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1、 五 年 级 小 学 英 语 期 末 试 卷 Class Name同 学 们,寒 假 又 来 临 啦!现 在 就 让 我 们 在 几 十 分 钟 内 进 行 一 次 奇 异 之 旅 吧!听 力 部 分 1、Listen and choose.(旅 行 即 将 拉 开 序 幕,想 赢 取 免 费 机 票 吗?只 要 把 听 到 的 正 确 图 片 选 出 来,就 有 机 会 哦!)2.Listen and circle.(登 机 啦!戴 上“伸 缩 耳”,听 听 广 播,把 有 用 的 信 息 圈 出 来!)1)A.young and activeand active2)A.over the b

2、edend tableB.strict and tall C.smartB.near the closet C.over the3)A.cabbage and fish B.potatoes and pork C.muttonand potatoes4)A.make the bed B.clean the bedroom C.put awaythe clothes5)A.There is a lake.B.There is a forest.C.Thereis a mountain.3.Listen and tick.(机 长 哈 利 波 特 终 于 出 现 啦!他 要 宣 布 什 么 呢?仔

3、 细 听,判 断,记 得 用,和 x表 不。)1)Im a university student.2)I dont like Saturdays and Sundays.3)I do housework on Saturdays.4)I often do sports and watch TV on Sundays.|5)My favorite food is green beans.4.Listen and write.(哈 利,波 特 送 你 的 第 一 件 礼 物 是“魔 杖”,赶 快 试 试!把 空 中 飞 舞 的 单 词 定 格 在 纸 上。)thin tree meals cook

4、 eggplantsTuesday funny tomatoes flowers readHello!Im Kitty.Im a n d.My favoriteday is,because we have and forlunch that day.I often books at home.Im helpfulat home.I can t h e.Look!There is a bigand many colorful(色 彩 缤 纷 的)near myhouse!How nice!笔 试 部 分 1.Read and choose.(“魔 法 石”是 第 二 件 礼 物,它 能 帮 你

5、照 出 下 面 哪 些 单 词 是 同 族 哦!)Chinese grass closet math curtain cloudair-conditioner P.E.forest1)English:2)sky:3)mirror:_2.Read and write.(没 有 了 魔 法 石 的 指 点,这 回 看 你 的 真 本 事 了!看 图 写 单 词。Comeon!)1)There is a new_a _ _ _ bin behind the desk.2)My Chinese teacher is very o _and k _.3)We have t _ for dinner on

6、 Thursdays.4)There is a small h _se in the forest.5)Its _ _ _ day today.3.Read and tick or cross.(幻 影 显 形!判 断 下 面 的 图 片 与 句 子 是 否 相 符。真 真 假 假,画“。”或“因)1)Is there a chair in front of the desk?-Yes,there is.2)Whats your principal 1 ike?-He is young and tall.3)-What do you have on Tuesday?-We have music

7、 class.4)-Are there any mountains in the picture?-Yes,there are.5)-What do you do on Mondays?-I often do the dishes.4、Arrange the sentences.(哈 利 波 特 玩 咒 语 了,单 词 乱 飞,你 有 本 事 把 他 们 放 回 原 位 置,恢 复 原 句 吗?)1)1 set|#ou Can table the?2)English Whats like teacher your?3)day is What todayit?4)Is a village the

8、re riverin the?5)your favorite Whats food?5、Read and tick.(飞 机 终 于 到 达 目 的 地 啦!究 竟 是 哪 块 神 奇 的 领 域 呢?一 起 去 看 看 吧!正 确 的 打“T”,错 误 的 打“F”)Hi!My name is Linda.I am 12 years old.I study atBrighton Primary School.I go to school from Monday toFriday.My favorite day is Friday.We have art and P.E.class and w

9、e have beef for lunch.Beef is my favorite food.Its tasty and healthy.My favorite teacher is Miss White.She is our English teacher.She is tall and pretty.Herclass is so much fun.Im very helpful at home.I can sweep the floor and washmy clothes.I live in a small village.The sky is blue.Theair is fresh.

10、There is a river in my village.There is apath near the river.There are no ducks in the river.Butyou can see many fish.1)I go to school five days in a week.()2)We have art and science class on Friday.()3)My favorite teacher is tall and pretty.()4)Mutton is my favorite food.()5)I,m very helpful at hom

11、e.()6)There are many ducks in the river.()哈 哈!喜 欢 这 次 奇 异 之 旅 吗?测 试 都 过 了 吗?那 就 欢 迎 你 下 学 期 到 霍 格 沃 茨 魔 法 学 校 学 习!备 注:(D 听 力 题 第 四 题 为 一 题 L 5 分,笔 试 题 第 一 题 为 1分,其 他 均 为 一 题 2 分。总 分 为 10。分。(2)现 试 卷 为 A4纸 格 式,最 好 在 第 一 份 打 印 后 整 体 缩 小 复 印。若 直 接 在 电 脑 上 排 版 会 变 乱。听 力 材 料 1.Listen and choose.1)Look!Thi

12、s is my P.E.teacher.He is tall and thin.2)This is my bedroom.There is a big closet near the bed.3)I have eggplants,cabbage,tomatoes for lunch.They aretasty and healthy.4)Im a robot.I can wash my clothes and cook the meals.5)Ifs Wednesday today.We have computer class.6)Look!There is a house near the

13、river.2.Listen and circle.!)-Whafs your computer teacher like?He is young and active.2)-Where is the mirror?Its near the closet.3)-What do you have for lunch today?I have cabbage and fish today.4)-Are you helpful at home?Yes.I can make the bed.5)-Is there a mountain in the park?No,there isnt.But the

14、re is a forest.3.Listen and tick.Dear Ben!My name is Herry.Im a university student.I like Saturdayand Sunday very much.I do my homework and play computeron.On Sunday I often do sports with my friends and watchTV.We often have fish and tofu for lunch on Saturday.Fishis my favorite food.What about you

15、?Can you tell me?4.Listen and write.Hello!Im Kitty.Im thin and funny.My favorite day isTuesday,because we have tomatoes and eggplants for lunchthat day.I often read books at home.Im helpful at home.Ican cook the meals.Look!There is a big tree and manycolorful flowers near my home!How nice!小 学 英 语 背

16、诵 94篇 英 语 阅 读 理 解 短 文 原 始 材 料 Passage 1.WoodpeckerPassage 2.A Busy DayPassage 3.The dog and his reflectionPassage 4.An honest boyPassage 5.A birthday partyPassage 6.The Farmer and the SnakePassage 7.Two Young TreesPassage 8.Hong Kong is a nice placePassage 9.WaterPassage 10.Twins,BedroomPassage 11.D

17、ogsPassage 12.The Best JobPassage 13.A Clever MonkeyPassage 14.What are stars LikePassage 15.Radio and TelevisionPassage 16.Ifs cool behind youPassage 17.Fathers HobbyPassage 18.I don,t think soPassage 19.Seven days in a weekPassage 20.My special FriendPassage 21.A Day in My LifePassage 22.The SeaPa

18、ssage 23.A Good Young PioneerPassage 24.Sea horsePassage 25.A Cat and a BirdPassage 26.A Flying FoxPassage 27.Flying BirdsPassage 28.AirPassage 29.ClocksPassage 30.SwimmingPassage 31.A missing tigerPassage 32.JimPassage 33.A Chinese BoyPassage 34.Jims FamilyPassage 35.Our HousePassage 36.Our Monitor

19、Passage 37.My bedroomPassage 38.A Piece of meatPassage 39.Our ClassroomPassagePassagePassagePassagePassagePassagePassagePassagePassagePassagepassagePassagePassagePassagePassagePassagePassagePassagePassagePassagePassagePassage40.Our school41.A Holiday42.An Old Mouse43.A hungry fox44.Help Each Other45

20、.The Weather46.Whats Happening47.Kangaroos48.A Pair of Shoes49.We get the Wrong car50.Be polite51.The Sun52.Air Jordan53.The strongest power in the world54.Who is the God55.Kites56.Teacher,s Office57.Fall58.Pandas59.Books on How to 60.The Pianist and an Old Woman61.The favorite coatPassage 62.NoiseP

21、assage 63.The dietPassage 64.A cheap mealPassage 65.ComputersPassage 66.Two American presidentsPassage 67.A second language.Passage 68.A snowman.Passage 69.Lucky and unluckyPassage 70.The Great Wall of ChinaPassage71.Helens glassesPassage 72.A desertPassage 73.Animals home.Passage 74.An outingPassag

22、e 75.Go fishingPassage 76.The candy kingPassage 77.YawnPassage 78.Two thievesPassage 79.A Giant KitePassage 80.Once a yearPassage 81.A New DietPassage 82.The frog that changes colorPassage 83.The city of San FranciscoPassage 84.Benjamin FranklinPassage 85.Stop writingPassage 86.The robotsPassage 87.

23、A broken mirror and bad luckPassage 88.Hair and BeardPassage 89.A lovely weekendPassage 90.A bridgePassage 91.A yo-yoPassage 92.Funny presentsPassage 93.Fire fighterPassage 94.Excuse meEdited by Joozone EditorCopyright(c)by J,2004-2010For Evaluation Only.Passage 1.WoodpeckerThere are many apple tree

24、s in a garden.Theyregood friends.One day an old tree is ill.There are many pests in the tree.Leaves of the tree turnyellow.The old tree feels very sad and unwell.Another treesends for a doctor for him.At first,they send for a pigeon,but she has no idea about it.Then they send for an oriole,and she c

25、ant treat the old tree well.Then theysend for a woodpecker.She is a good doctor.Shepecks a hole in the tree and eats lots of pests.At lastthe old tree becomes better and better.Leavesturn green and green.Passage 2.A Busy DayToday is Sunday!On Sundays,I usually play the flute.My father usually reads

26、the newspaper.My motherusually cleans the house.But today my mother isin bed.She is ill.My father has to do the housework.Now,he is cleaning the house.Sam,can you help me?”Yes,Dad!”Now,were washing the car.Wheres my sister,Amy?She is playing my flute.What a lucky girl!Passage 3.The dog and his refle

27、ctionOne day a dog with a piece of meat in his mouth was crossinga plank over a stream.As he walked along,he lookedinto water,and he saw his reflection.He thoughtthis was another dog carryinga piece of meat.And he felt he would like to have two pieces.So he snapped at the reflection in the water,and

28、 of course,as he opened his mouth,the piece of meat disappearedquickly.Passage 4.An honest boyTony is seven years old.He is an honest and polite boy.One day,it was Sunday.Tony,his sister and his motherstayed at home.He was watching TV and his sister wasreading books.His mother was washing clothes.Ju

29、st then,his father came back with a bagof pears.Tony likes pears very much and he wantedto eat one.His mother gave him four and said,Lets sharet h e m.”Which pear do you want,Tony?”asked hismother.The biggest one,mum.“What?”said his mother,“You should be polite and want the smallest one.”“ShouldI te

30、ll a lie just to be polite,mum?”Passage 5.A birthday partyToday is Susans birthday.She is nine years old.Herfriends are in her home now.There is a birthday party inthe evening.Look!Mary is listening to the music.And Tomis drinking orange juice.Jack and Sam are playing cardson the floor.Lily and Amy

31、are watching TV.Someone isknocking at the door.Ifs Henry.He brings a big teddy bearfor Susan.The teddy bear is yellow.Susan is very happy.All the children are happy.They sing a birthday song forSusan.Passage 6.The Farmer and the SnakeIt was a cold winter day.A farmer found a snake on theground.It wa

32、s nearly dead by cold.The Farmer was a kindman.He picked up the snake carefully and put it underthe coat.Soon the snake Began to move and it raised itsmouth and bit the farmer.Oh,My god!”said the farmer,“I save your life,but you thank me in that way.You mustdie.Then he killed the snake with a stick.

33、At last hedied,too.Passage 7.Two Young TreesTwo young trees are standing on the top of the hill.Theirnames are Tim and Alan.One day,its sunny and warm.Some birds are singing in thetrees.The wind blows,and the trees are talking.What doyou want to be when you grow up?”asks Tim.Tm not sure.I think I wa

34、nt to be a chair or a desk.,5 answers Alan,“MaybeI want to bea toy box or a baseball bat.I like children.What doyou want to be when you grow up?”asks Alan.Me?says Tim,“I just want to be a tree.I want to bea house for birds and spiders.I want to have many apples.And when ifs sunny and hot,people and

35、animals can standunder me.”Passage 8.Hongkong is a nice placeHong Kong is a nice place,especially in summer.July isa hot month in Hong Kong.But it s an excellenttime for swimming.There is a beautiful beach at RepulseBay(浅 水 湾).To get there,you can take a bus from Central.Lots of people go to the bea

36、ch on Sundays and Saturdays.But if you go on a weekday,it is will be not socrowded.Visitors to Hongkong need passports.But peoplefrom many countries do not need visas.Hongkong is a niceplace for holiday.There are many shops.Passage 9.WaterWater is very important for living things.Without water,there

37、 must be no life on the earth.All the plants andanimals need water to drink,to cook food and to cleanourselves.Water is needed in farms,factories,offices,schools,families and many other places.Water is found in seas,rivers and lakes.It can be foundeverywhere in the world,and it also can be found in

38、theair.Passage 10.Twins BedroomThis is the twins bedroom.It is a nice room.The two bedslook the same.This bed is Lilys and that one is Lucys.The twins have one desk and two chairs.Their clock,booksand pencil-boxes are on the desk.Their schoolbags arebehind the chairs.Some nice flowers are on the des

39、k.Somenice pictures are on the wall.Is there a kite?Yes,ifsunder Lilys bed.The bedroom is very nice.Passage 11.DogsOne of the animals that help people a lot is the dog.Insome countries,dogs pull wagons.In the cold north,dogspull sleds.There are other ways that dogs help us,too.Policemen usethem to l

40、ook for missing people.Soldiers use them to carryletters and medicine.On farms,dogs take care of sheep andkeep them in the fields.At night,they take the sheep home.Dogs help the blind with work.Some dogs are good and kind.Some dogs are good at another skill.Passage 12.The Best JobBetty is a lazy gir

41、l.She doesnt study hard,and she doesnthelp her mother with the housework,either.What are yougoing to be when you grow up,Betty?Mother asks.Youretoo lazy.No job will ever fit you.”“But I know one,“saysthe girl,Tm going to be Father Christmas,”You want tobe Father Christmas?Mother is surprised,“But wh

42、y?”“Because he works only one day in a whole year.”Passage 13.A Clever MonkeyA little monkey picks up a pumpkin and wants to take ithome.But the pumpkin is too big.The monkeycan,t take it home.Suddenly he sees a panda riding a bike towards him.Hewatches the bike.1 have a good idea.I can roll the pum

43、pkin.It likes a wheel.”So he rolls the pumpkin to his home.When his mother seesthe big pumpkin,she is surprised and says,“How can youcarry it home?The little monkey answers proudly,“1 can,tlift it,but 1 can roll it.His mother smiles and says,“What a clever boy!”Passagel4.What Are Stars Like?Have you

44、 ever wondered about the stars?In some ways,starsare like people.They are born.They grow old.And they die.A star is born from dust and gas.Slowly the dust and gasmake a ball.The ball gets very hot.Then it starts to giveoff light.The young star grows into a giant.Many yearsgo by.The older star begins

45、 to get small again.At lastits light goes out.The stars life is over.Passage 15.Radio and TelevisionRadio and television are very popular in the world today.Millions of people watch TV.Perhaps more peoplelisten to the radio.The TV is more useful than the radio.On TVwe can see and hear what is happen

46、ing in theworld.However,radio isn,t lost.It is still withus.And listeners are becoming more.Thafs because atransistor radio isnt lost.It is still with us.It is very easy to carry.You can put one in your pocketand listen to it on the bus or your bike when you go to work.Passage 16.Ifs cool behind you

47、Ifs two oclock in the afternoon.The sun isshinning and its very hot.Nancy has to meether mother at the train station.Now she s walking in the street.There are no trees andshe s fat.So she feels very hot.But she doesn t finda boy walking just behind her.And she meets a friend andsays“hello”to him.Who

48、 s the boy behind you?v asksthe man.Now she sees the boy.She is angry and asks,“Whyare you walking behind me,boy?”“Theres no shade inthe street,you know.,5 answers the boy.Its coolbehind you,I think.”Passage 17.Fathers HobbyMy dad works from Monday to Friday in a bank,he uses thecomputer to count mo

49、ney.His job is veryimportant in the bank.Dad is also busy at home.At weekends he cooksdinner.Usually he cooks Italian food.On Sundays he makesfive pieces of pizza.Sometimes he cooks chicken andmakes Chinese food.My mum watches and helps him.I helpmy dad,too.I wash the dishes.Many people think it is

50、strange for a man to cook.But mydad enjoys his hobby.Cooking relaxes him.He is a weekendcook.Passage 18.I don,t think soJack is a good boy but he doesnt like to use his head.Heoften says something withou thinking.It makes othersunhappy.Mr.Black teaches math in a school.Hes old now and he likeschildr


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