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1、【最 新 资 料】2 0 1 6 年 高 考 英 语 完 形 填 空 真 题 详 解 _ _ 2000 年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free School At first I coldnt believe it!There were no _1_ in rows;no bellrang;no one had to go to _2_.Althogh we all lived 搃 n?_3_ made s go to bed at a certain time;there was no 搇 ights ot?The _4_ thing was

2、that practically all the stdents went to class,_5_ very few people stayed p late at night.Only the new people stayed p or _6_ class.The new ones always went wild _7_,bt this never lasted long.The _8_ took some getting sed to.Or teachers treated like _9_;never did we have to _10_“stand p”,“sit down”,

3、“speaot”.I dont _11_ one stdent who didnt try his best._ _ The sbjects were the same as those in _12_ school,bt what a difference in the approach(方式)!For example,in botany(植物)we had _13_ classes in the spring or fall,bt instead we _14_ twgardens,a vegetable garden and a flower garden._15_ in winter

4、we each stdied a few _16_ things abot what we had grown.In math the stdentbilt three different kinds of storerooms?small ones _17_,bt sable.They did this instead of having lessons in the classroom.They really had a _18_ time too,designing everything,drawing the bleprints,_19_ the angles(角度)and so on

5、.I didnt take _20_.I cant stand it!Besides,I cold do the basic things with nmbers.Thats _21_!_22_ I think I am a _23_ person for having gone to the school.I _ _ can read and write as well as anyone else my age,and I can think better.Thats probably a real big _24_ between the free school and reglar s

6、chool?the amont of _25_.1.A.desks B.lights C.stdents D.bilding 2.A.home B.bed C.class D.wor 3.A.anybody B.nobody C.teachers D.parent 4.A.sad B.last C.good D.strange 5.A.and B.bt C.so D.yet 6.A.attended B.took C.missed D.stdied 7.A.from then on B.at first C.once more D.jst then 8.A.freedom B.habit C.

7、time D.people 9.A.workers B.ppils C.gardeners D.grown-p 10.A.nderstand B.stdy C.play D.say 11.A.hear from B.feel like C.think abot D.know of 12.A.night B.reglar C.small D.real 13.A.all B.short C.no D.indoor 14.A.planted B.stdied C.drew D.tored 15.A.Still B.Then C.Yet D.Next _ _ 16.A.wild B.sccessfl

8、C.sal D.particlar 17.A.as well B.after a whileC.of corse D.as a reslt 18.A.fnny B.great C.convenient D.thoghtfl 19.A.looking ot B.taking ot C.finding ot D.figring ot 20.A.math B.care C.botany D.notice 21.A.dll B.interesting C.enogh D.dangero 22.A.On the whole B.Once again C.Sooner or later D.After a

9、 while 23.A.carefl B.better C.bsier D.lovely 24.A.problem B.chance C.difference D.change 25.A.reading B.gardening C.teaching D.thinking【答案与解析】本文讲述了“我”在一所 free school 的经历。free school 与一般校不同:教室里没有成排的桌椅,没有上课的铃声,生可以不必在教室上课,也不必按时就寝总之,free school 充分体现 _ _ free。但是令“我”意想不到的是,那儿的生却非常自觉。1.A。根据常识和题目中提到的 free s

10、chool 以及空格后的 in rows,可知答案选 A。2 C。由于校一切都很 free,不仅没有上课的铃声,而且也没有人要求生一定要去上课(go to class)。3.B。根据前面几句的句意和句子结构可知答案选 B。4.D。在一般人看来,在如此 free 的校里,生一定会为所欲为,但事实完全不是那样,所以作者这是件很“奇怪的”(trange)事。(注:本句中的 practically 意为“几乎”)5.A。and 表并列关系。6.C。作者在此将新生与老生作了个对照:老生按时上课和就寝,而有的新生则熬夜(即不按时就寝)和缺课(miss class)。7.B。根据其后的 bt this ne

11、ver lasted long 可知此处应填 at first(起初)。_ _ 8.A。指生需要一定的时间来适应 free school 里的这种特殊的“自由”(freedom)。此句也可说成 It took the stdents some time to get sed to the freedom。9.D。一般情况下,老师都把生当孩子看待,但这里的老师却把生当作 grown-ps(成年人)看待这也是 free school 与一般校不同的地方。10.C。比较四个选项,同时联系空格后用作宾语的 stand p,sit down,speaot,可知选 C 最佳。这里的 play 表示“做”,

12、同时含有“表演”的意思。11.D。比较四个短语的意思可知 D 最佳。12.B。答案依据是文章最后一句between the free school and the reglar 13.C。/14.A。春秋两季不上植物课,取而代之去 planted two gardens,a vegetable garden and a flower garden 这正是这所 free school 与一般校不同之处。15.B。then 表示时间顺序。即春秋先播种,然后冬天再研究所种植物。_ _ 16.D。particlar 在此表示“特定的”。17.C。在数课上同们习建造储藏室这当然(of corse)是小房

13、子而不是大房子。18.B。had a great time 意为“过得愉快”。19.D。figre ot 意为“算出”。如:Please figre ot the total cost.请计算出总费用。20.A。作者在文中介绍 free school 中的一般情况时,均用了主语 we,但在谈到 math 时,作者则说 In math the stdents bilt/They did this/They really had 等,这说明作者把自己排除在数之外,故此题 A。I didnt take math 的意思是“我没有选修数”。21.C。作者没有选修数有两方面的原因:一是认为他受不了数过程

14、中的设计、绘图、计算等烦琐事;二是认为只要会进行基本的数字运算,就够(enogh)了。22.A。on the whole(总的说来)在此表示概括和总结。_ _ 23.B。作者认为自己与同龄人一样能读会写,而且能 thinbetter,所以他认为自己“更优秀”(better)。24.C。这是在概括 free school 与 reglar school 的区别。25.D。由于作者与同龄人一样能读会写,而且能 think better,这说明 free school 与 reglar school 的最大区别就在于 the amont of thinking。2000 年高考英语完形填空真题详解(

15、全国卷)I climbed the stairs slowly,carrying a big sitcase,my father following with two more.By the time I got to the third floor,I wa_1_ and at the same time feeling lonely.Worse still,Dad _2_ a step and fell,sending my new sitcases _3_ down the stairs.“Damn!”he screamed,his face trning red.I knew _4_

16、was ahead.Whenever Dadface trns red,_5_._ _ How cold I ever _6_ him to finish nloading the car _7_ screaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls,girls I wold have to spend the _8_ of the year with?Doors were opening and faces peering ot(探出),as Dad walked _9_ close behind.I felt it i

17、n my bones that my college life was getting off to a(n)_10_ start.“_11_ the room,qickly,”I thoght.“Get him into a chair and calmed down.”Bt _12_,wold there be a chair in Room 316?Or wold it be a(n)_13_ room?_14_ I trned the key in the lock and _15_ the door open,with Dad _16_ complaining(抱怨)abot a h

18、rting knee or something.I pt my head in,expecting the _17_.Bt to my _18_,the room wasnt empty _ _ at all!It had frnitre,crtains,a TV,and seven paintings on the walls.And there on a well-made bed sat Amy,my new _19_,dressed neatly,greeting me with a nod,she said in a soft voice,“Hi,yo mst be Cori.”Th

19、en,she _20_ the msic and looked over at _21_,“And of corse,yore Mr.Faber,”she said _22_.“Wold yo like a glass of iced tea?”Dads face trned decidedly _23_ before he cold bring ot a“yes”.I knew _24_ that Amy and I wold be _25_ and my first year of college wold be a sccess.1.A.helpless B.lay C.anxios D

20、.tired 2.A.took B.minded C.missed D.picked 3.A.rolling B.passing C.dropping D.trning 4.A.sffering B.difficlty C.troble D.danger _ _ 5.A.go ahead B.look ot C.hold on D.give p 6.A.lead B.help C.encorage D.get 7.A.after B.withot C.while D.beside 8.A.best B.beginning C.end D.rest 9.A.with difficlty B.in

21、 a hrry C.with firm steps D.in wonder 10.A.fresh B.in a hrry C.bad D.nfair 11.A.Search B.Find C.Enter D.Boo 12.A.in fact B.by chance C.once more D.then again 13.A.small B.empty C.new D.neat 14.A.Finally B.Meanwhile C.Sooner or later D.At the moment 15.A.knocked B.forced C.pshed D.tried 16.A.yet B.on

22、ly C.even D.still 17.A.worst B.chair C.best D.tea 18.A.regret B.disappointment C.srprise D.knowledge 19.A.roommate B.classmate C.neighbor D.companion 20.A.trned on B.trned down C.played D.enjoyed _ _ 21.A.Dad B.me C.the door D.the floor 22.A.qestioning B.wondering C.smiling D.gessing 23.A.red B.less

23、 pale C.less red D.pale 24.A.soon B.there C.later D.then 25.A.sisters B.friends C.stdents D.fellow【答案与解析】本文记述作者作为一名大新生到校第一天的不寻常经历。1.D。根据语境(提着一个大箱子爬上三楼),再结合四个选项的意思,只有 tired 最合适。2.C。根据下文的 and fell,sending my new sitcase rolling down the stairs,可知父亲是在上楼时踩空了一步(miss a step)。3.A。根据上文(父亲摔了跤),再结合四个选项的意思,只有

24、roll down(滚下)最合适。4.C。根据下一段的内容可知,“我”在设法使父亲不 screaming at me。这说明父亲可能会因摔跤而迁怒于我,所以此题选 C 较合适。_ _ 5.B。上文说“父亲脸红了,我知道会来麻烦了”。所以此处的语境应是:每当父亲脸 红,我就得“小心”(look ot)了。6.D。比较四个选项,只有 D 最合适。get sb to do sth 的意思是“使某人做某事”。7.B。scream at sb 意为“冲着某人吼叫”;make a scene 是习语,意为“吵架”或“(当众)大吵大闹”。根据语境,此处应填 withot,表示避免发生其后的情况。8.D。th

25、e rest of the year 指这一年剩下的时间。9.A。父亲提着箱子爬楼,又摔了跤,所以现在走起路来很费劲(with difficlty)。10.C。根据上文所发生的不愉快的情况可知,作者认为“她的大生活开头不顺”。get off to a bad start 是习语,意为“开头不顺”。11.B。根据下文可知,作者知道自己的房间号码是316,但现在还未找到,所以此题 应填 find。12.D。then again 的意思是“还有”、“另外”。_ _ 13.B。此处句意为:316 房间会不会有椅子,或者是间空(empty)房?同时请注意第 18 空后 the room wasnt em

26、pty at all 对此有所暗示。14.A。从上楼到找到房间经历了一个过程,所以这里说“终于”(finally)找到了房间 15.C。比较四个选项只有 C 最合适,即开锁之后“推”(psh)开门。16.D。父亲从摔跤开始 scream,到现在还在 complain,故用 still。17.A。由于父亲因摔跤扭伤了膝盖,到现在还在报怨,“我”担心要是房间里要是像 想像的那样,连一把椅子都没有,那情况就更糟了。expect the worst 的意思是“预计会有更有糟的情况”。18.C。但实际上,房间内家具齐全,与“我”的 expecting 大不一样,所以令“我”srprise。19.A。同住

27、一室的人叫 roommate。20.B。Amy 一边与“我们”打招呼,一边将音乐“关小”(trn down)。_ _ 21.A。根据下文的 And of corse,yore Mr.Faber 可知,Amy 此时在打量着我的“父亲”。22.C。根据上文的描述可知,Amy 是一位热心、客气、有礼貌的女孩,所以此处填 smiling 较合适。23.C。指父亲受到 Amy 的友好接待之后,心情好转了一些,所以他的脸也就 trned less red。24.D。then 意为“当时”、“那时”。25.B。根据上文描述的“我们”与 Amy 的短暂接触,以及下文的 and my first year of

28、 college wold be a sccess 可知,我们会成为“朋友”。2001 年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)People do not analyse every problem they meet.Sometimes they try tremember a soltion from the last time they had a _1_ problem.They often accept the opinion or ideas of other people.Other times they begin _ _ to act withot _2_;they try

29、to find a soltion by trial and error._3_,when all of these methods _4_,the person with a problem hato start analysing.There are six _5_ in analysing a problem._6_ the person mst recognise that there is a problem.For example,Sams bicycle is broken,and he cannot ride it to class as he sally does.Sam m

30、st _7_ that there is a problem with his bicycle.Next the person mst _8_ the problem.Before Sam can repair hibicycle,he mst know why it does not work.For example,he mst _9_ the parts that are wrong.Now the person mst look for _10_ that will make the problem clearer and lead to _11_ soltions.For examp

31、le,sppose Sam _12_ that hibike does not work becase there is something wrong with the brakes._13_,he can look in his bicycle repair book and read abot brakes,_ _ _14_ his friends at the bike shop,or look at his brakes careflly.After _15_ the problem,the person shold have _16_ sggestionfor a possible

32、 soltion.Take Sam as an example _17_,his sggestionmight be:tighten or loosen the brakes;by new brakes and change the old In the end,one _18_ seems to be the soltion _19_ the problem.Sometimes the _20_ idea comes qite _21_ becase the thinker sddenly sees something new or sees something in a _22_ way.

33、Sam,for example,sddenly sees there is a piece of chewing gm(口香糖)stck to a brake.He _23_ hits on the soltion to his problem:he mst _24_ the brake.Finally the soltion is _25_.Sam does it and finds his bicycle works perfectly.In short he has solved the problem.1.A.serios B.sal C.similar D.common _ _ 2.

34、A.practice B.thinking C.nderstanding D.help 3.A.Besides B.Instead C.Otherwise D.However 4.A.fail B.work C.change D.develop 5.A.ways B.conditions C.stages D.order 6.A.First B.Usally C.In general D.Most importantly 7.A.explain B.prove C.show D.see 8.A.jdge B.find C.describe D.face 9.A.check B.determin

35、e C.correct D.recover 10.A.answers B.skills C.explanation D.information 11.A.possible B.exact C.real D.special 12.A.hopes B.arges C.decides D.sggest 13.A.In other words B.Once in a while C.First of all D.At this time 14.A.look for B.talk to C.agree with D.depend on 15.A.discssing B.settling down C.c

36、omparing with D.stdying _ _ 16.A.extra B.enogh C.several D.contles 17.A.secondly B.again C.also D.alone 18.A.sggestion B.conclsion C.decision D.discovery 19.A.with B.into C.for D.t 20.A.next B.clear C.final D.new 21.A.nexpectedly B.late C.clearly D.often 22.A.simple B.different C.qick D.sdden 23.A.f

37、ortnately B.easily C.clearly D.immediately 24.A.clean B.separate C.loosen D.remove 25.A.recorded B.completed C.tested D.accepted【答案与解析】本文主要阐述了人们碰到问题时怎样分析问题和解决问题。文中还以 Sam如何解决自 行车车闸出现的故障为例,阐述了人们解决问题通常经历的几个阶段。1.C。根据 try to remember a soltion from the last _ _ time(设法回忆上次的解决方法)可知答案选 C 最佳,因为只有问题“类似”(simi

38、lar),人 们才会想到“上一次”的办法。2.B。比较四个选项,同时结合下文内容可知此题应填 thinking,因为作者在后面说,“当所有前面提到的办法都失败后,他们才会开始分析和 思考”,说明此时人们解决问题还不会去思考。3.D。前后意思转折,故用 however。4.A。fail 意为“失败”、“不奏效”。5.C。根据下文内容可知,作者讲的是解决问题的六个阶段(stage)。6.A。联系下文提到的 next,finally 等可知,此处应填 first(首先)。7.D。作为分析的第一步,Sam必须要明白或意识到(see)自行车出了毛病。8.B。知道有问题,还要找到(find)问题,以便于进

39、一步分析和解决。9.B。determine 在此表示“确定”,与前面一空的 find 同义,因为此句是对前一句的举例说明(注意句首的 for example)。_ _ 10.D。根据下文提到的he can look in his bicycle repair book and read abot brakes,talk to his friends at the bike shop,可知 Sa 必须查找有关自行车修理的资料和信息(information)。11.A。既然尚在查找资料阶段,故只能确定可能的(possible)方案。另外,下文(第 16 空后)也有 a possible solti

40、on 这样的暗示。12.C。decide 与 determine 同义,指 Sam“确定”了自行车出毛病的部位是车闸。13.D。比较四个词组的意思可知选 D最佳。at this time 意为“此时”。14.B。搜集资料的方式很多,“与自行车商店的朋友交谈”也是搜集资料的方式之一 15.D。上文 Sam所做的工作均属于 stdying(习、研究)的范围。16.C。根据下文所列举的 tighten or loosen the brakes,by new brakes and change the old ones 等,可知此处应填 several。17.B。由于仍以 Sam 修自行车为例,故用

41、again。18.A。根据上文内容可知,在提出的几个对问题可能解决的建议或方案中,有一个 _ _ 建议可能解决问题。19.D。表示“对的解决方法”,soltion 后接介词 to。20.C。从下文的内容来看,有时导致解决问题最终(final)办法纯属意外。21.A。上文提到 Sa 解决自行车车闸问题可以有多个方案拧紧或放松刹车、买新刹车、更换旧刹车等,而 下文又说 Sa 突然发现刹车上粘有一块口香糖。显然这个解决问题的最终办法有点“出人意料”(nexp ectedly)。22.B。由于意外地发现刹车粘有一块口香糖,这使 Sam采取了一种完全不同的(diff erent)解决办法(既非拧紧或放松

42、刹车,亦非更换刹车)。23.D。原来花了那么多时间研究都没有发现的症结,现在突然发现是因为刹车上粘 有一块口音糖,当然是要马上(immediately)把它清除掉(clean)。24.A。既然刹车上粘有口香糖,显然只需清除掉(clean)即可。_ _ 25.C。问题解决后,应当进行检验(test),看是否成功。2001 年高考英语完形填空真题详解(全国卷)He has been called the“missing link”.Half-man,half-beast.He ispposed to live in the highest montain in the world Mont Eve

43、rest.He is known as the Abominable Snowman.The _1_ of Snowman has been arond for _2_.Climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks like those of hman feet high p on the side of Mont Everest.The native people said they _3_ this creatre and called it the“Yeti”,and they said that they had _4_ caght Yeti

44、s on two occasions _5_ none has ever been prodced as evidence(证据).Over the years,the story of the Yetis has _6_.In 1951,Eric Shipton took photographs of a set of tracks in the snow of Everest.Shipton _ _ believed that they were not _7_ the tracks of a monkey or bear and _8_ that the Abominable Snowm

45、an might really _9_.Frther efforts have been made to find ot abot Yetis.Bt the only things people have ever fond were _10_ footprints.Most believe the footprints are nothing more than _11_ animal tracks,which had been made _12_ as they melted(融化)and refroe in the snow._13_,in 1964,a Rssian scientist

46、 said that the Abominable Snowman was _14_ and was a remaining link with the prehistoric hmans.Bt,_15_,nevidence has ever _16_ been prodced.These days,only a few people contine to take the story of the Abominable Snowman _17_,bt if they ever _18_ catching one,they _ _ may face a real _19_:Wold they

47、pt it in a _20_ or give it a rooin a hotel?1.A.event B.story C.adventre D.description 2.A.centries B.too long C.some time D.many year 3.A.heard from B.cared for C.knew of D.read abot 4.A.even B.hardly C.certainly D.probably 5.A.as B.thogh C.when D.ntil 6.A.developed B.changed C.occrred D.contined 7.

48、A.entirely B.natrally C.clearly D.simply 8.A.fond B.declared C.felt D.dobled 9.A.exist B.escape C.disappear D.retrn 10.A.clearer B.more C.possible D.rare 11.A.hge B.recent C.ordinary D.frightening 12.A.strange B.large C.deep D.rogh 13.A.In the end B.Therefore C.After all D.However _ _ 14.A.imagined

49、B.real C.special D.familiar 15.A.so B.besides C.again D.instead 16.A.rightly B.actally C.normally D.particlarly 17.A.lightly B.jokingly C.seriosly D.properly 18.A.scceed in B.insist on C.depend on D.join in 19.A.decision B.sitation C.sbject D.proble 20.A.oo B.montain C.msem D.laboratory A【答案与解析】本文主要

50、向人们讲述有关 Snowman 的一些情况,这种非人非兽的动物到底是否真的存许多人看法不一,尽管有人说他们看 到了甚至抓到了 Snowman,但实际上却没有相应的证据。1.B。根据下文中 Over the years,the story of the Yetis has contined.和 These days,only a few people contine to take the story of the _ _ Abominable Snowman seriosly 可知此题应填 story。2.D。比较四个选项并根据下文的 in the 1920s 这一信息,可知此题选 D 3.C


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