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1、无灵主语句(写作)无灵名词作主语的种类 35.2.1 表示时间的名词 The year 1949 witnessed the founding of the Peoples Republic 0f China 1949 年中华人民共和国成立了。The postwar years in Germany saw honours heaped upon the great scientist 在德国战后的岁月里,这位伟大的科学家得到了种种荣誉。Dawn met him well along the way It was a pleasant uneventful ride 在东方欲晓的时候,他早已走

2、了一大段路了。这次骑马旅行是很愉快的,没有碰到意外事件。Dusk found the little girl crying in the street 黄昏时分人们发现小女孩在街上哭。The evening 0f November 3 saw the IWW(Industrial Workers 0f the World)tactics bearing fruit 11 月 3 日晚,世界产业工人协会的战术生效了。Autumn sees many young Beijing people in smartly tailored jackets and colorful pullovers an

3、d windbreakers 到了秋季,北京许多年轻人穿上精心裁制的漂亮上衣,五颜六色的套头毛衣和风雨衣。35.2.2 表示地点或范围的名词 The town boasts a beautiful lake 镇上有个美丽的湖,人人以此自豪。Beijing first saw the raising 0f the five-star red flag in Tiananmen Square 五星红旗首先在北京天安门广场上升起。Shanghai witnessed the birth of the Chinese Communist Part 中国共产党在上海成立。Britain Saw the

4、first jet airline in 1952 第一架喷气式飞机于 1952 年在英国诞生。Rome witnessed many great historic events 在罗马发生过许多重大历史事件。The wide range of spindle speeds permit the milling machine for use of carbide tipped and high speed steel tools 由于主轴的速度范围很广,因此此类铣床使用硬质合金刀具和高速钢刀具。35.2.3 表示动作的名词 A glance through his office window

5、 offers a panoramic view of the town 从他的办公室窗口可以一眼看到城镇的全景。A ten minuteswalk brought us to the hotel 我们步行十分钟就到了旅馆。Ten years 0f hard work changed her greatly 十年的辛勤劳动使她大大地变样了。The thought of seeing her son very soon filled her heart with great happiness 想到不久就要见到她的儿子,她心中感到十分快乐。Rest brought him new confide

6、nce and almost a feeling 0f security 休息之后,他充满了新的自信,几乎有了一种相当安全的感觉。Sleep didnt visit Rainsford although the silence of a dead world was on the jungle尽管丛林里是死一般的寂静,雷恩斯福德还是不能入睡。35.2.4 表示情感的名词 All my courage deserted me 我完全丧失了勇气。Rarely did his sense of humour desert this noble man 这位高尚的人很少发脾气。Astonishment

7、 deprived me 0f my power of speech 我惊讶得说不出话来。Neither sorrow nor regret followed my passionate outburst 我这样发作一通之后,既不难过,也不后悔。His first thought made him sick and numb 他的第一个念头使他作呕,浑身瘫软。A chill of horror suddenly swept over him 他突然感到不寒而栗。Despair seized him at the thought of her setting out alone to renew

8、 the weary quest for work.想起她一个人出去重新登上找工作的艰辛路途,他觉得万念俱灰。Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle.几个星期以来,我又气又恨,感到非常苦恼,这种感情上的激励斗争过去之后,我感到浑身乏力。35.2.5 表示情景的名词 A hush fell upon the assembly会场一片寂静。Such a chance was denied(to)me我

9、可得不到这样的机会。Shortness of time has required the omission of some states.由于时间不够,他不能访问某些国家。After the WWI(World War I)honours were heaped upon Einstein 第一次世界大战后,荣誉像雪片般地向爱因斯坦飞来。The softness of the earth gave him an idea 踏着松软的泥土,一个主意油然而生。A new spirit will dominate the organization with the Peoples Republic

10、of China随着中华人民共和国的参加,这个组织的精神面貌将焕然一新。The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing 看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的飞机声,令我特别神往。35.2.6 表示自然现象的名词 The rain prevented me from coming因下雨,我不能来。The night breeze brought him the perfume 0f the generals cigarette 夜晚微风徐徐,他闻到了将军烟卷的香味。A heavy rain visited th

11、e city 这个城市刚下过一场大雨。An earthquake comes like a thief in the night,without warning.地震到来,犹如夜贼,不作预告。The shadows tell me that the sun has done much travel since I fell asleep.目睹太阳投下的阴影,我知道入睡后,太阳巳走过很远的路程。35.2.7 表示身体部位和音容的名词 My heart failed me at the sight一见那情景我就失去了勇气。The eyes were the same color as the se

12、a,cheerful and undefeated.碧海般的那双眼睛饱含着兴奋和不可战胜的神色。His accent suggests shanghai听他的口音像是上海人。35.2.8 其他一些名词 Careful comparison 0f them will show you the difference 只要仔细比较一下,你就会发现它们的差异。Business took him to the town他因事进城去了。A cold that rapidly grew worse cause his unlamented return to Paris 她患了感冒,而且愈来愈凶,只好回巴黎

13、去了,但对他的离去,谁也没有感到遗憾。The photo often reminds me of my childhood.这张照片常使我想起我的童年。The revolution of 1917 brought a significant change to the difficult pattern of Russian Jewish existence 1917 年十月革命成功后,俄国境内犹太人的困难处境立刻有了明显的改变。Little knowledge will get into trouble in everything 不学无术将寸步难行。“My experience in Sp

14、ain,”Bethune went on,“convinces me that seventy-five percent of the seriously wounded would recover if operated on immediately”白求恩接着说,“我在西班牙已有经验,深信重伤病人如果立即动手术,有 75能够恢复健康。”注:以上所列是几种比较常见的可作主语的无灵名词。实际上,英语里无灵名词大多数都可以在一定的语境中用作主语。35.3 无灵名词作主语的特点 35.3.1 无灵名词作主语时,常带有前置定语或后置定语 Improved roads and motorized tr

15、ansportation made it possible for the farmer to send his children by bus to good central high school 道路改良和机动交通运输工具的出现,使农民可以让子女搭乘公共汽车到较好的中心中学去上学。The heavy flywheel coupled with the spindle ensures smooth run of the spindle 由于主轴装有飞轮,所以能保证主轴运转平稳。A comb drawn a few times through the hair in dry,cold wea

16、ther may make a cracking sound and cause the hair to stand on end 在干燥寒冷的天气,拿一把梳子在头发上梳几下,它就会发出噼啪的响声,使头发耸立起来。注:有时这类名词作主语时也可不用修饰语,此时往往带有限定词。例如:His youth got him off由于他年轻,他得到了宽恕。Those grim times saw adult women change hands,sometimes sold bv their Starving husbands 在那冷酷无情的年代里,成年妇女也会易主;有时丈夫自己也挨饿,就把妻子卖了。3

17、5.3.2 无灵名词作主语时常见的谓语动词 无灵名词作主语的句子中,可用作谓语的常见动词有:see,find,make,bring,cause,enable,desert,prevent,meet,visit,give,witness,convince,request,compel 等。(例句见上)35.3.3 无灵名词作主语时常见的动词短语 无灵名词作主语的句子中,某些短语动词(如 lead to,bring out,fall up-onkeeppreventfrom 等)也可用作这类句子的谓语。例如:Plastics are in evidenceA wet day brings out

18、the colourful light mackintoshes 塑料随处可见,天一下雨,五颜六色的轻便雨衣就都出现了。The extreme labour shortage led to further innovations in employing persons on the basis of ability 由于劳动力极端缺乏,以致进行了进一步革新,用人只能以才能为标准。35.3.4 无灵名词作主语时常见的反向心理动词 无灵名词作主语的句子中,谓语动词往往含有“使”的意义,其中所有“反向心理动词”(Reverse Psychological Verb)都可用作无灵名词的主语。这些动词

19、有:delight,move,please,strike,amaze,astonish,surprise,worry,trouble,impress,satisfy 等。例如:Your letter has amazed me你的信使我感到惊讶。The news greatly surprised us这消息使我们大为吃惊。That answer didnt satisfy us这个回答没有使我们感到满意。35.3.5 无灵名词作主语具有简洁凝练、含蓄不露等修辞特点 a.This medicine will make you feel better.b.If you take this med

20、icine,youll feel better.a.That moments stop cost the U.S.team its lead.b.Because that runner stopped a moment,the U.S.team lost its lead.a.Another sound from me might make the snake strike.b.If I made another sound,the snake might strike.a.The bad weather prevented us from going on the tour.b.We did

21、nt go on the tour because of the bad weather.从以上句子可以看出,a.组句与 b.组句所表达的意思是一样的,但 a.组句 用词简洁、凝练,句意客观公正、含蓄不露。此外,无灵名词作主语,避免了文章乏味枯燥,句型单调、呆板无力的 弊病,从而使文章显得生动活泼、形象突出,句型多样,长短间隔,错落有 致 354 无灵名词作主语的含义 35.4.1 表示时间状语意义 The novel excited him.看了这部小说,他很激动。A few steps along the corridor brought me to a large splendid ha

22、ll.我沿着走廊走了几步,就到了一个华丽的大厅。Ten years of hard work changed her greatly.经过十年的辛勤劳动,她大大地变了样。The arrival of Monday called MrCollins from his amiable Charlotte.星期一一到,科林斯先生就要和温柔可爱的夏绿蒂分手了。35.4.2 表示条件状语意义 Careful comparison of them will show you the difference.你只要仔细比较一下,就会发现它们的不同之处。The application of special ad

23、ditional device permits the car to run faster than before 只要使用一种专用的附加装置,这辆汽车就可以跑得更快。35.4.3 表示原因状语意义 Rich experience keeps him smooth in his work由于他富有经验,工作一贯得心应手。Business took him to the town他因事进城去了。The rain prevented me from coming我因雨不能来。Astonishment deprived me 0f my speech of power我惊讶得说不出话来。35.4.4

24、 表示地点、场所状语意义 Beijing saw many historic events 在北京发生过许多历史事件。The world has witnessed different roads to modernization 世界上已经有不同的现代化道路。35.4.5 无灵名词作主语在有些场合并不暗含状语意义(即可直译)Rome witnessed many great historic events 罗马城目睹过许多重大的历史性事件。Their drive moved us deeply 他们的干劲使我们深受感动。Excitement deprived me of all power

25、of utterance 兴奋使我什么话都说不出来。Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight;silence would teach him the joys of sound 黑暗使人更加珍惜光明;寂静教人体会到声音的欢乐。Socialism isnt talking all the time,it is living,its singing,its dancing,its being interested in what go on about you,its being concerned about people and the world 社会主义不是夸夸其谈的学说,它是活生生的事实,它在唱歌,它在舞蹈,它感兴趣的是与人民息息相关的事情,它所关心的是人民和世界的前途。


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