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《2023届广州市普通高中毕业班英语冲刺训练题(三).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023届广州市普通高中毕业班英语冲刺训练题(三).docx(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2023年广州市普通高中毕业班冲刺训练题(三)英语本试卷共10页,满分120分。考试用时120分钟。注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、试室号和座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试 卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。并在答题卡相应位置上填涂考生号。因笔试不考听力, 试卷从第二部分开始,试题序号从“21”开始。2 .作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如 需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试卷上。3 .非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应 位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案

2、,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按 以上要求作答无效。4 .考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ASummer ProgramsISSOSThe ISSOS summer school program offers high school students the opportunity to combine learning, creative enrichment and action-packed ad

3、venture in the historic campus of Yale University. Our three-week program welcomes students from over 60 nationalities, and limits the number of students from one nationality to 10% in order to guarantee a truly international experience.Students choose from a variety of academic and elective subject

4、s and benefit from full activities, cultural trip and workshop program. In addition, students are supervised (指导)by summer school advisors who make sure the summer school is fun and that all students make friends from around the world.Summer Institute for the GiftedThe Summer Institute for the Gifte

5、d(SIG) is a program of the AIFS Foundation, a not-for-profitorganization. At Yale, SIG offers a 3-week summer academic program for gifted and academically talented students aged 13-17. At SIG, students take 4 classes from the subject areas of STEAM, arts, and recreation.A+ Summer ProgramEducation Un

6、limited is a privately held California Corporation with the mission of giving every high school注意:1 .续写词数应为150左右;2 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。“I have to show it to my class J Amy cried excitedly.Finally, it was the day to report.2023届广州市高考英语冲刺题(三)英语试题译文第二部分阅读 第一节A试题来源:武汉市2023届高中毕业生四月调研考试 译文如下:暑期项目ISSOSISSOS

7、暑期学校项目为高中生提供了在耶鲁大学历史悠久的校园里学习、丰 富创意和冒险的机会。为期三周的课程欢迎来自60多个国家的学生,并将一个 国家的学生人数限制在10%,以保证真正的国际体验。学生可以选择各种学术和选修科目,并受益于完整的活动、文化之旅和研讨 会计划。此外,学生们还会受到暑期学校顾问的指导,他们会确保暑期学校很有 趣,并且所有的学生都能交到来自世界各地的朋友。资优暑期学院资优暑期学院(SIG)是AIFS基金会的一个非营利性项目组织。在耶鲁大学, SIG为13-17岁的有天赋和学术天赋的学生提供为期三周的暑期学术课程。在SIG, 学生从STEAM、艺术和娱乐的主题领域中学习4门课程。A+

8、暑期课程教育无限是加州一家私人控股公司,其使命是为每一位高中生提供进入所选 择的大学的最佳机会。他们独特的暑期项目包括在耶鲁大学举办的A+暑期项目,这是一个独一无二 的机会,可以参与到一个鼓励高级思维、创造性解决问题和终身热爱学习的环境 中。国会辩论2023年夏季辩论营将于6月28日至7月9日在耶鲁大学举行。学生将培养 公共演讲、做研究、写作和批判性思维的技能,从而获得更好的学习成绩。为期 两周的课程将为学生提供正确的思维方式、技能、工具和关键的沟通技巧,这些 都是在许多演讲领域取得成功所必需的。B试题来源:武汉市2023届高中毕业生四月调研考试译文如下:不要称麦迪逊斯图尔德为环保主义者。她只

9、把自己看作是一个采取行动来 保护她所爱的、需要保护的东西的个体。尽管年轻,24岁的她却是一名海底老手。12岁时,她乘父母的船绕着大堡 礁航行,早年自由潜水,耐心地等待着获得水肺潜水证书的那一天。麦迪逊已经 对鲨鱼留下了深刻的印象,现在他很高兴能够在它们自己的世界里观察它们。“我 开始了解鲨鱼我能一眼认出它们,”麦迪逊说。“其他人在成长过程中有狗陪 伴。我有鲨鱼。”但在几年内,她看到珊瑚礁上的鲨鱼数量大幅减少。她说:“有一天,我去 了水里,到处都找不到我的鲨鱼了,我小时候就和鲨鱼在一起。”“他们被抓了, 被杀了。”这对麦迪逊来说是个重要的时刻。她14岁离开学校,在家自学,这样她就可以花更多的时间

10、在海洋里。她自 学拍摄水下视频,记录鲨鱼在它们自己的世界里,并与他人分享她的惊奇感。她 开设了一个YouTube频道,并为她的纪录片建立了大量粉丝,她关注的问题包括 对某些鲨鱼物种的保护不足和全球鱼翅产业。2014年,麦迪逊成为鼓舞人心的纪录片鲨鱼女孩(Shark Girl)的主角, 这部纪录片将她介绍给了全球观众。2017年,她以“海洋守护者”的身份出现在 纪录片蓝色中,该片探讨了世界海洋环境面临的许多威胁,包括全球鲨鱼渔 业的破坏性影响。这部电影鼓励观众参与其中,个人通过自己的直接行动做出改 变,这影响力是永远不会被低估的。试题来源:武汉市2023届高中毕业生四月调研考试译文如下:美国加州

11、大学旧金山分校的医生们开发了一款可以读心术的软件。该项目得 到了脸书的支持,希望能够帮助那些由于医疗条件而无法与他人交流的人。到目前为止,帮助有语言障碍的人交流的技术速度太慢,无法进行自然的对 话。人们发现这些东西用起来很不舒服。这种新方法利用大脑信号将一个人的想 法转化为文字。当我们想说话时,大脑会发出信号,让嘴唇、下巴和舌头以正确 的方式运动,发出可以理解的声音。通过发现这些大脑信号,新软件能够快速预 测一个人想说什么,以便进行对话。该读脑软件在三名能像健康人一样说话的志愿者身上进行了测试。他们正在 接受癫痫治疗。作为癫痫病治疗的一部分,每个病人的大脑上都放置了电极。领 导这项研究的爱德华

12、张使用这些电极记录患者在听一系列问题并回答问题时大 脑中的信号。Chang和他的团队随后创建了 一个计算机程序,将患者的大脑信号与患者听 到和说的话相匹配。对于这些问题,该软件在76%的时间里匹配了正确的单词。 对于答案,它匹配正确单词的率为61%。现在,这种读心术软件只能对训练它的有限的句子起作用。科学家们希望这 个早期的系统能帮助他们开发出一个更强大的系统,可以实时理解人们的想法, 让人们重新发声。Chang说:“作为科学家,我们应该尽最大努力帮助人们恢复最 重要、最基本的人类能力。”D试题来源:青岛市2023年高三年级第一次适应性检测 译文如下:每个人都知道怎样才能写出好故事。我们的英雄

13、从一个有缺陷的人开始了他 们的旅程。在一个又一个场景中,他们面临着推动他们走上新道路的挑战。在故 事的结尾,他们克服了挫折,在这个过程中成为了一个更好的人。我们喜欢小说中的情节,但好故事的原则提供的不仅仅是娱乐。最近的研究 表明,我们告诉自己关于生活的故事可以有力地帮助我们从压力中恢复过来。那 些在自己的生活中有艰苦奋斗和能翻开新一页的故事的人似乎有更好的心理健 康状态。丹麦克亚当斯教授提出了这一观点,并发现一个人是否有描述过去发 生的事情的能力是心理健康的一个重要预测指标。另一个关键的指标是在压力事 件后找到某种积极的意义。麦克亚当斯邀请14到15岁的孩子参加一项实验,让他们写下自己的失败和

14、 成功经历。然后,他们中的一半人被给予额外的指示,描述他们是如何实现成功 的,以及失败是如何让他们变得更好的。八周后,这组学生表现出了更强的毅力 和更好的学业成绩。尽管这些结果令人兴奋,但一些专家也提出了一些警告。他们担心,听到自 我叙述的力量,许多人可能会觉得他们必须在生活中找到一个积极的转折点。如 果他们做不到,他们可能会因为某种程度上的“失败”而感到内疚。显然,自我叙述并不是万灵药。然而,如果你希望自我提升,你可以利用这 些发现来取得好的效果。认识到自己是奋斗中心的英雄,我们都能成为自己命运 的主宰,让自己变得更好。第二节试题来源:2023届潍坊市第一次模拟考试译文如下:很少有什么自然的

15、声音能比黑冠山雀欢快的叫声和歌声更能振奋我的精神。 我早晨的习惯之一就是走出家门,倾听黑冠山雀的声音。黑冠山雀的出现让我感到欣慰。而且通常情况下,它们在被看到之前就被听 到了。有时,它们是我在当地森林散步时唯一能听到的鸟,对我来说,没有它们,森林将是一个更孤独的地方。在我搬进安克雷奇山坡上的一所房子后,我在家里的屋后上放了一个临时喂 食器。一天之内,黑帽子们就接受了我的邀请,共进晚餐。对于每一个黑冠山雀, 动作是相似的;冲进去,四下看了看,瞄了一眼托盘,又四下看了看,然后冲出去。 这些神经质的小生物,充满了明亮的能量,他们的滑稽方式很快就让我笑了起来。 当他们继续往前走的时候,我感觉到一股罕见

16、的迷恋和喜悦涌上心头。几天之内,一个全新的世界向我敞开了大门,我从未见过,甚至想象不到的 林地邻居加入了我喂食器旁的黑冠鸟;红胸雀,普通的红雀值得注意的是,所 有这些物种都是安克雷奇地区的普通居民。然而在之前的岁月里,我对此一无所 知。我对鸟类新发现的兴趣迅速增长,连我自己都感到惊讶。一开始只是好奇, 后来发展成一种强烈的热情。我去书店寻找观鸟指南。兴奋地和一个陌生人交换 了对鸟类的描述。买了 50磅一袋的葵花籽。对于一个从未被鸟类吸引过的中年 人来说,这一切似乎都很奇怪。更重要的是,我以前认为观鸟者是相当乏味的一 类人。黑冠鸟在我的感情中占有特殊的地位。它们提醒我,只要我努力去关注,我 的世

17、界就会变得更加广阔和丰富。我想知道,在我们的世界里,还有什么我还没 有发现或注意到的东西在等着我呢?第三部分语言运用第一节试题来源:选自2023届吉林省白山市高三二模译文如下:雅各布麦克法兰喜欢给他的父母煮咖啡。现在,这位21岁的自闭症患者 拥有了自己的咖啡馆。为他爸爸煮咖啡是他的爱好。这使他感到非常高兴。雅各布是他父亲的头号 粉丝,而且他喜欢咖啡。所以,雅各爱他父亲爱的一切。雅各布全神贯注地研究各种各样的问题,比如用什么豆子最合适,用什么水最好,水温如何,还有整个 过程的技术。他的父母在镇上开了一家唱片店,有时他们不得不暂时关闭它,因为它不是 一个重要的业务。雅各布当时19岁,高中毕业,还在

18、继续教育课程,但那些课 程也停止了。因此,这家人决定在他们的店外做一个咖啡推车。咖啡车是一种吸引顾客的方式即使他们不能在店里买唱片。这样做有双 重好处,因为雅各布可以记录下他成为咖啡师的梦想。咖啡生意不仅成功了,还改变了雅各布的生活。这家咖啡馆的规模进一步扩 大,雇佣了其他有残疾的年轻人,并帮助他们在未来找到工作。拥有这个生意也 对雅各布的社交有帮助。他发现了自己社交的一面。如果明天这一切都消失了, 雅各布这两年半的进步就值得了。第二节试题来源:选自浙江省杭州市2022.2023学年高三下学期教学质量检测(二模) 译文如下:咖啡师创造咖啡艺术是很常见的,但在茶上做同样的事情是完全不同的。80

19、岁的上海居民韩哲明(音译)将这一技艺做到了极致,他在杯子里创造了茶艺,这 在宋朝(960-1279)曾是一种惯例。在过去的几十年里,他用茶和勺子根据古代绘 画创作了近200种图案。这也是他想把古老的仪式带回现代生活,让更多的人欣赏它的魅力的设想。 韩说,现代冲泡中的点茶可以提高茶的味道。“它类似于咖啡上面的泡沫,只不 过它是由茶而不是牛奶制成的。”中国茶文化在唐代(618-907)开始流行,并在整个宋代蓬勃发展,当时茶已经 成为几乎每个人的必需品,从贵族,学者到普通人,就像其他重要物品一样,如 大米,油和盐,宋代政治家和思想家王安石提到。与唐代泡茶的方法完全不同,在宋代,流行的喝茶方式是通过点

20、茶。把热水 倒在细粉茶上的动作叫做“点”。因此得名茶点,并于2019年被列为江苏省镇江 市润州区非物质文化遗产。第四部分写作第一节试题来源:(选自浙江省杭州市2022-2023学年高三下学期教学质量检测(二模)你是某国际学校学生会主席。你校准备组织一次“让文物活起来(Bring Cultural Relics to Life)的活动,请你用英语写一篇开幕辞,欢迎参加活动的师生。 内容包括:1 .表示欢迎:2 .活动目的;3 .活动内容。第二节试题要求:读后续写素材来源:牛津英语教材生活第6册(Life: 6)译文如下:一天下午,艾米放学回家的路上,她看到周围到处都是对称的图像:人们的脸 上,她

21、经过的建筑物里,以及经过的汽车里。甚至是铺满人行道的秋叶。一只蝴 蝶落在她头顶的树枝上,艾米突然停了下来。她屏住呼吸,微笑着,看着它张开 又合上完美对称的翅膀。整整一个月,艾米的班级一直在学习不同形式的对称,艾米被深深地吸引住 了。他们观察到小提琴的镜像对称和海星的旋转对称。他们甚至用显微镜研究了 对称,并用手机相机记录下了对称之美。现在,他们的科学老师加西亚先生给他 们布置了最后的作业:找到对称的最美丽的例子,并就此向全班作报告。“对称的最美丽的例子。这到底是什么呢?“艾米问自己。最后,她决定用 显微镜找到一个。艾米花了好几个小时在花园里检查细胞、石块和池塘里的水珠。 虽然她被眼前的景象惊呆

22、了,但没有一个是真正美丽的。“你要带什么来上课?”艾米在去学校的公交车上问她的朋友凯西。“一架模 型飞机,”凯茜自豪地回答。“我哥哥马修也会带他的吉他来。”那些东西很好, 艾米想,但一定有更美丽的东西。那天晚上,她一直守着显微镜,直到父亲喊道:“进去,艾米。”外面冷死了。 天气预报说要下雪。”艾米的心一沉。在显微镜下可以研究的东西会更少。雪会像毯子一样覆盖这 片区域,遮住一切。她的作业再过几天就要交了。艾米在收拾显微镜时开始感到 恐慌。接着,她看到一个白色的东西被吹到了显微镜的台上。是的!雪花!她透 过显微镜看,被它的美惊呆了。“我得把它拿给全班看,”艾米兴奋地叫道。终于,汇报的日子到了。st

23、udent the best possible chance of gaining acceptance into the college of their choice.Their unique summer offerings include the A+ Summer Program hosted at Yale, which is a one-of-a kind opportunity to be involved in an environment that encourages advanced thinking, creative problem-solving, and a l

24、ifelong love of learning.Capitol DebateThe 2023 Summer Debate Camp will be held at Yale University from June 28 to July 9. Students will build public speaking, research, writing and critical thinking skills, leading to better academic performance. The two-week program will provide students with the

25、proper mindset, skillset, toolset and critical communication skills needed for success in many fields of speech.21. What can people do in ISSOS summer school program?A. Learn to speak a foreign language.B. Make friends with native students.C. Engage in cultural and academic activities.D. Take electi

26、ve courses given by supervisors.22. Which program can help students gain admission into university?A. ISSOS summer school program.B. A+ Summer Program.C. Summer Institute for the Gifted. D. Capitol Debate. 23. What do the listed summer programs have in common?A. They target at undergraduates.B. They

27、 last for the whole summer.C. They focus on academic lectures.D. They are hosted at Yale University.BDont call Madison Steward an environmentalist. She sees herself simply as an individual taking action in defense of something she loves thats in need of protection.Despite her youth, the 24-year-old

28、is an undersea veteran (老手).She grew up sailing around the Great Barrier Reef on her parents5 boat and spent her early life free diving while patiently waiting for the day when she could get her scuba diving (水肺潜水)certification, aged 12. Already impressed by sharks, Madison was now pleased to be abl

29、e to observe them in their own world. I got to know the sharks. I could recognize them by sight,“ Madison says. Other people had dogs around them growing up. I had sharks.”But within a couple of years, she saw a great reduction in shark numbers on the reef. One day I went in the water and couldnt fi

30、nd my sharks anywhere, sharks Id spent my childhood with J she says. Theyd been caught and killed. It was a critical moment for Madison.She left school at 14 to be homeschooled so she could spend more time in the ocean. She taught herself to shoot underwater video to document sharks in their own wor

31、ld and share her sense of wonder with others. Shelaunched a YouTube channel and built huge following for her documentaries where she focuses on issues like inadequate protection for some shark species and the global shark fin (鳍)industry.In 2014, Madison was the subject of the encouraging documentar

32、y Shark Girl, which introduced her to a global audience. In 2017, she appeared as an “Ocean Guardian in the documentary Blue that explored a lot of threats to the worlds marine environments, including the damaging effect of the global shark fishery. The film that encourages viewers to get involved a

33、nd the individual to make a difference by their own direct action would never be underestimated.24. What did Madison do before getting her scuba diving certification?A. She went boating alone.B. She practised free diving.C. She went sailing around Australia.D. She protected the Great Barrier Reef.25

34、. Why did Madison shoot underwater video to document sharks?A. To record sharks world of wonder.B. To popularize her photography works.C. To raise awareness of shark conservation.D. To spare more time to accompany sharks.26. Which of the following may agree with Madisons philosophy?A. Many hands mak

35、e light work.B. Action speaks louder than words.C. Together we can make a difference.D. Personal influence cant be ignored.27. Whafs the purpose of writing this passage?A. To introduce an influential conservationist.B. To advertise some encouraging documentaries.C. To inspire people to protect whate

36、ver they love.D. To inform people how to preserve marine wildlife.CDoctors at the University of California, San Francisco, in the US, have developed a piece of software that can read minds. The project, supported by Facebook, hopes to help people who, because of medical conditions, are unable to com

37、municate with others.Until now, technologies that have helped speech-impaired (语言障碍)people communicate have been tooslow to allow a natural conversation. People find these things upsetting to use. This new way uses brain signals to change a persons thoughts into text. When we want to speak, the brai

38、n sends signals to make the lips, jaws and tongue move in the right way to make an understandable sound. By discovering these brain signals, the new software is able to predict what a person wants to say quickly enough to hold a conversation.The brain-reading software was tested on three volunteers

39、who could all speak like healthy people. They were being treated for epilepsy(癫痫).As part of their treatment for epilepsy, each patient had electrodes (电极)placed onto their brain. Edward Chang, who led the study, used these electrodes to record the signals in the patients9 brain while they listened

40、to a list of questions and answered them.Chang and his team then built a computer program that learned to match the patients9 brain signals to the words the patients heard and the words the patients spoke. For the questions, the software matched the correct words 76% of the time. For the answers, it

41、 matched the correct words 61% of the time.Now, the mind-reading software works only for the limited set of sentences on which it was trained. Scientists hope that this early system will help them develop a more powerful one that could understand thoughts in real time to give people their voices bac

42、k. Chang said, “We as scientists should try our best to help people to bring that most important and basic human ability back.,28. What is the disadvantage of previous technologies?A. They couldnt read peoples minds correctly.B. They couldnt make communication understandable.C. They couldnt serve th

43、e purpose of natural conversation.D. They couldnt let medical condition change for the better.29. How does the software help people?A. By changing peoples mind into text.B. By sending signals to their lips.C. By organizing conversations for them.D. By training them how to speak.30. What can we know

44、about the mind-reading software according to the last paragraph?A. It has been used on a wide scale.B. It has restored the basic human ability.C. It still has plenty of room for improvement.D. It has enhanced human real-time conservation.31. What is the attitude of the author towards the mind-readin

45、g software?A. Favorable.B. Objective. C. Intolerant. D. Doubtful.DEveryone knows what makes a good story. Our hero starts their journey as a flawed being. In scene after scene, they face challenges that push them down new paths. By the end of the tale, they overcome setbacks and become a better pers

46、on in the process.We love these plots in the novels we read but the principles of a good story offer much more than entertainment. Recent research shows that the narratives we tell ourselves about our lives can powerfully help us recover from stress. People who generate tales of struggling and turni

47、ng over a new leaf from their own lives appear to have much better mental health. Professor Dan McAdams put forward this idea and discovered that whether someone can describe having had some control over events in their past is an important predictor of mental health. Another key theme involved is f

48、inding some kind of positive meaning after stressful events.McAdams invited 14 and 15-year-olds to join in an experiment to write about their experiences of failure and success. Half of them were then given extra instructions to describe the ways they had made their success a reality and how the failure had changed them for the better. Eight weeks later, members of this group reported greater persistence and better grades in their schoolwork.Exciting as these results are, some experts sound a fe


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