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《译林版小学英语五年级下册(5B)《Unit4Seeingthedoctor》第二课时课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林版小学英语五年级下册(5B)《Unit4Seeingthedoctor》第二课时课件.ppt(37页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 4 seeing the doctor(Grammar time&Fun time)I can talk about illnesses.I can give suggestions(建议).I can do the role-play of“seeing the doctor.Learning aimsColourful hospitalhave a toothachetake some medicinehave a feverhave a headachehave a coldbefore bedtimeeat sweets see the dentist see the doc

2、tordrink cold waterdrink warm water have a restdrink waterfeel coldbrush teetheat too many sweetsTips:看见闪过的图片和短语大声地说出来。Colourful hospitalWhats wrong with you?I have a What should I do?You should shouldntColourful hospitalA:Whats wrong with?B:She has a B:She should shouldntColourful hospitalher A:Wha

3、t should she do?Whats wrong with you?You should shouldntColourful hospitalI have a What should I do?A:Whats wrong with?B:He has a B:He should shouldntColourful hospitalhim A:What should he do?A:Whats wrong with?B:They have a cold.B:They should shouldntColourful hospitalthem A:What should they do?Sle

4、ep latePut on more clothesTakeGrammar timeWhatswrongwithyou?themhimherwith 后面接人称代词的宾格。Do you find the rule?(规律)Talk in pairs.Grammar timeIhaveafever.They headacheHehascoldShe toothache人称代词主格illnesses疾病名称Grammar timeYoushouldhave a rest.He take some medicineSheshouldntdrink cold waterThey eat too man

5、y sweetsshouldshouldnshouldshouldntt后面接后面接动词动词原形原形。should shouldntshould shouldnt do doshould notshould notRead these by yourselves.(自己读一读句子)1.Whats wrong with(she)?(she)has a fever.2.What should(he)do?(he)should _(drink)some water.3.Whats wrong with(they)?(they)have a cold.4.You shouldnt(eat)sweets

6、.5.Mike should(brush)his(tooth)everyday.6.Yang Ling(have)a cold.She shouldnt(watch)TV.herSheheHedrinkthemTheyeatbrush teethhaswatchA:Whats wrong with him?B:He has a toothache.A:What should/shouldnt he do?B:He should/shouldntLittle doctorsice creamsweetshave a restsee the dentistA:Whats wrong with he

7、r?B:She has a cold.A:What should/shouldnt she do?B:she should/shouldntLittle doctorsA:Whats wrong with them?B:They have a headache.A:What should/shouldnt they do?B:They should/shouldntLittle doctorsA:Whats wrong with you?B:I have a A:You should shouldntWhat should I do?Warm clinic Cough eat ice crea

8、m drink warm water take some medicine _Take turns to talk about the advice and add more.(4人一组轮流说建议,尽可能多的增加自己的建议哦。)You shouldshouldnt.Toothache eat sweets eat before bedtime brush teeth before bedtime _ Cold watch TV drink warm water have a rest _ Headache watch TV drink warm water have a rest _Take

9、turns to talk about the advice and add more.(4人一组轮流说建议,尽可能多的增加自己的建议哦。)Warm clinicA:Good morning,doctor.B:Good morning.Whats wrong with you?A:I have a.(I feel.I cant.)What should I do?B:(Let me check.)You should.You shouldnt.(The medicine is for you.)A:Ok.Thanks,Doctor.Choose one to act in pairs.(2人一

10、组选一幅图表演,加上动作哦!)Book open P40,make sentences with should or shouldntLook and answerWho is he?Who is he?Where is he?Where is he?What is he doing?What is he doing?Look and answer/t/Try to say.小组内讨论说出含有字母ch 发/t/的单词,比比那组说得既正确又多。Try to read.choose China chat chipeach catch watch ch/t/k/d/school Christmas

11、headache stomach sandwich GreenwichCan you share your more advice when friends are ill?He/She should/shoudnt.Mike/toothache Mike/toothache Drink more water.Take more VC.(from oranges)Dont eat spicy(辣的)food.shouldshouldnt Have more sleep.Rub(按摩)your head.Listen to light music.(听轻松的音乐)Dont work too la

12、te.shouldshouldnt Drink more water.Rest in bed.Take more VC from vegetables.Wear more clothes.Dont work too late,and go to bed early.shouldshouldnt Have a bath with warm water.(洗温水澡)Rest more.Light diet(饮食清淡)Dont eat cold food.shouldshouldntMike/toothache.Brush teeth after meals.Dont eat cold food.G

13、o to the dentist.shouldntshouldDesign the information card:根据图片上病人的情况,设计出你的个性建议卡吧!SummaryNo matter what illness we have got不论我们生了什么病We shouldn t.We shouldWe should.Follow the doctors.遵医嘱。Have good habits.培养好习惯。Take care of youselves.照顾自己。Care about others.关心他人。Ready?Go!说出与小丑手中同一类的单词。记得要:快!响!不要重复哦!ImeIyouhe shehimheryoumetheythem主格宾格


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