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《湖北省襄阳市谷城县石花镇2022-2023学年八年级上学期期中联考英语试题.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖北省襄阳市谷城县石花镇2022-2023学年八年级上学期期中联考英语试题.docx(6页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、石花镇2022年秋八上英语期中测试题U-5 (120分)一、听力测试(25分)下面你将听到5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中 选出一个最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回1答有关小题和阅读下一 小题。每段对话只读一遍.()1. Where are the two speakers probably talking?A. In the restaurant. B. In the clothes store. C. At the cinema.()2. Why does the girl want to leave a little earlier t

2、oday?A. To leave for Australia.B. To see her father off.C. To send her teacher back.( )3. Who did Jack go with to see a movie last night?A.His mother. B.His girlfriend. C. His brother.( )4. What do they think of Beijing?A. Clean. B.Big.C.Beautiful.()5. What did the boy do last term?A.He had a school

3、 trip.B.He visited the the old peoples homeC. He had a soccer game.第二节下面你将听到6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题所给的A、 B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。听每段对话 或独白前,你都有10秒钟的时间来阅读相关小题;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时 间。每段对话或独白读两遍。( 第一段材料,回答第6至8小题。( )6. Where does Jims pen pal come from?A.America. B.France. C.England.( )7. How

4、 many languages can Gina speak?A.One. B.Two.C.Three.( )8. How often does Jim write to Gina?A.Twice a week. B.Twice a month. C.Twice a year.听第二段材料,回答第9至11小题。( )9. Where did the girl spend her vacation?A. In the countryside. B.In the mountain.C.On the beach.()10. What was the weather like there?A.It w

5、as sunny. B.It was rainy. C.It was cloudy.()11. What didnt they do there?A.Ride bikes or dance.B. Sing songs or play beach volleyball.C.Take photos or play games.听第三段材料,回答第12至14小题()12. How does Tom go home today? A.On foot. B.By bike. C.By()13. How many children are there in Toms family ?A. Four. B.

6、 Five C .Six.()14. What is Tom*s father?A. A driver. B. A guide. C. A policeman.听第四段材料,回答第15至17小题。()15. What day is it tomorrow?A.Friday. B. Saturday. C.Sunday.()16. Why does Billy like Town Cinema?A.It has the biggest screens.B.It has the cheapest tickets. C.It has the most comfortable seats.()17.

7、Which cinema will they go to?A.Screen City. B.Town Cinema. C.Screen Town.听第五段材料,回答第18至20小题。()18. Where did Anna spend her vacation?A.Sichuan. B.Yunnan. C. Guizhou.()19. Who did Anna spend her vacation with?A.Her friends. B.Her parents. C.Her classmates.()20. What did they see there?A.Tigers. B.Monke

8、ys. C.Pandas.听第六段材料,回答第21至25小题。()21. What is popular with all the people in the world?A.Football. B.Music. C.Sport.()22. Why do many people like sport?A. Because it can make people have a healthier body.B. Because it can help people make friends. C. Both A and B.()23. WhatYe in many Chinese Schools?

9、A. School cars. B.Sport teams. C. Dance parties.()24. What do girl students like doing at school?A. Playing volleyball and table tennis.B.Playing football and basketball C. Playing volleyball and football.()25. How many medals did China get in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games?A.Fifty. B. Seventy. C.On

10、e hundred.二、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)()26. What did you buy yesterday morning? I bought umbrella.A. on; aB.不填;a C. on; an D.不填;an()27. 一did you go last weekend?一I went to the beach.A. How B. WhenC. Where D. Why()28. Did you eat for breakfast this morning?No, I ate .A. everything; something B. everything; any

11、thingC. anything; everything D. anything; nothing()29. 一Did you have fun yesterday?一 We did many interesting activities.A. Of courseB. No problemC. Not much D. Id love to()30. does your brother use the Internet?一Once a week.A. How oftenB. WhyC. WhereD. How long()31. How many hours do they relax ever

12、y day? .A. Twice a day B. TwoC. SecondD. Twice()32. -Can you stay here longer, Linda?一Of course.A. littleB. a fewC. a littleD. few()33. 一Be. This is an important meeting. 一Im sorry.A. strict B. seriousC. slowD. smart()34. I dont know anything about water sports.一Lets get some from the Internet.A. in

13、formation B. exerciseC. questions D. stories()35. What is your best friend like? .A. She likes playing basketball B. She is at homeC. She is smart and hard-working D. She likes her father ()36. 一Is Jane as beautiful as Helen?一 Helen is more beautiful.A. Yes, she isB. Yes, she doesC. No, she isntD. N

14、o, she doesnt()37. Mom, can I go to play soccer with Jim? Its up you.A. with B. for C. toD. of()38. 一I got a 70 in the English exam. What about you?一I did than you. I only got a 59.A. best B. better C. worst D. worse()39. -Can you show me your photo? Here you are.A. Really? B. Not really. C. Sure.D.

15、 Good idea!()40. 一Did you what was in that room at last?一Yes. It was a cat.A. come out B. find out C. bring out D. blow out 三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Its nice to have friends. Well, how can we have friends?First, spend 41 time with people. If you want to make friends, you need to meet people. You can go to

16、places 42 coffee shops or clubs to meet people.Then, 43 your friend. Once (一 旦)you 44 to make friends with someone, you must care about him or her. A true friend reaches fbr your hand and touches your heart. 45 its not necessary for you and your friend to be the same, you need to know him or her. Yo

17、u should help him or her when he or she has 46 problems.Next, be a good listener. Its important to show that youre interested in others.Listen 47 to what people say and take time to learn more about 48 .At last, encourage (鼓励)your friends. Good friends will 49 both good and bad times. Never laugh at

18、 (嘲笑)your 50 in front of others. If someone is laughing at your friend, you should stop him or her.()41. A. lessB. moreC. goodD. bad()42. A. toB. withC. likeD. between()43. A. care aboutB. look atC. worry aboutD. ask for()44. A. stopB. forgetC. askD. decide()45. A. OrB. BecauseC. AlthoughD. If()46.

19、A. noB. someC. fewD. other()47. A. clearlyB. quicklyC. trulyD. carefully()48. A. youB. himC. herD. them()49. A. haveB. tryC. shareD. break()50. A. friendB. classmateC. parentD. teacher四、阅读理解(共四节,前三节满分30分,第四节5分)AMy name is Svetlana. I am from Ukraine. If s a beautiful country. I enjoy sports.One of t

20、he most popular sports in my country is football. I like playing football a lot. I often play football with my friends after school. We like to watch football games on TV on the weekend. There is a football club at our school. Tm in the football club.I also like dancing very much. I think it is a wo

21、nderful sport. When I dance, I feel relaxed.I started dancing six years ago. Tm in a dancing club in the center of our city. I go to the dancing club twice a week, on Wednesday and Saturday. I often get there by bus. I dance with a boy. His name is Dima. We usually do well in different dancing compe

22、titions (比赛).I think dancing is good exercise for people of different ages. It can help us to keep healthy. Dancing is fun!根据材料内容选择最佳答案。()51. How does Svetlana feel when she dances?A. Bored.B. Tired.C. Relaxed. D. Interested.()52. When does Svetlana go to the dancing club?A. On Wednesday and Friday.

23、 B. On Wednesday and Saturday.C. On Friday and Sunday. D. On Saturday and Sunday.()53. Why does Svetlana think dancing is good exercise?A. Because it helps her to keep busy.B. Because she can learn a lot from it.C. Because it helps her to keep healthy.D. Because she can have fun with Dima.()54. What

24、 clubs is Svetlana in?A. The dancing club and the football club.B. The basketball club and the football club.C. The dancing club and the swimming club.D. The basketball club and the swimming club.()55. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Svetlana comes from America.B. Svetlana

25、 started dancing ten years ago.C. Svetlana doesnt do well in the dancing competitions.D. In Svetlanas country, football is a very popular sport.BI was in a strange (陌生的)town. I didnt know anyone, and I could not speak a word of the language. On the second day, I got on a bus. After riding for a few

26、stops, I got off and walked on. I felt happy enough in the first three hours, then I decided to walk back to my hotel for lunch. After walking around for half an hour, I thought I should ask the way. The problem was that I only knew the name of the street and I pronounced (发音)it badly. I stopped to

27、ask a newspaper seller. He gave me a paper. I shook my head (摇头)and said the name of the street again. But he gave me another paper. I had to give him some money and went on my way. Then I met a policeman and asked the way. He listened to me carefully. He said something and pointed (指)left and right

28、 and left again. I thanked him and began walking in the direction (方 向)he pointed.About an hour later, I found the houses became fewer and fewer. I came to the countryside! The only thing for me to do was to find the nearest train station. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。()56. The writer got on a bus on the second day

29、.A. in the morningB. in the eveningC. after lunchD. before dinner()57. The newspaper seller gave the writer paper(s).A. one B. two C. three D. four ()58. What was the writers problem?A. He was poor.B. He was busy.C. He didnt know the language. D. He didnt ask the right person.()59. In the end, the w

30、riter had to go back to his hotel.A. by bikeB. by bus C. by train D. by subway()60. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. The writer arrived at his home.B. The writer enjoyed the countryside life.C. The writer got to his hotel with the policemans help.D. The writer found he was farther away f

31、rom his hotel.CHello, Im Tim.I went to Shanghai with my friend Jack last year.We went there in ApriLWe thought it was the best time to go there.The weather was quite good and there were not too many people at that time.We stayed there for a week.We stayed in a nice hotel on Nanjing Road.Nanjing Road

32、 was a busy shopping street of Shanghai and it was quite famous. We went shopping there.And we spent too much money on expensive things.We also visited many other famous places, such as the Bund of Shanghai and Chongming Island.We liked Yu Garden best.lt was a beautiful garden.We took a walk in the

33、garden.We saw many trees and beautiful flowers there.Shanghai food tasted really good.Everything was excellent.()61.How long did they stay there?A , For a week. B. For two weeks. C. For three days. D. For a month. ( )62.They stayed in a nice hotel on.A. North Street B. Nanjing Road C. Center Street

34、D. Bridge Road ( )63.What does the underlined word “famous“ probably mean in Chinese?A.昂贵的B.可爱的C.便宜的D.著名的()64.They liked visiting best.A. the Bund of Shanghai B. Yu GardenC. Nanjing Road D. Chongming Island ()65.What did Tim think of Shanghai food?A.Cheap. B. Terrible. C. Good. D. Bad.第二节:阅读还原 用合适的选

35、项补全短文(5分)Many people like to take a trip around the world.Its interesting and relaxing Here are some advice(建议)for a great tripFirst, meet local(当地的)people. We can really learn much from local people.66. They can tell you many useful things. Don*t be afraid. Ask the local people! 67.Second, watch lo

36、cal life. 68.Let me tell you good ideas! Its nice to sit in a park or in a coffee shop. Watch the colors and the people and listen to the sound. 69Third, take some photos. You can remember the new place and the local people with your photos. You dont need to spend much money. 70.The world is big, be

37、autiful and great. Always remember these tips! Im sure youll have a nice trip.A. Do you really want to know the new place well?B. Always remember to talk with themAnd the photos are easy to share(分享)with other people.C. You can get a lot from thatWhat do you think of the new place?D. They will be ha

38、ppy to tell you.五、语法填空(满分10分,阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词 的正确形式)I have a great dad. His name is Frank Burke. We spend lots of time together. I enjoy being with him. He is the best father to my ( 71 )(sister )Ellen and Anne, my brother J.R. and me.My dad enjoys( 72 )( go )to the movies with us on the

39、weekend. We go to the movies( 73 )( one )a week, on Saturday. Then on the way home, he always talks about the movies with us. He wants us( 74 )(learn) something from the movies.We often ride bikes together on Sundays. My dad thinks its good (75 )our health. He hopes all of us can stay(76 )(health)二M

40、y dad swims (77 )( good ). He thinks its good exercise. We often go to the beach and swim with him.My dad also likes ball games. His favorite football team is the New York Jets and his favorite baseball team is the New York Mets. When we watch ( 78 )game on TV, my dad always tells us a lot about the

41、 history of each team.My dad likes going fishing, (79 )he often takes us out on boat rides. He is also good at ( 80 )(cook). He often cooks delicious food for us.六、完成句子(10分).上个月我拍了相当多的照片。(few)I photos last month.我认为最好的放松方式是运动。(way)I think is through exercise.81 .Tom学习和我一样刻苦,他更外向。(hard)Tom works and hes me.82 .中国功夫现在越来越受欢迎。(get)Chinese Kungfu now.83 .Mark总是乐于尽力帮助他人。(ready)Mark others.七、书面表达(本大题15分)作为一名中学生,你的学习任务繁重,但你的生活方式非常健康。请介绍一下你健康的 生活方式并呼吁中学生要拥有健康的生活方式。内容包括:1 你平时的生活习惯;2你对中学生的呼吁。写作要求:1 .不得照抄原文;2.语言通顺,结构完整;3.80词左右。As a middle school student,


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