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《细节理解题的解题技法.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《细节理解题的解题技法.docx(6页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、细节理解题的解题技法I .解题步骤在解答细节理解题时,考生可采取“关键词定位法”,即“带着问题找答案”。先从题干中 提取关键词(题眼),然后以此为线索,运用略读及寻读的技巧快速在文章中寻找与此关键词相关 的段落、语句,快速定位该题与哪一段、哪一句有关,然后仔细推敲,仔细比对所给选项与文中 细节的细微区别,在准确理解细节的前提下,最后确定答案。n.选项特征1 .正确选项特征原文原词利用原文原词作为正确选项同义替换 指对原文句子中的关键词进行同义替换。如把lose ones job换成be out of work。有 些细节理解题把原文中的一些词变换了词性,如把important变换成了 of i

2、mportance;改变原文 中句子的语态,如主动语态与被动语态的转换信息归纳用精练的语言来概括原文中比较分散或复杂的信息,设置为正确答案正话反说把原文中的意思反过来表达而成为正确选项2 .干扰选项特征张冠李戴是原文信息,但不是题目要求的内容无中生有符合常识,但不是文章的内容曲解文意 与原文的内容极其相似,只是在某个细节处有些变动颠倒是非在意思上与原文大相径庭甚至完全相反正误参半部分正确,部分错误III.可用的常识性判断1 .出题顺序和行文顺序大体一致。2 .仅仅符合常识的不一定对,不符合常识的往往错。3 .同义替换往往是答案,过于绝对往往是错误选项,文章主旨一般都会传递正能量。4 .留意文中

3、but/however感叹号、问号、破折号、长难句等经常设题处。二、细节理解题的解题示范典例1 (2022全国乙卷A篇节选)Schools and CollegesA special low entrance charge of 2 per person is available to all in full-time education, up to and including those at first degree level, in organised groups with teachers.23. How can full-time students get group disc

4、ounts?A. They should go on Sunday mornings.B. They should come from art schools.C. They must be led by teachers.D. They must have ID cards with them.解题示范题型:点式细节题一一直接细节题。解题步骤:一定选定题干中的两个关键词语full-time students和get group discountSo二找 根据关键词找到原文中的信息源A special low entrance charge of 2 per person is availab

5、le to all in full-time education, up to and including those at first degree level, in organised groups with teachers.三比对A项一一文章中并未提到,是典型的无中生有,主观臆断。B项一一本文内容虽然与画展有关,但并没有提到参观者必须是艺术学校的学生,故属于曲解文忌、OC项一一选项中的led与原文中“organised”是同义替换,即他们必须由教师带领。故选C。D项一一文章中并未提到,是典型的无中生有,主观臆断。典例2 (2021 天津3月高考C篇节选)Hypnosis is not

6、 a state of sleep: It is rather a modified (改变的)state of consciousness.The technologist will guide the patient to this modified state 一 an imaginary world that will disassociate itself more and more from the procedure that follows.47. According to Paragraph 5, hypnosis works by.A. creating a perfect

7、 world for patientsB. forcing patients into a state of deep sleepC. putting patients into an unconscious stateD. leading patients consciousness away from reality解题示范题型:网式细节题一一归纳概括题。解题步骤:一定根据题干选定三个关键词Paragraph 5, hypnosis和works。二找根据关键词定位到原文第五段。三比对 A项文中说的是“an imaginary world(一个虚构的世界),虚构的世界可好可坏,不 等同于一个

8、完美的世界,属于曲解文意。B项一一第一句明确说到催眠不是一种睡眠状态,因此逼迫病人进入深度睡眠是一种错误的说法, 属于颠倒是非。C项一一第一句的后半句说催眠是一种被改变了的意识状态,那就不是无意识状态,若将an unconscious state改成a modified consciousness则C选项正确,故C选项属于正误参半。D项一一第一句的后半句说催眠是一种被改变了的意识状态,而第二句提到改变的形式“技术人 员将引领病人进入一个虚构的世界”,这是典型的同义替换,leading对应guide, away from reality 对应 an imaginary world。故选 D。考生

9、要想在细节理解题上拿高分并不难,这就需要细心和耐心,重点识别干扰项陷阱和理解细节 信息。有些干扰选项要对原文中提供的信息进行简单的思维加工后才可排除,认真分析句子,读 懂后再答题;对一些模棱两可、无把握的选项,可用排除法辅助答题。练习A(2022济南模拟)1 have been receiving so much kindness. It was difficult for an independent girl like me to accept it at first. At times, my Hnancial situation is not the best. But with th

10、at comes a great lesson in appreciation, budgeting, and deciding what is and what isnt important.A few times Ive had to put off or even give up things. Because of my scarcity of money, I had to give up a keep-fit exercise, which is something I like to treat myself to regularly. When my coach Lisa he

11、ard about this, she offered me training at a highly discounted price. At first this made me very uncomfortable. I feared that she would wrongly think that I was going to bargain and of course I wasnt. Instead, I was just being honest about my situation being short of money. I finally accepted her of

12、fer, remembering that I deserve kindness, too.Another time, I noticed a friend of mine selling his old exercise bike, which was perfect for me, as I was looking to replace my broken one. I told him that I would take it when I had the money, but then life got in the way. When I finally got the time t

13、o pick it up, I realized my Hnancial shortcomings again. I asked him if he could hold onto it for one more week, as then Id have funds again. He was happy to do this, but instead he insisted on offering me the bike as a gift. Another opportunity presents itself to teach me how to accept kindness wit

14、h dignity.I continue to slowly learn how to accept kindness from others. In fact, the relationship between giving and receiving is closely linked.When you accept kindness from others with joy, they will feel happy, too.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者接受别人好意的经历:她从一开始不适应, 到后来有尊严地接受。作者意识到,事实上,给予和接受之间是紧密相连的,当你愉快地接

15、受别 人的好意时,他们也会感到快乐。1. What was the author afraid of when Lisa did her a favor?A. Being punished.B. Being misunderstood.C. Accepting her coachs strict training.D. Giving away the secret of her being short of money.解析:选B 细节理解题。本题属于点式细节题间接细节题。信息定位并比对:根据题干中的afraid of可定位至第二段中的“I feared that。由第二段中的“At firs

16、t this made me very uncomfortable.I feared that she would wrongly think that I was going to bargain and of course I wasnt.”可知,当教练莉萨提供了一个非常优惠的培训价格时,作者感到很不舒服,担心莉萨会 误解她要砍价。故选B项。易错分析:文中虽然提到作者缺钱,但是并不是作者所害怕的,D项 属于曲解文意。2. How did the author get the second-hand exercise bike?A. She paid much money for it.B.

17、 She got it for free.C. She bought it from her coach.D. She borrowed it from her friend.解析:选B 细节理解题。本题属于网式细节题归纳概括题。信息定位并比对:根据题 干中的 get the second-hand exercise bike 可定位至第三段中的“He was happy to do this, but instead he insisted on offering me the bike as a gift.”,作者的朋友坚持要把自行车作为礼物送给 她,所以作者免费得到了这辆二手的健身自行车

18、。故选B项。易错分析:A项在文中未提及,属 于无中生有;自行车是朋友的而不是教练的,属于张冠李戴,排除C项;D项在文中并未提及, 属于无中生有,所以也排除。B(2022武汉模拟)When did you last buy anything ? Maybe you are looking forward to a shopping trip at the weekend, but will it make you happy? In the short term, the answer might be yes.However, some people think it might not be

19、 good for our health and happiness in the long term.One of the busiest shopping days of the year in the US is Black Friday (the fourth Friday of November), which has spread around the world.However, not everyone will be queuing for a bargain.In 1992, Buy Nothing Day started in Canada and now more th

20、an sixty countries take parLTheir message is simple: Participate by not participating. For twenty-four hours on the fourth Friday of November, people do not buy anything at all. Some people choose to spend time with friends and family instead. Others join protests. But whafs the point?Every single p

21、urchase that you make has some kind of effect on the planet. Making the products and transporting them to the shops use a lot of natural resources. When they are no longer in fashion, the products will end up in the dustbin. All this contributes to air and water pollution, the destruction of our env

22、ironment and social inequality.The social influence of our spending habits is also serious. People in consumerist culture are more likely to suffer from flnancial problems and stress. In order to buy expensive products, people work long hours and therefore spend less time with family and friends.Cri

23、tics of Buy Nothing Day say ifs meaningless because people will just buy more the following day.But the organizers argue that Buy Nothing Day makes people think about the consequences of consumption and maybe make some changes to their lifestyle.语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。文章围绕购物这个话题,讲述了 Buy Nothing Day的意义: 可以挽救地

24、球和环境;挽救和朋友以及家人的关系以及减少工作时间,在某种程度上起一定作用。3. How can people participate in Buy Nothing Day?A. By not participating in any advertisement for Black Friday.B. By not buying anything on four Fridays of November.C. By spending time shopping with friends and family.D. By not going shopping on Black Friday.解析:

25、选D 细节理解题。本题属于点式细节题直接细节题。信息定位并比对:根据题 干中的 participate 可定位在第二段。根据第二段中的Their message is simple: Participate by not participating. For twenty-four hours on the fourth Friday of November, people do not buy anything at all.”可知,人们通过在黑色星期五,即十一月第四个星期五的二十四小时里不买任 何东西来参与Buy Nothing Day。故选D项。易错分析:文中提到花时间和朋友与家人在一起

26、, 而非花时间与朋友和家人购物,因此C项属于典型的曲解文意。4. Whafs NOT the point of Buy Nothing Day?A. Saving time spent in working.B. Saving the environment and our earth.C Saving money for charity.D. Saving our relationship with friends and family.解析:选C 细节理解题。本题属于网式细节题正误判断题。信息定位并比对:根据题 干中的the point可定位至第二段中的aBut whaf s the po

27、int? ”,而该问题的答案在接下来的段 落。根据第三、四段内容可知选C。易错分析:根据第三段中的AH this contributes to air and water pollution, the destruction of our environment and social inequality.”可推断,不购物可以挽救环境 和我们的地球,故B项是Buy Nothing Day的意义;根据倒数第二段中的In order to buy expensive products, people work long hours and therefore spend less time with family and friends.”可推断,不购物可以节省工作时间,可以挽救我们与朋友和家人的关系,故A、D项是 Buy Nothing Day 的意义。


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