick.After the war,the godof the sea,who sends a huge storm to destroy his ships.Odysseus and his men are sent to a strange island.Some of the ship*s crew eat amagical fruit that makes them tired and unable to move.Odysseus manages to get his men backon the ship

26、and they escape.Next,they reach an island with a large cave.They find out that the cave is the home ofthe Cyclops-a giant with one eye.After Odysseus and his men enter the cave,the Cyclopskills and eats some of the men,then blinds him in his one eye.They then find themselves on the island that is ho

27、me to a witch.The witch is skilled atusing herbs fbr magic.She invites all the men to a big dinner,but the food turns all who eat itinto pigs.Thankfully,Odysseus doesn*t eat anything and escapes again.They meet with many other problems:a whirlpool,a six-headed monster,and theSirens-beautiful women w

28、ho sing to sailors to make them drown.After many years,Odysseus finally arrives home.But things don*t get anyeasier.Almost everyone thinks that he must be dead.After alL ifs been 10 years since the warsended.Odysseus*wife Penelope is considered by many men to be a catch(如意伴侣)(继承)a kingdom,after all.

29、These men are waiting fbr Penelope to give up on Odysseus and marry oneof them.Odysseus kills the other suitors(求 婚 者)and is happily reunited with his wifePenelope and son Telemachus.The single greatest contribution of the Odyssey myth to culture may be the idea ofnostalgia.Although first used in th

30、e 19th century,the word itself comes from themyth.Odysseus experiences profound(深亥的)nostalgiaAt the end of World War I h hundreds of thousands of surviving troops(军 队)wereleft stranded(滞留的),and many had to walk back thousands of miles to what was left of theirhomelands.Even in everyday life,getting

31、home can be a trial.Ask the millions of people who travelthousands of miles each year to be with their families at important festivals.The single greatest reason that we still remember Odysseus and his incredible journeymay be that this is what drives him.This war-weary man simply wants to get home.

32、(1)What*s the puq5ose of the first two paragraphs?A.To lead up to Odysseus*adventurous journey back home.B.To explain why its hard for soldiers to return home after a war.C.To describe how important it is for soldiers to return home after a war.D.To explore why people of different times all want to

33、get home after a long trip.(2)Which is the correct order of the following events?a.He kills the Cyclops by blinding him with a spear when he is drunk.b.The god of the sea sends a big storm to destroy his ships.c.Some of his men are eaten by a giant with one eye.d.His men who eat the food offered by

34、a witch become pigs.e.His men become tired and unable to move after eating a magical fruit.A.b,c,a,e,dB上,e,c,a,dC.c,a,b,d,eD.c,a,e,b,d(3)What does the underlined word nostalgia mean in this passage?A.loyalty to one*s marriageB.the state of being boredC.longing for something pastD.bra very in doing s

35、omething(4)What did Odysseus do when he finally returns home?A.He finds his wife has remarried and his home is lost.B.He kills those who tried to ruin him and is reunited with his family.C.He is tricked and murdered by his wife*s suitors.D.He is war-weary and becomes uninterested in power.(5)What ma

36、y be the single greatest reason that drives him?A.Killing ail the monsters he meets.B.Getting his men out of dangers.C.Getting home eventually.0.Having power again.24.(10 分)Think of somebody you really admire.You will probably find that their success didn*tcome easily.As MFather of Hybrid Rice(杂交水稻)

37、,Yuan Longping got over great difficultiesand spent his whole life working to reduce world hunger and helping to feed the country withthe largest population.Wu Mengchao,the Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery(肝胆外科)”,focused onsaving peoples lives fbr nearly eighty years.He performed more than 16

38、,nI t would mygreatest happiness if I could work at the operating table until my dying day.I n 1969,in order to solve the problem of treating malaria(疟疾),Tu Youyou(药学家)took on the job as head of a research team.She and her teammates performed different kinds ofexperiments.However,the results were di

39、sappointing.I nstead of giving up,in 1972,they madeit!I n 2015,she received Nobel Prize.Thomas Edison,the inventor of the light bulb believed that every failure was a steptowards success.He once said,I f I find 10,I haven*t failed.I am not discouraged,becauseevery wrong try is another step forward.n

40、Sometimes,their success was a surprise,even to themselves.The famous scientistAlexander Fleming said,1928,I certainly didnt plan to revolutionize(变革)(抗生素).ButI guess that was exactly what I did.Some people only became successful after their deaths.Not like Pablo Picasso whobecame famous and very ric

41、h during his lifetime,the artist Vincent Van Gogh only sold onepainting all through his life and that was to a friend.But he kept painting and he painted morethan 2,000 artworks in the following ten years.Now his paintings are very popular and theysell fbr millions of pounds.One thing all these peop

42、le have in common is sticking to their goals no matter what.(1)What do Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao have in common?A.They succeeded in solving world problems.B.They spent all their lives serving people.C.They achieved a lot in the medical field.D.They are remembered for their happiness.(2)What can

43、be inferred from Paragraph 2?A.Wu Mengchao spent his whole life saving peoples lives by treating malaria.B.Wu Mengchao performed more than 1,600 operations during his life.C.Holding the surgeons knife for such a long time changed the shape of Wu Mengchaosfingers.D.Wu Mengchao died when working at th

44、e operating table.(3)Which of the following statements is true?A.Pablo Picasso became famous after his death.B.Vincent Van Gogh painted 2,001 artworks in his life.C.I t took Tu Youyous team about 3 years to reach their goal.D.Thomas Edison tried 10,000 ways before he invented the light bulb.(4)How d

45、id Alexander Fleming feel about his discovery of the first antibiotic?A.He felt too tired to stay awake.B.He didn*t plan to study all medicine.C.He knew exactly what his success meant.D.He didnt fully realize its importance.(5)What does the writer mainly want to tell us?A.Not everyone can be success

46、ful.B.The more difficulties,the better.C.Great achievements arent made naturally.D.Great hopes make great men.25.(5 分)以下是一篇短文,从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文意思完整、连贯。Have you ever had a wonderful idea and thought it would make a great invention,butdidn*t know what to do next?(1)They will help you make you

47、r dreams come trueand become a famous inventor.The first thing that you should do is do some research on theI nternet to see if anyone else has invented it.I f not,you should search through the US Patent(专利)information to see if a patent was ever created for your type of invention.(2)The easiest thi

48、ng to do is working with a company that can help you to make your dreams can help you present your ideas and get your product to the right companies.Onecompany that is very reputable(声 誉 好 的)is nLambert and Lambert in Minnesota*.(3)I f they think your product is marketable(有销路的),they wil

49、l help you to get it to the rightcompany.Call the company and make an appointment.You will want to bring in a model ofyour invention and a complete description of your ideas.(4)Then when you meet withthem,you can present it and they will tell you how marketable it is.I f they decide to help you,they

50、 will work to present it to different companies and help you to go to the next step.Onceyour invention has been sold to a large company(5)But the benefits are worth thewait.A.I t may take a year or two.B.You will be the next inventor.C.Write down exactly about your invention.D.I f there is no patent


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