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1、词汇详细版1plasticadj.可塑料的 可塑的 体态好的 n.塑料 (外科)整形的 信用卡The toy was made of plastic.这玩具是塑料做的。a plastic bag/bottle/bin/container塑料袋/瓶/箱/容器a politician with a plastic =fake smile笑容虚伪的政客2stealvt.偷 窍取 n.偷窃 便宜货 (欺诈的)政治交易He discovered that his car had been stolen.他发现自己的车被盗了。a stolen watch偷来的手表He stole my idea.他剽窃了

2、我的好点子。His outstanding performance stole the show.他出色的表演出尽了风头。3preferableadj.更可取的 更好的 更合意的the preferable choice更好的选择As far as Im concerned, physical therapy is greatly/infinitely preferable to surgery.依我看,物理疗法比手术好得多。The book is far/much preferable to the movie. =is much better than the movie原著比电影好多了。

3、Death was considered vastly preferable to dishonor.可杀不可辱。4summarizevt.概括 概述 总结 摘要而言To summarize, we need better schools.总之,我们需要更好的学校。【拓展:出结论的几种说法】1. In conclusionIn conclusion, the study has provided useful insights into the issues relating to peoples perception of crime.综上所述,本研究为人们对犯罪活动的认识问题提供了有益的见

4、解。2. to sum upTo sum up, no evidence can be found to support the view that improved street lighting reduces reported crime.总而言之,没有证据表明街道照明的改进能使犯罪案件报案数量减少。3. overall/in generalOverall / In general, women are more likely than men to feel insecure walking alone after dark.一般情况下,天黑后独自行走,女人比男人更容易感到不安全。5c

5、hartn.图 图表 海图 vt.制成图表a chart showing the number of cars sold each month汽车月销售量图表 see also bar chart, flow chart, pie chart6studentn.学生 研究生 学者7lipn.嘴唇8yearn.年 年年 年度 年龄 学年9consistentadj.坚持的 一贯的 始终如一的 一致的He is a consistent supporter of the museum.他是这家博物馆一贯的支持者。Their descriptions of the accident were con

6、sistent.他们对事故的描述是一致的。【扩展】consistently adverbThe technique is now being used consistently.这种技术现在一直都在用。He consistently earned high grades all through high school.他在整个高中期间成绩一直都很好。She has played consistently all season.整个赛季她的表现都很稳定。The store has consistently low prices.这家商店的商品价格一向很低。10maintenancen.维持 保持

7、 维修 生活费用 供给 抚养 He learnt tractor maintenance.他学会了拖拉机维修。His small farm provides maintenance, but not much more.他的小农场能使他们维持生活, 但仅此而已。He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife.他必须给前妻赡养费。11comraden.同志 亲密的同伴He spoke fondly of his old comrades in arms. =the people he fought alongside or worked together wit

8、h to achieve something他深情地谈起自己的老战友。12approachn.接近 途径 方法 vt.向.靠近 靠近 接近 动手处理We are approaching =nearing our destination.我们正在接近目的地。We are approaching the end of the fiscal year.这个财政年度快要结束了。a traditional approach传统方式trying a more healthy approach尝试一种更健康的方式13phasen.阶段 时期 局面 方面 相位 vt.逐步执行 实行 按计划进行The proj

9、ect will be done in three phases.本计划将分三个阶段实施。Hes in the final phase of treatment now.他现在处于治疗的最后阶段。The building project marks a new phase in the towns development.这一建筑工程标志着镇子的发展进入一个新时期。14moann.呻吟声 悲叹声 抱怨声 vi.呻吟 v.抱怨 呻吟The wounded soldier moaned in/with pain.伤兵痛苦地呻吟。 The crowd moaned =groaned as the o

10、ther team scored another goal.另一支球队又踢进一球,人群发出一片抱怨声。Im tired of all his moaning and groaning about his salary.我烦死他了,老在抱怨自己的薪水。15Americanadj.美洲的 美国的 美式的 n.美国人 美式英语16approximateadj.近似的 大约的 vt.近似 接近 约等于adjThis is the approximate location of the ancient city.这就是古城的大概位置。【拓展】approximately adverbThe repair

11、should cost approximately =about, around, roughly $200.修理费大约要花200美元。verbThe colors in the pictures can only approximate the real thing.画中的色彩只能近似于实物。17attendvt.出席 照顾 护理 照料 参加 注意 vi.专心 留意 待命One hundred people attended.有100人到场。She attends a school in the city.她在城里上学We attend the same church.我们去同一个教堂做礼拜

12、。 Each nurse attends 15 patients.每个护士照料15个病人。【拓展】attend to 处理;对付;照料;料理Please excuse me. I must attend to some business.请原谅,我必须处理一些事情。Volunteers attend to the park for the summer.志愿者们在夏天帮助管理这个公园。18radiatevi.发射光线 辐射 散发 辐射The sun radiates heat and light.太阳发光发热19predictv.预言 预告 预测 预报Many people predicted

13、 that the store would fail, but it has done very well.很多人曾经预言这家商店会倒闭,但它却经营得很红火。 She won the election, as I predicted (she would).如我所料,她赢得了选举。【拓展】 predictability n.(名词) predictable adj.(形容词) predictably adv.(副词) predictive adj.(形容词) predictor n.(名词)20harbourn.海港 港口 vt.庇护 停泊Hong Kong has been endowed

14、with one of the finest natural harbours in the world.香港是世界上最好的天然海港之一。Its an offence to harbour the criminals.窝藏罪犯是犯罪行为。21boxn.箱 盒 包箱 专席 亭子 窘境 vt. 装.入盒中 用拳击 vi.参与拳击 拳击 打拳She kept all the letters in a box.a money box 钱匣a toolbox 工具箱22typen.型 类型 种类 典型 vi.打字different racial types 不同的人种a rare blood type

15、罕见的血型She mixes with all types of people. 她和各种类型的人打交道。23bucketn.水桶 吊桶 铲斗 vt.装在桶里 vi.急急忙忙kick the bucket 死了;一命呜呼When did he kick the bucket? 他是什么时候去世的?a drop in the bucket 沧海一粟,九牛一毛The 20 dollars is a drop in the bucket. 这20美元只是杯水车薪。24eveningn.傍晚 黄昏 晚上25adjectiven.形容词 adj. 形容词的 不独立的Adjective Clause 形容

16、词从句26sweatn. 汗 汗水 (凝结在物体表面的)水珠 焦急 繁重工作 vi. 出汗 渗出 焦躁 辛苦工作 vt. (使)出汗 使渗出 榨取 逼问 使焦虑His face was running with sweat. 他满脸是汗。sweat suit 运动套装27exactlyadv.确切地 恰恰正是Your answer is exactly right. 你的回答完全正确。同义词accurately, correctly, properly, precisely, right28dailyadj.每日的 按天计算的 日常的 adv.每日 天天The museum is open d

17、aily throughout the year. 这个博物馆一年到头每天都开放。daily necessities 日用品;生活必需品29trimadj.整齐的 匀称的 vt.使整齐 使整洁 修除 削剪 装备 痛打击败 n.整齐 装饰 修剪下来的部分His hair needed a trim. 他的头发需要修剪了。We should trim off the unnecessary parts of our spending. 我们应该削减不必要的开销。30neverthelessconj.然而 不过 adv.仍然 不过Our defeat was expected but it is d

18、isappointing nevertheless. 我们的失败是意料中的事,尽管如此,还是令人失望。There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try. 我们几乎没有可能改变法律。不过,重要的是我们努力争取。31storagen.贮藏 贮藏量 存储 保管Ive been spending a lot more time editing photos, posting online and clearing storage on my

19、 phone. 我花了很多时间在手机上编辑照片、在网上发帖和清理存储空间。Cloud Storage 云端储存; 云存储32typistn.打字员I can just imagine a scene with a typist sitting on an old-fashioned typing chair, her back aching, exhausted. 我可以想象这样一个场景:一个打字员坐在一把老式的打字椅上,她的背很疼,很累。Im quite a fast typist. 我打字相当快。33centraladj.中心的 主要的 基本的 折中的 中枢的 n.中央办公室 中心She

20、has been a central figure in the campaign. 她一直是这场运动的主要人物。Central Park 中央公园(位于美国纽约)central business district 商业中心区34entrancen.入口 门口 进入 登场v. 使入迷,使狂喜At twenty to six I was waiting by the entrance to the station. 6点差20分时,我在车站入口处等着。college entrance examination 高考;大学入学考试entrance permit 进口许可证;入境许可证35sensib

21、leadj.感觉得到的 明智的 可察觉的 意识到的 实用的She was a sensible girl and did not panic. 她是个理智的女孩子,并没有惊慌失措。Actually, it would be much more sensible to do it later. 事实上,以后再办这件事可能要明智得多。36careern.生涯 职业 事业 经历 He chose banking as a career. 他选中银行业为职业。Shes at the peak of her career. 她正处在事业的巅峰。Career Planning 职业生涯规划career o

22、bjective 职业目标career development 职业发展37automobilen.汽车 机动车 adj.汽车的Thanks to the automobile, Americans soon had a freedom of movement previously unknown. 由于有了汽车,美国人很快就获得了前所未有的行动自由。automobile industry 汽车产业automobile insurance 汽车保险38P.M. n.下午 午后 abbr.下午(=post meridiem )The gallery is open Monday through

23、Friday, 9 am to 6 pm. 美术馆的开放时间为周一到周五,上午9点到下午6点。The bodys natural rhythms mean we all feel dull and sleepy between 1 and 3 pm. 身体的自然节律造成我们在下午1点至3点间都会感到无精打采、昏昏欲睡。39professorn.教授 研究员The professor previewed the course for us. 教授为我们扼要介绍了这门课程。He was a professor at the local state university. 他曾是当地州立大学的教授。

24、40dumbadj.哑的 无言的 沉默的 愚蠢的vt.使人沉默I assumed you were dumb but adorable. 我以为你可爱但只是有点笨。We sat there in dumb silence. 我们坐在那里,默然无语。deaf and dumb 聋哑的,又聋又哑41delayvt.推迟 耽搁 延误 vi.耽搁 n.耽搁 迟滞We would like to apologize for the delay. 我们愿对延迟表示歉意。The passengers grew angry about the delay. 延误使乘客气愤起来。without delay 立即

25、;毫不迟延地All these measures must be carried through without delay. 所有这些措施必须毫不拖延地实施。42gloomyvt.推迟 耽搁 延误 vi.耽搁 n.耽搁 迟滞gloomy mood 忧愁的思绪They found him in a gloomy, downbeat mood. 他们发现他心情沮丧而消沉。Suddenly, the future didnt look so gloomy after all. 突然感到前途似乎并非如此黯淡。43cripplen.跛子 残废的人 v.使.跛 使.成残废 削弱He had been w

26、arned that another bad fall could cripple him for life. 他被警告说再一次严重摔跤会使他终身残疾。A total cutoff of supplies would cripple the countrys economy. 全面终止供给将使该国经济瘫痪。44intellectualn.知识分子 凭理智做事者 adj.智力的 聪明的They were very intellectual and witty. 他们非常聪明、机智。As a child, she was starved of intellectual nourishment. 作

27、为一个孩子,她渴望吸取知识的养分。Intellectual Property 知识产权intellectual disability 智力障碍45wakevi.醒 醒来 vt.唤醒 n.清醒 守夜I crept up the stairs, trying not to wake my parents. 为了尽量不吵醒父母,我蹑手蹑脚地上了楼。wake up 醒来;唤醒We go to sleep with a problem and wake up with the solution. 我们带着问题入睡,带着解决方案醒来。46extentn.广度 范围 程度 宽度 长度 大小 to some

28、extent 在某种程度上To some extent this was the truth. 在某种程度上这是事实。to a large extent 在很大程度上As far as goods transport is concerned, growth is due to a large extent to changes in the European economy and its system of production. 就货物运输而言,其增长在很大程度上是由于欧洲经济及其生产体系的变化。47roastvt. & vi.烤 炙 烘焙 adj.烘烤的 烤过的 n.烤肉 烘烤They

29、 serve the most delicious roast beef. 他们做最美味的烤牛肉。roast duck 烤鸭48ripeadj.熟的 成熟的 上年纪的 合适的 时机成熟的Reforms were promised when the time was ripe. 曾经作出承诺,时机一成熟就进行改革。The tomatoes are not yet ripe. 西红柿还没熟。49academicadj. 学院的 理论的 学术性的 n. 教学人员 学术人员Jennifer has an impressive academic and business background. 詹妮弗有

30、着了不起的学术和商业背景。academic conference 学术会议研讨会academic discipline 学科The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. 对一门学科的研究改变了我们感知世界的方式。50headquartersn.司令部 指挥部 总部They located their headquarters in Swindon. 他们把总部设在了斯温登。Taxes are low, so many businesses have their headquarters her

31、e. 税收很低,所以很多企业都把总部设在这里。51whompron.( who的宾格)谁Whom do the police suspect? 警方怀疑谁?52rendervt.表示 给予 使得 使成为 提供 报答 着色 执行 实施 vi.给予补偿 n.交纳 粉刷 打底It contained so many errors as to render it worthless. 太多的错误使之变得毫无价值。The worsening global shortage could render millions of dollars of high-value life-saving equipme

32、nt totally useless. 不断恶化的全球短缺的情况可能会使价值数百万美元的高价值救生设备变得毫无用处。53launchvt.&n.发射 投射 发动 下水 开始 升天 汽艇The official launch date is in May. 正式的发行日期是在五月。The decision to delay the launch stems from unfavourable weather conditions. 推迟发射的决定源于不利的天气情况。短语: launch on 开始;着手 launch into 进入,投入launch out 出航;开始新的事情54servevt

33、.为.服务 招待 可作.用 对待 发球They serve good French cooking. 他们供应美味的法国菜。They were willing to serve the fatherland in its hour of need. 他们愿意在祖国需要时为祖国服务。短语:serve the needs of 符合的需要How can we best serve the needs of future generations? 我们怎样才最能满足后代子孙的需要?55comparativeadj.比较的 相对的 n.对手The task was accomplished with

34、comparative ease. 这项任务完成得比较容易。Comparative advantage is shifting to high value-added sectors. 相对优势正转移向高附加值行业。56wolfn.狼 残暴的人 v.狼吞虎咽He thought he had better track this wolf and see where it lived. 他认为他最好跟踪这只狼,并看看它在哪儿生活。习语:throw sb to the wolves弃于险境而不顾;见死不救 a wolf in sheeps clothing 披着羊皮的狼57Japann.日本 日本

35、国How do you find life in Japan? 你觉得日本的生活如何?The company now exports to Japan. 该公司现在对日本出口。58whosepron.谁的 哪个人的 adj.谁的Whose side are you on anyway? 你到底赞成谁的观点呢?Hes a man whose opinion I respect. 他是我尊重其意见的人。59support vt.支撑 支持 供养 帮助 n.支持 援助 供养We offer free technical support. 我们免费提供技术支持.Your support is grea

36、tly appreciated. 十分感谢你的支持。60movevt. 使移动 使.感动 推动 (有时也意译为跳槽) n. 移动迁居 步骤 动作 计算机 移动 vi. 移动 搬家 采取行动We made preparations to move to new offices. 我们已准备好要搬到新办公室。61weavevt.织 编 组合 编排 vi.纺织 编织 n.编法 织法 编织She sat at her loom and continued to weave. 她坐在织布机前,继续织布。A bird must weave these materials into a nest. 鸟必须把

37、这些材料织成巢。weave into 把.交织在一起Mountains and rivers and will weave into a poem lines. 且将山河编织成诗行。62hilln.小山 小堆 斜坡 山岗 丘陵 vt.堆起 培土We neared the top of the hill. 我们快到山顶了。The bus bounced down the hill. 公共汽车颠簸着开下山去。63contentn.内容 目录 容量 adj.满足的 满意的 vt.使.满足 使.安心Her poetry has a good deal of political content. 她的诗

38、歌含有大量的政治内容。Stricter controls were placed on the content of videos. 对录像的内容有了更严格的控制。64placen.地方 地点 住所 职位 获奖的名次 vt.放置 任命 安排 vi.获得名次短语:in the first place 首先;起初;第一;原先Looking to the future, though, we asked him what the prospects are for a vaccine to prevent infection in the first place. 然而,展望未来时,我们首先问他一种

39、预防传染的疫苗前景如何。take place 发生When did this event take place? 这件事是什么时候发生的?65conclusionn.结论 推论 结尾It was a logical conclusion from the childs point of view. 从小孩的观点来看这是个合乎情理的结论。短语:in conclusion 总之;最后draw/reach/arrive at a conclusion 得出结论;作结论66mann.男人 人 人类 vt.为.配备人手 使.振奋Hes a mild, inoffensive man. 他是个温和有礼的男

40、人。The president is a good man. 总统是个品德高尚的人。67costn.价格 代价 成本 费用 vt.花费 使付出 vi.值 付出 计算机 费用Successhascosthimdearly.他为成功付出了高昂的代价。The actual cost was higher than we expected. 实际成本比我们预计的要高。短语:at the cost of 以为代价68ration.比 比率What is the ratio of men to women in the department? 这个部门的男女比例是多少?An increasing rati

41、o of mistakes, perhaps induced by tiredness, crept into her game. 可能是因为疲劳,她在比赛中的错误率不知不觉地升高了。69Arabianadj.阿拉伯(人)的 n.阿拉伯人70constructionn.建造 建设 建筑 建筑物 结构 构造The summer house was a simple wooden construction. 那座避暑别墅是简单的木结构建筑。An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction. 接着是一个经济的繁荣,尤其

42、在住房和建筑方面。71exceptprep. & conj.除了.之外 若不是 除非 vt.除 除外We work every day except Sunday. 我们除星期天外每天都工作。词组:except for 除了以外;要不是由于The room was silent except for the TV. 除了电视的声音,那房间里寂静无声。词义辨析:except for,besides,apart fromexcept for表示对整体说明做细节修正,即对主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定The street in the early morning is very quiet excep

43、t for a few cars.besides意思是除之外还/也,其后的宾语是被包括在内的Many students have been to the Great Wall beside me.apart from意思是除之外,表示排除意义时相当于except,表示包括意义时相当于besides。The children hardly see anymore apart from their parents.除了他们的父母,孩子们很少见到其他人。72sectionn.切片 一段 部门 零件 部分 章节 区域 路段 断面 vt.划分切开 vi.划分That section of the roa

44、d is still closed. 那段公路依旧封闭The school has a special education section. 该校有一个特殊教育部门。73bulbn.电灯泡 球状物The bulb should just screw into the socket. 把灯泡拧到灯口上就行。It is quite easy, with all that choice, to change a light bulb. 有了这么多的选择,换一个灯泡是相当容易的。74buyn.合理的价格 购买 vt.买 购买 换得 收买 接受 vi.购买Money cant buy you happi

45、ness. 金钱不能为你买到幸福。It may be necessary to buy a new one. 也许有必要买个新的了。75belln.钟 铃 门铃 钟声 花冠 吼叫声 vt.敲钟 使象钟状地张开vi.使呈钟状 张开He heard the school bell ring. 他听见学校的铃响了。A bell tinkled as the door opened. 房门一开,铃声丁零响了。76woollenadj.羊毛制的 毛线的 n.毛织品These woollen suits are not designed for wear in hot climates. 这些毛料西服不是为炎热气候下穿着的。She had a warm woollen hat on that left only her eyes and nose showing. 她戴了一顶保暖呢帽,只露出眼睛和鼻子。77caven.山洞 洞穴 窑洞 vt.挖空 塌落 屈服 vi.塌落The guide flashed a light into the cave. 导游用手电


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