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《2023年计算机网络基础实验报告新编.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年计算机网络基础实验报告新编.pdf(40页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、计算机网络基础实验报告实验一常用网络命令的使用实验目的:1、掌握几种常用网络命令,并能解释其显示内容的含义;2、理解各命令的含义,并能使用这些命令检测常见网络故障;实验规定:1、按实验内容规定执行各命令,认真记录实验结果;2、对实验结果能解释其意义。实验内容:1、运 营IPconfig命令运营该命令,记录主机名、D N S服务器、适配器信息、主机物理地址、I P地址、子网掩码以及默认网关等。实验结果:C:D o c um e n ts and S e t tin g scydnIpconfigW indows IP C o n fig u ra tio nE the r n e t adapt

2、er 本地连接:Co n nectio n-s pecif i c D N S S u ffix.:/特定连接的dns后缀I P A d dress.:10.4.2 4.1 1 /IP地址:10.4.2 4.1 1S u b ne t Mask.:2 5 5.255.25 5.192/子网掩码:255.2 5 5.255.1 9 2De f a ult Gatewa y.:1默认网关:显示所有的有关I P地址的配置信息C:Do c ume n ts an d S e tt i ng s cydnipco n f i g/a 1 1Windows IP

3、Configura t ion/网络配置窗口Host N am e.:1 s 1 1 主机名:1 sllPrimary Dns Suffix.:/主 DNS 后缀Node Ty p e.:U n k n o wn/节点类型:未知IP R o uting Ena b led.:No/I P 路由启用:否WINS Proxy En a bled.:No/WI N S 代理启用:否Et h er n et a d apter本地连接:/以太网适配器C o nn e ction-spec i fi c D NS S u ff i x.:特定连接的 d ns后缀D esc r i p t i o n.:

4、Marvel 1 Y uko n 8 8E80 5 6PC I-E Gigab i种类:马维尔育空河88e8056 PC I-E 千兆E th e rn e t C o nt r oiler 以太网控制器Ph y s i c a 1A d dress.:0 0-21-97-2 F-F0-06 物理地址D h cp E n abled.:No/动态主机配置协议启用:否IP Address.: P 地址:10.4.2 4.1 1Sub n et M a s k:2 55.255.2 55.19 2子网掩码:255.2 5 5.2 55.192D ef a ult G a t

5、ewa y.:1默认网关: 2DNS S e r v e r s.: 0/D N S 服务器:1、运营p i ng命令运营该命令,分别ping 12,本机I P,网关IP,远 程 I P,本机名,远程域名。并使用一些常用参数,记录结果,解释其含义。C:Docum e n ts and Se t tings c ydn p ing i n g w i t h 3 2 b yt e s o f da t a:Reply from

6、=3 2 t i me 1 ms TTL=128Repl y fr o m 1 2 t e s=3 2 t ime 1ms TTL=12 8R e p ly from y te s=3 2 t ime 1 ms TTL=12 8Reply from y t e s=3 2 time p ing正 在 P in g 12具 有 3 2字节的数据:来 自 12的回复:字节=3 2 时间elms TTL=128来 自的回复:字节=3 2 时间lms TTL=1

7、28来 自 1 2 的回复:字节=32 时间 p i n g 10.4.2 4.11Pi n g i ng with 3 2 b yt e s of d a ta:Rep 1 y from 1 1 :b y t es=3 2 time 1 ms TTL=128Reply from 1 e s=32 timed ms TTL=128Re p ly f r om 1 e s=3 2 tim e 1 ms TTL=12 8Re p ly from 1

8、t i me p i ng 10.4.2 4.11:正 在 Ping具 有 3 2 字节的数据:来 自 10.4.2 4.11:的回复:字节=3 2 时间lm s TTL=1 28来自 1 1:的回复:字节=3 2 时间lm s TTL=128来 自 1:的回复:字节=3 2时间lms TTL=128来 自的回复:字节=3 2 时间nets t a t -A 117.8 1.1 60.1 5 6活动连接协议本地地址 外部地址 状态TCP0.0.0.0:2 1j qq315:0LI S TENINGTCP0.0

9、.0.0:80j qq 3 15:0L ISTENINGTCP0.0.0.0:135j qq31 5:0LISTENINGTCP0.0.0.0:445jqq31 5:0LISTENINGT CP q q315:0LISTENINGTCP0.0.0.0:491 5 3jq q 3 1 5:0LISTEN I NGT CP0.0.0.0:49154j qq31 5:0L I STENINGTCP0.0.0.0:4 915 5j q q315:0LI S TENINGTCP0.0.0.0:49 1 5 6jq

10、q315:0LISTENINGTCP10.4.23.6 2:1 39jqq 3 15:0LISTENINGTCP1 9180j qq315:0LIST ENINGTCP1 9 q 3 1 5:0LISTEN I NGTCP1 9 2.168.24 2.1:139jqq3 1 5:0LIST ENINGTCP::21 jqq 3 15:0 L I STENINGT C P :::8 0 jq q 315:0 LISTENING4、运营arp命令运营该命令,并通过使用其参数添加、删除高速缓存中的静态项目。记录实验结果,理解arp协议的工作原

11、理。C:Doc u m e nts and S e tting s c y d narp-aInterf a ce: 1 0 x2In t e r ne t Add r e s s Phy s ical Add r ess Type10.4.2 4.38 0 0-2 1-97-40-7 d-a 5 dynamic10.4.24.62 O O-O f-e 2-2e-94-18 d yn a mic解释为:C:WindowsSystem 3 2arp a接口:10.4.2 4.11 0 x2In t ern e t地址 物理地址 类型1 0.4.2 4.38 0 0-21-9 7

12、-40-7 d-a 5 动态1 2 0 0-0 f-e2-2e-9 4-18 动态5、运 营 r ou t e 命令运营route p r i n t 命令,记录、解释结果。并与netst a t-r 命令结果相比较。C:D o cum e nt s and Settingsc y d nrou t e p r in tIn t erf a ce List0 x 1.MS TCP Lo o pbac k int e rfa c e0 x2.00 21 97 2 f f0 0 6 Mar v e ll Y u k o n 8 8 E80 5 6 PCI-EGigabit E t

13、 h e r n et Controller-数据包计划程序微型端口Ac t i v e Routes:Ne t wor k D e s t inatio nNetm a skGatewayInter f a ceMe t r i e0. 1201 5.19 4.11 255.2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 51 2 0.255.2 55.25 5 255.25 5.255.2 550.4.2

14、4.1 11 2 2 4 0.0.0010.4.2 4.1 120255.255.255.255 2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5510.4.24.1 11 t Gatew a y:1 0.4.2 4.62Persistent Ro u tes:N o n e解释为:C:W i n d o w s S y s t e m 3 2 r o u t e p r i n t接口列表0 x 1 .微软网络环回接口0 x

15、2 .0 0 2 1 9 7 2 f f 0 0 6 .马维尔育空 8 8 e 8 0 5 6 PC I-E 千兆以太网控制t r o l l e r 数据包计划程序微型端口活动路由:网络目的网络掩码网关接口 跃点数0. 0.4.2 4.6 21 0.4.2 4.1 12 01 0 .4.2 4.02 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5.1 9 21 0.4.2 4.1 11 0.4.2 4.1 12 01 0 .4.2 4 .1 1 2 5 5 .2 5 5 .2 5 5.2 5 51 2 7 .0.0.11 2 01 0.2 5 5.2 5 5.2

16、5 5 2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 51 0.4.2 4.1 11 0.4 .2 4.1 12 01 2 7 .0.0 .0 2 5 5 .0.0.01 2 2 7.0 .0.1224.0.0.0 24 1 1 120255.25 5.255.2 5 5 10.4.2 4.11 1 0.4.2 4.11 1默认网关:10.4.2 4.6 2永久路由:无此结果和ne t s t a t-r 运营结果同样。6、运营n e t 命令运营n e t view命令,记录结果。C:Doc

17、umen t s and Set t ingsc y d nnet view服务器名称 注释Wis iWISHW1S2WIS 2 3 1S241 S 2 5WIS 31 S4W1S5W1S8W2S12 S 1 0W2S1 1W2S 1 2W2S13W2S14W2S15W 2S16W2S17W2S 18W2S19W2S2 2 S20W2S21W 2S22W2S 2 3 2 S 2 42 S252S32S4W2S5W2S6W2S7W2S8W2S9WZJG 1 2 2命令成功完毕。实验二:C isco I O S及静态路由实验目的:1、熟悉实验环境,了解实验室的拓扑结构2、掌握访问相关设备的方法,掌

18、握如何管理Cisco设备。3、掌握C i sco 10 S基本命令。4、掌握静态路由的配置方法。5、掌握默认路由的配置方法和路由总结。实验环境:实验室路由网络环境如下图所示,每个小组有5台路由器,并通过 本地连接”与其它小组相连。由于设备数量众多,为方便管理及维护,统 一 使 用te ln e t的方式访问设备。访问指定的设备请使用:te ln e t+服 务 器IP +指定端标语。一、Cisco IOS实验拓扑图:S e ctio n 1C is c o IOS O verview实验环节及规定:1、由授课教师负责分派设备并且进行实验演示。2、每个人按照教师演示方法登录到自己的设备上。3、熟

19、悉以下基本命令的使用方法。必要参数 可选参数 任选参数R o u t e r e n a b l e /进入特权模式R o u t e r#c l o c k s e t _hh:mm:s s d ay _month y ear/设立设备时间R o u t e r#c o n f i g u r e t e r m i n a l 进入全局配置模式R o u t e r (c o n f i g )#h o s t n a m e wo r d/设立设备名R o u t e r (c o n f i g)#e n a b 1 e s e e r e t pa s s word/设立设备 e n

20、 a b l e 加密密码R o u t e r (c o n f i g)#e n a b l e p a s s w o r d _ p a s s w r d /设立设备 e n a b 1 e 普通密码R o u t e r (c o n f i g)#b a n n e r m o t d _start-wor d 设立设备的登录线程提醒R o u t e r(c o n f i g)#i n t e r f a c e t y pe _m o du 1 e/port/进入具体接口R o u t e r (c o n f i g-i f)#d e s c r i p t i o n

21、_wo ref 为具体接口设立描述字符串R o u t e r (c o n f i g-i f)#i p a dd r e s s ip a d dr e ss 定义 I P 地址R o u t e r (c o n f i g-i f )#n o s h u t d o w n 将接口置于打开状态R o u t e r (c o n f i g-i f )#e x i t /回到全局配置模式R o u t e r (c o n f i g)#l i n e c o n 0 进入线路 0 (C o n s o l e 口)R o u t e r (c o n f i g-1 i n e)#p

22、ass w o r d _p a s swo r d 设立线路密码R o u t e r (c o n f i g 1 i n e )#l o g i n 允许从该线路登陆设备Rou t e r (c o n f i g-l i n e)#e x i tR o u t e r(c o n f i g )#l i n e a u x 0R o u t e r (c o n f i g-1 i n e)#p a s s w o r d _ p as s wo r dR o u t e r (c o n f i g -l i n e)#l o g i nR o u t e r (c o n f i

23、g-1 i n e )#e x i tR o u t e r (c o n f i g)#l i n e v t y 0 4R o u t e r (c o n f i g-l i n e)#p a s s w o r d _p a s s wo r c f R o u t e r (c o n f i g-l i n e )#l o g i n 配置V T Y 线路的l o g i n以及p a s s,以便远程登陆R o u t e r (c o n f i g-1 i n e)#e x i t4、建立一个回环接口,设立其I P 地址为L 1.1 .1 /3 2 oR o u t e r

24、(c o n f i g)#i n t e r f a c e l o o p b a c k 0R o u t e r(c o n f i g i f)#i p a ddr e s s 1 .1.1.1 2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5R o u t e r (c o n f i g-i f )#e x i t5、按照拓扑图将每台路由器接口上的地址配好。6 使用s h o w i n t e r f a c e 命令检查接口是否工作正常。London#show interfaceFastEthemetO/O is up,line protocol is up(connected

25、)Hardware is Lance,address is 0001.4338.bOOl(bia 0001.4338.bOOl)Internet address is 1S00 bytes,BW 100000 Kbit,DLY 100 usee,reliability 255/2S5,txload 1/2S5,rxload 1/2S5Encapsulation ARPA,loopback not setARP type:ARPA,ARP Timeout 04:00:00,Last input 00:00:08,output 00:00:05,output hang

26、 neverLast clearing of show interface counters neverInput queue:0/75/0(size/max/drops);Total output drops:0Queueing strategy:fifoOutput queue:0/40(size/max)S minute input rate 0 bits/sec,0 packets/secS minute output race 0 bits/sec,0 packets/sec0 packets inputr 0 bytes,0 no bufferReceived 0 broadcas

27、ts,0 runts,0 giantsr 0 throttleg0 input errors,0 CRC,0 frame,0 overrun,0 ignored,0 abort0 input packets with dribble condition defected0 packets outputr 0 bytes,0 underrunsFlorence#show interfaceFaatEthernetO/O is up,line protocol is up(connected)Hardware is Lance,address is 000.2f43.0401(bia 0060.2

28、f43.0401)Internet address is 1500 bytes,BW 100000 Kbit,DLY 100 usee,reliability 2S5/25S,txload 1/255,rxload 1/255Encapsulation AXPA,loopback not getARP type:ARPA,ARP Timeout 04:00:00,Lame input 00:00:08,output 00:00:OS,output hang neverLas,C clearing of show interface counters neverIn

29、put queue:0/75/0(size/max/drops);Total output drops:0Queueing strategy:fifoOutput queue:0/40(size/max)5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec,0 packets/sec5 minute output race 0 bits/sec,0 packet;s/sec4 packers input,S12 bytes,0 no bufferReceived 0 broadcasts,0 runts,0 giants,0 th工ottleg0 input errors,0 CRC,

30、0 frame,0 overrun,0 ignored,0 abort0 input packets with dribble condition detected4 packers output,512 bytes,0 underruns0 output errors,0 collisions,1 interface resets0 babbles,0 late collision,0 deferred0 losr carrier,0 no carrierDerrvertshow interfaceFastEthernet0/0 is up,line protocol is up(conne

31、cted)Hardware is Lance,addzess is 0050.0fba.e401(bia 00S0.0fba.e401)Internet address is 1S00 bytes,BW 100000 Kbit,DLY 100 usee,reliability 255/255,txload 1/2S5,zxload 1/2S5Zncapsulaion ARPAr loopback not getARP type:ARPA,ARP Timeout 04:00:00,Last;input 00:00:08,output 00:00:05,output

32、hang neverLast;clearing of show interface*counters neverInput queue:0/7S/0(size/max/drops);Total output drops:0Queueing strategy:fifoOutput queue:0/40(size/max)5 minute input rate 12 bits/sec,0 packets/secS minute output rate 12 bits/sec,0 packet;s/sec9 packets input,1152 bytes,0 no bufferReceived 0

33、 broadcasts,0 rxinta,0 giantsr 0 throttles0 input errors,0 CRC,0 frame,0 overrun,0 ignored,0 abort0 input packets with dribble condition detected9 packets outputr 11S2 bytes,0 underzuns0 output errors,0 collisions,1 interface resets0 babblesr 0 late collision,0 deferred0 lost carrier,0 no carrier7、使

34、用p i ng命令检查相邻设备的连通性。Londontping escape sequence to abort.Sending 5,100-byte ICMP Echos to,timeout is 2 seconds:I I I ISuccess rate is 80 percent(4/5),round-trip min/avg/max=1/2/5 xasFlorencetping escape sequence to abort.Sending 5,100-byte ICMP Echos to,ti

35、meout is 2 seconds:Success rate is 80 percent(4/5),round-trip min/avg/max=3/4/msDerrvertping escape sequence to abort.Sending Sr 100-byte ICMP Echos to,timeout is 2 seconds:Success rate is 100 percent(5/5),round-trip min/avg/max=3/4/6 ms?PCO物理 配置 桌面8、使用copy run s tar t命令保存配置。Lo

36、ndon#copy run startDestination filename startup-config?Building configuration.OK9、使用s h。w ver sion查 看I OS版本信息和配置寄存器值。Londontshow versionCisco IOS Software,2800 Software enablePassword:Londontping escape sequence to abort.Sending 5,100-byte ICMP Echos to,timeout is 2 seconds:Suc

37、cess rate is 80 percent(4/5),round-trip min/avg/max=4/26/74 ms10.0.0.0/8 is variably subnetted,4 subnets,2 masksccccLoopbackOLoopbacklFastEthernetO/1FaatEthernetO/OSSssss10.1.1.0/24 is directly connected, is directly connected, is directly connected, is directly conn

38、ected. 1/0 via is variably i subnetted172.16.1.0/241/0via10.3.3.2172.16.2.0/271/0via10.3.3.2172.16.3.0/241/0via10.3.3.2172.16.3.0/271/0via10.3.3.2172.16.4.0/241/0via10.3.3.2,S subnets,2 masksLondontping escape sequence to abort.Sending 5,100-byte IC

39、MP Echos to,timeout is 2 seconds:Success rate is 100 percent(5/S),round-trip min/avg/max=78/90/94 msRouertping escape sequence to abort.Sending S,100-byte ICMP Echos to,timeout is 2 seconds:i i iSuccess rate is 60 percent(3/5),round-trip min/avg/max=62/62/63 msRo

40、unertping escape sequence to abort-Sending 5,100-byte ICMP Echos to,timeout is 2 seconds:i i i i iSuccess rate is 100 percent(5/5)f round-trip min/avg/max=31/31/32 msRouterAping escape sequence to abort.Sending 5,100-byte ICMP Echos to,timeout is 2

41、 seconds:i i i i iDenvertping escape sequence to abort.Sending 5r 100-byte ICMP Echos to,timeout is 2 seconds:i i i i iSuccess zate is 100 percent(5/5),round-trip min/avg/max=62/62/63 ms5、配置静态路由(不允许配置默认路由和总结路由),让网络全互通,并且使用sh owi p r out e命令查看路由表。L o nd o n(config)#ip rout e 1 7

42、2.1 6.1.0 2 5 5 .2 5 5.2 5 5.0 1 0.3.3 .2指定到1 7 2.1 6.1.0/2 4的路由所有发往1 o n(conf i g )#ip r o ut e 1 7 2.1 6.2.0 2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5.2 2 4 1 don(config)#i p rout e 1 7 2 .1 6.3.0 2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5.0 1 d on(con f ig)#ip r out e 1 9 2.1 6 8.1 .0 2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5.0 1 0 .3

43、.3.2F 1 o r e n ce(confi g )#ip ro u t e 1 2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5.0 1 r ence(c on f ig)#ip ro u t e 1 2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5.2 2 4 1 l o r e n c e(config)#i p rou t e 1 72.1 6.1.0 2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5.0 1 72.1 6 .3.1F l or ence(confi g)#ip rout e 1 7 2 .1 6.2.0 2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5

44、 5.2 2 4 1 72.1 6.3.1D enver(config)#ip rout e 1 0.1 .1.0 2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5.0 1 7 2.1 6.3.2D env e r(co n fi g )#i p r ou t e 1 2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5.2 2 4 1 72.1 6.3.2D e nver(conf i g)#ip rout e 1 2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5.0 1 72.1 6.3.2D e n ver(c o n f ig)#i p rou t e 1 9 2.1 6 8.1 .0 2 5 5.

45、2 5 5 .2 5 5.0 1 72.1 6.3.26、在“London”和“D enver”上对原先所配置的静态路由进行尽量的总结(必须去掉原先配置的路由,不允许用默认路由),并且使用Show ip r o u t e 命令查看路由表。London(c onf i g)#no ip ro u te 172.1 6.1.0 2 5 5.2 5 5.2 5 5.0使用n o+已存在命令,则删除该命令London(config)#no ip r o ut e 2 5 5.2 55.2 5 5.224 1 o nd o n(c onfig

46、)#no ip r oute 255.2 5 5.2 55.0 1 on f i g)#i p route 17 n f i g)#no ip ro u t e 1 2 55.25 5.2 5 5.0 e nver(co n fi g)#no ip route 1 255.2 5 5.255.22 4 172.1 6.3.2Den ver(co nfig)#no ip rout e 2 55

47、.255.2 5 5.0 17 v er(con f ig)#i p rout e 2 ip routeCodes:C-connected,S-static,I-IGRP,R-RIP,M-mobile,B-BGPD-EIGRP,EX-EIGRP external,O-OSPF,IA-OSPF inter areaN1-OSPF NSSA external type 1,N2-OSPF NSSA external type 2El-OSPF external type lr E2-OSPF e

48、xternal type 2,E-EGPi-IS-IS,LI-IS-IS level-1,L2-IS-IS level-2r ia-IS-IS inter area*-candidate default,U-per-user gtatiu route,o-ODRP-periodic downloaded static routeGateway of last;resort is not set10.0.0.0/8 is variably aubneted,4 subnets,2 masksCCCC10.1.1.0/24 is directly connected, is

49、directly connected, is directly connected, is directly connected.LoopbackOLoopback1FastEthernetO/lFastEthernetO/07、在“Lo n don”和“De n v e r 上去掉环节6 所配置的路由,改用默认路由,并且使用s h o w ip r o u t e 命令查看路由表。London(co n fig)#no i p r o ute 1 7 2.1 6.0.0 255.2 55.0.0 1 o nd o n(config

50、)#i p route e n v er(conf i g)#no ip r o ut e e nver(config)#ip r o ute 1 72.1 6.3.2从 PC0到 PCIPCping with 32 byres of data:Reply from from from fro


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