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《广东省江门市蓬江区省实学校2021-2022学年七年级下学期期中检测英语试题.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省江门市蓬江区省实学校2021-2022学年七年级下学期期中检测英语试题.pdf(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、广东省江门市蓬江区省实学校2021-2022学年七年级下学期期中检测英语试题一、听录音选图片1.When did Lucy meet her good friend?3.What is Susan going to buy for her mother?二、听短对话选答案6.What are NOT inside the noodles?A.Meat.B.Tomatoes.C.Carrots.7.Which character(角色,人物)does the woman like best?A.Monkey King.B.Mulan.C.Mickey Mouse.8.Whats wrong wi

2、th Jack?A.He has a headache.B.He has a toothache.C.He has a stomach ache.9.What should the woman do?A.Listen to some loud music.B.Drink a cup of tea.C.Listen to some light music.10.How will they visit the park?A.By bus.B.On foot.C.By bike.三、听长对话选答案听一段对话,回答下面两个小题。11.How does Sue like her new school?A

3、.She likes it a lot.B.She doesnt like it.C.She thinks ifs ok.12.Why does Sue like her Chinese teacher so much?A.She is very strict.B.She makes her classes fun in many ways.C.She isnice.听一段对话,回答下面三个小题。13.What are they doing now?A.Doing sports on the playground.B.Having a good meal atthe mans home.C.H

4、aving a dinner in a restaurant.14.What is the girfs favourite sport?A.Basketball.B.Football.C.Skiing.15.The man enjoys so many kinds of spor t doing them watching them on TV talking about them四、听短文选答案听一段独白,回答下面各小题。16.They will stay at New York Language School week B.two we

5、eks C.three weeks试卷第2 页,共 12页17.There are classes in a whole(整个的)day.A.3B.5C.718.You can have your home19.You can join club20.The speaker is_.A.a student from the restaurants the school dining hall_ after club clubB a teacher from New

6、 York Language School C.apenfriend from the USA听一段独白,回答下面各小题。21.Mr.and Mrs.Brown live in.A.a big city B.a small town C.the countryside22.Mr.Brown used his key to open the.A.front door B.back door door23.Mr.Browns wife and child were when he came back home last night.A.watching TV B.reading C.s

7、leeping24.Mr.Brown didnt when he lost his key and came back very late.A.ring the bell(响铃)B.knock(敲)at the window C.telephone his wife25.Mr.Brown said“Mother”like a little child b e c a u s e.A.his mother was in his houseB.he wanted his wife to wake upC.he wanted to talk to his child五、听短文填表你将听到一篇关于旅游

8、的文章,请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。短文听两遍。A Travel to BeidaiheWhenThey went to Beidaihe 26.HowThey went there by 27.How longIt took them about 28 hours.How manyThere were 29 people on that day.What they did after lunchThey went 30 and caught lots of different sea fish.六、单项选择31.Can your grandpa lanterns for the fes

9、tival?Yes.He them this weekend.A.makes;is makingC.makes;is going to make32.What are you doing,Peter?B.make;makesD.make;is going to make一Fm my wallet,but I cant it.A.finding;find B.finding;look forC.looking for;find D.looking for;look for33.一Excuse me!Heres a nice watch.Is it?-No,it isnt.Its.A.your;E

10、mmaC.yours;Emma34.She promises English.A.teaching my B.teaching meB.your;EmmasD.yours; teach my teach me35.My classroom is nice some photos on the walls.A.from B.with C.above D.about36.Look!The sun is rising the sea level.A.over B.across C.down D.above37.Dont the street now!The traffic

11、 light is still red.A.across B.cross C.pass D.past38.Miss White has got online shop.She sends things to her customers by_ post.试卷第4 页,共 12页A.a;不填;theC.a;theD.a n;不填39.Come here,boys!I have to tell you.A.important anything B.important somethingC.anything important D.something important40.The swea

12、ter is nice and cheap.Mary only 30 yuan fbr it.A.takes B.makes C.pays D.spends41.There is going to a heavy rain this evening.A.has B.have C.being D.be42.I the English speech competition(比赛).A.hope you to beat B.hope you to winC.hope to beat D.hope to win43.My cousin is heavy because he often eats fa

13、st food.A.much too;too many B.too many;much tooC.much too;too much D.too much;too many44.Why not a toy car John? buy;to buy;for;to;for45.Teachers use chalk on the blackboard in the future.A.will;any more B.wont;no more C.wont;any more D.will;not more七、完形填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四

14、个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Miss Smith is a music teacher at a middle school.She is usually busy,but when she is46、she always goes to the Childrens Hospital.She 47 the sick(生病的)children there to sing and play the guitar.Sometimes she also 48 stories to them orbuys some presents for them.The sick children are very

15、 49 to see her.They all like her.Miss Smith is happytoo 50 she thinks it is interesting to help the children.Mike is one of the children in the 51.He is ten and he lives in the country withhis parents.He loves 52.He can sing,but he cant play the guitar.Now with Miss Smiths 53 Mike can play it.Mikes

16、drcam(梦想)is to be a54 like Miss Smith.He also wants to help other sick children.Can Mikes dream55 one day?46.A.oldB.freeC.tiredD.famous47.A.needsB.leavesC.putsD.teaches48.A.hearsB.likesC.tellsD.checks49.A.happyB.safeC.sorryD.afraid50.A.orB.butC.becauseD.when51.A.hospitalB.schoolC.libraryD.museum52.A

17、.PEB.mathsC.ChineseD.music53.A.changeB.helpC.moneyD.level54.A.doctorB.playerC.teacherD.manager55.A.go hardC.look freshD.come true八、阅读单选Dear Tom,Im going to Shanghai tomorrow morning.I plan to go shopping this afternoon,but Iwill be busy and maybe I will work late in the evening,so I need

18、your help.Could you pleasego shopping for me this afternoon?Here are the things I need.*a kilo of oranges*some apple juice*white sports shoes(Size 37)*a notebook*a black pen*a purple T-shirt(Size M)Oh,remember to buy some chocolate for our daughter Maggie.The money is in myhandbag.It is on the wall,

19、behind the door.Thanks for helping!Love,Lucy56.Why does Lucy need Toms help?A.Because she is tired.B.Because she isnt fit.C.Because she isn free.D.Because she isnt happy.57.What doesnt Tom need to buy?试卷第6 页,共 12页A.Some juice.B.A T-shirt.58.Where is Lucys handbag?A.Behind the deskC.Behind the table.

20、59.Who is Tom?A.Lucys fhther.C.Lucys son.60.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Lucy wants a red pen.C.The size of Lucys shoes is 37.C.Some oranges.D.A watch.B.On the wall.D.Behind the chair.B.Lucys brother.D.Lucys husband.B.The chocolate is for Tom.D.Tom is going to Shanghai tomorrow.People always cal

21、l America“Uncle Sam,.Why?Over 200 years ago,there was a goodman in New York.His family name was Wilson.He was a butcher.He sold meat in themarket.He was nice to others.Everyone called him Uncle Sam.Uncle Sam was veryfriendly,so everyone liked to call him like this.Later his business(生意)was very good

22、,and he even sold meat to the US army(军队).He always wrote US on the meat boxes.Was it Uncle Sam or the United States?Nobodyknew.But the anny began to call their country“Uncle Sam.After the comics(漫画)about Uncle Sam in the newspaper were popular,the nameUncle Sam became famous.Then there was a poster

23、(海报)with a photo of a man calledUncle Sam.Uncle Sam on the poster told young men to join the US army.From then on,everyone called the US“Uncle Sam”.61.Uncle Sams last name is.A.Sam B.UncleC.BlackD.Wilson62.The underlined(划线的)word butcher”means_ in Chinese.A.医生 B.教师c.屠夫D.农民63.The man Uncle Sam is_.A.

24、good and friendly B.nice but strictC.difficult and rich D.bored butfamous64.Everyone called America Uncle Sam”.A.after the man was a butcherB.after Uncle Sam on the poster told young men to join the US armyC.after the man wrote US”on the meat boxesD.after the man sold meat65.Whafs the best title for

25、 this passage?A.The US army B.A butcherC.Why people call the US Uncle Sam D.The US九、阅读匹配配对阅读:左栏是五个学生的计划,右栏是七个课程介绍,请根据每个人的计划给他们找到合适的课程。66 Li Lei is going to Japan for a holidaynext year,but he cant speak Japanese at all.67 Wu Hua is going to visit Paris nextweek.She can speak a little English,but she

26、cant speak it well.68 Linda loves music.She is going tolearn a kind of musical instrument on Sunday.69 Tom likes sports.He is going tolearn Taichi or yoga on Saturday.70 Liu Mei cant swim.She is going tolearn to swim next weekend.A.Yoga(3 p.m.5 p.m.Sunday)This kind of sport can help you relax yourbo

27、dy and mind.B.Swimming(9 a.m.11 a.m.Sunday)After this course,you can swimbreaststroke(蛙泳),backstroke(仰泳)andcrawl(自由泳).C.English II(3 a.m.5 a.m.Saturday)You should have some basic knowledge ofEnglish before you take the course.D.Taichi(3 p.m.-5 p.m.Saturday)Learn something about the ancient(古代的)Chine

28、se kung fu.E.Japanese I(9 a.m.11 a.m.Saturday)After this course,you can speak somedaily Japanese.F.Piano(9 a.m.-11 a.m.Sunday)Learn to play the piano with thewell-known pianist Ma Long.G.Guitar(3 p.m.5 p.m.Saturday)Do you want to sing songs while playing试卷第8 页,共 12页the guitar?Then come and join in t

29、hecourse.十、根据句意填空71.There is a bookstore across from our school.Thafs to say,our school is thatbookstore.72.Tom always his homework at home.He is very forgetful.十一、根据首字母填空73.People often go and pray(祈祷)in the two c in our city at weekends.74.1 am one of the f of Deng Ziqi because I like her songs a

30、lot.十二、根据汉语提示填空75.The girls are drawing some colourful pictures with(蜡笔).76.What(其他)do you like,Jack?77.What about(力 口 入)the music club?十三、根据首字母填空78.Not only I but also my brother r lucky money every New Years Eve.We arealways so happy.十四、根据汉语提示填空79.They felt too tired when they f i n i s h e d(收集)l

31、itter in the park.十五、根据首字母填空80.Biden is P of the US now.十六、短文选词填空请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写到答题卡的相应位置。每个词限用一次。with she two work open save advantage shop way highMarry is an office 81 in England.She finds a great 82 ofshopping-shopping in the second-hand shops(二手货商店).Marry thinks it has s

32、everal83.First,it can 84 her a lot of money.This is very important.The prices of thethings in the second-hand shops are not very 85.They are not very new,but they arestill very can save her a lot of time.Marry doesnt like spending muchtime 87 in different shops.88 favorite second-hand sho

33、p is Bingo.There shecan find almost everything she needs,such as books,computers and clothes,even furniture.And last,she can go shopping 89 her friends after work,because Bingo is 90from 11 am to 10 pm every day.Marry loves shopping in the second-hand shops.She thinks it is very fun.十七、读写综合A.回答问题。请阅

34、读关于三位同学经历的介绍,根据所提供的信息用完整的句子回答后面的问题。My name is Tom.I was born in New York in 2002.My primary school was GreenPrimary School.My first friends were Cindy and Kevin.They were friendly.I was good atmaths and geography at that time.My name is Lily.I was bom in Los Angeles in 2003,but Fm living in New York

35、now.My primary school was Star Primary School.My first English teacher was Jenny Smith.She was beautiful with big eyes and long hair.She was very strict.But she was a greatteacher.My name is Jack.I was born in London in 2002.My primary school was Happy PrimarySchool.It was a big school with about 1,

36、200 students.The teachers there were very试卷第10页,共 12页responsible and friendly.The students there were excellent.They could do many things well.I was good at sports,especially(特另U 是)tennis.I loved playing tennis with my classmatesafter school.91.Who were Toms first friends?92.What subject was Tom goo

37、d at at that time?93.Where was Lily born?94.What was Lilys first English teacher like?95.What does Jack think of his teachers in his Primary School?B.书面表达9 6.根据要求完成短文写作。假如你是李华,在学校英语角(English corner)举办的“回忆旧时光”的口语活动中,你将分享小时候难忘的生活。内容包括:1 .你的个人信息(出生时间、出生地);2.介绍你小时候的生活(居住环境、小学的名称和建筑物构成、第一位好朋友和老师的外貌及性格特征);3.对过去生活的评价。作文要求:1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Good afternoon,everyone!I am Li Hua.Today,Tm going to share my past life with you.试卷第12页,共12页


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