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1、Chapter 11 on this to p ic关 于 这 个 话 题 2 a long time age 很 久 以 前 3 tell sb.a jo k e给 某 人 讲 个 笑 话 4 lose ones memory 失 去 记 忆 5 see a programme on television about.在 电 视 上 看 到 关 于 的 节 目 6 have an accident 发 生 事 故 7 visit sb.in hospital到 医 院 探 望 某 人 8 be angry with s b.生 某 人 的 气 9 have trouble(in)doing

2、s th.做 某 事 有 困 难 10 improve ones m em ory改 善 某 人 的 记 忆 1 1 in o n e m in d在 某 人 的 脑 海 中 12 more than 超 过 重 点 短 语 13 the correct order of.的 正 确 顺 序 14 be connected with 与.相 关 联 15 hear about s th.听 说 某 事 16 fall down s ta irs从 楼 梯 上 摔 下 17 land on ones head 以 头 部 着 地 18 lose weight 减 肥 19 score a g o

3、 a l进 球 得 分 20 in an unusual w a y以 不 寻 常 的 方 式 21 turn into 变 成 22 switch.off 把.关 掉 23 break down 出 故 障 24 pick up 捡 起 Chapter 2 Cartoons1 be full of 充 满 了.2 get sb.into trouble使 某 人 陷 入 麻 烦 中 3 be in trouble w ith与.之 间 有 麻 烦 4 laugh at 嘲 笑 5 succeed in doing s th.成 功 做 某 事 6 feel like doing s th.想

4、 做 某 事 7 stay up 熬 夜 13 a number o f许 多;大 量 的 14 in total 一 共 15 all around the world 全 世 界 16 in bed 卧 床 动 词 短 语 8 escape from 逃 恩 9 belong to 属 于 10 come to l if e变 得 活 跃 1 1 play a trick on s b,捉 弄 某 人;跟 某 人 开 玩 笑 12 make a p la n制 定 计 划 其 他 短 语 17 mountain climbing 爬 山 18 in one opinion在 某 人 看 来

5、 19 pop m u sic流 行 音 乐 20 in trouble 有 麻 烦 chapter 31.get out 出 来 2.cut down 砍 伐 3.take in 吸 收 4.throw a w a y步)掉;步 也 弃 5.create rubbish 产 生 垃 圾 6.keep.from doing s th.阻 止.做 某 事 7.protect sth.from 保 护 某 物 免 遭.动 词 短 语 8.be harmful to.对.有 害 9.cause poHulion 导 致 污 染 10.have a drink 喝 一 杯 11.warm u p 加

6、温;使 暖 和 12.prefer to do s th.宁 愿 做 某 事 13.take action 采 取 行 动 14.deal w ith处 理;对 付 15.all the way 一 路 上;自 始 至 终 16.mountains o f许 多;大 量 的 17.in d an g er处 于 危 险 之 中 18.in order to 为 了;以 便 其 他 短 语 19.too much 太 多 20.on tim e按 时、准 时 21.in the form of 以.的 形 式动 词 短 语 9.work h a rd努 力 学 习(工 作)10.go on si

7、ghtseeing tours 进 行 观 光 旅 游 11.get excited about 对.感 到 兴 奋 12.put on weight 增 加 体 重 13.attend/have classes I:课 14.keep in touch 保 持 联 系 15.look forward to 期 待;吩 望 其 他 短 语 21.as u su a l像 往 常 一 样 22.in case 万 一;如 果 23.arrival time 到 达 时 间 24.as well as 也 Chapter 41.be able to 能 够 2.give a talk 作 演 讲

8、3.do some Chinese cooking 做 中 国 菜 4.learn about 学 习;了 解 5.improve the situation 改 善 状 况 6.take a photo 拍 照 7.be worried about 为.而 担 忧 8.make great progress 取 得 很 大 进 步 16.educational visit 教 育 访 问 17.a host family 寄 宿 家 庭 18.hard w o rk艰 辛 的 工 作 19.by writing e-m ails通 过 发 电 子 邮 件 20.since th e n从 那

9、 时 起 LanguageI.单 项 选 择()1.you put the food in the fridge,it will go bad.A.Unless B.If C.Otherwise D.Because()2.If I a good mark,my mother me some new clothes.A.will get;will buy B.will get;buys C.get;will buy D.get;buys()3.Our holiday cost us a lot of money.-D id it?Well,it doesnt matter you enjoyed

10、 yourselves.A.if B.unless C.while D.or()4.-It?s 9 oclock now,I must go.-Its raining outside.Don*t leave it stops.A.when B.since C.while D.until()5.-Would you like to go shopping with me,Susan?-Id love t o,y o u dont want to go alone.A.until B.before C.if D.unless()6.John couldnt reach the office on

11、time because his car on the way.A.broke out B.broke down C.put off D.turn down()7.That maths problem is difficult nobody can work it out.A.too;to B.so;that C.very;that D.very;but()8.Til give her the message she comes back.A.since B.while C.until D.as soon as()9.Tomorrow weH go to the city park it is

12、 sunny.A.as soon as B.when C.if D.as()1 0.Put on more c l o t h e s,y o u H catch a cold.A.and B.for C.or D.but条 件 状 语 从 句 小 练 I.选 择 填 空()1.I wonder if your wife will go to the party.一 If your w i f e,s o.A.does;does she B.will;will mine C.does;will mine D.will;will I()2.一 What will you do if i t to

13、morrow?Fil stay at home and watch the match on TV.A.rain B.rains C.will rain D.is raining()3.YouD do much better youre more careful with your spelling.A.if B.before C.although D.unless()4.Unless you work hard,you the exam easily.A.pass B.fail C.will pass D.wont pass()5.you study hard,you91 1 learn w

14、ell.A.As;/B.If;/C.As;wll D.If;willChapter 26 To learn a foreign language is not easy,(difficult)7.He is the owner of the car.(belong to)8.The news programme is shown at 6 oclock every day.9.Though she is young,she can carry the big box.10.A number of teachers went to the park yesterday.用 简 单 英 语 解 释

15、 句 子。(每 小 题 2 分,共 10分)61.Jane still worked very hard though she was ill yesterday.(but)62.The new worker has some problems with the boss,(in trouble with)63.1 wonder how the magician Liu Qian put the ring into the egg.64.There are a number of cartoon characters in the Disneyland.65.The cat and the d

16、og always fight each other.改 写 同 义 句,每 空 一 词。1.Millie has short hair.Millies h a i r.2.Mary is polite.Mary is girl.3.1 think he is kind.I t h i n k 4.We find the girl is clever.We find the g i r l.5.To learn an art is very hard,very hard learn an art.I I I.选 择 填 空()11.If we cant go to Huangshan,weH

17、go to T a i s h a n.A.otherwise B.instead C.however D.either()1 2.he worked hard,he failed in the exam.A.Because B.When C.But D.Though()1 3.W hafs this?一 Oh,its a mini fan.It is cooling.A.used for B.used to C.used of D.used as()1 4.Many people send e-cards to their friends the paper ones.This can he

18、lp toprotect the environment.A.take care of B.think of C.instead of D.speak of()15.The teacher explained the sentence in Chinese so it will b e.A.easy to understand B.hard to understandC.easy to be understood D.hard to be understood解 释 句 子 1.Dont forget to close the door when you leave.2.1 am awfull

19、y sorry about it.3.My computer is different from yours.4.If you donl get up early in the morning,youll be late for the meeting.5.1 watched TV after I finished my homework.I.选 择 填 空(每 小 题 1分,共 15分)()1.Toms father i s,he often shouts at him.A.worried B.tough C.lively D.bad-tempered()2.Andy Lau and Jay

20、 Chou are two o f singers in China.A.the most popular B.the most popularityC.more popular D.more popularity()3.Together Tom and Jerry the idea of a cat trying to catch a mouse.A.thought of B.thought out C.thought hard D.think of()4.If someone is in trouble,dont him,and try to help him.A.laugh to B.l

21、augh at C.laugh with D.play jokes()5.the workers in the factory is 1000.A.A number of B.The total of C.The number of D.Together()6.The speech Mr Brown gave in our school was a g r e a t.A.successful B.exciting C.interest D.success()7.If you feel tired,you can drink a cup of coffee to keep y o u r s

22、e l f.A.awake B.wake up C wake()8.1 think folk music is pleasant t o.A.listen B.hear C.hear toD.healthyD.listen to()9.Is there in todays newspaper?A.something new B.new something C.anything new D.new anything()1 0.The food goes bad.It s m e l l s.A.badly B.terrible C.terribly D.nice()1 1.Beijing is

23、the Great Wall and the Summer Palace.A.famous as B.known as C.known with D.famous for()12.Little children like r u n n i n g.A.around B.away C.anywhere D.out()1 3.1 want to go to work on foot instead o f a bus.A.take B.taking C.took D.taken()14.The company was f o u n d e d.A.in the 1949 B.in the 19

24、40s C.in 1949s D.in the 1940()15.The bus is people.Lets wait for another one.A.filled of B.fill with C.full of D.full with形 容 词 考 点 中 考 热 身()1.In the Science Museum,the children felt to see so many things.(2 0 0 8江 苏 镇 江)A.surprised;amazed B.surprising;amazingC.surprising;amazed D.surprised;amazing(

25、)2.一 Look!How the boys are!一 Yes.They von he gane his ftemoon.(2008 陕 西)A.exciting B.excitement C.excite D.excited()3.The dish smells and youd better throw it away.(2008 1 1 1 东 潍 坊)A.good B.well C.bad D.badly()4.The cake tasted so that he asked for more.(2008 新 疆 乌 鲁 木 齐)A.well B.nice C.hard D.gent

26、le()5.George was frightened to see a snake in the grass.His face t u r n e d.(2 0 0 8上 海)A.pale B.clean C.sadly D.happily()6.一 May I have another cake?-Youd better not.You shouldnt go swimming on a stomach.(2 0 0 8湖 北 武 汉)A.hot B.hungry C.fat D.full()7.If you want to speak English well,its for you t

27、o practice as often as possible.(2 0 0 8山 西 太 原)A.necessary B.different C.wrong()8.The songs of S.H.E s o u n d.Their CDs s e l l.(2007 黑 龙 江)A.well;well B.good;well C.well;good阶 段 测 试 一 I.选 择 填 空(每 小 题 1分,共 15分)()1.一 Look!Mary is skiing so fast!Hard to her legs were once broken.A.know B.realize C.i

28、magine D.find()2.-What about shopping this Sunday?一 Great.I feel like with you.A.to go;going B.going;going C.going;to go D.to go;to go()3.Youd better her the surprising news now.A.dont tell B.not tell C.wont tell D.not to tell()4.This kind of computer too much.I cant afford one.A.takes B.spends C.pa

29、ys D.costs()5.一 A number of students on the playground.Let me count.The number of the students about 400.A.are;is B.is;are C.are;are D.is;is()6.My watch doesnt work.I must get i t.A.repaired B.repairs C.repair D.repairing()7.The guide said that much attention m ust these details.A.pay B.be paid C.pa

30、y to D.be paid to()8.Whats your for being late again?A.idea B.key C.excuse D.news()9.-D ont too late,or you will feel tired in class.一 I wont,Mum.A.stand up B.stay up C.wake up D.get up()10.H e serious,but in fact hes a funny man.A.feels B.makes C.seems D.gets()1 1.he is only 8 years old,he knows mo

31、re about science than his father.A.But B.Though C.So D.Because()1 2.一 Excuse me,Mr Li.I dont know the meaning of the whole sentence.What shall I do?-Youd better the new words first.A.look for B.look up C.look through D.look after()13.The manager liked David very much because he w as learning new thi

32、ngs.A.afraid of B.angry with C.weak in D.good at()1 4.May I speak to Mr Brown,please?A.Yes,I am.B.This is Brown speaking.C.Pm speaking.D.Do you know him?()1 5.You arent a stranger,are you?-,dont you remember me at the school gate ten minutes ago?A.Yes;to see B.No;saw C.No;seeing D.Yes;seeing选 择 填 空(

33、)1.一 Do you know the final of mens single will be played between Wang Liqin and Ma Lin.一 Yes.I felt when I heard the news.A.exciting;excited B.excited;excitingC.exciting;exciting D.excited;excited()2.Landing on the moon s o u n d s.I hope I can go there one dayA.wonderful B.wonderfully C.terrible D.

34、terribly()3.The cake l o o k s,but it t a s t e s.A.bad;good B.bad;well C.badly;good D.badly;well()4.You should keep your c l o t h e s,Tom.A.be clean B.to be clean C.clean D.cleaning()5.Its necessary the car when you do not use it.A.of you to lock B.for you to lock C.of him locking D.for him lockin

35、g()6.一 Would you like to have to drink now?No,thanks.A.anything cool B.cool something C.something cool D.cool anything()7.-What bad weather!一 Yes.The radio says it will be even later on.A.bad B.badly C.worse D.worst()8.一 Is there in todays newspaper?一 Yes.All the leading newspapers report the US sch

36、ool shooting.A.something new B.anything special C.something good D.anything funny用 简 单 英 语 解 释 句 子。(每 小 题 2 分,共 10分)61.He told a lie and it got him into trouble.(be in trouble)62.My brother does well in singing,(be good at)63.There are a number of animals in the zoo.64.If the bus doesnt come soon,we

37、ll go there by taxi.65.Something goes wrong with the video camera.用 简 单 英 语 解 释 句 子。1.Pansy does well in all the subjects.2.What cartoon do you like best?3.1 dont know what I should do next.4.Can you tell me what the meaning of this word is?5.What happened to you,Amy?6.That bottle is full of water.7

38、.What do you think about the World Vision?8.Is that car Peters?9.1 dont want to go out for a walk now.10.1 think the charity show was very successful.改 写 同 义 句。1.If you dont read the map carefully,you will get lost easily.2.If you try again,youll work out the problem.3.1 cant have success at work if

39、 you dont help me.4.If you dont arrive on time,you will miss the plane.5.You cannot communicate with the local people unless you speak the language of the country.用 简 单 英 语 解 释 下 列 句 子。1.His hair is long.2.New York is larger than any other city in the USA.3.1 think swimming is more interesting than

40、fishing.4.1 find maths is difficult.5.Miss Liu seems to be very sad.6.To get there is easy.7.It is an empty bottle.8.1 think English is the most important subject.Chapter 3 EnvironmentI.选 择 填 空(15分)从 下 面 每 小 题 的 A、B、C、D 四 个 选 项 中 选 出 最 佳 选 项。(共 15小 题,每 小 题 1分)()1.-Lets have a drink,Tom.How about a c

41、up of hot coffee?-To tell the truth,I prefer tea coffee.A.as B.to C.than D.or()2.一 do many people move to other cities these years?-Because the atmosphere here is get worse and worse.A.What B.Which C.Where D.Why()3.A trained dog can act a guide to a blind person.A.to B.on C.as D.at()4.Heavy rain can

42、 not only wash away the soil but also serious flood.A.take B.cause C.get D.affect()5.Tom likes reading very much.He has a habit to the library once a week.A.of going B.to go C.going D.on going()6.The swimmer seemed to be in difficulty at first,but finally he managed t o theshore.A.get B.arrive C.go

43、D.reach()7.If you go on making so much noise,I shall have n o but to call the police.A.choice B.choose C.advice D.preference()8.It was amazing that the boy was able to the problem so quickly.A.get B.make C.solve D.deal()9.The house was in a bad of repair when he bought it.A.state B.fact C.thing D.wa

44、y()10.When the air is filled with harmful chemicals,the trees and plants c a n themand help clean the environment.A.keep B.absorb C.bring D.save()1 1.Is Christina at home?No,shes still at work in her company.She works ever.A.as harder as B.not as hard as C.as hard than D.as hard as()1 2.Bob,would yo

45、u like to buy a new pair of shoes?Oh,yes.Td like a pair from my old ones.A.the same B.different C.not the same D.similar()13.The food we eat give off their energy heat energy.A.in the form of B.including C.made of D.such as()1 4.The experiment is so successful that both my father and I are satisfied

46、 with theA.effect B.situation C.form D.result()1 5.The government is hoped to to improve the environment.A.go along B.take action C.act as D.deal with用 简 单 的 英 语 解 释 下 列 句 子(第 61、6 2小 题 已 给 出 提 示)。共 5 小 题,每 小 题 2 分)61.These students have mountains of homework to do every day.(lots of)62.Please send

47、your advice to me by email,(in the form of)63.The girl was crying all the way during the trip.64.Marys new bag is not the same as mine.65.She can speak Japanese as well as English.I I.选 择 填 空()9.Can you tell me why Tom is absent today?-he hurt himself on the playground yesterday.A.For B.But C.So D.B

48、ecause()1 0.Our school is not theirs.A.as bigger as B.as big as C.so biggest as D.so bigger as()11.You are l a t e.c o m e earlier?A.Why not to B.Why not C.Why dont D.Why dont to()1 2.-Mum,I think T m to get back to school.一 Not really,my dear.Youd better stay at home for another day or two.A.so wel

49、l B.so good C.well enough D.good enough()13.The mountain is steep few people in our city can reach the top.A.so;as B.so;that C.as;as D.too;to()14.Most young people like surfing the Internet,but I am them.I just like playingsports.A.the same as B.different from C.like D.pleased()1 5.children there ar

50、e in a f a m i l y,t h e i r lives will be.A.The less;the better B.More;poorerC.Fewer;richer D.The fewer;the better()16.Spring is coming.The weather is b e c o m i n g.A.warmer and warmer B.more and more warmC.colder and colder D.more and more coldI I I.用 英 语 解 释 下 列 句 子。17.Peter is cleverer than Jo


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