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《最新高考英语专题复习:阅读理解解题指导精品精品版.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新高考英语专题复习:阅读理解解题指导精品精品版.pdf(30页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 2020 年高考英语专题复习:阅读理解解题指导精品精品版 精品好文档,推荐学习交流 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢28 新课标高考英语专题复习:阅读理解解题指导 精品【专家支招】做细节理解题时,大多数学生易出现的问题就是阅读速度太慢,缺乏一定的快速阅读技巧,考生要培养自己快速获取信息的能力。解答此类试题时,不必通篇细看原文,而应采取“带着问题找答案”的方法,先从问题中抓住关键性词语,然后以此为线索,运用略读及查读的技巧快速在文章中寻找与此问题相关的段落、语句,仔细品味,对照比较,确定答案。除了运用扫读法外,还可以兼用排除法,将“无此细节”和“与此细节相反”的选项排除。要快速地辨

2、认和记忆事实或细节,就需要恰当地使用查阅的方法及技巧。查阅是在读者对材料有所熟悉的情况下进行的,它的特点是带着问题去寻求答案,它往往与略读综合使用。第一招 直接细节理解题答案与原文挂钩,在文中可直接找到答案,但往往与原文中的语句并非一模一样,而是用不同的词语或句型结构表达相同的意思。间接细节理解题需要通过有关词语和句子的转换,利用主要事实、图表、图形来获取信息,然后利用因果、类比、时间、空间等关系将零碎的细节经过一系列加工、整理,方能做出正确的判断,此类试题在高考中占大多数。其常见命题方式有:1、特殊疑问句形式。以 what,who,when,where,which,how much/many

3、 等引出的问题;2、是非题。通常以 true/false,not true/false 提问以及以 according to the text 开头;3、填空题。通常涉及与主题有关的事实和细节;精品好文档,推荐学习交流 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢28 4、就文中数字、排序、识图等提问。第二招 略读材料,大概了解全文,掌握其中心或主旨。第三招 按文章的体裁,如记叙文、说明文和议论文等及作者写作的组织模式和有关的信息词,如 for example,first,second 等预测应该到何处寻求自己所需要的事实。段落的组织形式常见的有时间型段落、空间型段落、列举型段落、例证型段落、

4、程序型段落和对比型段落等。如时间型段落和空间型段落要凭借表达时间和空间的信息词按时间和空间的组织形式进行查读,寻找有关细节。第四招 将精力放在寻找你所需要的细节上,快速通篇跳读,眼睛自左至右,自上而下呈 Z 型扫读,直到找到含细节句子时,就要放慢速度,仔细核对、比较内容,直至找到答案。第五招 了解细节题干扰选项的特点也能有助于提高答题的正确率。一般情况下,干扰项有以下五个特点:是原文信息,但不是题目要求的内容;符合常识,但不是文内容;与原句的内容极为相似,只是在程度上有些变动;在意思上与原文大相径庭甚至完全相反;部分正确,部分错误。值得一提的是,有时原文中的信息可能只是一个短语甚至一个单词,因

5、此需要我们阅读中格外仔细才能捕捉到真正有用的信息。【试题分析】1、直接信息理解题细节的直接辨认不要求读者对客观的事实作出解释或判断,只要求从阅读材料中直接获取信息。同时还要求读者记住重要的细节,在必要的时候(做判断、推论或结论的时候)能准确而迅速地将他们回忆起来。解此类题要求考生快速抓住关键信息,直接得出答案。有时需要词句意的精品好文档,推荐学习交流 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢28 转换理解,将获得的信息用同义或近义的形式复述出来。NMET 设计了许多这样的同义转换理解题,具体的要求是为阅读材料中某些词汇、短语及句型找到正确的释义。例如:2008 陕西省西工大附中第三次模拟试

6、题阅读理解 B 篇:The World Trade Organization(WTO),founded on January 1,1995,aims to encourage international trade to flow as possible,making sure that trade agreements are respected and that any disputes can be settled.In the five years since its founding,the WTO has become well known as one of the world

7、s most powerful economic organizations,taking its place alongside the World Bank and International Money Fund.The system of global rules for international trade,however,dates back half a century to 1948 when the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was formed after World War II.As time went by,is

8、became clear that the GATT had two major drawbacks-the limited areas of trade it covered,and the lack of an effective system to settle disputes.After seven years of trade talks ending in 1994,the so-called Uruguay Round finally give birth to the WTO,complete with an effective system to settle disput

9、es and new rules covering trade in services and intellectual property.Even after seven years of talks and 22,500 pages of agreements,there were still problems,especially the difficulty to deal with areas of agriculture and services,which the member nations agreed to revise in 2007,The WTO,with its h

10、ead office in Geneva,has 135 members with 30 more waiting to join.总述:本文主要介绍了世贸组织的演变过程,即由最初的关贸总协定,到后来的乌拉圭回合谈判,到 1995 年 1 月 1 日成立的世贸组织,其演变经历了大半个世纪,使其成为世界上最大的国际经济组织。45.From the passage we know that the GATT stopped working _.A.soon after World War II ended B.a little more than 50 years after World War

11、II C.just in the year 1994 D.seven years before the Uruguay Round talk 精品好文档,推荐学习交流 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢28 46.Compared with the GATT,the WTO _.A.didn t pay enough attention to services and intellectual property B.got its members to sign the agreements more easily C.has got to many areas of interna

12、tional trade to deal with to work effectively D.can do better to settle disputes in more areas of international trade 47.In the new century the WTO will _.A.take the place of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund B.have more members and settle more problems C.make complete new rules in ever

13、y area of international trade D.have new rules covering trade in services and intellectual property 本文后的这三个题都是细节理解题。其中 45 题,由文第五段中,After seven years of trade talks ending in 1994,the so-called Uruguay Round finally give birth to the WTO 作为原句,因此先 C。46 题仍由文第五段原句complete with an effective system to set

14、tle disputes and new rules covering trade in services and intellectual property。可以看出选 D。47 题问的是“在新世纪,世贸组织将如何?”由文中第六段最后一句 The WTO,with its head office in Geneva,has 135 members with 30 more waiting to join.可知选 B。第六招利用上下文语境线索 任何一篇文中的句子在内容上都不是绝对孤立的,都跟句子所在的段落及整篇文章有关。利用上下文提供的情景和线索,进行合乎逻辑的综合分析进而推测词义,是阅读过程

15、中的一大关键,这也是近年来高考考查的热点。例如:1.Charlotte s tale was inspired by the girls coin collection.“We ve collected foreign coins for years-since our families went on holiday to Tenerife,”she explains.“That was before the Euro,so we put pesetas in.”The underlined wore“pesetas”in Paragraph 2 is a kind of _.A.story

16、 B.collection C.inspiration D.foreign coin 分析:本题正确答案为 D。由原文中的 Euro(欧元,欧洲统一货币)可推知该词是一种在欧元发行前使用的钱币。精品好文档,推荐学习交流 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢28 2.In 1963 a schoolboy called Andrew Wiles reading in his school library came across the world s greatest mathematical 17th century,the theorem had baffled and beaten

17、 the finest mathematical minds,including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem,and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecole Polytechnique.Which of the following best explains the meaning of the word“baffle”as it is used in the text?

18、A.To encourage people to raise questions.B.To cause difficulty in understanding.C.To provide a person with an explanation.D.To limit people s imagination.分析:本题正确答案为 B。从短文中对 Fermat s Last Theorem 一书的介绍中有 the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds一句,句中两个并列的谓语动词 baffled 和 beaten,意

19、义相同,加强语气,从 beat 的本意就可以猜测出 baffled 为“使(某人)困惑,难倒”。3.Today when many tend to worry more about their own happiness,Houng s deeds remind us of what we usually neglect:love and care for others.Without these,none of us could survive.Houng turned down donations from others.He said he felt encouraged by kind

20、 offers,but he could depend on his own work.2008浙江绍兴市高三 4 月教学质量检测卷 42.The underlined word“donation”in Paragraph 3 probably means _.A.invitation to give a speech B.something,especially given to help others C.questions asked by interviewers D.chances to be a hero 分析:由本段可以看出:洪家里很穷,但他拒绝别人对他的“donation”,他

21、说他很感谢人们好心的馈赠,但他能够靠打工的钱来养活自己和妹妹,由此可以判断出 donation 和后文的 offer,是近义词,也是馈赠之意。因此选 B。第七招利用定义和解释性线索 精品好文档,推荐学习交流 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢28 阅读文中的有些生词尤其是新闻报导及科普类文章中的生词,往往在其后有对该词进行解释方明性的短语或句子,如 to be,that is,mean,stand for,namely,to refer to,to mean,in other words等,有时也以同位语、定语从句的形式出现,或用破折号、括弧来表示。留心阅读就可以断定它们的意思。例如

22、:1.The elder learn to master the Internet and to overcome what Lansdale calls the maladies of the institutionalized:loneliness,helplessness,boredom,and lose of memory.分析:根据句意,maladies of the institutionalized 应和后面的解释意思相同,综合后面的内容可得知其意为:“(老年)综合症”。2.Some ships carried cargo such as coal,oil and militar

23、y supplies(军用物资),while others carried only passengers.分析:such as 后所列举物品均属“货物”,由此推断cargo 的意思与之相同,和后句中的 passengers 形成对比。3.Scientists grow large quantities of common mould(霉菌)so that they can get penicillin from it in order to make antibiotics,that is,substances that kill germs.分析:从 that is 后的解释可看出 ant

24、ibiotics 是一种能杀死细菌的物质(抗生素)。4.Marine biology,the study of oceanic plants and animals and their relation,has furthered the efficient development of fisheries.分析:从 marine biology 后的同位语可知,marine biology 是一门研究海洋动植物及其关系的学科。5.Yet,shopkeepers may have to spend extra hours to deal with problems,such as shopli

25、fter,who always take away things from the shop without paying for them.分析:从后面的定语从句解释可看出,shoplifter 为在“商店里偷东西的人”。第八招利用因果关系 精品好文档,推荐学习交流 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢28 因果关系的语境,通常由 because,so,therefore,so that,so/such that 等连词体现。1.Answer the following questions by using the information taken from a dictionar

26、y page.jazz:1.n.a type of music that originated in New Orleans and is characterized by rhythmic beats.2.n.popular dance music influenced by jazz.3.n.slang.Empty talk.4.adj.of or like jazz;a jazz band,jazz records.What does the word“jazz”mean in the following sentence?Don t give me that jazz,for I am

27、 a practical person.A.Rhythmic beats.B.A type of music.C.A kind of dance.D.Meaningless talk.分析:本题正确答案为 D。从后面的原因 for I am a practical person 可知,说话的人说自己是一个讲究实际的人,因此,他或她让对方不要说空话。2.The biggest power failure happened yesterday.All of our ice cream and frozen foods melted.分析:melted“溶化”。既然停电,必然造成冰激凌和冷冻食品的“

28、溶化”。3.He ran downstairs through the smoke-filled house to push and pull at Karen and Todd until they sat up.Then he helped each other out of the house to the safety of the garden.There,his sister and brother,taking short and quick breaths and coughing,collapsed on the lawn.分析:collapsed“瘫倒”。经过一番艰难脱险之

29、后,他们呼吸短促,咳嗽不断,最终“瘫倒”在草坪上。第九招利用对比线索 有时文章作者为了增强表达效果,会用一对反义词揭示事物的不同点,形成鲜明的对比,这时只要把握其中的一词,就不难推出另一词的含义,这时句中多见 unlike;although;but;yet;while;on the contrary;on the other hand;for one thing;for another;instead of;rather than等信息词。精品好文档,推荐学习交流 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢28 1.“Unlike vitamin C,leadership skills ca

30、n t be easily swallowed down.They must be carefully cultivated.”The underlined word“cultivated”(Paragraph 1)roughly means _.A.encouraged B.compared C.examined D.developed 分析:本题正确答案为 D。从上句的对比可知,领导能力不是 swallowed down,而是慢慢培养的。2.One idea about business is that it can be treated as a game of perfect info

31、rmation.Quite the reverse,business polite,life itself is games which we must normally play with very imperfect information.Which of the following can be used in place of“quite the reverse”?A.Quite right.B.Time enough.C.Most unlikely D.Just the opposite.分析:由前句中perfect information 到后 imperfect informa

32、tion 这一组对比关系的词,我们不难推断应表示“对比、相反”的意思,因此答案应选D。3.Thousands of people got stuck in lifts.But no one panicked,We passed the time telling stories.分析:被困在电梯中,应该是“慌张”,“不安”。But 引出转折,“我们讲故事消磨时间”,因此 panicked 应为“慌张、惊恐”之意。4.Unlike the Unite States where many different nationalities make up the population,Japan s p

33、opulation is quite homogeneous.分析:文 unlike 表明日本和美国在人口组成方面不同,由此可见,homogeneous 与 many different nationalities 意义相反,即 of the same nationality,“单一民族的”。第十招利用同义线索和同等关系 同义词替换可以为我们推测词义提供明显的语境线索。一些常见的引出同义词的标志性词语有 or,like,similarly 等。同等关系是指一个词、一组词或短语在句中作同一成分,而且他们的词义属一范畴。只要我们认识其中一个或几个词或短语,即可确定同等关系中生词的词性,作用和大概意

34、思。精品好文档,推荐学习交流 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢28 1.Millions of animals die each year on US roads,the Federal Highway administration reports.In fact,only about 80 ocelots,an endangered wild cat exist in the US today.The main reason?Roadkill.分析:从后面的同谓语 an endangered wild cat 可知“ocelot”是一种野生猫。2.mansion,church,b

35、attle site,theatre and other public halls can be preserved.分析:句中 mansion 应和 church,battle site,theatre and other public halls 的词义同属“建筑物或场所”这一范畴。3.We should,therefore,learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately,of they will make our speech silly and vulgar.分析:句中 vulgar 应和 silly 意义相近,“

36、粗俗的,庸俗的”。第十一招利用例证性线索 某些冷僻的词汇后会举一个例子,使词汇具体易懂。Such as,like,for example,for instance 等连接性词语往往用来列举说明前面较难理解的名词。1.You can take any of the periodicals:The World of English,Foreign Language Teaching in School,of English learning.分析:通过后面的举例:英语世界,中小学外语教学,英语学习,说明 periodicals 为“期刊杂志”。2.Many United nations emplo

37、yees are polyglots:Mr.Simpson,for example,speaks five languages fluently.分析:通过例举 Mr.Simpson 一人通晓五国语言,说明许多联合国雇员都是“通晓多国语言”。第十二招根据构词法 阅读中常会遇到一些由所熟悉的单词派生或合成的新词,可利用构词法知识来推测其意思。教学大纲已经明确地将构词法列在语法附表中,因此利用所学构词法生成的词不应被认定为生词。1.Exhibition officials said that a person bitten by one of these snakes would need at

38、least 80 ml of an anti-poison medicine to be saved.精品好文档,推荐学习交流 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢28 分析:anti-poison是由 poison 加前缀 anti-构成的,anti-意思是“反对、排斥、抵抗”,由此可猜出 anti-poison是“解毒、抗毒”的意思。2.Although simplified Chinese characters were accepted for use many years ago,it seems that more and more people like Chinese

39、characters in the complex form.分析:simplified 跟 simple 是同根词,带有-ed显然是过去分词形式的形容词。许多年以前我们采用了什么跟“简单”有关的汉字呢?不难想到是“简化的”汉字。第十三招注意熟词生义 英语中大量的词汇具有多义性,其含义并非完全等同于词典所标注的汉语意思,具体的词义需要在一定的上下文中体现出来。阅读理解中的熟悉词生义比生词本身的障碍要大得多。原因有三:其一,高考对生词的数量有量的规定,不得超过 3%;其二,熟悉词生义很容易引起考生的误解;其三,熟悉词生义的数量没有限制。如果这种现象在一篇文章中出现得多,那就更难理解了。下题中划线

40、的词可换为:1.New York,10 November,5:27 p.m.,yesterday.Biggest power failure in the city s history.A.enough B.not passing C.lack of D.lack 分析:本题正确答案为 D。failure 是 fail 变来的名词,有“失败;失败者;失败的事”的意思。本句 power failure 可翻译为“停电”。再如:crop failure“庄稼欠收”;heart failure“心力衰竭”。2.A bike tour and race will be held in August 2

41、6 and 27.At 5:30 a.m.,the riders will leave Tian an Men square and ride the first 35 kilometers as a training lge.Then the next 55 kilometers from Yanjiao to Jixian,will be the first competitive part for the tour.A.race B.practice C.part of the training D.part of the tour 精品好文档,推荐学习交流 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联

42、系网站删除 谢谢28 分析:本题正确答案为 D。从 first 35 kilometers 可看出,自行车赛车手从天安门出发,开始的三十五公里作为赛程的一部分,从后句 leg will be part of the tour 也可确定答案为 D。第十四招根据常识或经验猜测词义 在阅读中碰到生词时,我们有时可以运用逻辑推理能力、自身的生活经验及生活常识去推断生词的含义。当然也要结合语境。1.Rainforests like the Amazon are important for mopping up CO2 from the atmosphere and helping to slow glo

43、bal warming.The underlined phrase“mopping up”in the second paragraph means _.A.cleaning up B.taking in C.wiping out D.giving up 分析:本题正确答案为 B。由常识可知,雨林可以“吸收”空气中CO2。所以 mop up 意为“吸收、吸纳”,故选B。另外根据下文 Currently the trees in the Amazon take in around 500 million tones of CO2 each year 也可推知答案。2.She walked qui

44、etly to the small room by the lift and took a mop.She pushed past the desk and as the nurse looked up.Mum nodded and said,“Very dirty floor.”分析:从文中可看出,母亲用 mop 从桌子前面擦过去,还说了一句“地板真脏”。不言而喻 mop 的词义是“拖把”。第十五招利用词性转化 1.The most important reason for such a visit is to realize how our ancestors battled nature

45、 with the basic tools they had.分析:此处 picture 为动词,“使脑海中出现图画”即“描绘”.在理解原词的基础上,分析它的新词性,并结合原词含义发挥便理想象,从而概括抽象出它的新词义。3.The aging of the population will affect American society in many ways-education,medicine,and business.The underlined work“aging”means _.A.counting the number of years someone lives 精品好文档,推

46、荐学习交流 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢28 B.the numbers of years someone lives C.becoming older D.making someone looking older 分析:本题正确答案为 C。我们熟悉的是 age 作名词用时是“年龄”的意思,而此处是作动词用,意思是“老化”。怎样理解段落及文章整体的主旨大意【专家支招】文章是由段落组成的,段落的主题是段落的中心思想。而就一篇文章而言,具体段落的中心思想又是为文章整体的中心思想服务的,寻找中心思想的方法是:通过分析篇章结构,找出每小段的主题句,进而通过主题句找出文章主题,主题句通常

47、有这样的特点:有一个题;阐述控制性概念。主题句偶尔也可在一段文章中间;有的文章无明显主题句,主题句陷含在段意之中,这就需要读者进一步加工概括了。第一招 在许多情况下,尤其在阅读说明文和议论文时,根据其篇章特点我们可以通过寻找短文的主题句来归纳出文章的主题。主题句在文章中的位置通常有三种情况:开头、中间、结尾(含在开头结尾同时出现、首尾呼应的主题句)。因此仔细阅读这类文章或段落的首尾句是关键。做主旨大意类试题多采用浏览法。浏览时,一般不需逐句浏览,只需选读文章的首段、尾段,或每段的首句和尾句。重点搜索主题线索和主题信息。有些文章的主题句或者说“文眼”出现在文章的最后,此类文章往往以列举事实开头,

48、通过论证,最后阐述核心观点,或者引用某个人的话印证自己的观精品好文档,推荐学习交流 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢28 点,以此归纳文章的主旨大意,所以有时要找出这样的信息,从中提炼标题或归纳大意。例如:河北唐山市高三第二次模拟考试题 E 篇:In recent years many countries of the world have been faced with the problem of how to make their workers more productive.Some experts claim the answer is to make jobs mor

49、e varied.But do more varied jobs lead to greater productivity?There is evidence to suggest that while variety certainly makes the workers life more enjoyable,it doesn t actually make him work harder.As far as increasing productivity is concerned,the variety is not an important factor.Other experts f

50、eel that giving the worker freedom to do his job in his own way is important and there is no doubt that this is true.The problem was that this kind of freedom cannot easily be given in fixed way.Thus freedom of choice may be important,there is usually very little that can be done to create it.Anothe


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