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《新苏教译林版六年级英语上册试卷1全程测评卷.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新苏教译林版六年级英语上册试卷1全程测评卷.pdf(97页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、译 林 版 六 年 级 英 语 上 册 全 套 试 卷 1(新 教 材)特 别 说 明:本 试 卷 为 最 新 译 林 版 教 材 配 套 试 卷。全 套 试 卷 共 2 2份(含 听 力 材 料 和 答 案)。试 卷 内 容 如 下:参 考 答 案(含 听 力 材 料)1.单 元 测 评 卷(Unit 1)12.单 元 测 评 卷(Unit 7)2.单 元 测 评 卷(Unit 2)13.单 元 测 评 卷(Unit 8)3.阶 段 测 评 卷(Units 12)14.阶 段 测 评 卷(Units 78)4.单 元 测 评 卷(Unit 3)15.分 类 测 评 卷(一)5.单 元 测 评

2、 卷(Unit 4)16.分 类 测 评 卷(二)6.阶 段 测 评 卷(Units 34)17.分 类 测 评 卷(三)7.期 中 测 评 卷(一)18.分 类 测 评 卷(四)8.期 中 测 评 卷(二)19.分 类 测 评 卷(五)9.单 元 测 评 卷(Unit 5)20.期 末 测 评 卷(-)10.单 元 测 评 卷(Unit 6)21.期 末 测 评 卷(二)11.阶 段 测 评 卷(Units 56)22.期 末 测 评 卷(三)六 年 级 英 语(上)(译 林 版)单 元 测 评 卷(Unit 1)满 分:i o o 分 时 间:4 0 分 钟 听 力 部 分(共 3 0分)

3、一、听 录 音,选 出 你 所 听 到 的 内 容。(每 小 题 1分,共 10分).()1.A.clothes B.nose()2.A.laugh B.magic()3.A game B.same()4.A.visit B.visits()5.A.ago B.o*clock()6.A.show his clothes B.start again()7.A.wear shoes B.visit the king()8.A.see me B.make clothes()9.A.The boy was happy.B.Whats next?C.Its my turn.()10.A.The woma

4、n was foolish.B.Are they nice?C.Miss Green starts.二、听 录 音,选 择 合 适 的 应 答 句。(每 小 题 2 分,共 1 0分)()1.A.Yes,they are.B.No,they cant.()2.A.The first of May.B.On the fourth of June,C.Its seven oclock.()3.A.I have a big dinner.B.Yes there is.C.Thank you()4.A.Yes,we can.B.I can.()5.A.Yes,please.B.New clothes,

5、please.C.They are beautiful.三、听 录 音,补 全 短 文。(每 空 1 分,共 1 0分)the king liked new clothes,two men came toC.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.c.sofamountainnamevisitedgolook at the pictureat half past sixon the mountainYes.They fit well.Me too.him.The king didntwant to be a man,so he had to the clothes.He walked in the.A

6、 lot of wanted to be and they shouted.But a said,“The kingwear clothes.w笔 试 部 分(共 7 0分)四、找 出 与 所 给 单 词 画 线 部 分 含 有 相 同 发 音 的 单 词 并 填 写 在 横 线 上。(每 空 1 分,共 6 分)1.The woman with a big nose on the sofa is my mother.no _ _2.I usually study Chinese with my brother,lunch _ _3.一 Whats the man doing?-Hes mak

7、ing an apple cake.Dad _ _五、英 汉 互 译 c(每 小 题 0.5 分,共 5分).1.给 我 讲 一 个 故 事 _3.嘲 笑 你 _5.看 见 我 们 _7.穿 新 衣 服 _9,照 顾 他 _2.magic clothes_4.point at the king6.play a game_8.long long ago_10.this afternoon_六、用 所 给 单 词 的 适 当 形 式 填 空。(每 小 题 1分,共 9 分)1.T o m(b e)twelve last year.2.The t w o(w o m a n)are in the s

8、hop.3.J a c k(v i s i t)his grandpa and walked with him in the park yesterday.4,Look!The g i r l(t r y)on the clothes.5.Sunday is the(one)day of a week.6.S h o w(s h e)your pictures,please.7.H i s(p a r e n t)are cooking in the kitchen.8.T h e(t e a c h)usually have breakfast at eight.9.Helen goes h

9、ome a n d(w a t c h)TV with her brother every day.七、单 项 选 择。(每 小 题 1分,共 10分)()1.一 Can you see the flowers?-Yes.I can seethem A.they B.their C.()2.There are a lot of in the store.A.watches B.watchs C.watch()3.The girl is ill.Her mother is looking_ her.A.for B.after C.up()4.Mike his homework on Sunday

10、s.A.do B.doesnt c.doesn,t do()5.The lady walked through the city_ her new necklace.A.wear B.with C.on()6.I like beautiful clothes over there.A.these B.that C those2()7.The new hat fits _ _ _ _ _A.he well B.m e wellC.you good()8.I walked to the bookshop and a book.A.get B.getting C.got()9.Jack and T

11、o m like stories.A.all;listening to B.both;listening to C.all;listening()10.Dogs lived in the forestA.now B.every day c.long long ago八、短 文 改 错。(每 空 1 分,共 5 分)Miss Lin and his students are in the classroom now.They areplay a game.They are telling stories.The students are very happy.Each students says

12、 three sentences.Miss Lin starts,“Long Jongago,there was a old man.H e lived in the forest.H e helped a lot ofpeoples.99九、按 要 求 完 成 句 子。(每 小 题 2 分,共 1 0分)1.There are some trees on the mountain n o w.(用 long long ago 替 换 n o w 改 写 句 子)some trees on the mountain long long ago.2.Miss Li is trying on th

13、e new clothes.(同 义 句 转 换)Miss Li is the new c l o t h e s,3.The children laughed at the old m a n.(同 义 句 转 换)T h e a n d laughed at the old man.4.C o m e to m y party at half past four in the park.(同 义 句 转 换)、C o m e to m y party at in the park.j5.M r Li is wearing some clothes.(改 为 否 定 句)卜 M r L i

14、_wearing clothes.%十、将 下 列 句 子 排 列 成 一 段 完 整 的 对 话。(共 5 分)(1)What*s the matter with Jack?()But he sits in front of Jack.()Is there anything wrong with Jacks eyes?(At last(最 后)Jack is sad.()H e cannot see the words on the blackboard.()No.His eyes are very fine.Jack is short.T o m is tall.十 一、阅 读 理 解。(

15、每 小 题 1 分,共 1 0分)(A)A w o m a n liked birds a lot.One morning,she walked into a pet shop to buy a bird thatcould sing.The m a n gave her a nice parrot,and she took it home.Then she saw the bird hada broken(患 病 的)leg.She went back to the shop and said to the man,“One of the parrotslegs is broken!w M

16、a d a m,“the m a n answered.W h e n you buy the bird,you ask m e to giveyou a singer,not a dancer.M3阅 读 短 文,判 断 正(T)误(F)。()1.The bird was very beautiful.()2.The bird could sing.()3.The birds legs were broken.()4.The woman wanted a bird to sing and dance.()5.The woman walked to the shop once(一 次)a da

17、y.(B)Tom:Hey!Thats my donkey.Give it back to me.Jack:Your donkey?Its my donkey.Tom:Oh,no.Its black.Its mine.Jack:All the black donkeys are yours?My donkey is black too.Tom:OK!Tell me in which eye the donkey is blind.Jack:In the right eye.Tom:No.Jack:Im wrong.In the left eye,of course.Tom:Ha,ha,you a

18、re wrong again.The donkeys two eyes are all right.So thats notyour donkey.Its mine.阅 读 对 话.判 断 正(T)误(F)。()6.The animal is a horse.()7.The animal is black.()8.Jack asks Tom a question about the animal.()9.One of the animals eyes is blind()10.The animal is Tom and Jacks.十 二、书 面 表 达。(共 10分)以“A happy fa

19、mily”为 题,根 据 表 格 信 息 写 一 篇 短 文。要 求:语 句 通 顺,书 写 认 真,不 少 于 5 句 话。Time Where People Things Feelingslong long ago on the mountaina man work hard on the farmbusyhappya womanwash clothescooklook after the childrenA happy family4单 元 测 评 卷(Unit 2)满 分:1 0 0分 时 间:4 0 分 钟 听 力 部 分(共 3 0分)一、听 录 音.选 出 你 所 听 到 的 内

20、 容。(每 小 题 1分,共 5 分)()1.)2.)3.()5.A.A.A.B.C.A.B.C.A.B.C.findwindyin the skyfly kitesin the playgroundgo to the parkon 20th Septemberlook sadB.fineB.rainyC.fiveC.cloudyThere was a fashion show in the park.What happened?It flew too high and we couldnt hold onto it.二、听 录 音,给 下 列 图 片 排 序。(共 5 分)三、听 录 音,选

21、 择 合 适 的 应 答 句。(每 小 题 2 分,共 10分)It is cloudy.I was late for school.A good idea!Im fine.You look happy.What a pity!B.It was rainy.B.Yes,it is.B.Well done!()1()2.()3.()4.A.A.AA.B.C.)5.A.B.C.There is a parrot.There were some chairs.Yes,there were.We couldnt fly kites in the park.We went to the playgrou

22、nd and played games.We were hungry and wet四、听 录 音,补 全 对 话。(每 空 1分,共 10分)1.A:What are y o u?B:f m a A:You often fly i t,_?)5B:Yes.12.A:W h a tB:I like _A:_B:it this morning.do you like?very much.do you like them?they c a n.笔 试 部 分(共 70分)五、选 出 句 中 画 线 部 分 读 音 与 其 余 两 项 不 同 的 一 项.(每 小 题 1 分,共 5 分)()1.T

23、 h e m a n saw ants on the cake.A B C()2.T h e student had lunch with his m u m.A B C()3.M y happy bird is flying in the sky.A B C()4.His brother sees s o m e tomatoes in the bag.A B C()5.There is a dog here,m y dear.六、英 汉 互 译。(每 小 题 0.5 分,共 5 分)1.糟 糕 的 一 天 _3,变 得 晴 朗 _5.飞 得 高 _7.在 天 空 中 _9.丢 了 我 的

24、包 _七、用 所 给 单 词 的 适 当 形 式 填 空。(每 小 题 1:2.have a picnic_ _ _4.last Saturday morning6.hold onto the kite8.watch a film _10.go to school by school bus,共 1 0 分)1.1(see)a kite last Monday.2.T h e(c h i l d)enjoyed a parrot show in the park.They thought its interesting.3.It w a s(s u n).I played football i

25、n the playground.4.Look.T h e m a n(h a v e)breakfast.5.Shall w e g o(swim)?G o o d idea.6.Nancy u s u a l l y(t e a c h e r)m e English on Sundays.7.T h e cats are v e r y(l o v e).8.There are m a n y beautiful flowers.Ca n you d r a w(t h e y)?9.I(f i n d)the cat near the hill last Friday.10.W e c

26、 o u l d n t(e a t)our lunch八、单 项 选 择。(每 小 题 1 分,共 1 0 分)()1.T h e r e some black clouds in the sky now.A.is B.were C.are6()2.单 词“become”有 _个 音 节,第 一 B.3;2_个 音 节 重 读。C.2;2 A.()3.Ma Li looked after her grandma_A.all the day B.all day C.all days()4.He has some apples andA.honeys B.orange C.bread()5.W

27、e climbed the hill.A.up B.with C.at()6.在 书 写 单 词“fly”时,第 一 笔 是 _。A.f B.C.-()7.There was an man over there.A.nice B.old C.wonderful()8.Mike went to school atA.seven B.the morning C.Tuesday()9.There _ many oranges_ the tree.A.is;in B.were;on C.were;in()10.一 Because I get some books from my teacher.A.W

28、hats the matter with you,Nancy?B.W h y are you so happy today,Helen?C.Which man is your English teacher,Wang Bing?九、从 U 栏 中 选 出 与 I 栏 相 对 应 的 答 句。(每 小 题 2 分,共 10分)I n()1.Whats wrong with you?()2.What was in your bag?()3.H o w can I get to the bookshop?()4.Where do you live now?()5.Can I go to school

29、 by bike?十、按 要 求 完 成 句 子。(每 小 题 2 分,共 10分)A.Go along this street.You can see it.B.No.You are too young.C.I have a headache.D.There were some books.E.I live on Sun Street.1.I usually get up at six.(对 画 线 部 分 提 问)you usually get up?2.The students played football last Wednesday.(用 now 替 换 last Wednesda

30、y 改 写 句 子)The s t u d e n t s football now.3.I walked to school.(同 义 句 转 换)I to school o n,4.October,day,it,on,all,rained,15th(.)(连 词 成 句)5.I like reading.Jack likes reading too.(合 并 为 一 句)and both like reading.7十 一、阅 读 短 文 回 答 下 列 问 题。(每 小 题 2 分,共 10分)A crow(乌 鸦)got a piece of meat.She was very gla

31、d.She wanted to take the meat toher children.She was tired.She had a rest in a tree.A fox passed by.He was very hungry.He saw the crow in the tree and the piece of meat in her mouth.He was happy and said tothe crow,“Hello,Crow.You look so nice.I know you can sing very well.Would you singfor me?”The

32、crow was glad to hear that and began to sing.When the crow opened hermouth,the meat fell down and the fox got it.1.What did the crow get?2.Who did the crow want to take the meat to?3.Whats the matter with the fox?4.The crow could sing very well,right?5.Who is clever,the crow or the fox?十 二、书 面 表 达。(

33、共 10分)请 以“A happy day”为 题,用 一 般 过 去 时 写 一 篇 短 文。要 求:语 句 通 顺,书 写 认 真,不 少 于 5句 话。A happy day六 年 级 英 语(上)(译 林 版)阶 段 测 评 卷(Units 1 2)满 分:1 0 0 分 时 间:4 0 分 钟 听 力 部 分(共 3 0分)一、听 录 音,选 出 你 所 听 到 的 内 容。(每 小 题 1 分,共 i o 分)()1.A.now B.know C.not()2.A.high B.hear c.her()3.A.Sunday B sun c.sunny()4.A.milk B.mee

34、t c.Miss()5.A.hurry B.honey c.hungry()6.A.animal B.ant c.at()7.A,found B.find c.fine()8.A.that chair B.Chinese book c.cheer together()9.A.on 2nd September B.e.12th September c.on 20th September()10.A.What colour?B.What happened?c.What time?二、听 录 音,选 择 合 适 的 应 答 句。(每 小 题 2 分,共 1 0分)()1,A.No,she isnt.

35、B.No,she doesnt.C.No,she cant.()2.A.On my birthday.B.Some books.C.I have a party.()3.A.Yes,you can.B.Yes,you are.C.Yes,you do.()4.A.Thats all right.B.Youre welcome.C.Thats right.()5.A.Therere eleven.B.Fd like to watch.C.To the cinema.三、听 录 音,补 全 短 文。(每 空 1分,共 1 0分)It w a s last Saturday.I to the par

36、k my brother.Wesome bread a n d.W e many photos there.W e up the hill and_ some children f l y i n g in the park.W e happy.9笔 试 部 分(共 7 0分)四、判 断 下 列 单 词 画 线 部 分 读 音 是(S)否(D)相 同。(每 小 题 1分,共 8 分)()1.weather bread()2.meet bee()3.lose interesting()4.know window()5.climb robot()6.hear wear()7.honey come(

37、)8.find high五、英 汉 互 译。(每 小 题 0.5分,共 5 分)1.骑 自 行 车 去 公 园 _ _ 2.see a parrot show_3.变 成 多 云 的 _ _ 4.rain all day_5.看 上 去 难 过 _ _ 6.fly too high_7.丢 了 我 的 新 衣 服 _ _ 8.have a picnic_9.爬 山 10.hold onto it六、根 据 句 意 及 首 字 母 提 示 完 成 单 词。(每 小 题 1分,共 5 分)1.There were many people behind the car.What h?2.The st

38、ory is i,so we cant help laughing.3.一 What is Alice doing?-She cant f her watch,so she is looking for it.4.The w in spring in Nanjing is warm.5.The girl worked hard at school,and she b a scientist(科 学 家)later.七、用 所 给 动 词 的 适 当 形 式 填 空。(每 小 题 1分,共 8 分)1,Look,the b o y s(p l a y)football in the playgr

39、ound.2.M i l l i e(g o)to school on foot every day.3.There a jacket on the chair just now.But there not a jacket therenow.(be)4.I(c a n)teli this story in the past(过 去),but now I(c a n not).5.She w a n t s(s u r f)the Internet at weekends.6.Don5t(d r i v e)your car so fast.7.My b r o t h e r(s e e)a

40、 film with my mother yesterday afternoon.8.David_(bring)a lovely toy panda here yesterday.八、单 项 选 择。(每 小 题 1分,共 10分)()1.-How do you go to work every day?I go to w o r k.A.take a bus B.by bus C.drive a car()2.When is Childrens Day?A.On June 1st.B.June 2nd.C.In June 1st.10()3.Whats the matter?A.I am a

41、 doctor.B.Im sorry.C.I lost my purse.()4.Sam w ants his mother do some cleaning.A.help B.to help C.helping()5.Its t i m e breakfast.A.have B.to have C.for have()6.T h e r e a pen and some pencils in my pencil case.A.is B.are C.be()7.-My parrot flew away.A.Its great.B.I*m sorry to hear that C.Yes,I l

42、ike.()8.If you can answer questions correctly,the teacher will say to you.A.Thats all right.B.Well done.C.Youre wrong.()9.Li Hua could n o t his English book.A.find B.look for C.found()10.It rained.We were hungry and wet in the zoo.A.What day!B.How day!C.What a day!九、从 U栏 中 选 出 与 I 栏 相 对 应 的 答 句。(每

43、小 题 1分,共 6 分)I()1.Your skateboard is so beautiful.()2.Can you make a model plane?()3.How many postcards can you see?()4.Lets go swimming this afternoon.()5.Im not so good today.()6.Whar*s the matter?十、按 要 求 完 成 句 子。(每 小 题 2分,共 10分)nA.I can see seven.B.Thank you.C.Im hungry.D.Great!E.Yes,I can.F.Im s

44、orry.1.The boy flies kites in the park(改 写 成 过 去 时)The boy in the park.2.My parents go to Shanghai.(改 写 成 过 去 时)My parents Shanghai.3.There is a basket of tomatoes under the table.(改 写 成 过 去 时 a basket of tomatoes under the table.4.1 like computer games.(改 为 否 定 句)I computer games.5.He plays the pia

45、no very well.(改 为 一 般 疑 问 句)play the piano very well?11十 一、阅 读 短 文,选 择 正 确 的 答 案。(每 小 题 2 分,共 10分)Bill is seven years old.He is polite(有 礼 貌 的).So his friends and his parents like himvery much.It is Saturday today.Bill is at home.He is watching TV and his sister is doingher homework.At eleven,his fa

46、ther comes back with some oranges.Bill likes oranges verymuch and he wants to eat one.His mother asks,“Which orange do you want,Bill?”“The biggest(最 大 的)one,Mum.”“What?”says his mother.You should be polite and want the smallest(最 小 的)one.Should I tell a lie(说 谎)just to be polite,Mum?”()1.Is Bill pol

47、ite?A.Yes,he is.B.No,he isnt.C.He is polite.()2.How many people are there in Bilfs family?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.()3.What is Bill doing?A.He is watching TV.B.He is at home.C.He is doing his homeworL()4.When dbes his father come back?A.At sevea B.At nine.C.At eleven.()5.Which orange does Bill like?A.T

48、he smallest one.B.The red one.C.The biggest one.十 二、书 面 表 达。(共 8 分)根 据 提 示 写 一 篇 日 记,要 求 语 句 通 顺、书 写 规 范、语 法 和 标 点 正 确,不 少 于 5句 话。提 示:今 天 是 9月 3 日,星 期 日,天 气 不 错。上 午 我 和 朋 友 们 观 看 了 皇 帝 的 新 装 这 部 电 影。皇 帝 没 有 穿 任 何 衣 服,却 在 街 上 走。他 很 愚 蠢。12单 元 测 评 卷(Unit 3)(译 林 版)满 分:100分 时 间:40分 钟 听 力 部 分(共 3 0分)一、听 录

49、 音,选 出 你 所 听 到 的 内 容。(每 小 题 1 分,共 5 分)B.H o w was your summer holiday?C.There are some special clothes in the box.()1.A.palace B.heavy C.museum()2.A.bund B.national C.square()3.A.come back B.go for the holiday c.go fishing()4.A.call me B.catch a fish c.great fun()5.A.1 want to give you the honey.二、听

50、 录 音,给 下 列 图 片 排 序。(共 5 分)()1.A.I visited m y grandpa.B.I went to Guangzhou.C.Hello,Wang Bing.)2.A.It is wonderful.B.Yes,we did.)3.A.I wore a T-shirt.B.I flew a kite.C.There was a bird show.)4.A No,I didnt.B.Yes,Id like to.C.It was fun.C.Well done.()5.A.1 visited the Bund and the Shanghai Museum.B.I


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