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《郑州外国语中学英语潜能测试卷.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《郑州外国语中学英语潜能测试卷.pdf(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 1 笔试部分 、The Olympic games will be held in out country in 2008.Do you know these Olympic emblems?Match them with the country they beloiigto;.1.Japan 2.Germany 3.Australia _ 4.America_ 5.Greece 6.Spain_ 7.Canada _ 8.Mexico _ 二、In spoken English,the important words in a sentence are stressed by the sp

2、eaker.Follow the example and wite the stressed word in each answer on the line.Example:Q Should I eat a big breakfast?.A No,you should eat a good breakfast,eood good 1.Q Did you say get up early or late?.A I said early.2.Q Did you say breakfast before breakfast or after breakfast?A I said before bre

3、akfast _ 3.Q Did you say eat your breakfast quickly?A No,1 said slowly._ 4.Q Should I take a nap after lunch?A No,you should take a walk after lunch._ 5.Q Is it O to go to bed at three in the morning?A.No you should go to bed early.六、Signs around us.(A)Match these signs with the possible places wher

4、e you can see them.SINGS.1.DONT WAL ON THE GRASS 2.PLEASE DON T FEED THE MONEYS 2 3.STAFF ONLY 4.PLEASE TAE ONE 5.NO JEANS 6.7.NO SMOING AT THIS AREA PLACES a.In a restaurant.b.In a zoo c.in a restaurant,shop,library,etc.d.Next to some information sfieets.e.Somewhere they sell tickets,eg.railway sta

5、tion or bus station,a theatre,f.Outside a.rest,or bar or a club g.In a park.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._.5-6 _ 7._ (B)Match the following signs with their meanings.SIGNS MEANING 1.Be careful!They are repairing the road _ 2.Be careful!UFOs are in this area._ 3.You must not sleep while you are driving._;.4.Be care

6、ful!Children cross the road here.5.Be careful!Ghosts are in this area.-._ _ 6.You must not sing while you are driving,_ _ 7.Be careful!They sell fast food here.8.You must not read while you are driving.四.Match the reports of what people said in column A with the description in column B.PLEASE QUEUE

7、HERE 那么长和宽成反比例一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体的体积相等圆柱体底面积是圆锥底面积的倍圆柱和圆锥底的高的比是工一条沿铁路方向的公路公路上一辆汽车正以每小时千米的速度行驶这时一列长米的火车以每小时千米的速度从后面过人今年的年龄之和是岁而年前他们家的人年龄之和是岁则小明的爷爷今年是岁小红是一名集邮爱好者她有中国邮票和 3 A B 1.Tina said she was really worried about Charlie.a.GivingTan-apology She seemed very depressed 2.William told me he was sorry he would

8、be a b.Offering sympathy little late to the part.3.Robert told me he couldnt come for dinner on c.Expressing a concern Friday.He said he had to work late.4.Jajiice and eith said theyjvere.really sorry d.Offering an invitation we had the fiu.They hoped we would fee!better soon 5.Ben said he was going

9、 to ask Sarah to the party e.Making ah excuse 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 五.Match the sentences with the responses.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6.7._ 8.六.Multiple choice 1.Which is the correct picture of pronouncing?1.How well do you swim?2.When I was a kid,Hived in New ealand,3.There is a baseball game tonight.4.Wh

10、at do you think of Tina?!5.How long do you spend in the swimming pool?6.Im sorry I cann help you.7.How tall is she?8.Do you like gospel music?a.Pretty short b.I m not a real fan of hers.c.leant stand it d.Wow!Tell me more.e.Im about average.f About 45 nunutes.g.Great!Lets go.h.Thank you all the same

11、 那么长和宽成反比例一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体的体积相等圆柱体底面积是圆锥底面积的倍圆柱和圆锥底的高的比是工一条沿铁路方向的公路公路上一辆汽车正以每小时千米的速度行驶这时一列长米的火车以每小时千米的速度从后面过人今年的年龄之和是岁而年前他们家的人年龄之和是岁则小明的爷爷今年是岁小红是一名集邮爱好者她有中国邮票和 4 2.Which holiday does this picture describe?A.Easter B.,Christmas C.Valentines Day D.Halloween 3.The Labor Day in China is on _,in USA is on _.A

12、.May Ist;the l.f Monday in September B.July 4th,the Ist Sunday in June C.May Ist;the 1st Sunday in June.D.July 4th;the IstMonday in September 4.In England,drivers sit on the _ side of the car.Cars go on the _ side of the street A.right;right B.right;left C.left;left D.left;right 5.In Britain,people

13、usually use _ on a card to give congratulations on the new born baby.A.dragon B.crane C.rabbit D.tortoise 6.In which country people usually use mile as the linear measure instead of kilometer.A.Japan B.American C.Australia D.Canada .7.Some little sheep _ eating grass on the hill.A.are B.is C.be D.wa

14、s 8.What are they like?-A.They are well.B.Computer games.C.They are friendly.D.They are like their father.9.Which of the following university is not in Britain?A.Oxford University.B.Harvard University;C.Cambridge University.D.London University.10.It is said that the Blacks is a DIN,thats to say A.th

15、eyre foreigner B.theyre very rich C.they have no children at all D.they are both teachers .11.will your teacher be back?-In an hour.那么长和宽成反比例一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体的体积相等圆柱体底面积是圆锥底面积的倍圆柱和圆锥底的高的比是工一条沿铁路方向的公路公路上一辆汽车正以每小时千米的速度行驶这时一列长米的火车以每小时千米的速度从后面过人今年的年龄之和是岁而年前他们家的人年龄之和是岁则小明的爷爷今年是岁小红是一名集邮爱好者她有中国邮票和 5 A What time

16、B.When C.How soon D.How long 12.May your pencil be in your pencil-box?-Ah._ A.So it may B.So it is C.So is it D.So may it 七.Can you use some idioms?Here are some of them.Have a try to choose one according to the given situation.,A.break ones neck B.Get ones teeth into something C.get that straight D

17、.gone with the wind E.good for nothing F.get stuck G good chow H.bury ones head in the sand 1.A Call me back if you need any help.My number is 123-456.B Let me _.123-356?A No,356.B Ok.Thanks.Ill call you if I need any help.2.A What happened to your hand?B I cut myself when the handle on this _ screw

18、driver slipped off.Im throwing it away right now so no one else gets hurt using it.3.A What is Joan going to do about that problem with her neighbors?B Nothing.She wont talk to them about it because she doesnt like having arguments with people.A Thats just like her always _.4.A What is Mary doing?B

19、Shes reading a book in her room.A She really enjoys reading,especially if its.,something she can really B Thats her only hobby.,5.A Im exhausted.B Why?What have you been doing?A.Ive been _ preparing.for the final exams,Ive really had to burn the midnight oil.B Well,if you had worked hard.during the

20、term,you wouldnt have to kill yourself 6.A What happened to the store that used to be here?.B Its _.The owners decided to move to Canada,so they.cl.osed the.store and gave everything to their family and friends.那么长和宽成反比例一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体的体积相等圆柱体底面积是圆锥底面积的倍圆柱和圆锥底的高的比是工一条沿铁路方向的公路公路上一辆汽车正以每小时千米的速度行驶这时一列长米的火车

21、以每小时千米的速度从后面过人今年的年龄之和是岁而年前他们家的人年龄之和是岁则小明的爷爷今年是岁小红是一名集邮爱好者她有中国邮票和 6 八.Match column and together to make a complete and reasonable sentence,Put the letters on the line.1.-2-3-4.-5.-九 Cloze test.What are dads for?In the home a dad is very 1 i .He is the person who provides us with 2 m_ to feed and clot

22、he ourselves.He can decorate your bedroom,3 m_,.Your radio,make,cages for your pets,repair a puncture in your bicycle 4 t_ and help you with,your maths homework.A dad can be very 5 u for taking you in the car to and from parties,music lessons and dancing lessons.A dad is the person whom you ask for

23、6 p_ money,he is the one who complains about the time you spend 7 t_ On tHe telephone,as he has to pay the bills.Dad is someone who will support you in an argument,if he believes you to be 8 r _.He is someone who reads your school 9 r ,and treats you if it is good.A dad.likes to come into a nice hap

24、py home in the evening,and settle back in his chair with a 10 n He likes to recall his National Service days.十.Choose the topic sentence for each paragraph.1.She enjoys doing unusual things.artd pushing herself to the limit Last yearf for example,she suddenly got the idea that she would love to see

25、china.She enrolled in Chmese language classes,planned her trip,and then took;off across china alone.She does not.mind traveling alone.In fact,she loves going off on adventures by herself.A.My mother is 47 years old.B.My mother is very adventurous C.I really admire my mother.1.Queen Elizabeth(1926-)2

26、.Wolfgang Mozart(1756-1791)3.Madonna(1959)4.John F ennedy(1917-1963)5.William Shakespeare(1564-1616)A.made her record in 1982 B.was shot in Dallas in 1963 C.become Queen in 1952 D.wrote 38 theare plays.E.began composing music in 1760 a.when he was 46 years old b.when she was 26 years old c.when he w

27、as 4 years old d.and died when he was 52 years old e.when she was 23 year old 那么长和宽成反比例一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体的体积相等圆柱体底面积是圆锥底面积的倍圆柱和圆锥底的高的比是工一条沿铁路方向的公路公路上一辆汽车正以每小时千米的速度行驶这时一列长米的火车以每小时千米的速度从后面过人今年的年龄之和是岁而年前他们家的人年龄之和是岁则小明的爷爷今年是岁小红是一名集邮爱好者她有中国邮票和 7 2._ ,He is probably the most outspoken person know Last week after

28、 class for example,He said to our teacher,“This class is really boring,are you interested in making the class more exciting have some ideas”John was Just saying what he though,but our.teacher didn t exactly listening to him.!A.I have a friend name to him.B.My friend John-and I are in the same Englis

29、h class.C.My friend John is the kind of person who loves to talk.3.New born babies sleep an average.of 18 hours a day.But as children grow older.However when children reach their teens,they seem to need a lot of sleep again.It is not unusual for teenagers to sleep until noon on weekends,if their par

30、ents let them.When people reach old age,they tend to sleep much less than they did in their forties and fifties.A.Peoples sleep needs change as they go through life.B.Babies-sJeep more than elderly people.C.Everyone needs sleep.4._ _ We experience a gradual rise of energy in the morning;peaking arou

31、nd noon.There is a slow decline in energy in the mid-afternoon with a second peak early in the evening.This;is followed by a steady.decline in energy until bedtime.Everyone experiences these energy patterns.They are a part of daily life.A.People need energy to get through the day.B.Peoples energy pa

32、tterns change according to the time of day.C.Everyones energy declines steadily in the afternoon.5._In fact,Americans now spend over a billion dollars,a year on vitamins and food supplements.Vitamin companies know this and supply an almost endless variety of vitamins.Thereare rnultivitamins for adul

33、ts,special vitamins for women,flavored vitamins Tor children,and even vitamins to help students study better.New types of vitamin pills come out almost monthly,and there is at least one vitamin store in every shopping mail.A.Vitamins can be used to supplement a healthy diet.B.New types of vitarnin p

34、ills are popular with women.C.In the U.S,Vitamins are a big business.十一、Read the timetable and answer the following questions.Bus 522 CITY ASHFORD ROAD GREEN STREET GEORGE ROAD NEW FARM OO 830 A.M 845 A.M 900A.M 915 A.M 930 A.M 930 A.M 945 A.M 1000 A.M 1015 A.M 1030 A.M 1030 A.M 1045 A.M 1100 A.M 11

35、15 A.M 1130 A.M 那么长和宽成反比例一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体的体积相等圆柱体底面积是圆锥底面积的倍圆柱和圆锥底的高的比是工一条沿铁路方向的公路公路上一辆汽车正以每小时千米的速度行驶这时一列长米的火车以每小时千米的速度从后面过人今年的年龄之和是岁而年前他们家的人年龄之和是岁则小明的爷爷今年是岁小红是一名集邮爱好者她有中国邮票和 8 1130 A.M 1145A.M 1200A.M 1215 A.M 1230 A.M 1230 P.M 1245 P.M 100 P.M 115 P.M 130 P.M 130 P.M 145 P.M 200 P.M 215 P.M 230 P.M 230

36、 P.M 245 P.M 300 P.M 315 P.M 330 P.M 330 P.M 345 P.M 400 P.M 415 P.M 430 P.M 430 P.M 445 P.M 500 P.M 515 P.M 530 P.M 530.P.M 545.P.M 600 P.M 615 P.M 630.P.M 1.which bus do you catcii to go from the city to New Farm 00?2.How long does it take to go from the city to New Farm oo?3.How often do buses le

37、ave the city for New Farm oo?4.What time-does the first bus leave the city for New Arm oo?5.What time does the last bus leave the city for New Farm oo?6.What is the first stop on the route from the city to New farm oo?7.How long does it take to go from Green street to George Road?8.If I arrive in th

38、e city at 3 oclock,what time is the next bus to New Farm oo?十二.Read the article.THE FLTTUIIE OF ENERGY Energy is very important in modern life.People use energy to run machines,heat and cool their homes cook,give light,and transport people and products from place to place.Most energy nowadays comes

39、from fossil fuelspetroleum,coai,and natural gas.However,burning fossil fuels causes pollution.Also,if we dont find new kinds of energy,we will use up all the fossil fuels in the twenty-first century.Scientists are working to find other kinds of energy for the future.What might these sources of energ

40、y be?那么长和宽成反比例一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体的体积相等圆柱体底面积是圆锥底面积的倍圆柱和圆锥底的高的比是工一条沿铁路方向的公路公路上一辆汽车正以每小时千米的速度行驶这时一列长米的火车以每小时千米的速度从后面过人今年的年龄之和是岁而年前他们家的人年龄之和是岁则小明的爷爷今年是岁小红是一名集邮爱好者她有中国邮票和 9 Energy from the wind All over the world,people use the power of the wind.It turns windmills and moves sailboats.It is a clean source of ene

41、rgy,and there is lots of it.Unfortunately,if the wind does riot blow,there is no wind energy.Energy from water WTien water moves from a high place to a lower place,it makes energy.This energy is used to create electricity.In-Brittany,France,for example,waterpower produces enough energy to 1ight a to

42、wn of 40,000-peopIe.Waterpower gives energy without pollution.However,people have to build dams to use this energy.Darns cost a lot of money,so water energy is expensive.Enger form the earth There is heat in rocks under the earth.Scientists use this heat to make geothermal energy.San Francisco gets

43、half of the energy it needs from geotherrnai power.This kind of energy is cheap,but it is possible only in a few places in the world.Energy form the sun solar panels on the roofs of houses can turn energy from the sun into electricity.These panels can create enough energy to heat an entire house.Sol

44、ar power is clean and there is a lot of it in sunny places.But when the weather is bad,there is no sunlight for energy.What is one advantage and one disadvantage of each type of energy.Complete the chart Advantage Disadvantage wind power 1 _ 2_ vaterpower 3_._ 4_ gothermal ower 5._ 6_ slar power 7._

45、 8.十三、Read the birth certificate then complete the dialogue.REGISTER OF BIRTHS,DEATHS,AND MARPJAGS Use the information in this unit to fill in the missing words in the following conversation.Teacher Now then,Jane,youll be going up&grade next year.I need some information from you.Jane Yes,Miss Downer

46、.Teacher Could you tell me your full name,please.Jane Jane 1 _Long.Teacher What is your date of birth?Jane 2_1,1991.Teacher And where were you born?Jane In 3_.那么长和宽成反比例一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体的体积相等圆柱体底面积是圆锥底面积的倍圆柱和圆锥底的高的比是工一条沿铁路方向的公路公路上一辆汽车正以每小时千米的速度行驶这时一列长米的火车以每小时千米的速度从后面过人今年的年龄之和是岁而年前他们家的人年龄之和是岁则小明的爷爷今年是岁小红是一名

47、集邮爱好者她有中国邮票和 10 Teacher Do you have any brothers and sisters?Jane Yes.An older sister.Her names 4 Teacher Oh,yes.Shes in Grade 11,isnt she?Jane Yes.Teacher And what are your parentsnames?Jane Peter and 5 _ Long.Teacher Thank you very much,Jane.十四、Read the poem and then translate the underlined part

48、Reflections of a Mother By Mary Hiberi 1.I gave you life,but I cannot live it for you.I can teach you things,but I cannot make you learn.I can give you directions,but I cannot be there to lead you.I can allow you freedom,but I cannot account for you.1 can take you to churdi.,but I cannot make you be

49、lieve.I can teach you right from wrong,but I cannot always decide for you.2.I can buy you beautiful clothes,but I cannot make you beautiful inside.I can offer you advice,but I cannot accept it for you.I can give you love,but I cannot force it upon you.3.I can teach you to share,but I cannot make you

50、 unselfish.I can leach you respect,but I cannot force you to show honor,I can advise you about friends,but I cannot choose them for you.I can tellyon.kow to live,but I cannot give you eternal life.I can love you with unconditional love all of my life.and I will!Always,Mom Translation 1._ 2._ 3._ 那么长


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