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1、Section,1!夕/Introduction_Eeadin2_LanquaiC_Fnints识记清单把基础打牢一、这样记单词记得准.写得对记得快记得多1 .根底词汇1 .cancer n.癌症2 .tobacco n.烟草;烟丝3 .needle n.(注射用的)针;针管4 .nearbv adj.四周的H .拓展词汇1 .addiclive adj.(药物等)上瘾的f addici n. &”.对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子;使上瘾 addiction n.瘾;入迷2 .danger n. 危急一dangerous 危急的3.inject W.注射一inieclion .注射4.power

2、ful M.有力的:(药等)有成效的f powerfully。血有力地;强大地;剧烈地-*power /?.力气;权力5.reduce .削减一reduction n.削减.;药品词块take/use drugs吸食powerful/slrong drugs 强效药a drug addict瘾君子n.癌症词块 contract/develop/set cancer 患癌 症fight against cancer与癌症抗争breasi/skin cancer乳腺/皮肤癌liver/lung/stomach cancer 肝/肺/胃癌cancer cell癌细胞。力.有力的;(药等)有成效的联想

3、后缀-ful形容词集合wonderful奇妙的careful认真的harmful有害的 helpful有关心的successful胜利的 useful有用的二、这样记短语记坚固定短语多积常用词块l.die from死于2 .(be) related to有关系的/有关联的3.1ook_up 查阅3 .share .with sb.与某人共享5 .belong to 属于6 .bec/bc_addictcd_to 对上瘾:沉the 1990s在二十世纪九十年月disease/attack 心脏病pressure 血压rale 心率in terrible pain 特别苦痛6.anti-socia

4、l behaviour 反社会行为the man asked him for a lot of money. 4.But he didn,t have enough money, and was in great pain.Then Adam broke 5.into a house, stole a television and a video recorder and sold them in a shop. With the money he bought some more crack cocaine from the same man. By this time, he was ad

5、dicted 6.lo crack cocaine. And he had to steal something every day 7.to pay (pay) for the drugs. Finally he 8.was taken (take) (o the police station, where he took the doctors advice and stopped taking crack cocaine 9.immediately (immediate). Now Adam Rouse works in a center for drug addicts, IQ.hel

6、ping (help) others to stop taking drugs.V .串点成篇微表达二十世纪90年月(during the 1990s),麦克的妻子生病了。这种病和她常年劳累、不休息 有关(be related 10)。不久,医生宣布麦克的妻子死于(die from)癌症(cancer)。听到这个消息(现 在分词短语作状语),他哭着闯进(break into)了妻子的病房。妻子去世之后,他把属于(belong to)妻子的全部东西整理好。由于(as a resuh of)悲哀,麦克染上(bcc addicted to)了酒瘾。他常 常(used to)上班迟到,在上班睡觉。因此

7、,他处在了失去工作的危急境地(in danger。伴侣 们劝他不要放弃自己。麦克听从了伴侣的劝说(take one, s advice),戒掉了酒瘾。现在麦克是 一个志愿者,关心那些癌症患者(现在分词短语作伴随状语)。During lhe 1990s-Mike s wife fell ilL The illness was relaied 1。 hejhard work and no resl all (he year round. Soon, ihe doctor said Mikes wife died from cancer. Hearing the news, he broke int

8、o his wifes sickroom, crying. He put away all the things belongi ng to his wife after her death. And Mike became addicteddrinking as a result of great grief.Hc uscd to bcatc for work and fcll aslccD at work.As result, hc was in dange r of losing his job. His friend advised him not【o give himself ud.

9、 Mike look his friends advicc and stopDcd drinking.Now hc works as a voluntccr.hclDing othcr pcoDlc with cancer.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧入I .完形填空Over the past six years my life has changed. I moved from a neighborhood to a neighborhood where drugs were of higher value than 2 .Every time I saw the violence in

10、the street, I 3 to study hard. My determination was what 4 me to work hard at my lessons. I do let the negatives influence me (5 right?).I let them influence me in a way that makes me (ry very hard for something better. I refuse to be the beggar and drug taker at the corner, endlessly, asking for a

11、dollar in order to see another 7 .My parents want the best for me. They are both 8 to me and it was sad to learn that their marriage broke up. Seeing them both in pain is something that I have to 9 . There are times when I feel like I could have done something different to 10 the situations.I like p

12、laying baseball. It is 11 to me. One day, I felt a sharp pain in my 12 . It kept me from 13 entirely. A yoga (瑜伽)teacher 14 me. She said, “That is some knot (硬结), Sean! You* rc 15 ! ” At that moment, tears filled my eyes. The year-long suffering seemed to 16 at once. That knot in my back was more th

13、an just a 17 . It meant the pain that I felt but nobody could 18 . It was a symbol for how greatly my 19 affected me. I needed someone to 20 me, someone to push that knot out of my back.宿露解独:生活中很多不如意的事让作者特别苦痛,但是他打算要让它们给他带来好的 影响。1. B. largeC. poorD. safe解析:选D 由第3空前的violence可知,作者原来住的社区特别平安,但是现在这个 地方布满

14、着暴力和。2. B.moneyC.educationD.hope解析:选C 从第3空后的study hard可知,在这个地方,比教育更重要。3. B.rememberedC.preparedD.agreed解析:选A 依据下句中的dctcirnination可知,每次作者看到街头的暴力大事,他都会 打算要刻苦学习。4. B.pushedC.allowedD.begged解析:选B 从上句作者的行动推断,他的决心鼓励着他努力学习。5. B.difficultC.obviousD.simple解析:选A 由本空前的“I do let the negatives influence me可知,作者要

15、让这些消极 的事情影响他,这听起来很惊奇,不是吗?6. B. cryingC. plainingD. shaking解析:选D 从本空前后的“allhe comer”和asking for a dollar”推断,作者可不想成 为那个缩在角落的流浪汉或吸毒者,在那里悠母颤抖。7. B. friendC. dayD. point解析:选C 这个人缩在角落里乞讨,活一天算一天。C. trueD. important解析:选D 重要。从“it was sad to learn that their marriage broke up可知,父母对作者来说很9. withB. wait for8.B.

16、similarC. clear awayD. talk of解析:选A父母的婚姻裂开,他们很苦痛,但作者还得忍受这些苦痛生活。10.B. improveC. checkD. create解析:选B状况。由本空前的“I could have done something differentz/可知,作者想改善这种11.B. equalC. meaningfulD. useful解析:选C作者喜爱棒球,它对作者很有意义。12.B. headC. handD. back解析:选D从下文中的“That knot in my back可知,作者感到后背一阵剧痛。13.B. playingC. walki

17、ng 解析:选BD. fighting背上的剧痛让作者无法打球。14.B. foundC. askedD. changed解析:选A从下文内容可知,一个瑜伽老师帮作者做检查。15.B. stressedC. young解析:选B 有压力造成的。D. dangerous从上文作者最近遇到的事可知,瑜伽老师说,这是由于作者心情不开心,16. behindB. build upC. c backD. set off解析:选C 回来了。从上句中的“tears filled my eyes可知,作者一年来的苦痛好像一下子又17.B. painC. worry解析:选BD. shock作者后背上的硬结不仅

18、仅是一种苦痛,它意味着他内心没有人能看到的苦病。18.B. controlC. seeD. believe解析:选c参见上题解析。B. habitsC. effortsD. ideas解析:选A作者面临的种种不开心的状况对他造成了很大影响。20.B. remindC. help解析:选C 把。D. warn由本空后的“push dial knot out of my back可知,作者需要有人来帮他一II .短文改错It was my birthday yesterday: Im sixteen years old now. Some people say Im luckily but I d

19、ont think so. Imagine, in my life I had been to eight different schools and I have never stayed anywhere long enough make a best friend. I have lived in so much different houses which I cant remember sonic of them. In a fact, last year my family moved house three times. It1 s true; there have some g

20、ood things. I have met some really famous people, but I have had some great holiday I have been to Disneyland at least four times. T m stayed with my aunt at the moment because my parents are in France.答案:其次句:luckily-lucky第三句:had-*have; enough 后加 to第四句:much-*many; which-*that 或去掉 which第五句:去掉a第六句:hav

21、e-*are第七句:but-*and; holiday-*holidays第八句:stayed-*staying迷于7.break into破门而入;强行闯入8.in_danger处于危急之中one1 s advice听取某人的意见dealer贩毒者三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用allows cocaine to reach the brain very quickly.吸入的方式可以让可卡因很 快进入大脑。allow sb./sth. to do sth.允许某人/某物做 某事”。My parents dont aHow_mco 90 to the party.我的父母不允许我去参与宴会。

22、2.Using cocaine increases the users heart rate and bloodpressure.使用可卡因会加快使用者的 心率并使血压上升。动名词(短语)作主语。Reading. English_aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good.早晨大声朗读英语会给你带来很多 好处。I work in a centre for drug addicts, helping others to stop taking drugs.现在我在一家戒毒中心工作, 关心其他人戒毒。现在分词短语作伴随 状语。He walked s

23、lowly, having a chat/chatting wilh his frie nd on the phone.他一边渐渐地行走,一边和伴侣在 里谈天。重点详析将新知全握口第一板块I核心词汇集释1 .(教材 Pl 1/Thirteen people die(every hour/every day) from illnesses related to smoking tobacco, such as cancer, bronchitis and heart disease.(每小时/每天)有13人死于与吸烟有关的疾病,像癌症、支气管炎和心脏病。die from死于(通常指死于外因,如灾

24、祸、暴力、负伤等)die of死于(内因)die off 相继死去die out灭亡;完全消逝die down 渐渐减弱,平静die away 渐渐消逝A large number of ocean animals died from global warming.大量的海洋动物死于全球变暖。The flowers arc dying off because there has been no rain.由于没有下雨,这些花正相继枯死。No one has e up with a belter explanation of why dinosaurs died out.对于恐龙为什么灭亡,没有

25、人给出更好的解释。(be) related to有关系的;有关联的(1 )relate . to/with .把与联系起来relateto与有关系/关联;涉及;有关(2)relation n.关系in/with relation to 关于:与相比Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse.这一地区的很多犯罪都与吸毒有关。 1 cant relate what you said to/with what I saw.我不能把你说的与我看到的联系在一起。I have a lot (o say in/with relation t

26、o that thing.关于那件事,我有很多话要说。2 .(教材PI2)reduceM削减;降低(l)rcduce . to .把削减到reduce . by . 把削减了(2)reduce . to (doing)沦落到(更坏的)境地/(做)某事Everyone should try to reduce ihe amount of salt in our diet.大家都应当在饮食中削减盐的摄入量。Though the price of the house has been rcduccd by10%, wc cant afford it cither.尽管房价下降了 10%,我们还是买不

27、起。They were reduced to begging (beg) for (heir living.他们沦落到以乞讨为生的境地。名师点津reduce和介词io搭配时,后接详细数字,与by搭配时,通常接百分数或 详细数字,有类似用法的还有decrease, increase, rise等。3 .(数材 P12)r m 19 years old and I used to be a drug addict.我19岁,曾经是个瘾君子。used to过去(常常)(仅用于一般过去时)There used to be low and dirty houses.那里曾是些又矮又脏的房舍。否认形式:u

28、sed not to do/usedn,t to do; did not use to do/didnt use to do(2)疑问形式:Used +主语+ to+动词原形? /Did +主语+ use+to+动词原形?He didi/ t use to drive to work.他过去不常开车去上班。Did he use to live in (he countryside?他过去常住在乡下吗?辨析比拟used to do sth., be used to (doing) sth., be used to do sth.used to do sth.表示过去惯常化的动作或常常存在的状态b

29、e used to (doing) sth.表示“习惯于,其中to为介词,后接(动)名词be used co do sth.为被动语态,表示“被用来做某事选用上述短语填空Mr White used to live in China, so he is used to eating Chinese dishes.怀特先生过去常住在中国,所以习惯吃中国菜。The wood can be used lo make furniture.木头可以被用来做家具。addict n.对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子W使上瘾;使沉溺于(l )addict oneself to沉溺于;醉心于be/bee/get ad

30、dicted to.沉迷于;喜爱,迷上(2)addictive adj.使人上瘾的addiction n.瘾,人迷,嗜好He was addicting himself to playing the violin and dicin t notice someone walk into his house.他醉心于拉小提琴,没有留意到有人进屋。They are/bee/get addicted to puter games, which will have a bad effect on their studies.他们沉迷于电脑嬉戏,这会对他们的学习有不良影响。Some students a

31、re now fighting their addiction (addict) to puter games.现在一些同学正努力戒除电脑嬉戏的瘾。4 .(教材 P12)Users who inject ihe drug are also in more danger if they share needles with other users.假如那些注射的人和其他使用者共用针头的话,他们会处在更大的危急中。danger”. U危急;C危急的人或物(1 )in danger处于危急之中in danger of有的危急out of danger 脱离危急(2)dangerous adj.危急的

32、Police said the man was a danger to the public.警方说这名男子对公众来说是个危急分子。Many dangerous animals are in danger of dying out.很多危急的动物正面临灭亡的危急.The operation was a success and she is now oul of danger.手术胜利了,她现在已脱离危急。名师点津indangcr意为“处于危急之中”,说明某一主体所处的状态:而dangerous 意为“危急的,指某一主体给他人带来危急。彬家化忆俞畲Hr is i (kuiger.He is疝uu

33、Kr.他处ja境.他聚个危险人物.share sth. with sb.与某人共用/共享/分担某物share . among/between 在之间安排share joys and sorrows (with sb.)(与某人)同甘共苦01 have very good news to share with you.我有很好的消息与你共享。After his death, his money was shared among/beiween his children.他死后,他的钱就分给了孩子们。Good friends arc those who can share joys and sor

34、rows with you.好伴侣就是那些能与你同甘共苦的人。5 .(教材 P13)Read parts 1 6 and decide which article they belong to.阅读16局部,推断它们属于哪篇文章。belong to 属于Time goes by quietly and the past doesif t belong to us.时间悄无声息地消逝,过去的已不再属于我们。AH the workers belonging (belong) to the factory must obey the rule.这个工厂的全部工人必需遵守规章制度。名师点津belong

35、。不用于进行时态和被动语态,后面接人称代词作宾语时,要用宾 格形式。译这辆自行车是我的。误 The bike is belonging to me.误 The bike is belonged to me.误 The bike belongs to mine.正 The bike belongs to me.6 .(松材 P13)Thc next day, I broke into a house and stoic a television and a video recorder. 其次天,我闯进一户人家,偷了一台电视机和一台录像机。break into破门而入;强行闯入;突然起来brea

36、k in 打断;闯入break out 爆发break through 突破break down (身体)垮掉;(机器)出故障;(化学)分解break up打碎:拆散;分解;放假break off 折断:中断She heard footsteps behind her and broke into a run.她听到身后有脚步声,拔腿跑了起来。You will break down sooner or later if you go on working like that.假如你连续像那样工作的话,迟早会累垮的。When does the school break up for the su

37、mmer holidays?学校什么时候放暑假?名师点津break inlo中into为介词,其后须接宾语;而break in中in为副词,属不及 物动词短语,表示“强行闯入;插嘴。Daddy would occasionally break in with a suggestion.爸爸间或会插话来提出建议。7 .(效材 P13)He told me that I could die if I didnt stop taking crack cocaine, so I took his advice and stopped immediately.他告知我假如我不停止吸食强效纯可卡因我就可能

38、会死,因此我听取了他的建议,立即 戒毒了。take one* s advice = follow one* s advice 听取某人的意见ask (sb.) for advice (向某人)征求建议give sb. advice on 就给某人提建议a piece of advice 一条建议If you take/follow my advice, you 11 pass the exam.假如你听从我的建议,你会考试及格的。Can you give me some advice on where to buy good maps?在哪里能买到好的地图,你能给我些建议吗?He asked

39、me for advice on how to make friends. 他曾经就如何交友向我征求建议。第二板块I重点句型解构1. Using cocaine increases the user* s heart rale and blood pressure.使用可卡因会加快使用者的心率并使血压上升。using cocaine为动名词短语,在句中作主语。谓语动词用了单数increases(I)动名词(短语)作主语通常表示常常性或习惯性的动作或行为,表示详细的动作或行为 需用不定式(短语)。Eating too much fat is no good for your health.吃太多

40、肥肉对健康没好处。To sec him is my purpose of ing here.我来这儿的目的是探望他。(2)动名词(短语)作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。Missing the bus means (mean) waiting tbr another hour.错过了这班公交车意味着再等一个小时。(3)动名词(短语)作主语时,有时可用it作形式主语,而将作真正主语的动名词(短语)置 于句末。It is no use talking to him he won* t listen.跟他谈没有用,他不会听的。(4)动名词(短语)作主语时,可以用名词全部格或形容词性物主代词作规律主语。R

41、oses ing won l be of much help.罗丝的到来不会起到很大作用。His bcingatc made our teacher very angry.他的迟到使我们的老师特别生气。2. Now I work in a centre for drug addicts, helping others to stop taking drugs.现在我在一家戒毒中心工作,关心其他人戒毒。(I)句中现在分词短语helping others作伴随状语,伴随状语的规律主语通常是全句的 主语,其表示的动作或状态与谓语动词的动作或状态是同时发生的。They walked along the

42、 street, singing and laughing.他们又唱又笑地沿着街道漫步? oHe sat in the armchair, reading a newspaper.他坐在扶手椅上读报纸。(2)现在分词短语作状语,还可以表示时间、条件、缘由、结果、让步等。Walking by the lake, I met an old friend.沿着湖边漫步?时,我遇到了一位老伴侣。(时间状语)Living far from my pany, I have to get up early every morning.由于住得离公司太远,我每天早晨只好早起。(缘由状语)Some studen

43、ts spend too much time on QQ and WeChat, making (make) their teachers and parents worried.一些同学花了太多的时间在QQ和微信上,这让他们的老师和家长担忧。课时检测把知能落实课堂一刻钟迁移训练I .单句语法填空1. r m not used to eating (eat) so much at lunchtime.2. Mary shared her chocolate with the other kids.3. Tom, addicted (addict) to (he Internet, failed

44、 in the exam.4. Tests have shown that the energy waste can be reduced by 30 percent by using the new machine.5. It is dangerous (danger) for a girl to go out alone al night.6. It is no use asking him for help.II .完成句子1. The landscape belongs lo (he man(属于那个人)who looks al it.2. Going to bed early and

45、 getting up early (吊睡早起)is a good habit.3. The old man died frorr;car accident(死于车祸)last year.4. They were so angry that they broke into a quarrcl(突然开头争吵起来).5. I* 11 lake your advice(听从你的意见)and go to see a doctor soon.6. More and more people die of illness related to using drugs(与吸毒有关的).7. They stoo

46、d outside the classroom, talking andau)hing(有说有笑).8. He usedn i lo/didn use io(过去没有)be so fal.课下二层级提能训练一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高I .单词拼写1. As we all know, smoking can cause king cancer(癌症).2. The problem with puter games is that they are addictive(令人上瘾的).3. One of the biggest dangers(危急的事情)we face may be (he climate change.4. They have reduced(降低)the prices in the shop, so its a good time to go shopping.5. We went out to have dinner in a nearby(四周的)resta


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