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1、介词知识复习相关要点要点一:with的用法1 .带着,牵着(表动作特征)。如:Run with the kite like this.2 .附加、附带着(表事物特征)。如:A glass of apple juice, two glasses of coke, two hamburgers with potato chips, rice and fish.3 .和(某人)一起。a.跟某人一起(居住、吃、喝、玩、交谈)。如:Now I am in China with my parents.Sometimes we go out to eat with our friends.He / Shes

2、 talking with a friend.b.跟go, come连用,有加入到某方的意思。如:Do you want to come with me?4 .play 一起构成短语动词playwith意为玩耍,玩弄如:Two boys are playing with their yo-yos.5 .与help 一起*勾成help.with.句式,意为帮助(某人)做(某事)。 如:On Monday and Wednesday, he helps his friends with their English.6 .表示面部神情,有“含着,带着”如:Im late for school, sa

3、id Sun Yang, with tears in his eyes.7 .表示用如:You play it with your feet.What do the farmers do with your machines?8 .表示”对, 关于% 如:Whats wrong with it?Theres something wrong with my computer.要点二:在某些介词和名词的搭配中有无the的区别at school 在上学at the school在学校里at table在进餐at the table在桌子旁边at desk在读书at the desk在课桌旁in cl

4、ass在上课in the class在班级里面in bed卧床in the bed 在床上among:在三者或者更多的之中there are some american students among us .在我们中间有几个美国学 校。around:环绕,在.的周围,在的四周they arrived at a valley with high mountains all around it.他们到达了四周有高山环绕的山谷(6)in front of,behindin front of:在的前面there is a car in front of the house .房子前面有一辆小汽车。be

5、hind :在.后边are there any cows behind the house ?房子后面有一些牛吗?(7)in ,into ,out ofin:在.之内,用于表示静止的位置there are four girls in the room.房 间里有 4 个女孩。into:进入用于表示有特定终点的运动方向,通常用于表示动作的动作之后 o 如:come ,go ,walk jump ,run.she took me from the hall into my classroom .她把我从门厅带进我的教 室里边去。(8)along ,across ,throughalong:沿着go

6、 along zhongshan road and turn right at the second crossing .沿着中山路走然后在第二个十这路口向右拐。across:横过(平面物体)very slowly,the continents are moving across the face of the world .各个洲在地球表面缓缓漂移。through:贯通,通过the students walked through the gate with uncle wang .学生们随着王叔叔通过大门。(9)to ,for ,from到达地点(目的地)或方向wheres jack? he

7、 has gone to london.杰克上哪了 ?他去伦敦了。for:表示目的,为了do you know what he comes here for ?你知道他为什么来这儿吗?from:从地点起how far is it from london to new york?从伦敦到纽约有多远?要点十:节日前介词的用法有day的节日前用on,没有day的节日前用at,如:at Christmas; on Christmas Day; at New Year; on New Years Day.要点H一:表示运动方向的介词表示运动方向的介词(l)into, inside , in 从外到内 如

8、:He went quickly into / inside the room.He went quickly into / inside the room.(2)out of从里到外,相当于outside,或从里向外,相当于fromShe went out of from the office in a hurry 她匆匆走出办公室.The boy watched the buses, cars and bikes out from the window . 这男孩透过窗观看外面的公交车、小汽车和自行车。(3)on在表面,onto至U上A boat is on the river. 一条小船

9、在河上。He jumped onto a tree.他跳上一棵树(4)across穿过一平面、through穿过一空间The boy kicked the ball hard and it moved across the grass.这男孩用力踢球,球飞过草地。The train moved fast through the tunnel.火车飞驶隧道。(5)The train moved fast through the tunnel.火车飞驶隧道。She walked to the bank她步行到银行去She swam towards the shore 她朝岸边游去。要点十二:ent

10、er后面能否接介词into.在下列情况,其后通常不接介词into:(1)表示进入某一具体的东西时:The train entered the tunnel.火车进入隧道。She entered the room without knocking.她没敲门就进 了 房间。The bullet entered his head.子弹射入他的头部。(2)表示进入某一组织或某一机构时:He entered the army last year.他去年参军 了。Then he entered a famous university.后来他进了一所名牌大学。(3)表示报名参加考试(比赛等)时:All hi

11、s friends entered the examination (race).他所有的朋友都报名参 加了考试(比赛)。She not only entered the competition she actually won it! 她不但参力口 了 竞赛一一而且居然获胜了!Although he had only entered the contest for fun, he won first prize. 尽 管他参加这次竞赛只不过是闹着玩儿而已,却赢得了头奖。1 .下列情况,enter后通常接介词into:(1)开始(做某事)_I dared not enter into conv

12、ersation with him. 我未敢与他交谈。He entered into business at the age of 25.他 25 岁时开始经商。(2)(开始)讨论,研究,处理Let s enter into the subject of taxes.咱们来讨论一下税款问题。We need not enter into details.我们不必讨论(研究、处理)细节。(3)积极参加,参与,投入He entered into our plans with terrific zest.他满腔热情地参加 了 我们的 项目。The party was successful becaus

13、e everyone entered into the spirit of the thing.这次聚会因大家积极参与所以很成功。(4)达成(协议),缔结(条约)We entered into a solemn bond.我们缔结 了 一项正式协定。You shouldn t enter into contract until you have studied its provisions carefully.你应该先仔细研究合同的条款,然后再签订。(5)(不用于被动语态)形成某事物的一部分:This possibility never entered into our calculation

14、s.我们从未考虑过有 这种可能性。Flour has largely entered into their diet.面料已成为他们的主食之一。(6)懂得,领略,体会,理解:He didn,t enter into her mood.他不体谅她的心情。I can enter into your feelings at the loss of your wife.我能理解你失去 妻子后的心情。(7)表示进入某具体东西且强调深入其内时(若不强调则可不用):The arrow entered into his head.箭射进了他的头。We entered into a woody mountain

15、.我们进入 了 一片山林里。要点十三:such as与for example的用法区别一、两者的用法共同点一such as与for example均可用于表示举例,有时可互换。如:Some sports, such as (二for example) motor racing, can be dangerous. 有 些体育运动,比如赛车,有时是很危险的。My wife likes social activities, such as (=for example) tennis and golf. 我 妻子喜爱社交活动,如打网球和高尔夫球等。二、两者的用法不同点such as除表示举例外,还可

16、表示诸如此类,意思是“像这样的” “诸如之类的,此时不宜与for example互换(但可与表示诸如此类意思的like互换)。如:Opportunities such as (=like) this did not come every day. 这样的机会不 是天天都有的。Avoid unhealthy foods such as (=like) hamburger and chips. 不要吃汉堡 和薯条之类的不健康食品。另外,such as有时可分开用,但for example不能分开用。如:The disease attacks such animals as cats and dog

17、s.这种病只侵袭像猫狗 一类的动物。(比较:The disease attacks animals such as cats and dogs.) 三、两者位置的不同点such as用于举例时,总是跟在被说明的内容之后,不能独立成句, 也不能用于句首或句末,其后也不能用逗号,但for example可以。 如:Each situation is different. For example, a man with a rich wife doesnft have to work.情况各有不同,例如,娶了有钱妻子的男人就不必工作。 You make too many mistakes一lots

18、of spelling mistakes, for example. 你 的错误太多一一比如,有好多拼法错误。【边学边练】用such as, for example, like填空:1. After talking about the job in general, we got down to the specifics, the salary.2. Carmakers use robots to do unpleasant jobs,painting cars in hot conditions.3. There is a real risk of injury in sports cli

19、mbing.4. There are many big cities in Europe, London, Paris and Rome.5., we are to have less clothes, coal and food even than we have had and less petrol than we expected.1.1 know many women who have a career and a family Alison.7. Great men have risen from poverty一Lincoln and Edison,.8. Many young

20、people are taking radio courses in English. There is the boy next door,.参考答案:1. such as / for example 2. such as / for example 3. such as / like 4. for example 5. For example 6. for example 7. for example 8. for example要点斗四:时间介词at、on inat表示时间的某一点;on表示某日或和某日连用的某一时间段;in用于 表示除日以外的某一时间段。1 at(1) at表示一天中的

21、某时刻,不用冠词,如:at six oclock (在六点钟),at dawn (在黎明),at sunrise (日出时),at noon (在正午)oI arrived at school at seven.我到学校时是七点。(2) at表示一瞬间或短暂的时间,如:at that moment (在那一瞬间),at present (目 前),at that time (那时)。Your memory is always poor at this time.你的记忆力到这时候总是不好。(3) at表示节日或年龄,如:at Christmas (在圣诞节,指整个节日),at the age

22、of ten (在十岁时)。 How could you be so forgetful at the age of ten?你才十岁怎么就这么健忘?2、on表示某日或和某日连用的某一时间段,如:on Monday (在星期一),on Friday afternoon (在星期五下午),on the morning of August the eighth (在八月 八日早晨),on Christmas Day (在 圣诞节,指在当天)。You were late on Monday last week.你上星期一就晚了。You mean I was late on May the fifte

23、enth?你是说我五月十五日晚了?3、in表示年、月、季节、世纪、时代,与定冠词连用表示一天中某个 时间段,如:in 1996 (在 1996 年),in May (在五月),in spring (在春季),in the 20th century (在二十世名己),in the eighties (在,十年代),in modern times (在现代),in the night (在晚上)。Sorry, I am late, the first time in May.对不起,我晚了,五月份第一次晚。I got up at six in the morning.我早上六点钟起床。要点十五:介

24、词of,什。m和一些短语连用的区别一.介系词of, from与be made连用,皆可表示,of用以说明质料,多接 wood等物质名词;from用以说明所指质料从外观上已看不出原来样 子。The table is made of marble.这桌子是大理石做的。That is butter. It is made from milk.那是奶油,是用奶做的。The liquor is made from wheat.这酒是用小麦酿制的。二.Of, from可以与动词hear连用,但意义不同。Hearof听说。可以是听别人说起,也可以是从书籍报刊上读到过 的事或了解的情况。Hear from收到

25、来信,收到消息。它不是指具体接到信件,而是 指得到音信、信息。I havent heard from you for ages.我很久没有你的消息了。Butter? I have never heard of this name.奶油?我从没听说过这个名字。Liquor made from wheat? I have never heard of this before. 小麦酿制的酒?我还从未听说。in prison 坐牢in the prison(因事)在监狱 in hospital 住院in the hospital(因事)在医院 go to hospital 去看病go to the

26、hospital 去医院 要点三:across用法 可以用作介词或副词,注意以下用法:(1)表示动态意义,意为“横过”、到的另一边”。如:I cam swim across the river in 10 minutes.我可以在十分钟之内游过河 去。(介词用法)一Can you swim across?你能游过去吗?(副词用法)(2)表示静态意义,意为“在的另一边”。如:My house is just across the street.我家就在街道对面。(介词用法) We leave Dover at ten and we should be across in France by mi

27、dnight. 我们十点钟离开多佛,午夜时应能抵达法国那边。(副词用法) 有可与介词from连用,表示“从的另一边”。如:He shouted to me from across the room.他从房间的另一边向我喊。表示“交叉”(介词用法)或“从一边到另一边的宽度”(副词用 法)。如:He sat there with his arms across his chest.他坐在那儿,两臂交叉放在 胸前。(介词用法)_The river is half a mile across.这条河半英里宽。(副词用法)2.用于come nm across,意为“偶然遇见”、“意外发现”(不用于 被动

28、式)。如:Where did you come run across her?你在那儿碰到她的?r ve just come across a beautiful poem in this book.我在这本书里偶然 发现一首优美的诗。要点四:用作介词与副词的about用法易错点解析1.表示“关于,注意与介词。n的区别:about指泛泛地或非正式 地谈论某事,其谈论的内容也较为普通;而on则指比较有系统地或 理论性较强地论述某事,其论述的内容较正式或较为严肃。试比较: He was reading a book on ethics.他正在读一本关于伦理学的书。He wrote a book o

29、n scientific baby care.他写了 一本有关科学育婴的书。 Shes writing a book on her travels in China.她正在撰写一本有关她在 中国旅行的书。一He has written a book about angling.他写了一本关于钓鱼的书。She had written a book about her childhood. (G51)她写过一本关于自己童年的书。He has been working on the illustration of a book about animals. 他一直 在给一本有关动物的书画插图。再比较

30、:(1) a book on rabbits指的是一本论及兔子的学术著作a book about rabbits指的可能是一本供小孩看的关于兔子的故事 书2 .表示“带在身上”,一般指随身带的小物品,有时可与表示类似 含义的介词with / on换用:He had a pistol about on, with him.他身上带着一支手枪。Have you got any money about on, with you?你身上带钱没有?How much cash do you have about on, with you?你身上带着多少现 金?Do you have any identif

31、ication / ID about on, with you? 你身上带着身 份证件了吗?3 .用于数字前,表示“大约”:A generation is about 25 years. 一代大约是 25 年。Please dont wake me till about 8.请在点左右才口U酉星我。I will call for you about 2.30.我将在2点30分左右来接你。I went to sleep about 11 last midnight.我昨晚大约是在H l点睡着的。4 .在动词know, hear, speak等之后用不用介词about / of,含义有差 别:I

32、have heard about him, but I dont know him.我听到过一些关于他的 事,但不认识他这个人。Ive heard of him, but I dont know about him.我听说过他,但我不知道 有关他的情况。比较:know sb认识某人know of sb知道有某人know about sb知道有关某人的事或情况hear sb听到某人(讲话)hear of sb听说过某人hear about sb听到关于某人的事或情况5 . be about to (do),意为“即将” “马上”。注意该短语不与具体的 时间状语(如:soon, tomorrow,

33、 immediately 等)连用:He was just about to burst into song.他就要唱起歌来 了。Work was about to start on a new factory building.新厂房艮fl等动工。I was about to leave when you came in, but I wont go now. 刚才我正要 离开,你就来了,我现在不走了。Please buckle up now; were about to land.现在请系好安全带,我们就 要着陆了。比较正误句:正:He is about to return to his

34、homeland.他即将回乡。误: He is about to return to his homeland tomorrow.另外注意:(1)该短语可与并列连词when (这时)连用:I was (just) about to go to bed when the telephone rang. 我正要上床睡 觉,这时突然电话铃响了起来。(2) be about之后可接动名词(但be about to之后不能接动名词): I was (just) about going to bed when the telephone rang. 我正要上床睡 觉,这时突然电话铃响了起来。要点五:by与

35、till表示时间的用法区别by和till均可用作介词,表示时间,意思是“到时候”。具体 区别如下:1 .by的真正意思是“在以前”、“到时已经”、“最迟到” 等。如:By now he will be eating dinner.现在他一定是在吃饭。Ill have finished this book by tomorrow.到明天我就会把这书看完 了。I require my new coat by Monday.我的新上衣要在星期一以前做好。Ill finish the work by Saturday.我将在星期六以前完成工作。You must get the work done by

36、 Friday.你必须最迟在星期五以前把工 作做完。You never know, it may stop raining by tomorrow morning. 说不定这雨 到明天早上就不下了呢。The outstanding debts must be paid by the end of the month. 未了 的债 务须在月底前偿还。2 . till的意思是“到为止”,其谓语动词应是持续性动词,若为 终止性动词,则应为否定式。如:He waited till Friday.他一直等到星期五。He didnt arrive till after midnight.半夜过后他才到。I

37、 wont qualify till next year.我明年才具备资格。I neednt leave till 9 tomorrow.我不必在明天9点以前离开。I neednt be leaving till 9 tomorrow,我不必在明天9点以前离开。We shant know the results till next week.我们下星期才能知道结果。要点六:by和Before的用法区别by表示不迟于某一点时间(可能是现在,也可能是过去),包括了那一点。例如:Youd better come back by 8o clock.He had finished the work by

38、 ten oclock this morning.至U今天上午十点钟, 他已完成了这项工作。By与before都可以做介词与副词,但是Before还可以做连词,当两 者都表示在之前这意思时候,By的词性只能是介词,而Before三种词性都可以用来表达。简单点说,By在表示在一一之前, 只能表示在某个时间点之前,而且已经非常接近这个时间点,而 Before离这个时间点,还很长。China plans to expand its high-speed railway network to 50, 000 km by 2020, to cover almost all large and mediu

39、m-sized cities.by 2020是到2020年,刚好2020年 before2020是在2020年以前以上两种表示法,仔细分析意思完全不一样的,不能互换,否则计划 会变得完全不一样。before与by都可表示“在之前”,但by含有“不迟于.”、“到. 为止”的意思。如果by后是将来的时间,则与将来时连用,若by后 是过去的时间,则与过去完成时连用。before与by都可表示“在.之前”,但by含有“不迟于”、 “到为止”的意思。如果by后是将来的时间,则与将来时连用, 若by后是过去的时间,则与过去完成时连用。by monday 一般用于将来完成时,例如:I will have b

40、een at home for a month by monday.before monday 一般用于将来时或过去完成时,例如:I must finish my homework before monday.要点七:over作为介词的用法1、在上方(垂直);在上面Theres a bridge over the river.河上有座桥.Spread a cloth over the table.给桌子上铺块布.A lamp hung over us.我们头上吊着一盏灯.The magistrate looked at the merchant from head to foot, and a

41、 faint smile passed over his face.那个官员把商人从头到脚看了一遍,一丝淡淡的微笑掠过他的脸上。 You cant wear a bluejacket over that shirt一itll look terrible.你不能把一件蓝夹克穿在那件衬衫的外面,太难看了。It was very difficult to build and rebuild such a great wall over wild and distant country without any modem machines.没有现代化的机械,要在荒凉、偏远的乡下建造并重建这样一道巨大

42、的城墙是非常难的。They lifted earth in baskets, passed bricks from hand to hand and dragged heavy stones with ropes over their shoulders.他们用筐抬土,用手递成,肩上套着绳子拖拉沉重的石块。Then he moved it slowly up and down over his open hand.接着他就伸开手,慢慢地上下抛动它。This was their work一to move the ship over the high sea and into the very e

43、ye of the wind.这就是他们的工作一一驾驶轮船穿过大海,进入风暴中心。2、(地位、职位、势力等)高于,在之上;He is over me in the office.他职务比我高。Their owners had complete power over them.他们的主人对他们有绝 对的控制权。3、(数目、程度)在以上,超过:(=more than)He is over fifty.他五十多岁。He spoke (for) over an hour.他讲 了 一个多小时。The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries.长

44、城有两千多年 的历史。4、越过,从边缘往下:She looked over the fence to the distance.她双眼越过篱笆向远处望去。He jumped over the fence and disappeared in a moment.他跳过篱笆,一会儿就不见了。It winds its way from west to east, across desert, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea.长城自西向东蜿蜒迂回,过沙漠,越高山,跨峡谷,最后直达海边。On the way

45、home, I talked over the shoulder to David.回家的路上,我回过头跟大卫说话。The child fell over the balcony.孩子从阳台边上掉了下去。5、(时间)在期间;直到过完:American English has changed over the centuries, too.几个世纪以来,美国英语也起了变化。In this way over several days the artist and his mouse became good friends.就这样过了几天,画家和老鼠成了好朋友。It was difficult fo

46、r me to do any interesting “collecting“ over the last few months.过去的几个月里,我想做点有趣儿的“收集”都很难。Cant you stay over Sunday?你不能等过了星期天再走吗?-Do you think its going to rain over the weekend? - I believe not.你觉得这个周末会下雨吗?不会吧。Some of the rubbish, such as food, paper and iron, rots away over a long period of time.一些

47、垃圾,像食物、纸和铁,经过较长一段时间就腐烂了。If we read bad news about well-known people, or get the frightful details of our neighbors bad situation over a cup of coffee, our own problems begin to pale in comparison.如果我们喝咖啡时看到了名人的不幸消息、,或是了解到邻居所处的可 怕窘境,那么,我们自己的问题相比之下好像就小多了。6、在方面,关于,由于:Tts no use crying over spilt milk.【谚语】木已成舟,哭亦无用。They wept over (for) their failure.他们为失败而哭泣。We had a good laugh over the cross-talk.那段相声让我们笑得不轻。They mourn over the old mans death.他们哀悼老人的去世。“ Someone must be ve


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